Questionnaire Text

Argentina 1980 Ethiopia 2007 Nicaragua 1971 Sudan 2008
Argentina 1991 Ghana 2000 Palestine 1997 Suriname 2004
Argentina 2001 Ghana 2010 Palestine 2007 Suriname 2012
Benin 2002 Guinea 1996 Palestine 2017 Tanzania 1988
Benin 2013 Guinea 2014 Panama 1970 Tanzania 2002
Botswana 1981 Haiti 1971 Panama 1990 Tanzania 2012
Botswana 1991 Iran 2006 Panama 2000 Thailand 2000
Botswana 2001 Iran 2011 Panama 2010 Togo 2010
Botswana 2011 Iraq 1997 Philippines 1990 Trinidad and Tobago 1970
Brazil 2010 Jamaica 1982 Philippines 2010 Trinidad and Tobago 2000
Burkina Faso 1985 Jamaica 1991 Puerto Rico 2005 Trinidad and Tobago 2011
Burkina Faso 1996 Jamaica 2001 Puerto Rico 2010 Turkey 1985
Burkina Faso 2006 Laos 2005 Puerto Rico 2015 United States 2005
Cambodia 2004 Liberia 1974 Puerto Rico 2020 United States 2010
Cambodia 2008 Liberia 2008 Rwanda 1991 United States 2015
Cambodia 2013 Malawi 1987 Rwanda 2002 United States 2020
Cambodia 2019 Malawi 1998 Rwanda 2012 Uruguay 1975
Cameroon 1987 Malawi 2008 Saint Lucia 1980 Uruguay 1985
Cameroon 2005 Mali 2009 Saint Lucia 1991 Uruguay 1996
China 1982 Morocco 1982 Senegal 1988 Venezuela 1981
China 1990 Morocco 1994 Senegal 2002 Venezuela 1990
China 2000 Morocco 2004 Senegal 2013 Vietnam 2019
Côte d'Ivoire 1988 Morocco 2014 Sierra Leone 2004 Zambia 1990
Côte d'Ivoire 1998 Mozambique 1997 Sierra Leone 2015 Zambia 2000
Dominican Republic 1970 Mozambique 2007 South Africa 2011 Zambia 2010
Ethiopia 1984 Nepal 2001 South Africa 2016
Ethiopia 1994 Nepal 2011 South Sudan 2008
Argentina 1980 — source variable AR1980A_CHBORNR — Children born alive in the last year
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C. Population

For women 14 years old and more

[Questions 16-17 were asked of women age 14 and older.]

17. [Children]

If answered affirmatively to 16,
[Questions 17A-17C were asked of those who answered affirmatively to question 16.]

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C. Population

Census home is a person or group of persons, related or not, who occupy the same dwelling. You will write down first the name and surname of the head of the household, then ask all the corresponding questions.

You will ask the following questions to all women 14 years old or older.

[For all women 14 years old or older who have had children born alive.]

17.c) You will indicate children born alive since October 22, 1979.

Argentina 1991 — source variable AR1991A_CHLASTY — Children born alive last year
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For women 14 years old and older (do not forget the single women).
[Questions 26-28 were asked of women 14 years of age and older.]

28. Have you had any children born alive in the past twelve months?

Only for women ages 14 to 49.
[Question 28 was asked of women of age 14-49 who ever had children born alive, per question 26.]

[] Yes, 1
[] Yes, 2 or more
[] No
[] Unanswered

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The last questions of the Document are about fertility. As the sign indicates, we ask them to all women 14 years old or older (do not forget single women)

28. Have you had any children born alive in the past twelve months?

We ask this question only to women of 14 to 49 years of age who have had children born alive.

Argentina 2001 — source variable AR2001A_CHLSTYR — Child born last year
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[Questions 37-40 were asked of women age 14+.]

[Questions 38-39 were asked of women age 14+ who had children born alive, per question 37.]

40. What is the date of birth of your last child born alive?

[Question 40 was asked of women age 14-49 who had children born alive, per question 37.]

_ _ Month
_ _ Year

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Starting here, women 14 years old or more answer.

Questions 37 to 40 refer to fertility.

You should ask these questions of all women who are 14 years old or more, regardless of whether they are single, living as a couple or not, living with their parents or not, or whether they are very young or if they are elderly women.

Pay attention to the step indicated in question 40, which should only be answered by women who are between 14 and 49 years old.

Benin 2002 — source variable BJ2002A_BTHLYR — Children born last year
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For all persons
[Questions in columns 1 to 11 were asked of all persons]

Now we would like to ask for information on you and the persons habitually living in your household or currently residing in your home

Births that occurred since January 1st 2001
[Questions in columns 26 - 27 concerns births that occurred since January 1st, 2001 and were asked of females age 10+]

(26) How many living births have you had since January 1st 2001?

_ _ Male
_ _ Female
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v) Sociocultural characteristics

vi) Fertility data
Columns (24) to (27) only apply to female residents of 10 years or more of age (To this effect, verify with column 4 for gender and 6 for age). For women younger than 10, and males, these columns do not apply. For these persons, the agent shall not report anything in the boxes.

Columns (26) and (27): Births occurred since January 1st, 2001
Those are the living births to female residents of 10 years or more of age.

Column (26): Births occurred since January 1st, 2001
The census agent shall ask the following question: "How many living births has [the respondent] had since January 1st, 2001?" Write down the number by the infant's gender. If there have been no births during the reference period, write down "0" in the two (2) boxes then go to question 28 "Has there been any deaths in the household since January 1st, 2001?"
Example: For a resident female of 10 or more years of age who gave birth to a triplet of 2 boys and 1 girl, write down the following in the boxes:

M 2
F 1

Benin 2013 — source variable BJ2013A_BTHLYR — Children born last year
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Births that occurred since January 1st, 2012

28. How many living births have you had since January 1st, 2012?

_ M
_ F
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28. Live births since January 1st 2012

Q: "Have you/has [the respondent] had any live births during the period from January 1st 2012 until today?"

If the answer to question number 26 ["born alive children"] = "00," this woman has never had any born alive children in her life and as a result, she has not had any living birth since January 1st 2012. Ask the question anyway but under the following form:

Q: "Do you confirm that you have not had any living births since January 1st 2012?"

If the answer is yes, then write down "0" in each one of the small boxes situated opposite of "M" and "F," which symbolize the sex of the children who would have been born alive since January 1st 2012, in the section reserved to the registration of this woman's data.

If the answer is No, meaning that the woman declared having had a living birth since January 1st 2012, ask her the following question:

Botswana 1981 — source variable BW1981A_BTHLYR — Number of children born alive last year
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Column [P20] birth since independence day 1980
This column must be completed for all women. If the woman has not had birth since independence write '0' in this column. Otherwise enter the number of children born.

Botswana 1991 — source variable BW1991A_BMALE — Number of males born since Independence Day 1990
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Section A

(Fertility--females, 12--50 years)

20. How many children have been born alive by [the respondent] since Independence Day 1990?

____ Male
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Columns A20 and A21: Fertility for Females 12-50 years

How many children have been borne alive by [the respondent] since Independence day 1990?

These columns must be completed for females aged between 12 and 50 years. For a female aged 51 or more, enter a dash in each of columns A20 and A21.

If the woman has not had a live birth since Independence Day, 1990, enter 0 in these columns. Otherwise enter the number of male children born in column A20 and the number of female children born in column A21. These are single-digit codes.

In the sample questionnaire in paragraph 116, Mimi was born after Independence Day last year, and there were no other children born to Anne after that date, so the entries in columns A20 and A21 are 0 and 1 for Anne. Thembe is older than 50 years, so the question does not apply to her, nor does the question apply to any other person listed in column A1. Dashes are entered in columns A20 and A21 for everyone other than Anne.

Botswana 1991 — source variable BW1991A_BFEMALE — Number of females born since Independence day 1990
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Section A

(Fertility--females, 12--50 years)

21. How many children have been born alive by [the respondent] since Independence Day 1990?

____ Female
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Columns A20 and A21: Fertility for Females 12-50 years

How many children have been borne alive by [the respondent] since Independence day 1990?

These columns must be completed for females aged between 12 and 50 years. For a female aged 51 or more, enter a dash in each of columns A20 and A21.

If the woman has not had a live birth since Independence Day, 1990, enter 0 in these columns. Otherwise enter the number of male children born in column A20 and the number of female children born in column A21. These are single-digit codes.

In the sample questionnaire in paragraph 116, Mimi was born after Independence Day last year, and there were no other children born to Anne after that date, so the entries in columns A20 and A21 are 0 and 1 for Anne. Thembe is older than 50 years, so the question does not apply to her, nor does the question apply to any other person listed in column A1. Dashes are entered in columns A20 and A21 for everyone other than Anne.

Botswana 2001 — source variable BW2001A_BORNALIVEM — Number of male children born alive since Independence Day 1999
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Fertility and child survival -- females

A31. How many children have been born alive by [the person] since Independence Day 1999?

_ _ Males
_ _ Females
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122. Columns: A31 and A32: Fertility for females 12 - 50 Years

122a. Column A31: Children surviving

Q: How many children have been borne alive by [the person]since Independence Day 1999?

These columns must be completed for females aged between 12 and 50 years. For a female aged 51 or more, enter a dash in each of columns A31 and A32.

If the woman has not had a live birth since Independence Day, 1999, enter 0 in these columns. Otherwise enter the number of male and female children born in column A31 under male and female columns respectively. These are single-digit codes.

Botswana 2001 — source variable BW2001A_BORNALIVEF — Number of female children born alive since Independence Day 1999
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Fertility and child survival -- females

A31. How many children have been born alive by [the person] since Independence Day 1999?

_ _ Males
_ _ Females
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122. Columns: A31 and A32: Fertility for females 12 - 50 Years

122a. Column A31: Children surviving

Q: How many children have been borne alive by [the person]since Independence Day 1999?

These columns must be completed for females aged between 12 and 50 years. For a female aged 51 or more, enter a dash in each of columns A31 and A32.

If the woman has not had a live birth since Independence Day, 1999, enter 0 in these columns. Otherwise enter the number of male and female children born in column A31 under male and female columns respectively. These are single-digit codes.

Botswana 2011 — source variable BW2011A_CHBORN1 — Children born alive since Independence Day 2010
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A. Person Information

Fertility and child survival

29. How many children have been born alive by [the respondent] since Independence Day 2010?

Number of males ____
Number of females ____
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154. Columns A26-A31: Fertility and child survival (females only)
It must be noted that fertility is defined as actual birth performance of a woman.
Questions A26-A29 must be completed for all females aged 12 years and over, regardless of their marital status and their relationship to the head of household. For males of any age and females less than 12 years of age, enter a dash in these columns. For young girls (i.e. 12-15 years old) who are still living at home with their parents, this question may be considered rather personal. Take care how you ask the question.

Questions A30-A31 are only asked of females aged 12 to 49 years old. For others, enter a dash in these columns. The enumerator should always check at all times that the number of children in A26 should be equal to the sum of this in A27, A28, and A29. The enumerator should therefore always crosscheck that these balances before moving on to the next section.

The relevant portion of the sample questionnaire is shown on page 61 for easy reference.

160. Column A30: Children born alive
Q. How many children have been born alive by the respondent since Independence Day 2010?
These columns must be completed for females aged 12 to 49 years. For a female aged 50 or more, enter a dash in each of columns A30 and A31. If the woman has not had a live birth since Independence Day, 2009, enter 00 in these columns. Otherwise enter the number of male and female children born in column A30 under male and female columns respectively.

Brazil 2010 — source variable BR2010A_CHBNYR — Last child born alive was born in 12 months up to July 31, 2010

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Burkina Faso 1985 — source variable BF1985A_BTHLYRM — Number of male births in last 12 months
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Residents 12 years of age and older
[Questions 16-20 were asked for residents age 12 and older.]

Women only
[Questions 17-20 were asked for females age 12 and older.]

Births in the last 12 months

19. Male _ _
20. Female _ _

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Columns 17 to 20 only concern women age 12 or older.

Columns nineteen and twenty - births during the last 12 months:

This concerns live births in the household during the 12-month period preceding your visit (December 1984 to December 1985).

Write the number of children in columns 19 and 20 according to the sex of the child. If there are twins, note this at the bottom of the page.

Burkina Faso 1985 — source variable BF1985A_BTHLYRF — Number of female births in last 12 months
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Residents 12 years of age and older
[Questions 16-20 were asked for residents age 12 and older.]

Women only
[Questions 17-20 were asked for females age 12 and older.]

