Questionnaire Text

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For the person who attends school
[Applies to questions 4.30 - 4.31]

4.30 What course do you attend?

[] 1 child care
[] 2 preschool
[] 3 literacy class
[] 4 adult literacy class
[] 5 basic instruction or 1st level - regular graded
[] 6 basic instruction or 1st level - regular non-graded
[] 7 supplemental (basic instruction or 1st level)
[] 8 midlevel instruction or 2nd level - regular graded
[] 9 midlevel instruction or 2nd level - regular non-graded
[] 10 supplemental (midlevel instruction or 2nd level)
[] 11 college entrance exam preparation course (pre-vestibular)
[] 12 superior - undergraduate
[] 13 masters or doctorate

4.31 What level do you attend?

[] 1 first
[] 2 second
[] 3 third
[] 4 fourth
[] 5 fifth
[] 6 sixth
[] 7 seventh
[] 8 eight
[] 9 course non-graded
(If 10 years old or older, go to 4.36. If not, end interview.)

For person who is not attending, but has in the past
[Applies to questions 4.32 - 4.35]

4.32 The highest course attended, in which you completed at least one grade?

[] 1 adult literacy course
[] 2 former primary
[] 3 former junior high (ginásio)
[] 4 former classical, scientific, etc. [senior high school]
[] 5 elementary instruction or 1st level
[] 6 secondary instruction or 2nd level
[] 7 higher - undergraduate
[] 8 masters or doctorate
[] 9 none

4.33 What was the last grade passed?

[] 1 first
[] 2 second
[] 3 third
[] 4 fourth
[] 5 fifth
[] 6 sixth
[] 7 seventh
[] 8 eight
[] 9 non-graded course
[] 10 none

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

For Persons Who Attend School
[Applies to questions 4.30 - 4.31]

Question 4.30 - What course are you taking?

Mark, as the case may be:

1 - Day-care center - organized to give daytime assistance to children in the early years of life, whether such establishments are legally regulated or not;
2 - Pre-school - generally addressed to children under the age of seven (7); this type of school is referred to by several different names, depending on the region and level attained by the children: maternal, kindergarten, jardim, etc.
3 - Literacy class - a course aimed at teaching children to read and write;
4 - Adult literacy course - a course which has the purpose of teaching reading and writing to youth and adults.
5 - Regular elementary education or first level [grades 1-8] - organized by grades or years - a course in elementary or 1st level education, organized by annual grades;
6 - Regular elementary or first level education [grades 1-8]- not organized by grades or years - a course in elementary or 1st level education not organized into annual grades; that is, it is organized by a system of credits, academic periods, semesters, phases, modules, cycles, etc.;
7 - General education (elementary education or first level [grades 1-8]) - a general elementary education or 1st level course, whether organized by grades or years, or not;

[p. 112]

8 - Regular senior high school [grades 9-11] or second level school [grades 9-11] - organized by grades or years - courses in senior high school [grades 9-11] or 2nd level [grades 9-11], organized into annual grades;
9 - Regular senior high [grades 9-11] or second level school [grades 9-11]- not organized by grades or years - a course in senior high school [grades 9-11] or 2nd level [grades 9-11] not organized into annual grades; that is, it is organized by a system of credits, academic periods, semesters, phases, modules, cycles, etc.;
10 - General education (senior high school [grades 9-11] or second level [grades 9-11]) - a senior high school or 2nd level general education course [grades 9-11] organized by grades or years, or not;
11 - College entrance exam course - a course to prepare students to take entrance examinations for an undergraduate course (Exame Vestibular);
12 - Higher education - Under-Graduate
13 - Master's or doctor's degree - a master's or doctorate course, including persons registered in order to prepare theses.

Question 4.31 - What grade do you attend?

If the course attended is not organized into annual grades, but by a system of credits, academic periods, semesters, phases, modules, cycles, etc., it should be converted into regular grades. For example, the 7th period of credits at a university is usually equivalent to the 4th year. Likewise, each phase or division of general education courses usually corresponds to a grade in the regular educational system.

If the person attends subjects in different grades (acceleration, multi-graded or make up classes), record the grade in which he or she is registered.

For persons who attend Elementary Education [grades 1-8] or Senior High School [grades 9-11], that is, courses currently equivalent to the 1st [grades 1-8] and 2nd [grades 9-11] levels, respectively, and the course is structured into modules, cycles, phases, etc. and there is no way to convert to grades, it should be recorded as a non-graded course.

[p. 113]

Mark the grade attended, either by grades or years, or a non-graded course:

1 - first
2 - second
3 - third
4 - fourth
5 - fifth
6 - sixth
7 - seventh
8 - eighth
9 - non-graded course

For persons who do not attend school now, but have attended in the past
[Applies to questions 4.32 - 4.35]

Question 4.32 (Sample) and 4.07 (Basic) - What is the highest course you have attended, in which you concluded at least one grade or year?

Mark, as the case may be:

1 - Adult literacy course - a course which has the purpose of teaching reading and writing to youth and adults;
2 - Primary - for the elementary course [grades 1-4];
3 - Formerginásio - for junior high school course [grades 5-8];
4 - Former clássico, científico, etc. - for a senior high school course [grades 9-11];
5 - Elementary school or 1st level [grades 1-8];
6 - Senior high school [grades 9-11] or 2nd level [grades 9-11];
7 - Higher education - undergraduate;
8 - Master's or doctorate - A course for master's or doctor's degree. This item will only be marked if the person has received a diploma as a master or doctor, or had a thesis approved, even if the diploma has not yet been issued; and
9 - None - for persons who:

  • attended but did not conclude the 1st grade of elementary school, first level, or equivalent;
  • attended or concluded only literacy class,
  • attended but did not conclude an adult literacy course; or
  • attended only day-care center

[Comment and examples were not translated into English]

Question 4.33 (Sample) and 4.08 (Basic) - What was the last grade concluded and approved?

Mark the last grade concluded with approval in courses by grades or years. For persons who concluded part or all of an adult literacy course, master's degree or doctor's degree, record Box 9.

1 - first
2 - second
3 - third
4 - fourth
5 - fifth
6 - sixth
7 - seventh
8 - eighth
9 - non-graded course
10 - none

If the course attended is not organized into annual grades, but by a system of credits, academic periods, semesters, phases, modules, cycles, etc., it should be converted into the regular grades which the person concluded with approval. The 8th period concluded at a university, for example, is usually equivalent to the 4th fourth year concluded, while the 7th period concluded is equivalent to the 3rd year concluded. Likewise, each phase or division of general education usually corresponds to a grade or year in the regular education system.

In cases where the person was attending subjects in different years or grades (acceleration, multi-graded or make-up classes), record the last grade or year concluded with approval where this person was officially registered.

Persons who attended Elementary Education or Senior High School [grades 9-11], that is, courses currently equivalent to the 1st [grades 1-8] and 2nd levels [grades 9-11], respectively, and the course was structured by modules, cycles, phases, etc., and where there is no possibility of conversion to grades or years, must be recorded as non-graded courses.