Questionnaire Text

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(The following questions are only for permanent private households)

9. Condition of ownership

[] 1 already paid
[] 3 haven't finished paying
[] 5 - rented
Ceded by:
[] 6 employer
[] 7 private
[] 0 other

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Question 9 - Condition of Ownership

Owned and paid for - when the owner or co-owner lives in a dwelling owned by him or her, fully paid for, regardless of whether the land is also owned by him or her;
Owned but not fully paid for - when the owner or co-owner lives in a dwelling owned by him or her but has not yet paid the total price of the property, regardless of whether the land is also owned by him or her;
Rented - when the dwelling is rented, even if the rent is paid by a non-resident, except when paid by the employer of any resident in the household. The dwelling will also be recorded as rented when the employer of any one of the residents pays, as part of the wage, a part in monetary form to subsidize the rent;
Ceded by employer - when the dwelling is ceded by the employer (private or public) of any one of the residents, even if an occupation or maintenance fee is charged. Included in this case are dwellings whose rent is paid directly by the employer of one of the residents;
Ceded by a private party - when the dwelling is ceded free of charge by a private party (a relative, non-relative or institution), but not the employer of any of the residents; or
Other - when the dwelling is occupied in a way different from those described above, such as when the tenant pays a single rent for the dwelling and for the non-residential part (workshop, commercial establishment, etc.) or when the family lives at a leased farming establishment. In this case mark the box Does not pay, in Question 10.