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1. Dwelling type
1.1 Private dwelling

[] 01 Independent house
[] 02 Apartment
[] 03 Separate rooms in a tenement, apartment or independent house
[] 04 Shack or hut (pahuichi)
[] 05 Place not intended for use as a dwelling
[] 06 Improvised dwelling (specify) ____

1.2 Collective dwelling (group quarters)

[] 07 Hotel, inn or boarding house
[] 08 Barracks, military or police establishment
[] 09 Hospital, sanatorium, clinic
[] 10 Prison, correctional institution
[] 11 Convent or Boarding school
[] 12 Other (specify) ____

For answers 7 through 12, skip to Chapter III, Population.

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1. Dwelling

Dwelling is any physical place, constructed or adapted for housing people. The following are dwellings: a house, an apartment, a single room, a rustic cabin, a chujlla [hut made with branches lashed to a stick frame], a pahuichi [shack made of wood and branches, cane, or straw], barracks, a military base, a hospital, etc.

Also considered a dwelling is any type of provisional construction, like caves, tents, etc., if they are inhabited at the time of the census.

[p. 6]

Dwelling is a place that accommodates a collective household, that is, a group of people who share the dwelling in a non-familial system, for reasons of work, health, discipline, religion, punishment, etc. For example: convents, jails, barracks, hospitals, military base, etc.

Question 1. Type of dwelling

Dwellings have been classified as private and collective, based on the system in which the occupants live. Let's remember that if there is a family system, it is a private dwelling. On the other hand, if the occupants live together for non-family reasons, that is: work, study, imprisonment, health, etc., this is a collective dwelling.

Private dwelling

1. Independent house. Is a building which is accessed directly from the outside by one or various entrances.

[p. 21]

2. Apartment. Is a dwelling located inside a building, together with others of the same type, which is accessed from common use areas, hallways, corridors, etc.

In general, there is a water supply and toilet facilities for the private use of the household.

3. Single room(s) in a tenement house, apartment, or independent house. Is part of a house, apartment, or tenement house, occupied by a household; generally with a water supply and toilet facilities shared between various households.

The primary dwelling, frequently occupied by the owner of the house or apartment, should not be included in this category. This dwelling should be considered as an independent house or apartment, as appropriate.

[p. 22]

4. Rustic Cabin, hut (pahuichi). Rustically-constructed buildings made from materials of local origin, for example: walls made of mud, cane; roof made of straw, palms; with the floor generally being made of dirt.

5. Premises not constructed as a dwelling. Counted in this group are sheds, garages, barns, etc., that are inhabited at the time of the Census.

[p. 23]

6. Improvised Dwelling. Is any shelter or unstable construction that serves as a place of habitation for a household at the time of the Census, possibly being made out of waste or discarded materials; included in this group are canvasses, tents, railroad cars, etc. In this case, specify appropriately.

1.2. Collective dwelling

1. Hotel, Boarding House, or Lodging. Is any building used as a temporary accommodation for people. Included in this category will be those family houses that have six or more boarders, on the day of the Census.

2. Barracks, Military or Police Establishment. Corresponds to military and police premises in which people under an established disciplinary system reside.

3. Hospital, Clinic, or Nursing Home. Corresponds to those establishments that house people for health reasons.

4. Jail or Correctional Establishment. Corresponds to those establishments where people under a system of imprisonment live.

5. Convent or boarding school. Dwelling that houses religious communities or people accommodated for reasons of study.

6. Other. Those collective households not included in the previous categories should be recorded. For example, barracks. In this case, specify adequately.

[p. 24]

Note. If the dwelling is collective, after recording the type of dwelling, continue directly on to the questions on population in Chapter III, since the other dwelling data are requested only for private dwellings.