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2.11 The sewage system of this bathroom or toilet is connected to:
[] 1 general sewage system or pluvial
[] 2 septic tank
[] 3 rudimentary septic tank
[] 4 trench/ditch
[] 5 river, lake, or ocean
[] 6 other

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Question 2.11 (Sample) and 2.09 (Basic) - The sewage outlet from this bathroom/restroom is connected to a:

Mark, as the case may be, even if the restroom is common to more than one household/dwelling (community):

1 - General sewer or rain system - When the outlet for the water served and the bathroom or rest room waste is connected to a collection system that leads to a general outlet of the area, region or municipality, even if the system does not have a sewage treatment station;
2 - Septic tank - When the outflow from the bathroom or rest room is connected to a septic tank; that is, the sewage is drained to a nearby cesspool where it goes through a process of treatment or decantation, whether or not the liquid part is drained to a general outlet of the area, region or municipality;

[p. 85]

3 - Rudimentary cesspool - When the bathroom or rest room is connected to a rustic cesspool (black cesspool, well, hole, etc.);
4 - Ditch - When the bathroom or rest room is connected directly to an open-air ditch;
5 - River, lake or ocean - When the bathroom or rest room is connected directly to a river, lake or ocean; and
6 - Other sewage outlet - When the sewage outlet from the bathroom or rest room does not fit into the categories described above.

If there is more than one type of sewage outlet in the household/dwelling, record that which applies first in the order shown.