Questionnaire Text

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Chapter H. Only for women, fifteen years old or more.
[Questions 50-55 were asked of women aged 15 years or older.]

52. Of your children that were born alive, how many died?

_____ Number

If the answer is "none", write 0.

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Chapter H. Only for women 15 years of age or older

If the person is a woman who is 15 years of age or older, question 50 is presented; if not, the interview is ended and the next person is interviewed.

Question 50. In total, how many children born alive have you had, including those who have passed away and those who are absent?

A child born alive is every boy or girl who shows any sign of life at birth, e.g. breathing, crying, or moving. If the child later passed away, he or she is still considered to be a child born alive.

If fewer than 10, the number is recorded in the box, leaving the first box empty.

If the answer is that she has had no children born alive, the number "0" is recorded in the box and the interview is ended with this person.