Births in the last 12 months

19. Male _ _
20. Female _ _

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Columns 17 to 20 only concern women age 12 or older.

Columns nineteen and twenty - births during the last 12 months:

This concerns live births in the household during the 12-month period preceding your visit (December 1984 to December 1985).

Write the number of children in columns 19 and 20 according to the sex of the child. If there are twins, note this at the bottom of the page.

Burkina Faso 1996 — source variable BF1996A_BMAL12M — Male births last 12 months
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Female residents age 12 years or older:
[Questions P24 to P26 were asked for females 12 years of age or older.]

Survival of children

P26. Births within the last 12 months: How many of [person]'s children were born alive during the last 12 months?

Write the given number, divided by sex.

_ _ Male
_ _ Female

Burkina Faso 1996 — source variable BF1996A_BFEM12M — Female births last 12 months
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Female residents age 12 years or older:
[Questions P24 to P26 were asked for females 12 years of age or older.]

Survival of children

P26. Births within the last 12 months: How many of [person]'s children were born alive during the last 12 months?

Write the given number, divided by sex.

_ _ Male
_ _ Female

Burkina Faso 2006 — source variable BF2006A_BTHLYRM — Male births last 12 months
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Survival of children
[Question P.26-P.28 were asked of female residents age 10 years or older]

P28. Births within the last 12 months (since December 2005):

How many of [the person's] children were born alive during the last 12 months?

Write the given number, divided by sex.

_ _ Male
_ _ Female

Burkina Faso 2006 — source variable BF2006A_BTHLYRF — Female births last 12 months
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Survival of children
[Question P.26-P.28 were asked of female residents age 10 years or older]

P28. Births within the last 12 months (since December 2005):

How many of [the person's] children were born alive during the last 12 months?

Write the given number, divided by sex.

_ _ Male
_ _ Female

Cambodia 2004 — source variable KH2004A_BTHLYRM — Males born last year
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Form B: Household questionnaire Part 3

Part 3: Fertility information of females aged 15 and over listed in column 2 of part 2

Particulars of birth in the last 12 months to women aged 15-49 years
[Questions 7 and 8 were asked of females age 15 to 49]

[7] Any child born alive to the woman during the last 12 months?

Give actual number, like: 1, 2 [...] under the appropriate column. If none, write 00. If no child was born to the woman in the last 12 months, skip to part 4.

_ _ Male
_ _ Female
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82. Filling-in of Form B Household Questionnaire: Part 3: Fertility Information of Females Aged 15 and over Listed in Columns 2 of Part 2
This part of the questionnaire relates to fertility information. These questions will be asked in the case of female aged 15 and over in the household who have already been enumerated in part 2 of Form B household Questionnaire. Note that fertility information should be collected in column 4 to 6 for all women ages 15 and about in the household irrespective of their age or marital status. In other words, this will include elderly women and women who were never married, widowed, divorced, or separated.

90. Column 7: (g) and (h) Particulars of births in the last 12 months
Column 7 relates to women aged 15 -49 only. Hence for other women i.e. more than 49 put a dash (-) in these columns.
90.1 This question is aimed at collecting births (separately as male or female birth) in the 12 months prior to the date of enumeration to all female aged 15 to 49 years . Please note that the number of children born alive, already recorded in Columns 4(a) and 4(b), include the child born alive to the woman in the last 12 months. In the case of older woman (say beyond age 50) or widows or divorced woman, there may not be any birth in the last 12 months generally. In their case also you have to fill in these columns by entering 0. Please however, remember that occurrence of births is not entirely ruled out in such case. Only if the child was born alive, you should record 1 under male or female as the case may be. Still births, i.e., a child which is born dead should not be taken in to account for this purpose. So you should make sure that every case of birth of a child born alive, even if it is not alive on the date of enumeration, is reported. You should not reckon it if the child was born lifeless. Suppose a child was born alive then died immediately after birth it is alive birth which should be reported. You have to make sure that any live birth that has occurred to a woman in the last one year is recorded whether the child is surviving till date of enumeration or not.
90.2 If the answer to this question is 'Yes', you should ask whether the child was born male or female. If male, record 1 under male and 0 under female. If female, record 0 under male and 1 under female. If the answer is ' No', enter 0 both under male and female and skip to column 8. In case where the woman has had twins, please write 2 under male or female as the case may be. If it was 1 male and 1 female, record accordingly. If there were multiple births enter suitably following this procedure.

Cambodia 2004 — source variable KH2004A_BTHLYRF — Females born last year
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Form B: Household questionnaire Part 3

Part 3: Fertility information of females aged 15 and over listed in column 2 of part 2

Particulars of birth in the last 12 months to women aged 15-49 years
[Questions 7 and 8 were asked of females age 15 to 49]

[7] Any child born alive to the woman during the last 12 months?

Give actual number, like: 1, 2 [...] under the appropriate column. If none, write 00. If no child was born to the woman in the last 12 months, skip to part 4.

_ _ Male
_ _ Female
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82. Filling-in of Form B Household Questionnaire: Part 3: Fertility Information of Females Aged 15 and over Listed in Columns 2 of Part 2
This part of the questionnaire relates to fertility information. These questions will be asked in the case of female aged 15 and over in the household who have already been enumerated in part 2 of Form B household Questionnaire. Note that fertility information should be collected in column 4 to 6 for all women ages 15 and about in the household irrespective of their age or marital status. In other words, this will include elderly women and women who were never married, widowed, divorced, or separated.

90. Column 7: (g) and (h) Particulars of births in the last 12 months
Column 7 relates to women aged 15 -49 only. Hence for other women i.e. more than 49 put a dash (-) in these columns.
90.1 This question is aimed at collecting births (separately as male or female birth) in the 12 months prior to the date of enumeration to all female aged 15 to 49 years . Please note that the number of children born alive, already recorded in Columns 4(a) and 4(b), include the child born alive to the woman in the last 12 months. In the case of older woman (say beyond age 50) or widows or divorced woman, there may not be any birth in the last 12 months generally. In their case also you have to fill in these columns by entering 0. Please however, remember that occurrence of births is not entirely ruled out in such case. Only if the child was born alive, you should record 1 under male or female as the case may be. Still births, i.e., a child which is born dead should not be taken in to account for this purpose. So you should make sure that every case of birth of a child born alive, even if it is not alive on the date of enumeration, is reported. You should not reckon it if the child was born lifeless. Suppose a child was born alive then died immediately after birth it is alive birth which should be reported. You have to make sure that any live birth that has occurred to a woman in the last one year is recorded whether the child is surviving till date of enumeration or not.
90.2 If the answer to this question is 'Yes', you should ask whether the child was born male or female. If male, record 1 under male and 0 under female. If female, record 0 under male and 1 under female. If the answer is ' No', enter 0 both under male and female and skip to column 8. In case where the woman has had twins, please write 2 under male or female as the case may be. If it was 1 male and 1 female, record accordingly. If there were multiple births enter suitably following this procedure.

Cambodia 2008 — source variable KH2008A_MALEBORN — Males born last year
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Form B: household questionnaire - part 3: fertility information of females aged 15 and over listed in column 2 of part 2
[Questions 1-6 were asked of females age 15 and older]

Particulars of birth in the last 12 months from women aged 15-49 years.
[Questions 7-8 were asked of females ages 15 to 49]

7. Any child born alive to the woman during the last 12 months?

(Give actual number, like: 1, 2, ... under the appropriate column. If none, write 0)
If no child was born to the woman in the last 12 months, skip to part 4)

Male _
Female _

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Filling in of Form B Household Questionnaire Part 3: Fertility Information of Females Aged 15 and over Listed in Column 2 of Part 2
110. This part of the questionnaire relates to fertility information. These questions will be asked in the case of females aged 15 and over in the household who have already been enumerated in Part 2 of Form B Household Questionnaire. Note that fertility information should be collected for all women aged 15 and above in the household irrespective of their age or marital status. In other words, this will include elderly women and women who were never married, married, widowed, divorced or separated.

110.1 You have already listed the names of usual members present and visitors present in the household on Census Night in Column 2 of Part 2. You have also filled in Columns 3 to 23 of Part 2. Now you have to first identify from Columns 2, 4 and 5 of Part 2, all females aged 15 and over in the household. As an indication that you have identified each such female, you should tick mark the serial number of the female concerned in Column 1 of Part 2. You have to collect fertility information about these women and record them in Columns 4 to 8 of Form B Part 3 of the questionnaire. The following are the instructions for filling in Columns 1 to 8 of Form B Part 3 of the questionnaire:

Column 7: Particulars of Births in the last 12 months

119. This question is aimed at collecting information on births (separately as male or female birth) in the 12 months prior to the date of enumeration to all females aged 15 years and over. Please note that the number of children born alive, already recorded in Columns 4 (a) and 4 (b), include the child born alive to the woman in the last 12 months. In the case
of older women (say, beyond age 50) or widows or divorced women, there may not be any birth in the last 12 months. In their cases you also have to fill in this column by entering dash (-). Please, however, remember that occurrence of births is not entirely ruled out in such cases. Only if the child was born alive, you should record 1 under male or female as the case may be. Still birth, i.e., a child which is born dead, should not be taken into account for this purpose. So you should make sure that every case of birth of a child born alive, even if it is not alive on the date of enumeration, is reported. You should not record it if the child was born lifeless. Suppose a child was born alive then died immediately after birth. It is a live birth which should be reported. You have to make sure that any live birth that has occurred to a woman in the last one year is recorded whether the child is surviving till date of enumeration or not.

119.1 If the answer to this question is 'Yes', you should ask whether the child born was male or female. If male, record 1 under male and 0 under female. If female, record 0 under male and 1 under female. If the answer is 'No', enter 0 both under male and female. In the case where the woman has had twins, please write 2 under male or female as the case may be. If it was 1 male and 1 female, record accordingly. If there were multiple births enter suitably following this procedure.

Cambodia 2008 — source variable KH2008A_FEMBORN — Females born last year
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Form B: household questionnaire - part 3: fertility information of females aged 15 and over listed in column 2 of part 2
[Questions 1-6 were asked of females age 15 and older]

Particulars of birth in the last 12 months from women aged 15-49 years.
[Questions 7-8 were asked of females ages 15 to 49]

7. Any child born alive to the woman during the last 12 months?

(Give actual number, like: 1, 2, ... under the appropriate column. If none, write 0)
If no child was born to the woman in the last 12 months, skip to part 4)

Male _
Female _

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Filling in of Form B Household Questionnaire Part 3: Fertility Information of Females Aged 15 and over Listed in Column 2 of Part 2
110. This part of the questionnaire relates to fertility information. These questions will be asked in the case of females aged 15 and over in the household who have already been enumerated in Part 2 of Form B Household Questionnaire. Note that fertility information should be collected for all women aged 15 and above in the household irrespective of their age or marital status. In other words, this will include elderly women and women who were never married, married, widowed, divorced or separated.

110.1 You have already listed the names of usual members present and visitors present in the household on Census Night in Column 2 of Part 2. You have also filled in Columns 3 to 23 of Part 2. Now you have to first identify from Columns 2, 4 and 5 of Part 2, all females aged 15 and over in the household. As an indication that you have identified each such female, you should tick mark the serial number of the female concerned in Column 1 of Part 2. You have to collect fertility information about these women and record them in Columns 4 to 8 of Form B Part 3 of the questionnaire. The following are the instructions for filling in Columns 1 to 8 of Form B Part 3 of the questionnaire:

Column 7: Particulars of Births in the last 12 months

119. This question is aimed at collecting information on births (separately as male or female birth) in the 12 months prior to the date of enumeration to all females aged 15 years and over. Please note that the number of children born alive, already recorded in Columns 4 (a) and 4 (b), include the child born alive to the woman in the last 12 months. In the case
of older women (say, beyond age 50) or widows or divorced women, there may not be any birth in the last 12 months. In their cases you also have to fill in this column by entering dash (-). Please, however, remember that occurrence of births is not entirely ruled out in such cases. Only if the child was born alive, you should record 1 under male or female as the case may be. Still birth, i.e., a child which is born dead, should not be taken into account for this purpose. So you should make sure that every case of birth of a child born alive, even if it is not alive on the date of enumeration, is reported. You should not record it if the child was born lifeless. Suppose a child was born alive then died immediately after birth. It is a live birth which should be reported. You have to make sure that any live birth that has occurred to a woman in the last one year is recorded whether the child is surviving till date of enumeration or not.

