Questionnaire Text

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4. Family relationship or relationship with head of household
[] 1 head
[] 9 individual (in collective dwelling)
[] 2 spouse
[] 3 child
[] 4 parents or in-laws
[] 5 son or daughter-in-law
[] 5 grandchild
[] 5 other relative
[] 6 person who has permanent residence in the domicile, without
being a relative, boarder or employee (agregado)
[] 7 boarder
[] 8 employee
[] 7 visitor

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Question 4 - Kinship or Relationship with the Head of the Family

Record according to the specifications on the Form, considering:

Head - The person responsible for the household;
Spouse - The person who lives maritally with the Head of the Family, whether or not there is a matrimonial bond;
Child - including stepchildren and adopted children, except for foster children.
Parents and parents-in-law - including stepmothers and stepfathers;
Son-in-law or daughter-in-law - persons who live maritally with the daughter or son of the head couple of the family, regardless of the existence of a matrimonial bond;
Grandchild - including great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren;
Other relative - grandparents, great-grandparents, sisters-in-law and brothers-in law, cousins, nephews and nieces, uncles and aunts, etc.;
Agregado - a person who has fixed residence in the household, without being a relative, boarder or employee;
Boarder - a person who, without being a relative, has a fixed residence in the household and pays for lodgings;
Employee - a person who provides remunerated services to the residents of the household and who sleeps there regularly, such as a cook, nanny, governess, chambermaid, gardener, butler, driver, etc.
Guest - a person, relative or not of the family, who, not having permanent residence in the household, is temporarily present there on the date of the Census.

Box 9 - Individual - will always be marked for members of groups living together, regardless of their condition in the household.