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3. Condition of presence
For residents:
[] 0 present
[] 1 absent
[] 2 non-resident present

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Question 3 - Condition of Presence


Present resident - For residents of the household who were present on the date of the Census.

Absent resident - For residents who were temporarily absent from it on the date of the Census, due to the following reasons:

a) traveling for leisure or on business;
b) students at boarding schools or persons in boarding houses, homes of relatives, etc.;
c) temporary admission to sanatoriums, hospitals or other similar establishments;
d) imprisonment without final sentence;
e) being on a ship or boat.

Persons who, due to the described conditions of exception, will be enumerated as Present residents in the places where they actually reside, will not be considered Absent residents, nor will they be included on the Census forms of the respective families:

a) those permanently committed to sanatoriums, asylums or other similar establishments;
b) those imprisoned and serving sentence;
c) those who, due to the nature of their occupation, must remain away from home, such as soldiers on military bases, doctors and nurses living in hospitals, domestic help living at employer's homes, etc.;
d) workers who migrate from one region of the country to another in search of work.

[p. 29]

Nonresident present - for persons who are not residents in the household but are temporarily there on the date of the Census.

The following situations will constitute exceptions to the above criteria:

a) families that have two fixed residences, as is common among ranchers, owners of country estates and others who have younger children studying in the city. In these cases, the procedure will be the following:

I - all the members of this family group will be enumerated in the household where the majority of the members are present on the date of the Census, enumerating each one in Question 3 as either present resident or absent resident, as the case may be;
II - at the household where the minorities of the family group are present, only the persons present on the date of the Census will be enumerated and each will be registered in Question 3 as nonresidents present.

b) families that have summer residences (country houses). In these cases the procedure will be the following:

I - if no one spent the night of August 31 to September 1 in the summer residence, the household will not be enumerated, and recording will be limited to the Permanent dwelling list form, where it will be entered in Column 17, Closed;
II - if the family or part of the family spent the night of August 31 to September 1 at the summer residence, they will be enumerated there as present non-residents and as absent residents at their permanent household.