119.1 If the answer to this question is 'Yes', you should ask whether the child born was male or female. If male, record 1 under male and 0 under female. If female, record 0 under male and 1 under female. If the answer is 'No', enter 0 both under male and female. In the case where the woman has had twins, please write 2 under male or female as the case may be. If it was 1 male and 1 female, record accordingly. If there were multiple births enter suitably following this procedure.

Cambodia 2013 — source variable KH2013A_BTHLYRM — Males born last year
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Fertility information

Number of children born (give number in two digits, like: 01, 02... 10, 11, etc. If none, write 00)

Particulars of birth in the last 12 months from women aged 15-49 years
[Questions 8-10 were asked of females age 15 to 49]

8. Any child born alive to the woman during the last 12 months?

Give actual number, like: 1, 2 [...] under the appropriate column. If none, write 0. If no child was born to the woman in the last 12 months, put dash (-) in columns 9 and 10.

_ _ Male
_ _ Female
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82. Filling-in of Form B household questionnaire part 3: fertility information of females aged 15 and over listed in column 2 of part 2

This part of the questionnaire relates to fertility information. These questions will be asked in the case of female aged 15 and over in the household who have already been enumerated in part 2 of Form B household Questionnaire. Note that information should be collected in this part for all women ages 15 and over in the household irrespective of their age or marital status. In other words, this will include elderly women and women who were never married, widowed, divorced, or separated.

82.1 you have already listed the names of usual members present and visitors present in the household on survey night in column 2 of part 2. You have also collected information about the persons in column 3 to 25 of part 2. Now you have to first identify from columns 2, 4 and 5 of part 2, all female aged 15 and over in the household. As an indication that you have identified each such female, you should tick mark the serial number of the female concerned in column 1 of part 2. You have to collect fertility information about these women and record them in columns 4 to 7 of Form B Part 3 of the questionnaire.

Following are the instructions for filling-in columns 1 to 7 of Form B part 3 of the questionnaire

91. Column 8: (a) and (b): particulars of births in the last 12 months (separately for male child in column (a) and female child in column (b))

Column 8 relates to births last year for women aged 15 -49 only. Hence for other women i.e. aged more than 49 enter 0 in each of the sub-columns.

91.1 This question is aimed at collecting births (separately as male or female birth) in the 12 months prior to the date of enumeration to all female aged 15 to 49 years. Please note that the number of children born alive, already recorded in columns 5(a) and 5(b), include the child born alive to the woman in the last 12 months. In the case of older woman (say beyond age 50) or widows or divorced woman, there may not be any birth in the last 12 months generally. In their case also you have to fill in these columns by entering 0. Please however, remember that occurrence of births is not entirely ruled out in such case. Only if the child was born alive, you should record 1 under male or female as the case may be. Still births, i.e., a child which is born dead should not be taken in to account for this purpose. So you should make sure that every case of birth of a

[p. 40]

child born alive, even if it is not alive on the date of enumeration, is reported. You should not reckon it if the child was born lifeless. Suppose a child was born alive then died immediately after birth it is a live birth which should be reported. You have to make sure that any live birth that has occurred to a woman in the last one year is recorded whether the child is surviving till date of enumeration or not.

Special Case. Suppose a child was born alive then died immediately after birth it is a live birth which should be recorded here. Remember that the death of this infant should be recorded in part 4 of the questionnaire.

91.2 If the answer to this question is 'Yes', you should ask whether the child was born male or female. If male, record 1 under male and 0 under female. If female, record 0 under male and 1 under female. If the answer is ' No', enter 0 both under male and female and put dash (-) in columns (9) and (10). In case where the woman has had twins, please write 2 under male or female as the case may be. If it was 1 male and 1 female, record accordingly. If there were multiple births enter suitably following this procedure.

Cambodia 2013 — source variable KH2013A_BTHLYRF — Females born last year
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Fertility information

Number of children born (give number in two digits, like: 01, 02... 10, 11, etc. If none, write 00)

Particulars of birth in the last 12 months from women aged 15-49 years
[Questions 8-10 were asked of females age 15 to 49]

8. Any child born alive to the woman during the last 12 months?

Give actual number, like: 1, 2 [...] under the appropriate column. If none, write 0. If no child was born to the woman in the last 12 months, put dash (-) in columns 9 and 10.

_ _ Male
_ _ Female
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82. Filling-in of Form B household questionnaire part 3: fertility information of females aged 15 and over listed in column 2 of part 2

This part of the questionnaire relates to fertility information. These questions will be asked in the case of female aged 15 and over in the household who have already been enumerated in part 2 of Form B household Questionnaire. Note that information should be collected in this part for all women ages 15 and over in the household irrespective of their age or marital status. In other words, this will include elderly women and women who were never married, widowed, divorced, or separated.

82.1 you have already listed the names of usual members present and visitors present in the household on survey night in column 2 of part 2. You have also collected information about the persons in column 3 to 25 of part 2. Now you have to first identify from columns 2, 4 and 5 of part 2, all female aged 15 and over in the household. As an indication that you have identified each such female, you should tick mark the serial number of the female concerned in column 1 of part 2. You have to collect fertility information about these women and record them in columns 4 to 7 of Form B Part 3 of the questionnaire.

Following are the instructions for filling-in columns 1 to 7 of Form B part 3 of the questionnaire

91. Column 8: (a) and (b): particulars of births in the last 12 months (separately for male child in column (a) and female child in column (b))

Column 8 relates to births last year for women aged 15 -49 only. Hence for other women i.e. aged more than 49 enter 0 in each of the sub-columns.

91.1 This question is aimed at collecting births (separately as male or female birth) in the 12 months prior to the date of enumeration to all female aged 15 to 49 years. Please note that the number of children born alive, already recorded in columns 5(a) and 5(b), include the child born alive to the woman in the last 12 months. In the case of older woman (say beyond age 50) or widows or divorced woman, there may not be any birth in the last 12 months generally. In their case also you have to fill in these columns by entering 0. Please however, remember that occurrence of births is not entirely ruled out in such case. Only if the child was born alive, you should record 1 under male or female as the case may be. Still births, i.e., a child which is born dead should not be taken in to account for this purpose. So you should make sure that every case of birth of a

[p. 40]

child born alive, even if it is not alive on the date of enumeration, is reported. You should not reckon it if the child was born lifeless. Suppose a child was born alive then died immediately after birth it is a live birth which should be reported. You have to make sure that any live birth that has occurred to a woman in the last one year is recorded whether the child is surviving till date of enumeration or not.

Special Case. Suppose a child was born alive then died immediately after birth it is a live birth which should be recorded here. Remember that the death of this infant should be recorded in part 4 of the questionnaire.

91.2 If the answer to this question is 'Yes', you should ask whether the child was born male or female. If male, record 1 under male and 0 under female. If female, record 0 under male and 1 under female. If the answer is ' No', enter 0 both under male and female and put dash (-) in columns (9) and (10). In case where the woman has had twins, please write 2 under male or female as the case may be. If it was 1 male and 1 female, record accordingly. If there were multiple births enter suitably following this procedure.

Cambodia 2019 — source variable KH2019A_BTHLYRM — Male children born last year
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Form B household questionnaire part 3

Particulars of birth in the last 12 months to women aged 15-49
[Questions 7-9 of this section are to be completed by women aged 15-49 only]

7. Any child born alive to the woman during the last 12 months?

Give actual number like 1, 2 under the appropriate column. If none write 0. If no child was born to the woman in the last 12 months, skip to part 4.

_ _ 7a. Male
_ _ 7b. Female

Cambodia 2019 — source variable KH2019A_BTHLYRF — Female children born last year
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Form B household questionnaire part 3

Particulars of birth in the last 12 months to women aged 15-49
[Questions 7-9 of this section are to be completed by women aged 15-49 only]

7. Any child born alive to the woman during the last 12 months?

Give actual number like 1, 2 under the appropriate column. If none write 0. If no child was born to the woman in the last 12 months, skip to part 4.

_ _ 7a. Male
_ _ 7b. Female

Cameroon 1987 — source variable CM1987A_CHMALE — Number of births (male) within the last 12 months
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Women of 12 years and older (born before April 1975)
[Questions 26-27 were asked of women 12 years old or more.]

Births during the past 12 months

Has [the respondent] given birth during the period from April 1986 to March 1987? If no, put a dash. If yes, put on P26 the number of boys and in P27 the number of girls born alive.

P26. Male _ _

P27. Female _ _

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Columns P26 and P27: Women of 12 years and older or born before April 1975.
Note that these columns concern only women aged 12 or more, that is, women born before April 1975.
1) For all men and women who are less than 12 years old, put a dash in columns P26 and P27.
2) For all women aged 12 or more: ask if the woman gave birth to life children between 1 April 1986 and 31 March 1987.

A life child is a child who when born shows signs of life (breathing, cries, heartbeat) even if it lives only for a few hours.
- If the woman has never given birth to a life child, put a dash in columns P26 and P27.
- If the woman has given birth to life children:

Write the number of baby boys she put to birth in column P26, whether they are alive or not.
Write the number of baby girls she put to birth in column P27, whether they are alive or not.

Cameroon 1987 — source variable CM1987A_CHFEM — Number of births (female) within the last 12 months
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Women of 12 years and older (born before April 1975)
[Questions 26-27 were asked of women 12 years old or more.]

Births during the past 12 months

Has [the respondent] given birth during the period from April 1986 to March 1987? If no, put a dash. If yes, put on P26 the number of boys and in P27 the number of girls born alive.

P26. Male _ _

P27. Female _ _

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Columns P26 and P27: Women of 12 years and older or born before April 1975.
Note that these columns concern only women aged 12 or more, that is, women born before April 1975.
1) For all men and women who are less than 12 years old, put a dash in columns P26 and P27.
2) For all women aged 12 or more: ask if the woman gave birth to life children between 1 April 1986 and 31 March 1987.

A life child is a child who when born shows signs of life (breathing, cries, heartbeat) even if it lives only for a few hours.
- If the woman has never given birth to a life child, put a dash in columns P26 and P27.
- If the woman has given birth to life children:

Write the number of baby boys she put to birth in column P26, whether they are alive or not.
Write the number of baby girls she put to birth in column P27, whether they are alive or not.

Cameroon 2005 — source variable CM2005A_CHBYR — Children born in last 12 months
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Females 12 and above
[Questions 34-36 were asked of females age 12 and older.]

36. How many live births did you have within the last 12 months?

_ _ Male
_ _ Female

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36. Number of live births in the last 12 months (by women age 12 and older)
This question has undergone serious changes, thus you should strictly adhere to the following new instructions on how to ask the questions and mark the responses provided.

a) To start,

-Disregard the following mentions which are on the questionnaire in each of the 6 columns, these are:
Birth 1, Birth 2, Birth 3, etc.
Name of the child, etc.

b) Each of these 6 columns is now reserved for the collection of date related to the live births of a woman aged 12 years or older having occurred over the course of the last 12 months. As such, one column, questions Q34 and Q 35, are not recorded: Q34=Empty and Q35=Empty, if that means that each column is reserved to the recording of the data related to a man or to a young girl who is less than 12 years old: check the accuracy of this situation. If it is true, then leave Q36 also "Empty". If it's false, proceed to make the necessary corrections, then follow the following instructions since you are dealing with a woman who is 12 years or older.

c) The individual is a woman age 12 and older. Questions Q34 and Q35 are recorded. If Q34 if empty and Q35 if empty, that means that we recorded the data related to the number of live born children and the number of children still alive that a woman aged 12 and up has already had. Under these conditions, you must ask this woman Q36, the following question:
Q. Did you/did _____ have any live births over the period of time between November _____ 2005 and November ______ 2005?

If: Q34=Q35=00, this woman never had live born children over the course of her life, consequently over the course of the last 12 months she didn't have any live births; nevertheless, ask her the same question in the formation that follows:
-Do you confirm that you never had any live births over the course of the last 12 months?

If the answer is Yes, then:
-Mark "0" in each small space facing the "M" and "F" which symbolize the sex of the children who would be live born over the course of the last 12 months, in the column reserved for the recording of the date about this woman.

If the answer is No, meaning that the woman claimed to have had one live birth over the course of the last 12 months, ask her this question:
Q. Where is this child?

If there is confirmation that the child was live born over the course of the last 12 months, then,
-Ask her the sex of this child and mark "1" in one of the cells facing the "M" or "F" for the sex of the child.
-Remember that there is an inaccuracy regarding the answers obtained before Q34 and Q35; given the new data, make the necessary corrections.

If: Q34 "M" > 00 and/or Q34 "F" > 00, this woman has already had live born children over the course of her life; as her the following question:
-Among the "n" male children that you have had, how many were born over the course of the last 12 months?

