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Age of deceased females

Questionnaire Text

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17. During the last year (Jan. - Dec. 1991), did anyone who lived in this household die (including children and newborn infants)?
[Question 17 was asked of persons in occupied private dwellings, per Questions 1 and 2.]

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

17.1 How many were males and what was their age at death?

____ Number of males
_ _ Age or ages
_ _
_ _
_ _
Note: If the person deceased before reaching one year of age, write 00. If the person deceased at age 98 or older, write 98.

17.2 How many were female and what was their age at death?

____ Number of females
_ _ Age or ages
_ _
_ _
_ _
Note: If the person deceased before reaching one year of age, write 00. If the person deceased at age 98 or older, write 98.

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 17. Last year (January - December 1991), did anyone who was living in this household die, including children and newborns?

You should emphasize that only the passing of people, relatives or otherwise, who were usually living in the dwelling should be taken into account. The passing can have occurred in the home or outside of it, for example in a hospital or other assistance establishment, etc.

If they report No, continue on to question 18, without asking the next two questions.

Note: Ages will be recorded in increasing order, that is, beginning with the youngest person. If there are more than four deaths, complete the information in Observations.

If the deceased was younger than one year of age, record 00, if they were 98 or older, record 98.