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For persons attending school (if not attending, mark the 0 boxes)
[Applies to questions 24 - 26]

24. Grade attending (for person who is attending adult literacy courses, masters or doctorate, mark 0 "none")

[] 1 1st grade
[] 2 2nd grade
[] 3 3rd grade
[] 4 4th grade
[] 5 5th grade
[] 6 6th grade
[] 7 7th grade
[] 8 8th grade
[] 0 none

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Questions 24, 25 and 26 - For persons who attend school
Consider as attending school not only those who take regular courses, but also those attending Pre-school, Adult literacy course, General education (organized or not by years or grades), College entrance exam course, Master's degree or Doctor's degree.
Consider as attending school persons who are duly registered but, on the date of reference, are temporarily unable to attend for reasons of illness, etc.
[p. 67]
Do not consider as attending school persons who, on the date of the census, are attending only some short course "on the radio or television," for professional specialization or cultural extension, such as sewing, dancing, typing, etc.

Question 24 - Grade currently attending
For persons who attend courses in grades/years, mark the grade/year they attend.
If the course attended is not organized by grade or year, but according to a credit system, academic periods, semesters, phases, modules, etc., these credits, periods, etc. should be converted into the traditional grades or years. Therefore, the 5th period of credits at a university is usually equivalent to the 3rd year; each phase or division of schooling generally corresponds to a grade or year in regular courses.
For persons who attend non-graded courses or who do not attend school, Box 0 - None - will be marked