If the response obtained is a number less than or equal to Q34 "M", then
-Mark this number in Q36 in the small cell facing the "M" in the column reserved for the recording of dad related to this woman;

-Among the "n" female children that you have, how many were born over the course of the last 12 months?

If the response obtained is a number less than or equal to Q34 "F", then
-Mark this number in Q36 in the small cell facing the "F" in the column reserved for the recording of data related to this woman.

N.B: The children less than one year old recorded as member of the household and whose mothers do not live in the household (because of death or departure) will not be counted in the events of the last 12 months.

Example of a case of a single birth: [Example omitted]

Example of a case of a multiple birth: [Example omitted]

Filling out the Standard Household Questionnaire for the women in household 01 of structure 074
[Table omitted]

China 1982 — source variable CN1982A_BIRTHORD — Order of birth in 1981
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Women of childbearing age - 15 to 49
XIII. Bore the following in 1981
[] 0. No birth
[] 1. First child
[] 2. Second
[] 3. Third
[] 4. Fourth
[] 5. Fifth or more

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13. Bore the following in 1981. Women of child-bearing age between 15 and 49 (their completed years of age at reference time) should give an answer to this topic. It means this woman should declare the order of live birth (including the birth of a baby that died shortly afterwards) given by her (in or out of wedlock) in 1981. Twins, triplets or even more babies born at a single birth should be counted as one birth order. All child-bearing age women, married or unmarried, who did not give birth in 1981 should mark down "0" in the form.

Live-borns are babies who breathed or had other phenomenon of life such as heart-beats, umbilical cord throbbing or voluntary muscle systole after leaving its mother's womb (disregarding the number of months of pregnancy).

China 1990 — source variable CN1990A_CHB89_90 — Births between 1989 to 1990
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15. Birth since Jan. 1, 1989:
Women age 15-49.

[] 0 No birth
[] 1 Baby boy born in the 1st half 1989
[] 2 Baby girl born in the 1st half 1989
[] 3 Baby boy born in the 2nd half 1989
[] 4 Baby girl born in the 2nd half 1989
[] 5 Baby boy born in the 1st half 1990
[] 6 Baby girl born in the 1st half 1990

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15. Birth since Jan 1, 1989 -- For women aged 15-50 including singles.

If she did not give live birth between Jan 1, 1989 and Jun 30, 1990, circle "0".

If she gave live birth to one child since Jan 1, 1989, circle the answers on the left side only. If she gave birth between Jan 1, 1989 and Jun 30, 1989, circle "1" if the baby is a boy, circle "2" if it is a girl. If she gave birth between Jul 1, 1989 and Dec 31, 1989, circle "3" if the baby is a boy, circle "4" if it is a girl. If she gave birth between Jan 1, 1990 and Jun 30, 1990, circle "5" if the baby is a boy, circle "6" if it is a girl.

If she gave birth twice or gave one birth to twins since Jan 1, 1989, circle the answers on the left side for the first child, and circle the answers on the right side for the second child.

Women who have given birth since Jan 1, 1989 include single mothers.

Live birth means: at the time of delivery (no matter how long the duration of pregnancy was), the baby had breath, heartbeat, umbilical pulse, voluntary muscle contraction, or other signals of life.

China 2000 — source variable CN2000A_BTHLRY — Births in the last 12 months
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For women aged between 15 and 50.
[Questions 25 and 26.]

26. Fertility between November 1st, 1999 and October 31st, 2000

[] 1 Never pregnant and never give birth
[] 2 Had given birth(s) before, please provide the date of the babies are born and the gender of the baby. ____
If more than one pregnancy occurred during this period, please provide the date of the birth due to the 2nd pregnancy and the gender of the baby. ____
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Part One. Personal Records

R25 and R26 only apply to female between age 15 and 50.

R26. Fertility between Nov 1, 1999 and Oct 31, 2000
This question asks if the female respondents have given birth to children during the 12 months before the census.

No birth.
If the respondent has given birth during the 12 month period, record the months of birth and the gender of the children. Those who gave birth twice or to twins, record information of the second child to the right. The census does not record information for the third or later children.

Côte d'Ivoire 1988 — source variable CI1988A_BIRTHSLYRM — Number of male live births in the last year
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Women age 12 and older
[Question 34 through 36 were asked to women age 12 and older.]

36. Live births in the last 12 months

Ask the question, "How many male live births have you had between the time of March 1987 and today? Indicate the reported number in the coding table.
_ Male
Ask the question, "How many female live births have you had between the time of March 1987 and today? Indicate the reported number in the coding table.
_ Female
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Questions to ask resident females ages 12 years and older

Women who are visiting the household are not concerned by this section of the questionnaire.

Question 36: Live births in the household during the last 12 months (March 1987 to March 1988)

Ask the question, "Have you had any live births during the last 12 months, meaning since March 1987 until today?"

Write the number of male children in the male column and the number of female children in the female column.

Note: Only the live births of the resident females surveyed should be considered; stillbirths and adopted children must not be counted.

Côte d'Ivoire 1988 — source variable CI1988A_BIRTHSLYRF — Number of female live births in the last year
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Women age 12 and older
[Question 34 through 36 were asked to women age 12 and older.]

36. Live births in the last 12 months

Ask the question, "How many male live births have you had between the time of March 1987 and today? Indicate the reported number in the coding table.
_ Male
Ask the question, "How many female live births have you had between the time of March 1987 and today? Indicate the reported number in the coding table.
_ Female
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Questions to ask resident females ages 12 years and older

Women who are visiting the household are not concerned by this section of the questionnaire.

Question 36: Live births in the household during the last 12 months (March 1987 to March 1988)

Ask the question, "Have you had any live births during the last 12 months, meaning since March 1987 until today?"

Write the number of male children in the male column and the number of female children in the female column.

Note: Only the live births of the resident females surveyed should be considered; stillbirths and adopted children must not be counted.

Côte d'Ivoire 1998 — source variable CI1998A_BTHLYR — Live births in the household in the last 12 months
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Female residents of age 12 years and over
[Question 36 to 38 were asked of female residents age 12+.]

38. Live births within the last 12 months

Ask the question: Have you had one or more live births during the last 12 months? Ask the number of boys and girls. Record the number of boys in the "male" box and the number of girls in the "female" box.

_ _ Male
_ _ Female
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Note: Questions 36, 37, and 38 relate exclusively to women, whether present or absent, who reside in the household and are 12 years of age or older.
For male residents 12 years of age or older, you must draw a slash through column 36 and the columns that follow.

Questions 36, 37, and 38 pertain to live births. Thus the questions must be asked of all female residents 12 years of age or older. By live birth, we mean all children born alive, that is, any product of conception that has manifested any sign of life (screams, crying, breathing, heartbeat, etc.) after complete extraction of the body from the mother. Stillborn children, however, which should not be counted for these purposes, are children who died before the complete extraction of the body from the mother (dead fetus), called stillbirths.

Question 38: Live births in the household in the last 12 months
Ask the following questions: "Have you had any live births since the month of November 1997?" "How many boys?" "How many girls?"

Note: You must enter the live births that have occurred in the household in the last 12 months prior to the date of your visit. This largely avoids the telescoping effect.

For example, if you were to visit a household on November 30, 1998, you would record the births of the last 12 months dating back to November 30, 1997. An interviewer visiting another household on November 21, 1998, would record the births dating back to November 21, 1997, etc.

Enter the number of births of males using a single digit in the male coding grid, and the number of births of females using a single digit in the female coding grid.

Dominican Republic 1970 — source variable DO1970A_KIDS69 — Children born in 1969
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For women of appropriate age

17. Fertility (Only for women 15 years of age or older of whatever marital status)

a) What is the total number of children born alive to the enumerated person?

b) How many children of the enumerated person are currently alive? (Even though they may not live in this household)

c) (Only for women 15 to 49 years of age) How many children were born alive to the enumerated person during 1969?
Write these answers in the form of numbers:
a) ____ Total children born alive
b) ____ Number of children currently alive
c) ____ Number of children born alive during 1969
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11.5.5. Fertility. This question is presented to women, irrespective of their legal marital status or de facto conjugal status. Three distinct aspects of fertility are investigated on the census form. For the first two, letters a) and b), the reference period is, practically, all of the fertile life of the woman; that is, these two aspects should be investigated for all women 15 years of age and older. The third aspect, letter c), however, has a more limited reference period; that is, it is only investigated for women from 15 to 49 years of age.

Letter a) of question 17 refers to the total number of children born alive to each enumerated woman 15 years of age and older. Not taken into account is whether they are alive or not at the time of the census or the age of death. A child born alive is any child that had shown any sign of life (cry, scream, breathing) after the complete separation from the mother's body. It is not necessary to consider the duration of the pregnancy or the amount of time the child was alive; it is sufficient that the child had survived for an instant after the separation from the mother. It is also not necessary for the umbilical cord (bellybutton cord) to have been cut; it is sufficient for the entire body of the child to have been expelled or extracted from the womb. Therefore, children born without life (dead), abortions, or miscarriages are not counted.

Letter b) of question 17 refers to the total number of children alive at the time of the census; that is, those that are alive at midnight of January 8-9 of 1970. Therefore, those who passed away before and those born after the "census moment" are excluded.

Letter c) of question 17 refers to the children born alive between the January 1 and December 31 of 1969 to all of the enumerated women from 15 to 49 years of age.

It is important that the questions be presented carefully in order to avoid erroneous answers.

Ethiopia 1984 — source variable ET1984A_CHBYR — Number of live births in the last 12 months
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40. What is the number of live births born by [person] in the last 12 months?

_ _ Total
_ _ Still living
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Columns 37 - 40: For All women Ten Years Old and Over

In these columns all women aged ten years and over will be asked the number live birth they have given and the number filled in these columns.

Before entering any data in these columns, it is important to understand the definition of "live birth". Live birth means a newborn baby has life as the time of birth. In general number of babies born live does not include abortion or still birth.

Columns 37 - 39: Total number of children ever born to [the respondent]?

For women ten years and over who has never had children born to them "00" will be entered in the card columns under columns 37, 38 and 39.

Column 37: Living at Home

Number of children by gender living with the household their mother is a member of will be entered in card columns 68 and 69 under column 37. Code "00" will be entered in card columns 68 and 69 for women aged ten years and over if the children do not live with them.

Column 38: Living elsewhere

In column 38 card columns 70 and 71 number of children living elsewhere will be entered by gender. If the children born to the woman do not live elsewhere then "00" will be entered in this column and in card columns 70 and 71.

Column 39: Dead

Number of children dead by gender, if any, will be entered in column 39 card columns 72 and 73. However if there are no children dead "00" will be entered in this column card columns 72 and 73. When filling this column it has to be noted that children dead means those who died after they were born.

Ethiopia 1994 — source variable ET1994A_BTHLSTYR — Live births in last 12 months
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Section III: Detailed particulars of household members

Asked for women aged 10 years and above
[Questions 34-38 were asked of female residents' age 10+.]

Total number of children ever born alive

Births in the last 12 months
38. Have you given live birth during the last 12 months?

If yes, enter the number of live births, otherwise enter '0.'
_ _
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Column 34 - 38: Are questions referring the fertility experience of women aged 10 years and over.

Column 34 - 37: The total number of children ever born alive

This question is going to be asked for female member of a given household who are aged 10 years and above regarding the number of children they have ever born during life time
pg 81
(which includes children who are living with them, children who are dead and children who are living in other places). Nevertheless, Females whose age is less than ten years and members who are males of any age are excluded from being asked this question.

Before forwarding the question to the respondent, the enumerator should understand the concept of being "born alive". Being "born alive" means without considering the number of months the fetus stayed in its mother's womb, if the child breaths at the time of birth or if he/she shows life before or after the umbilical chord is cut; such as when the child experiences a heart beat, umbilical chord beat, crying, muscle movement etc?, it is only under this condition we come to say that the child is "born alive." What should be noted here is that if the child shows life even for a very little time and die soon no matter how long the pregnancy lasted, the child will be considered to be "born alive". However, in situation when the fetus dead in the womb and abortion cases are not taken in to an account.

Traditionally, some mothers consider their adopted children as their own biological children, so due attention must be taken while asking the question to the respondent. What is required to collect is the information regarding the number of children ever born by their biological parents. For this purpose three separate questions (questions regarding children who are living with their parents, who are not living with them and who are dead) are built to collect the required information on the number of children ever born by a given respondent. This method helps parents to remember their entire biological children; so we can get the exact information on the number of ever born children. But adopted children are not counted and therefore enumerators should take care while collecting the information.

