Questionnaire Text

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Dwelling Unit Characteristics
[Questions 43-56 were asked of all households]

56. Most used cooking energy method

[] 1 Petrol
[] 2 Wood or palm
[] 3 Electricity SBEE
[] 4 Solar energy
[] 5 Gas
[] 6 Coal
[] 7 Chips or sawdust
[] 8 Agricultural residues
[] 9 Other (specify) ____
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Section 4: Habitation Characteristics

This section gives information on the characteristics of the household's lodging.

In the case where a more than one questionnaire is used for the household, the answers to the questions on the habitation's characteristics shall only be noted on form number 1 used for the household.

56. Most used cooking method

The modality codes for this variable are:

[] 1. Petrol
[] 2. Wood/palm
[] 3. Electricity from SBEE [public electric company]
[] 4. Solar energy
[] 5. Gas
[] 6. Coal
[] 7. Wood chip/ sawdust
[] 8. Agricultural residues
[] 9. Other [specify]

Q: "What combustible do you most often use to cook?"
Circle the code corresponding to the modality of the interviewee's answer.