Questionnaire Text

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Economic Characteristics (for persons 10 years or older) (Only for ordinary households)
[Columns 13-16]

(14) Profession___

Indicate the current profession (type of work) if the interviewee is employed or
the last profession if he is unemployed.

For example:
- Agricultural worker
- Dactylographer
- Driver
- Grocer
- Wood sculptor
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Economic characteristics
The information classified under this broad rubric relates to the last 4 questions of the census.
The first set of information, column (13) "Type of activity" shall be asked to all persons of 10 or more years of age, without exception. This will allow classifying such persons either in the economically active population or the economically inactive population.
While the last 3 sets of information, columns (14), (15), and (16) shall only be asked to persons classified under the 2 types of activity: employed and unemployed. These sets of information provide more details on the population

Column (14): Profession
For "employed" persons, ask the following question: "What type of job have you had since the past month?" For the unemployed, ask what type of job he worked before becoming unemployed.
If need be, ask the person to describe his/her job. The census agent shall aim to obtain the maximum specificity (hierarchy etc.) because there exist many professions and thus vague responses would not be useful.
For persons with two or more professions, the census agent must only indicate the one that generates the most income.
[Example is not presented here]