Column 38: Births during the last 12 months
Did you have a live birth during the last 12 months? If yes enter the number of live births, otherwise enter '0'.

The respondent will be asked whether they gave birth to a child who is "born alive" during the 12 month prior to the date of enumeration i.e. from 11 October 1993 - October 10, 1994 and the answer will be recorded on the space provided.

To understand the concept "born alive" it is important to note the explanation given in columns 34 - 37. Moreover, in column 38 children who are counted must be born during the reference period (the 12 months prior to the date of enumeration i.e. from 11 October 1993 - October 10, 1994). Some times respondents may tell all of their children without taking in to an account the given reference period. Therefore it is crucial for the enumerator to explain all these concepts to the respondent.

If the respondent gave birth to a child during the last 12 months prior to the census date, the number of children will be filled on the space provided. However, if they didn't, "0" will be written in the space provided. Most of the time women give birth only once in a year so write "1" but in condition when a woman gives birth to a twin children during the reference period "2" will be written.

Ethiopia 2007 — source variable ET2007A_BTHLSTYR — Number of live births last year (May 29, 2006 to May 28, 2007)
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Section 3: Details of persons in the household

[Questions 26-29 were asked of long form respondents 10+.]

29. Did [the respondent] have any live births between 29 May 2006 and 28 May 2007?

If yes, record number of children. If no, record "0."
_ _
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Question 29:- Did [the respondent] have any live births during the past 12 months (since May 29, 2006)?

The respondent will be asked whether they gave birth to a child who is "born alive" during the 12 month prior to the date of enumeration i.e. from 29 May 2006 - May 28, 2007 and the answer will be marked on the space provided.

To understand the concept "born alive" it is important to note the explanation given in question 26 - 28. Moreover, in question 29 children who are counted must be born during the reference period (the 12 months prior to the date of enumeration i.e. from 29 May 2006 - May 28, 2007). Sometimes respondents may tell all of their children without taking in to an account the given reference period. Therefore it is crucial for the enumerator to explain all these concepts to the respondent.

If the respondent gave birth to a child during the last 12 months prior to the census date, the number of children will be filled and marked on the space provided. However, if they didn't, code "0" will be given to the respondent and the code will be shaded on the questionnaire. Most of the time women give birth only once in a year so fill code"1" but in condition when a woman gives birth to a twin children during the reference period code "2" will be assigned.

Even if this question is asked for women aged 10 years and over, for those aged 50 and above years, this question must not be forwarded.

Ghana 2000 — source variable GH2000A_BIRTHS — Births in the last 12 months
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P18 Children ever born: Answer for females 12 years and older. (For females under 12 years and all males go to next member)
[Questions P18a and P18b were asked of females 12+.]

P20 Number of children born in the last 12 months: How many children has (name) born in the last 12 months? (If 4 or more, mark 4) _ _

Mark the box with X in the column to make up your code.

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P18 Children ever born: "answer for females 12 years and older (for females under 12 years and all males go to next member)"

Question P18 is to be asked of only of females who have ever had a live birth. A live birth is defined as the complete expulsion or extraction from its mother of a product of conception, irrespective of the duration of pregnancy, which after separation, breathes or shows any other evidence of life, such as beating of the heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord, definite movement of voluntary muscles, whether or not the umbilical cord has been out or the placenta is attached.

P20 Number of children born in the last 12 months: How many children has (name) born in the last 12 months? (If 4 or more, mark 4)

Write the number of children born in the 12 months preceding the Census, (i.e. from 25th March 1999 to 26th March 2000). Except for multiple births (twins, triplets) the number should be zero (0) or one (1).

Ghana 2010 — source variable GH2010A_BIRTH12M — Male births in the last 12 months
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[Questions P00-P20 were asked for persons in both the household and non-household populations.]

Number of children born alive in the past 12 months
[P20c was asked of females age 12-54.]
P20c. Children born in the past 12 months.
How many children has [the respondent] born alive in the past 12 months?

Male _ _
Female _ _
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P20c. Number of children born alive in the past 12 months (answer for females 12 to 54 years): How many children has (name) born alive in the last 12 months?

Question P20c is to be asked of only females aged 12 to 54 years old who have had a live birth in the 12 months preceding Census Night. The number of births must be recorded by sex. It includes children born alive within this period but who have since died.

If any female respondent aged 12 - 54 had a live birth within the reference period, record the number of births by sex in the appropriate box/boxes. You should record this in the correct column number of the respondent. If no children were born alive by any female respondent aged 12 - 54 during the 12 months before Census Night, record 0 in the boxes provided for such respondent.

Ghana 2010 — source variable GH2010A_BIRTH12F — Female births in the last 12 months
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[Questions P00-P20 were asked for persons in both the household and non-household populations.]

Number of children born alive in the past 12 months
[P20c was asked of females age 12-54.]
P20c. Children born in the past 12 months.
How many children has [the respondent] born alive in the past 12 months?

Male _ _
Female _ _
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P20c. Number of children born alive in the past 12 months (answer for females 12 to 54 years): How many children has (name) born alive in the last 12 months?

Question P20c is to be asked of only females aged 12 to 54 years old who have had a live birth in the 12 months preceding Census Night. The number of births must be recorded by sex. It includes children born alive within this period but who have since died.

If any female respondent aged 12 - 54 had a live birth within the reference period, record the number of births by sex in the appropriate box/boxes. You should record this in the correct column number of the respondent. If no children were born alive by any female respondent aged 12 - 54 during the 12 months before Census Night, record 0 in the boxes provided for such respondent.

Guinea 1996 — source variable GN1996A_CHB12M — Number of male children born in last 12 months
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Resident women aged 12 years or more
[Questions 20-22 were asked of women aged 12 years or more. Questions 20-22 were related to the number of live births]

P21 Total number of children still alive, by sex

_ _ Males
_ _ Females
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Columns P20, P21 and P22: Questions Related To Live Births
Columns P20, P21 and P22 are related to live births. Thus the questions should be [directed to] resident women aged 12 or older. By live birth is understood all children who were born alive, that is, the product of any conception that showed any sign of life (shouting, crying, breathing, heartbeat, etc.) after complete removal from the body of the mother. Still-born children, who will not be considered here, are children who die before complete removal from the body of the mother.

In column P21, it is a question of finding out how many of the children given birth to by the mother, from her youngest [childbearing] age to the present, are still alive at the date of the census. Gather the information according to the sex of the children.

In column P22 it is now only a question of live births who have survived through the course of the most recent annual period, that is, the 12 last months preceding the date of your visit to the household. Here you should also gather the information according to the sex of the child.

One can imagine a series of well-articulated questions to cover all three columns in the following way:

1) How many children have you given birth to, from your youngest [childbearing] age up to today? How many boys? How many girls?
2) How many children are still living today? How many boys? How many girls?
3) Over the last 12 months, how many live children have you given birth to? How many boys? How many girls?

What is in question here are quantitative variables, and so you should write the numeric responses in the numbering grids provided: 2 numbers to express the number of live-born children, the number of surviving children, and the number of live-born children in the last 12 months for each sex in columns P20, P21 and P22.

Guinea 1996 — source variable GN1996A_CHB12F — Number of female children born in last 12 months
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Resident women aged 12 years or more
[Questions 20-22 were asked of women aged 12 years or more. Questions 20-22 were related to the number of live births]

P22 Number born during the past 12 months, by sex

_ _ Males
_ _ Females
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Columns P20, P21 and P22: Questions Related To Live Births
Columns P20, P21 and P22 are related to live births. Thus the questions should be [directed to] resident women aged 12 or older. By live birth is understood all children who were born alive, that is, the product of any conception that showed any sign of life (shouting, crying, breathing, heartbeat, etc.) after complete removal from the body of the mother. Still-born children, who will not be considered here, are children who die before complete removal from the body of the mother.

In column P21, it is a question of finding out how many of the children given birth to by the mother, from her youngest [childbearing] age to the present, are still alive at the date of the census. Gather the information according to the sex of the children.

In column P22 it is now only a question of live births who have survived through the course of the most recent annual period, that is, the 12 last months preceding the date of your visit to the household. Here you should also gather the information according to the sex of the child.

One can imagine a series of well-articulated questions to cover all three columns in the following way:

1) How many children have you given birth to, from your youngest [childbearing] age up to today? How many boys? How many girls?
2) How many children are still living today? How many boys? How many girls?
3) Over the last 12 months, how many live children have you given birth to? How many boys? How many girls?

What is in question here are quantitative variables, and so you should write the numeric responses in the numbering grids provided: 2 numbers to express the number of live-born children, the number of surviving children, and the number of live-born children in the last 12 months for each sex in columns P20, P21 and P22.

Guinea 2014 — source variable GN2014A_BTHLYRM — Number of male births in past 12 months
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III. Individual characteristics

Female residents of 12 to 54 years
[Questions P31M through P31F were asked of female residents between the ages 12 to 54 years]

P30. Live births during the last 12 months

Has [the respondent] had any live births during the last 12 months?
If no male children, enter 00 in P30M. If no female children, enter 00 P30F. If P30M = 00 and P30F = 0, go to the next person.
_ P30M. Male
_ P30F. Female

Guinea 2014 — source variable GN2014A_BTHLYRF — Number of female births in past 12 months
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III. Individual characteristics

Female residents of 12 to 54 years
[Questions P31M through P31F were asked of female residents between the ages 12 to 54 years]

P30. Live births during the last 12 months

Has [the respondent] had any live births during the last 12 months?
If no male children, enter 00 in P30M. If no female children, enter 00 P30F. If P30M = 00 and P30F = 0, go to the next person.
_ P30M. Male
_ P30F. Female

Iran 2006 — source variable IR2006A_BRTHYRM — Number of live-born boys in the past 365 days
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[Questions 35-39 were asked of ever married women between 10 and 54 years old]

For code 1 in column 35
[Questions 36-39 were asked of ever married women between 10 and 54 years old who gave birth in the past 365 days]

Number of children born alive in the past 365 days


36. Boy _ _

37. Girl _ _
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28.1. Number of children born alive in the past 365 days, Columns 36 to 39

28.1.1. Total, Columns 36 and 37
Fill these columns only for those women between 10 and 54 who have been married at least once (codes 1, 2, and 3 in column 28) and who have a code 1 in column 35, and leave it blank for others. Ask their total number of live-born children in the past 365 days (whether the children are living at present or not) and based on their gender put it down in columns 36 and 37.

- For those women who have given birth only to boys or girls, write the number in one of the columns 36 or 37 and mark the other column with "--".

Iran 2006 — source variable IR2006A_BRTHYRF — Number of live-born girls in the past 365 days
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[Questions 35-39 were asked of ever married women between 10 and 54 years old]

For code 1 in column 35
[Questions 36-39 were asked of ever married women between 10 and 54 years old who gave birth in the past 365 days]

Number of children born alive in the past 365 days


36. Boy _ _

37. Girl _ _
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28.1. Number of children born alive in the past 365 days, Columns 36 to 39

28.1.1. Total, Columns 36 and 37
Fill these columns only for those women between 10 and 54 who have been married at least once (codes 1, 2, and 3 in column 28) and who have a code 1 in column 35, and leave it blank for others. Ask their total number of live-born children in the past 365 days (whether the children are living at present or not) and based on their gender put it down in columns 36 and 37.

- For those women who have given birth only to boys or girls, write the number in one of the columns 36 or 37 and mark the other column with "--".

Iran 2011 — source variable IR2011A_BTHLYRF — Number of female live births in the past 365 days
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Questions 34-36 for women aged 10 to 54

Questions 35-36 for yes to question 34

35. Number of children born alive during the last 365 days (in total)

_ _ Boys
_ _ Girls
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Columns 32 and 33, number of live newborns

Fill these columns if "yes" is checked in column 31 and leave blank for the rest.
Column 34 -36, General description

[Picture omitted]
Fill these columns for females 10 - 54 year-old married at least once [codes 1, 2, 3 in column 30] and gave birth to at least one live newborn ["yes" in column 31], and leave it blank for the rest.
Column 34, has the individual given birth to a live newborn in the past 365 days?

Check yes or no in this column.
? If a woman gave birth to a live newborn during the month of October 2005, make sure to check "yes" in this column only if the child has not filled a full year of life by the time of enumeration. In other words the child should not have passed his first birthday.

