Questionnaire Text

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5. If the mother resides in the household, indicate the order number in which she was enumerated. If she doesn't live in the household, indicate if she is alive, dead or unknown.
_ _ person number
Doesn't reside:
[] 70 alive
[] 80 dead
[] 90 don't know

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Question 5 - If the mother lives in the household, mark the number of order in which she was enumerated. if she does not live there, mark if she is alive, deceased, or if this is not known
When the mother of the person enumerated lives in the household, the number of order in which she was enumerated will be recorded. If the number of the person is less than 10, complete the entry with a zero to the left.
When the mother of the person enumerated does not live in the household, mark one of the following boxes:
70 - Is alive - when the enumerated person's mother is alive, even if she does not live in the household;
80 - Deceased - when the enumerated person's mother is deceased; or
90 - Does not know - when the enumerated person does not know if his or her mother is alive or deceased.