Questionnaire Text

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For all persons
[Questions in columns 1 to 11 were asked of all persons]

Now we would like to ask for information on you and the persons habitually living in your household or currently residing in your home

Residents only
[Questions in columns 12 - 15 were asked of residents only]

(15) Status of the mother

[] 1 PRM = present in the household
[] 2 PRC = present in the township
[] 3 PRAB = present elsewhere in Benin
[] 4 PRE = present outside of Benin
[] 5 DEC = deceased
[] 6 NSP = unknown
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Columns (12) and (15): Ask these questions only to residents.

Columns (14) and (15): Status [word used is survival] of father and mother
Ask if the biological father and mother of [the respondent] are still alive. If the answer is NO, circle the code "5" for deceased. If the answer is yes, ask then if the parent of [the respondent] lives in the household? If "yes," circle the code "1" for present in the household "PRM". If NO, ask if the parent of [the respondent] lives in the township, elsewhere in Benin, or outside of Benin and circle the corresponding code according to the following:

2. PRC: present in the township
3. PRAB: present elsewhere in Benin
4. PRE: present outside of Benin
6. NSP: unknown