Questionnaire Text

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16. Status of the mother - Is the mother of [the person] still alive and if so, where does she live?
[] 1 PRM: present in the household
[] 2 PRC: present in the township
[] 3 PRAB: present elsewhere in Benin
[] 4 PRE: present outside of Benin
[] 5 DEC: deceased
[] 6 NSP: unknown
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16. Survival of mother

This is to know whether the mother of the counted person is still alive or has passed.

Ask the question: Q: "Is your/[the respondent]'s mother still alive, and, if yes, where does she live?"
[] Circle the code corresponding to the given response.

NB: This regards biological parents.

The codes to use are:

[] 1. PRM = present in household
[] 2. PRC = present in commune
[] 3. PRAB = present elsewhere in Benin
[] 4. PRE = present outside of Benin
[] 5. DEC = deceased
[] 6. NSP = does not know