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Hours worked in additional jobs

Questionnaire Text

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For persons 10 years old or older (born until July 31, 1990)
[Applies to questions 4.36 - 4.61]

How many hours do you typically work per week

4.53 In your principal job?

_ _
4.54 In your other jobs? When person only has one job, mark don't have other jobs.
_ _
[] 0 don't have
Go to question 4.56
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

For persons age 10 or over (born on or before July 31, 1990)
[Applies to questions 4.36 - 4.61]

How many hours do you usually work per week:

Question 4.53 - At your main work?

Question 4.54 - At other work?

Record in whole hours, considering 30 minutes or more as one hour. Disregard periods of less than 30 minutes.

Also compute the hours the person regularly occupied outside the workplace in tasks related to his or her occupation. For example, the hours a teacher normally spent at home preparing classes or correcting exercises, should be added to those actually occupied while teaching.

Do not include periods set aside for meals.

Note: Both questions (main work and other work) should be filled out. For persons who had only one type of work, mark the square Does Not Have in the field referring to the other work.