Questionnaire Text

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8. Birth registration - Does [the person] have a birth certificate or a supplementary judgment?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
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Section 2: Individual characteristics of household members

Questions 1 [order number] to 12 [residency status] apply to all persons to count in the household.

8. Birth registration

The birth certificate is the legal document established by the civil registrar officer and proving the birth of a person.

A supplementary judgment [court order] substituting for a birth certificate is the document that replaces a birth certificate when the declaration was not made within the timeframe fixed by law.

For each member of the household, the census agent shall ask the following question:
Q: "Do you or does [the respondent] have a birth certificate or a supplementary judgment?"
Circle code number 1 is the answer is Yes or code number 2 is the answer is No.