Questionnaire Text

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Only for people 10 years and older
[Applies to questions O - U]

S. Of the children you have, how many do you think are alive on the date of the census?

____ children
00 none

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

The following questions are shown only on questionnaire C.d. 2. The questions will be asked only to persons age 10 or over

Question S - How many of the children the person has had are living on the date of the Census?

The answer should include all the living children of each respondent (whether a man or a woman), even if from more than one union. Therefore, all legitimate and illegitimate living children should be enumerated, not only those living in the household but also those who no longer live there on the date of the Census.
For those who have not had children or who do not have any living children, the box entitled None should be marked with an X.