Iran 2011 — source variable IR2011A_BTHLYRM — Number of male live births in the past 365 days
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Questions 34-36 for women aged 10 to 54

Questions 35-36 for yes to question 34

35. Number of children born alive during the last 365 days (in total)

_ _ Boys
_ _ Girls
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Columns 32 and 33, number of live newborns

Fill these columns if "yes" is checked in column 31 and leave blank for the rest.
Column 34 -36, General description

[Picture omitted]
Fill these columns for females 10 - 54 year-old married at least once [codes 1, 2, 3 in column 30] and gave birth to at least one live newborn ["yes" in column 31], and leave it blank for the rest.
Column 34, has the individual given birth to a live newborn in the past 365 days?

Check yes or no in this column.
? If a woman gave birth to a live newborn during the month of October 2005, make sure to check "yes" in this column only if the child has not filled a full year of life by the time of enumeration. In other words the child should not have passed his first birthday.

Iran 2011 — source variable IR2011A_CHBORN — Ever had a live birth
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Fertility status - for women aged 10 and over who have been married, widowed, or divorced from question 30

31. Has she ever given a live birth?

[] Yes
[] No
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Columns 31 -36, reproductive status -General description

[Picture omitted]
Fill this columns if codes 1, 2, or 3 is checked in column 30 and leave them blank for the rest.
? Fill these column for females only.
Column 31, has the individual ever given birth to a live newborn?

A live newborn shows at least one sign of life after birth [crying, moving limbs, breathing, etc.] even if dies immediately. Ask this question for every female who married at least once to make sure if she had a live birth by the time of enumeration.

Iran 2011 — source variable IR2011A_BTHLYR — Live births in the past 365 days
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Questions 34-36 for women aged 10 to 54

34. Has she given a live birth during the last 365 days?

[] Yes
[] No
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Columns 32 and 33, number of live newborns

Fill these columns if "yes" is checked in column 31 and leave blank for the rest.
Column 34 -36, General description

[Picture omitted]
Fill these columns for females 10 - 54 year-old married at least once [codes 1, 2, 3 in column 30] and gave birth to at least one live newborn ["yes" in column 31], and leave it blank for the rest.
Column 34, has the individual given birth to a live newborn in the past 365 days?

Check yes or no in this column.
? If a woman gave birth to a live newborn during the month of October 2005, make sure to check "yes" in this column only if the child has not filled a full year of life by the time of enumeration. In other words the child should not have passed his first birthday.

Iraq 1997 — source variable IQ1997A_CHBORNRM — Number of male live births in the past year
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To be filled by people age 12 and older
[Applies to questions 38-45]

[Questions 42 to 45 are for married, divorced and widowed women]

45. Total number of live births during the period 10/17/1996-10/16/1997

Male ____
Female ____

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45. Total number of live born during the period 17/10/1996 to 16/10/1997:
Recorded the total number of live born (male and female) in the field specialized for each one of them. Those who were born during the previous year to the census day (17/10/1996 to 16/10/1997) and these two numbers include the live born that died after a from their birth and this does not include the infant who was born dead or the embryo that falls dead and if the women doesn't get birth during this period the word (zero) is put in the space.

Iraq 1997 — source variable IQ1997A_CHBORNRF — Number of female live births in the past year
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To be filled by people age 12 and older
[Applies to questions 38-45]

[Questions 42 to 45 are for married, divorced and widowed women]

45. Total number of live births during the period 10/17/1996-10/16/1997

Male ____
Female ____

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45. Total number of live born during the period 17/10/1996 to 16/10/1997:
Recorded the total number of live born (male and female) in the field specialized for each one of them. Those who were born during the previous year to the census day (17/10/1996 to 16/10/1997) and these two numbers include the live born that died after a from their birth and this does not include the infant who was born dead or the embryo that falls dead and if the women doesn't get birth during this period the word (zero) is put in the space.

Jamaica 1982 — source variable JM1982A_BTHLSTYR — Number of live births during past 12 months
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Section 7: Fertility
[Females age 14 and older not attending school full-time]

36. Number of live-births/stillbirths during the past 12 months:

a) Live births:

[] 0
[] 1
[] Twins
[] 2
[] 3+
[] Not stated

b) Still births:

[] 0
[] 1
[] 2+
[] Not stated

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Section 7 - Fertility

This section is comprised of Questions 32 to 38 and the information is to be completed only for females 14 years or older who are not attending school (not including a tertiary institution full time)

5.62 Question 36 - Number of Live Births/Stillbirths During Past 12 Months

[Image omitted here]

In this question, one row has been used for two closely connected questions. One response position is to be marked on the left hand side for Live Births - Question 36a, and one, on the right hand side, Stillbirths - Question 36b.
It is possible for a woman to have more than one delivery in the same 12 month period. However, the rate of occurrence of this is very low. It is necessary, therefore, to ask about both stillbirths and live births.
It is in order to cope with recall lapses that each part of this question provides for different categories of deliveries, and these should be mentioned to the individual one by one. Attention should also be paid to obtaining accuracy in respect of the time interval during which births are to be included. Remember that the children included here must have been born between the dates 9th June, 1981 and 8th June, 1982 inclusive.

5.63 Question 36(a) - live births
Ask the question this way: "Did you (she) give birth to any live born children during the past year, that is, between 9th June 1981 and 8th June 1982?" If the answer is "No", score "0" under live births. If the answer is "Yes" follow up by asking: "How many live born children did you (she) have during that time? One, two, three, etc. (as is relevant)?" For one live born child score "1". For twins both live born, score "TW". For two children both live born but at separate births during the year, score "2".
For cases where the woman gave birth to three or more live born children during the year (including twins or otherwise) mark "3+". In cases where it has not been possible after all efforts to obtain the information, score "Not Stated" in the last response position on the left hand side.


5.64 Question 36(b) - still births
Ask the question this way: "Did you (she) have any still-born children during the past years, that is, between 9th June 1981 and 8th June 1982?"
Mark one of the response positions depending on the reply.

5.65 Question 36 - General
Remember that the left hand side of the row refers only to live-births and the right hand side to still births so that if, during the year, a woman had twins, for example, one child being live-born and one stillborn - you should record "1" under live-births and "l" under still-births.
Pay particular attention to the definitions of live-birth and still-birth given you by your instructor.

Simply, a still-birth is the product of a pregnancy of not less than 28 weeks duration in which the child shows no sign of life after expulsion. A live-birth is the product of a pregnancy which shows some form of life after expulsion even if it dies a few minutes after.

Jamaica 1991 — source variable JM1991A_BIRTHS — Number of live births in the last year
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Section 7: Union status and fertility
(Female age 14 and older who are not full-time students at a primary or secondary school)

7.11. How many live births were there?

[] One
[] Two separated births
[] Twins
[] Three or more
[] Note stated

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Section 7 - Union Status and Fertility

5.76 General
This section is comprised of Question 7.1 - 7.14 and the information is to be completed only for females 14 years or older who are not attending primary or secondary school full-time. Part-time students at these schools as well as students of tertiary institutions are eligible for


answering these questions.
The questions in this section can be seen to be of a very personal nature and you must assure the respondent that this type of information is very crucial to population planning as they provide very useful indicators of family formation and population growth.

5.81 General
Questions 7.6 - 7.14 are related to the number of live born children a woman has had. These questions are to be asked only of women under 65


years old. Some women might tend to exclude children who were born alive but subsequently died. These children are not to be excluded from the count. A live birth is the product of a pregnancy which shows some form of life after expulsion even if it dies a few minutes after.

5.86 Question 7.11 Number of live births in Past Twelve Months
It is important to note that it is possible for a woman to have more than one delivery in the same 12 month period. The occurrence of this is however, very low.

Jamaica 2001 — source variable JM2001A_PARITY — Parity past 12 months
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Section 5: Fertility
[Questions 5.1-5.11. for females ages 14-49]

5.7 How many live births did you/did [the respondent] have in the past 12 months?

Total _ _

[] 1 One birth
[] 2 Two separate births
[] 3 Twins
[] 4 Not stated
[] 5 More than two births
[] 9 Not stated

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Section 5: Fertility
[Females ages 14 to 49]

5.91 General
This section is comprised of question 5.1 through 5.11, and the information is to be completed only for females ages 14 to 49. The questions are of a very personal nature and you must assure the respondent that this type of information is very crucial to population/planning, since it provided very useful indicators of population growth. Be very careful when asking the questions from young women. In all instances, you must assure the parents and the youth how important these questions are to the study of and planning for issues related to reproductive health among young people. Reassure them of the confidentiality clause regarding Census data collection

These questions are related to the number of live-born children a woman has had. Some women might tend to exclude children who were born alive but subsequently died. These children are not to be excluded from the count. A live birth is the product of a pregnancy that shows some sign of life after expulsion, even if [the child] dies a few minutes after.

Question 5.7: Number of live births in past 12 months

Write the number in the total box and then indicate the type of birth. It is important to note that it is possible for a woman to have more than one delivery in the same 12 month period. The occurrence of this is, however, very low.

Laos 2005 — source variable LA2005A_BTHLYRM — Live male births in last 12 months
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E. For women, aged 15 to 49 years
Ask woman that are present at enumeration
[Questions 18-20 were asked of present women age 15 to 49].

20. Number of live births last 12 months

_ Male
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Section E: For women aged 15 - 49 years
The purpose of questions 18 -- 20 is to collect information for estimating fertility and infant and child mortality, preferably directly from the woman concerned.
Information on live births (fertility) should be obtained for all women aged 15 to 49 years. For all others, i.e. for women less than 15 years and those more than 49 years and all males, use the tick-box for alternative "9" in question 18, and leave the rest blank.
Information should be requested of all women 15-49 years, irrespective of their marital status or whether you think they have borne children or not. Efforts should be made to get responses from the women themselves and permission to do so should be obtained from the head of household. If the woman concerned is not present, someone else - preferably the head of household - should be used to answer the questions.
Definition of live birth: A child born alive is one who cries after being born. Thus, a live birth is a birth which results in a child that shows any sign of life irrespective of the time of period within which these signs are manifest.

Question 20: How many live births have you/name had during the last 12 months?
Make the appropriate entries under columns for males and females. Write "9" for not known (very rare cases)
Check the consistency with question 18.

Laos 2005 — source variable LA2005A_BTHLYRF — Live female births in last 12 months
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E. For women, aged 15 to 49 years
Ask woman that are present at enumeration
[Questions 18-20 were asked of present women age 15 to 49].

20. Number of live births last 12 months

_ Male
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Section E: For women aged 15 - 49 years
The purpose of questions 18 -- 20 is to collect information for estimating fertility and infant and child mortality, preferably directly from the woman concerned.
Information on live births (fertility) should be obtained for all women aged 15 to 49 years. For all others, i.e. for women less than 15 years and those more than 49 years and all males, use the tick-box for alternative "9" in question 18, and leave the rest blank.
Information should be requested of all women 15-49 years, irrespective of their marital status or whether you think they have borne children or not. Efforts should be made to get responses from the women themselves and permission to do so should be obtained from the head of household. If the woman concerned is not present, someone else - preferably the head of household - should be used to answer the questions.
Definition of live birth: A child born alive is one who cries after being born. Thus, a live birth is a birth which results in a child that shows any sign of life irrespective of the time of period within which these signs are manifest.

Question 20: How many live births have you/name had during the last 12 months?
Make the appropriate entries under columns for males and females. Write "9" for not known (very rare cases)
Check the consistency with question 18.

Liberia 1974 — source variable LR1974A_LASTYRBTH — Births last year
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Ask all women over age 10 years

14. Children born in past year

Liberia 2008 — source variable LR2008A_CHSEX — Sex of child born in last 12 months
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Females aged 12-49 years

P33-38. No. of births (last 12 months)

P33-35. Sex
[] 1 M
[] 2 F

Malawi 1987 — source variable MW1987A_LASTYRM — Births last year, males
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Women aged 10 years or older
[Questions P and Q were asked of women aged 10 years or more]

q. Live births occurred between September 1986 and [current] date

Still alive

_ _ Male
_ _ Female

Have died

_ _ Male
_ _ Female

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Women aged 10 years or more
[Question (p) and (q) should only be asked to women age 10 years or older]

(q) Live births occurred from September, 1986 to date
(i) Still alive: Ask the woman the number of male and female live births she has had during the period from September 1986 to date and are still alive. Record the number of males births in column 52 and female births in column 53.

(ii) Have died: Ask the woman the number of male and female live births she has had during the period from September, 1986 to date but have since died. Record the number of such male and female births in column 54 and 55, respectively.

Note: You should make sure that you do not leave any columns from 42 to 55 blank for any woman aged 10 years or more. For instance where a woman has reported to have no children ever born alive under any specific column in question (p) or no live births under any specific column in question (q), you should record zeroes) and not leave the columns blank.

Malawi 1987 — source variable MW1987A_LASTYRF — Births last year, females
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Women aged 10 years or older
[Questions P and Q were asked of women aged 10 years or more]

q. Live births occurred between September 1986 and [current] date

Still alive

_ _ Male
_ _ Female

Have died

_ _ Male
_ _ Female

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Women aged 10 years or more
[Question (p) and (q) should only be asked to women age 10 years or older]

(q) Live births occurred from September, 1986 to date
(i) Still alive: Ask the woman the number of male and female live births she has had during the period from September 1986 to date and are still alive. Record the number of males births in column 52 and female births in column 53.

(ii) Have died: Ask the woman the number of male and female live births she has had during the period from September, 1986 to date but have since died. Record the number of such male and female births in column 54 and 55, respectively.

Note: You should make sure that you do not leave any columns from 42 to 55 blank for any woman aged 10 years or more. For instance where a woman has reported to have no children ever born alive under any specific column in question (p) or no live births under any specific column in question (q), you should record zeroes) and not leave the columns blank.

Malawi 1998 — source variable MW1998A_BTHYRM — Male children born in past year
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Children ever born [Questions B20-B26]
[Questions B20-B30 were asked of women age 12 and older]

Children born since September 1997
[Questions B27-B30]

How many children has this woman borne since September 1997? If none, enter "0".

B27. Male _
B28. Female _

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Part B: Characteristics of Individual Household Members

5. Women age 12 years or older
Questions B20 to B30 should be asked only of women aged 12 years or more.

B27-B28. How many children has this woman borne since September, 1997?
Ask each woman age 12 years or older the number of males or females she has borne alive during the past 12 months: that is, since September 1997 to date. Record the number of male births in column B27 and of female births in column B28.
Note: If you are conducting your interviews on, say, 10 September, 1998, you should ask the respondent how many children the woman had borne during the period 11 September, 1997 and 10 September, 1998 (the day of your visit). If your interview is on 15 September, 1998, then you will be collecting number of births to a woman during the period 16 September, 1997 and the day of your visit, that is, 15 September, 1998. Suppose the respondent tells you that a member of the household gave birth to a male child on 24 December, 1997: you should record "1" in column B27 and "0" in column B28.

Malawi 1998 — source variable MW1998A_BTHYRF — Female children born in past year
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Children ever born [Questions B20-B26]
[Questions B20-B30 were asked of women age 12 and older]

Children born since September 1997
[Questions B27-B30]

How many children has this woman borne since September 1997? If none, enter "0".

B27. Male _
B28. Female _

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Part B: Characteristics of Individual Household Members

5. Women age 12 years or older
Questions B20 to B30 should be asked only of women aged 12 years or more.

B27-B28. How many children has this woman borne since September, 1997?
Ask each woman age 12 years or older the number of males or females she has borne alive during the past 12 months: that is, since September 1997 to date. Record the number of male births in column B27 and of female births in column B28.
Note: If you are conducting your interviews on, say, 10 September, 1998, you should ask the respondent how many children the woman had borne during the period 11 September, 1997 and 10 September, 1998 (the day of your visit). If your interview is on 15 September, 1998, then you will be collecting number of births to a woman during the period 16 September, 1997 and the day of your visit, that is, 15 September, 1998. Suppose the respondent tells you that a member of the household gave birth to a male child on 24 December, 1997: you should record "1" in column B27 and "0" in column B28.

Malawi 2008 — source variable MW2008A_BTHLSTYR — Children born last year
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[Questions P30-P33 were asked of women age 12 years or older]

P32. How many live births during the last 12 months?

Male _
Female _

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Questions for women age 12 years or older (birth details)
[Questions P30-P33 were asked of women age 12 years or older]

P32. Live births in the last 12 months
Ask for live births that have been born in the last 12 months or since June 2007. Write the number of live births by sex in the space provided and shade the appropriate digits.

Mali 2009 — source variable ML2009A_BTH12MAL — Female births in last 12 months
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Women age 12-49 years
[Questions P31-P33 were asked for women age 12-49.]

P33) Births in the last 12 months
How many of [Name]?s children were born alive in the last 12 months?

M _ _
F _ _
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Questions P29 to P33 are for people aged 12 years or older. Questions P31 to P33 are only for women aged 12 to 49 years. Live birth from the last twelve (12) months (Column P33)

The agent asks the following question: "How many of [Name]?s children were born alive in the last twelve months?" If the answer is "Yes," have sex. The agent fills in the corresponding box. If the answer is "No," the agent enters "0" in the boxes "M" and "F."

A woman can give birth to twins of different sex. In this case, the agent records "1" in the box corresponding to "M" and "1" in the box corresponding to "F."

Mali 2009 — source variable ML2009A_BTHFEM12 — Male births in last 12 months
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Women age 12-49 years
[Questions P31-P33 were asked for women age 12-49.]

P33) Births in the last 12 months
How many of [Name]?s children were born alive in the last 12 months?

M _ _
F _ _
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Questions P29 to P33 are for people aged 12 years or older. Questions P31 to P33 are only for women aged 12 to 49 years. Live birth from the last twelve (12) months (Column P33)

The agent asks the following question: "How many of [Name]?s children were born alive in the last twelve months?" If the answer is "Yes," have sex. The agent fills in the corresponding box. If the answer is "No," the agent enters "0" in the boxes "M" and "F."

A woman can give birth to twins of different sex. In this case, the agent records "1" in the box corresponding to "M" and "1" in the box corresponding to "F."

Morocco 1982 — source variable MA1982A_CHLSTYR — Number of children born in past 12 months, still alive
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Life time fertility
[For women who are married, widowed or divorced and age 50 or younger, specify the total number of live births]

Fertility in the past 12 months

Q13d: Number of children still alive _______

Q13e: Number of children who died _______

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13. For married, widowed, divorced women age 50 or younger, write the total of children born alive (male and female)

During the life span of the mentioned women:
a. Who live currently within the household
b. Who do not live currently within the household, but lives in Morocco
c. Who died

During the last 12 months, write the total of children for women younger than 51:
d. Who are still alive
e. Who died

Morocco 1982 — source variable MA1982A_CHLSTYRD — Number of children born in past 12 months, who died
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Life time fertility
[For women who are married, widowed or divorced and age 50 or younger, specify the total number of live births]

Fertility in the past 12 months

Q13d: Number of children still alive _______

Q13e: Number of children who died _______

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13. For married, widowed, divorced women age 50 or younger, write the total of children born alive (male and female)

During the life span of the mentioned women:
a. Who live currently within the household
b. Who do not live currently within the household, but lives in Morocco
c. Who died

During the last 12 months, write the total of children for women younger than 51:
d. Who are still alive
e. Who died

Morocco 1994 — source variable MA1994A_CHSURVYR — Children who are alive (born in previous 12 months)
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For married, widowed, divorced women. Show the total number of kids born alive (male and female)
[Questions 14a-f]

During last 12 months, for women younger than 51.
[Questions 14e-f]

Q14e. Who are still alive ____
Q14f. Who died ____

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Individuals: (multiple records)

For married women, widowed, divorced. Show total number of children born alive (male and female)
[Questions 14a-f.]

During last 12 months for women younger than 51
[Questions 14e-f.]

Q14e. Who are still alive ____

Morocco 1994 — source variable MA1994A_CHDEADYR — Children who have died (born in previous 12 months)
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For married, widowed, divorced women. Show the total number of kids born alive (male and female)
[Questions 14a-f]

During last 12 months, for women younger than 51.
[Questions 14e-f]

Q14e. Who are still alive ____
Q14f. Who died ____

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Individuals: (multiple records)

For married women, widowed, divorced. Show total number of children born alive (male and female)
[Questions 14a-f.]

During last 12 months for women younger than 51
[Questions 14e-f.]

Q14f. Who died ____

Morocco 2004 — source variable MA2004A_CHBORNYR — Children born in the last 12 months
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Individual form / population structure

[For resident women, married, widowed, or divorced, specify the total number of live births]

Fertility in the past 12 months

10A. Number of children still alive _______
10B. Number of children who died _______
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For non-single women (i.e., married, widowed, or divorced), specify the total number of live births

Fertility in the past 12 months
The following questions are about all children born alive in the [previous] 12 months, which means between 1st of September, 2003 and 31st of August, 2004. Only non-single women younger than 50 years old are concerned. Although these children have been already counted in previous life time fertility questions, they will be counted again.

Q10A: Number of children still alive at the reference date of census _

Q10B: Number of children who died before the census reference date _

Morocco 2014 — source variable MA2014A_BTHLYRSURV — Number of births still alive last year
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For non-single women, specify the number of children born living
[Questions 14 and 15 were asked of non-single women]

15. Those under 55 years of age, within the last 12 months

_ Boys
_ Girls
_ Boys
_ Girls

Morocco 2014 — source variable MA2014A_BTHLYRDEAD — Number of deaths among live births last year
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For non-single women, specify the number of children born living
[Questions 14 and 15 were asked of non-single women]

15. Those under 55 years of age, within the last 12 months

_ Boys
_ Girls
_ Boys
_ Girls

Mozambique 1997 — source variable MZ1997A_CHBLYM — Male children born in the past 12 months
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[Questions 6 through 31 were asked of usual residents of the household.]


30. How many children born alive has (the person) had in the past 12 months?

____ Male
____ Female
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Questions for women only from 12 to 50 years of age
The following questions are extremely important and at the same time very sensitive. Try to obtain accurate answers, formulating the questions clearly and correctly record the answers.
Pay attention to the responses to detect whether there are inconsistencies, because the questions are interrelated.
To identify women who should answer the following questions should check the age stated in P4.

P30. How many children born alive did you have in the last 12 months?
Read the question, wait for the reply. This question is also related to P28. The interviewee should say, of all children declared in Q28, how many children were born during the year preceding the census, that is, between 1 August 1996 and July 31, 1997. Write down the number stated in the space provided.
Keep in mind that:

-You should not include in this question the children born after 1 August 1997.

Mozambique 1997 — source variable MZ1997A_CHBLYF — Female children born in the past 12 months
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[Questions 6 through 31 were asked of usual residents of the household.]


30. How many children born alive has (the person) had in the past 12 months?

____ Male
____ Female
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Questions for women only from 12 to 50 years of age
The following questions are extremely important and at the same time very sensitive. Try to obtain accurate answers, formulating the questions clearly and correctly record the answers.
Pay attention to the responses to detect whether there are inconsistencies, because the questions are interrelated.
To identify women who should answer the following questions should check the age stated in P4.

P30. How many children born alive did you have in the last 12 months?
Read the question, wait for the reply. This question is also related to P28. The interviewee should say, of all children declared in Q28, how many children were born during the year preceding the census, that is, between 1 August 1996 and July 31, 1997. Write down the number stated in the space provided.
Keep in mind that:

-You should not include in this question the children born after 1 August 1997.

Mozambique 2007 — source variable MZ2007A_BRTHLYRM — Male children born alive in the past 12 months
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[Question 6 through 36 were asked to the residents]

For women aged 12- 50 only.

35. How many children born alive has [the person] had in the past 12 months?

_ _ 1 No. of Male
_ _ 2 No. of Female
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For women aged 12-50 only

P35. How many children born alive has (the person) had in the past 12 months?

Read the Question and wait for a response. This Question is also related to P33. The respondent should say, out of the total number of children declared in P33, how many children were born during the year prior to the census, i.e., between August 1, 2006 and July 31, 2007. Write the response in the corresponding space.

Be aware that:

You should not include the children who were born after TWELVE a.m. of August 1, 2007.


Let us suppose that in the past 12 months she gave birth to twins, one male and one female. You should fill in the Form as follows:
1. Male [1]
2. Female [1]

Mozambique 2007 — source variable MZ2007A_BRTHLYRF — Female children born alive in the past 12 months
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[Question 6 through 36 were asked to the residents]

For women aged 12- 50 only.

35. How many children born alive has [the person] had in the past 12 months?

_ _ 1 No. of Male
_ _ 2 No. of Female
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For women aged 12-50 only

P35. How many children born alive has (the person) had in the past 12 months?

Read the Question and wait for a response. This Question is also related to P33. The respondent should say, out of the total number of children declared in P33, how many children were born during the year prior to the census, i.e., between August 1, 2006 and July 31, 2007. Write the response in the corresponding space.

Be aware that:

You should not include the children who were born after TWELVE a.m. of August 1, 2007.


Let us suppose that in the past 12 months she gave birth to twins, one male and one female. You should fill in the Form as follows:
1. Male [1]
2. Female [1]

Nepal 2001 — source variable NP2001A_BIRTHS — Had any live birth during last 12 months
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Only for married women (15-49 year of age)
[Questions 13 and 14 were asked of only married women age 15-49 years.]

14. Has ____ had any live births during the last 12 months?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

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Column 14: Have ____had any live births during the last 12 months?
[For all ever married women aged 15-49 years
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

For the purpose of counting fertility, during the last 12 months refers the reference period of last 12 months from the day of counting (enumeration). Usually the enumeration day will be 22 June of 2001 (Jestha-Asar, 2058), the last 12 months includes from 23 June 2000 (Jestha-Asar, 2057) to June 2001 (Jestha-Asar, 2058). If women have had any live births during the last 12 months, they should be counted. To understand live births, the meaning is mentioned already in column 13. In that reference period, if any children are born and die immediately or after sometime, they are a live birth and should be included in the counting. But still births should not be included.

If the enumerated women have had live birth in this reference period then encircle code 1 and if not encircle code 2.

After encircled code 1 to denote yes,

Sex of live birth (male or female) ____ year of live birth ____ month ____should be mentioned.

If there is more than one live birth in the reference period, all the children should be counted and sex (male or female) should be denoted by code, and year and month of all children born should be mentioned separately. In the reference period of one year, if any woman has had twin or triple live births, then the year and month of all children should be noted respectively by denoting the sex of children. If the space is not sufficient, the next page should be added to denote the live births.

Nepal 2011 — source variable NP2011A_LSTBSEX1 — Sex of first child born in the past 12 months
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Personal Information

[21] Have [the respondent] had any live births during the last 12 months?

Only for married women [15-49 years of age]
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No [If No, go to 22]
If Yes,
[] 1 Son
[] 2 Daughter
Year ____
Month ____
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Fertility status of married women in fertility age [columns 20-21]

Column 21: did [the respondent] give birth to an alive child in the last 12 months?
(Only to the married women aged 15-49)

[] 1 Boy
[] 2 Girl

Year _ _ _ _
Month _ _
[p. 72]

The purpose of this question is to collect information related to fertility of married women aged 15-49 years old. If the married women aged 15-49 have given birth to an alive child in the past 12 months (if the enumeration day is 2068/03/04, then from 2067/03/05 to 2068/03/04), such information should be filled up in the related area.

Details about alive birth have been put in the description of column 20. Even if a child died immediate after being born or at later time, this should be considered as alive birth and must be included in the counting. However, if the child was already dead in the womb and it was stillbirth, such birth should not be counted here.

If the woman counted had given birth to an alive child in the past 12 months, circle the reference 1 'yes'. Then write all other information of that living child (e.g. sex of the child, birth year, and month) in the related box of the table. In the heading of sex, if the child is boy, circle the reference 1 and if the child is girl, circle the reference 2. Similarly, if the year the child was born is 2067, write only 67 and write the month in number (e.g. 10 for Magh month). Write the year and month in separate related boxes. In that one-year period, even if a woman gave live birth to twins or three children, identify whether they are boy or girl and write information of them separately in a sequence with their birth year and month (see the example below of column 21). If there are not enough space to write, take the next page.

If there were no alive children born in the last 12 months, circle the reference 2 'no' and go to the question of column 22.

Nepal 2011 — source variable NP2011A_LSTBSEX2 — Sex of second child born in the past 12 months
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Personal Information

[21] Have [the respondent] had any live births during the last 12 months?

Only for married women [15-49 years of age]
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No [If No, go to 22]
If Yes,
[] 1 Son
[] 2 Daughter
Year ____
Month ____
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Fertility status of married women in fertility age [columns 20-21]

Column 21: did [the respondent] give birth to an alive child in the last 12 months?
(Only to the married women aged 15-49)

[] 1 Boy
[] 2 Girl

Year _ _ _ _
Month _ _
[p. 72]

The purpose of this question is to collect information related to fertility of married women aged 15-49 years old. If the married women aged 15-49 have given birth to an alive child in the past 12 months (if the enumeration day is 2068/03/04, then from 2067/03/05 to 2068/03/04), such information should be filled up in the related area.

Details about alive birth have been put in the description of column 20. Even if a child died immediate after being born or at later time, this should be considered as alive birth and must be included in the counting. However, if the child was already dead in the womb and it was stillbirth, such birth should not be counted here.

If the woman counted had given birth to an alive child in the past 12 months, circle the reference 1 'yes'. Then write all other information of that living child (e.g. sex of the child, birth year, and month) in the related box of the table. In the heading of sex, if the child is boy, circle the reference 1 and if the child is girl, circle the reference 2. Similarly, if the year the child was born is 2067, write only 67 and write the month in number (e.g. 10 for Magh month). Write the year and month in separate related boxes. In that one-year period, even if a woman gave live birth to twins or three children, identify whether they are boy or girl and write information of them separately in a sequence with their birth year and month (see the example below of column 21). If there are not enough space to write, take the next page.

If there were no alive children born in the last 12 months, circle the reference 2 'no' and go to the question of column 22.

Nicaragua 1971 — source variable NI1971A_CHBORN70 — Children born alive in 1970
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20. How many children did you have born alive between January and December of 1970?

Only for women age 15 to 49

[] 00 None
____ Number
[] 99 Unknown

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Fertility characteristics
Questions (18, 19, 20, and 21) included under this title are designed to provide information to carry out studies on the fertility level of the population and on the differential characteristics of this component of population growth.

These questions are also designed to obtain information to carry out studies on the level and past tendencies of the mortality of the country's population.

The adequate investigation of such important topics requires that the enumerator be delicate and extremely diligent. Questions 18 and 19 are presented to every woman age 15 or older. Question 20 and 21 are presented to women ages 15 to 49.

Question #20: Children born alive in 1970
This question is presented to all women ages 15 to 49, irrespective of marital status.

a. How to ask the question:
How many children were born alive between January and December of 1970?

b. How to record the information:
Before recording the answer, it should be verified that the informant has not made any omissions and is not confused.

[p. 67]

Once the information's veracity is confirmed, the number of children born alive in 1970 is recorded in the box labeled "Number___".

If the enumerated woman has not had any children born alive in 1970, the box labeled "None___ 00" is marked. Only in exceptional cases when the informant does not know the number of children born alive of the enumerated woman is the box "Unknown ___99" marked.

c. Examples:

[These instructions refer to a graph of question 20 on the census form]

Palestine 1997 — source variable PS1997A_CHBORNY — Number of live births during last 12 months before the census
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For married women or previously married
[Questions 60 to 68 were asked of females who had ever been married.]

Births during the last 12 months
[Questions 65 to 68]

65. _ Number of male alive births
66. _ Number of female alive births
67. _ Number of male still alive
68. _ Number of female still alive

Palestine 2007 — source variable PS2007A_BTHLSTYR — Number of live births during last 12 months
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Births during the last 12 months

Number of live births

For women 12-59 years

86. Male _ _
87. Female _ _

Palestine 2017 — source variable PS2017A_BTHLYR — Live births during last 12 months
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Births during the last 12 months (for women 14--54 years)
[Questions 90 through 93 asked of married or ever married women aged 14 to 54 years.]

Number of alive birth

____ 90. Males
____ 91. Females
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Live birth:
It refers to any live birth who shouted, cried or shown any signs of live upon delivery, irrespective of whether he died after that or not.

Panama 1970 — source variable PA1970A_CHBORNL — Number of children born alive last year
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[Questions 21 to 22 are asked of women 15 years old or older.]

22. Of these, how many were born in the last 12 months?

(Only for women 15 to 50 years of age.)

Write the number of children declared by the informant. If she has had no children in the indicated period, write 0.

Children ____

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Question 22 Of these [live born], how many were born in the last 12 months?

This question is exclusively for women between 15 and 50 years of age who declared to have had children because what is wished to be known is the number of children declared in Question 21 who were born in the last 12 months, or that is from May 9, 1969 to May 9, 1970.
If the woman has had no children in the last 12 months, write down "00".

Panama 1990 — source variable PA1990A_CHILDREN — Child born since May 14, 1989
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VII. Fertility and Mortality Characteristics
For females 15 years of age and older.
[Questions 22 - 23 were asked of women aged 15 and older.]

[Questions 24-25 were asked of women aged 15-49 who have given birth to live children.]

24. Of your sons and daughters born alive, were any born during the period between May 14th 1989 and today?

[] 1 Yes Date of birth: ____ [day, month, year] (Continue with question 25)
[] 2 No (go on to the next respondent)

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(For women 15 years old and older)

Question 24: Of your sons and daughters born alive, were any born during the period between May 14th 1989 and today?
Mark the corresponding circle agreeing with the response of the person. This question concerns the current fertility which is needed to know if the woman has had any child from May 14, 1989 to the date of the Census.
When the person answers affirmatively, the date of the birth of the son or daughter born alive should be marked in the corresponding space. (day, month and year)
If the response is negative, finish the interview and continue with the next person.

Panama 2000 — source variable PA2000A_CHBORNL — Child born during the last year
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Only for women between 12 and 49 years of age, who have declared live births:
[Questions 26-27 were asked of women aged 24 - 49 who have born live children.]

26. Of your sons and daughters born alive, were any born during the last 12 months?

[] 1 Yes
Date of birth:

Day ____
Month ____
Year ____

(Continue with question 27)

[] 2 No (Go on to the next individual)

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For women 12 years old or older
[Applies to questions 24- 27]

Information about the variable fertility will be gathered for women 12 years old or older. In a strict sense, this variable, is the real frequency of births in the female population.
Information about the variable mortality will be gathered for all of those surviving of the sons/daughters born alive by women 12 years old or older. It is defined as: the permanent disappearance of all signs of life, whatever was the time that passed since the birth.
The gathering of information for this section in the census offers the opportunity of grouping information for estimating these variables to the national level in an economic way and principally to bring the vital statistics up to date.

Question No. 26: Of your sons and daughters born alive, were any born during the last 12 months?

This refers to all sons/daughters born alive by the feminine population in reproductive age (12-49 years of age), during the 12 months before the Census, that is to say from May 1999 to May of the year 2000.

[To the left of the text is a picture of a baby.]

Mark the corresponding circle agreeing with the response of the woman. When the woman answers affirmatively, the date of the birth of the son or daughter born alive should be marked in the corresponding space. (day, month and year).
The response should be in numeric form. Example: 01-06-1999
If the response is negative, finish the interview and continue with the next person.

Panama 2010 — source variable PA2010A_CHBORNYR — Child born during the last 12 months
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[Questions 31 and 32 were asked to women 12 to 49 years old, who have declared to have children born alive.]

31. Of your children born alive, were any born within the past twelve months?

[] 1 Yes

Date of birth

Day _ _
Month _ _
Year _ _ _ _

Continue with question 32.
[] 2 No - Continue with the next person.

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[Questions 31 and 32 were asked to women 12 to 49 years old, who have declared to have children born alive.]

Question No. 31: Of your sons and daughters born alive, were any born within the last 12 months?
This refers to all sons/daughters born alive by the female population in reproductive age (12-49 years of age), during the 12 months before the Census, that is, from May, 2009 to May, 2010.
[To the right of the text there is a picture.]
[p. 225]
Mark the corresponding circle agreeing with the response of the woman. When the woman answers affirmatively, the date of the birth of the son or daughter born alive should be marked in the corresponding space. (Day, month and year)
The response should be in numeric form. Example: 01-06-2009
If the response is "No", end the interview and continue with the next person.

Philippines 1990 — source variable PH1990A_CHBORN2 — Children born last year
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For Females 15-49 Years
[Questions P32-P35 apply to females 15-49 years old]


P32. How many children have been born alive to [respondent]?

___ If none, enter "00".

P33. How many are still living?

___ If none, enter "00".

P34. How many children were born alive to [respondent] from May 1, 1989 to April 30 1990?

___ Enter actual number.

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P34 Number of Children Born Alive from May 1, 1989 to April 30, 1990

Data on the number of births in the last twelve months can be used in estimating the current fertility of women. These also serve as bases for studying the prospects of population growth, the probable development of the population's age structure and its possible effects on the economy and society.

The question in P34, "How many children were born alive to ____ from May 1, 1989 to April 30, 1990?" is applicable to every woman aged 15-49 years old including the widowed, separated or divorced. However, you need not ask the question for those with 00 entries in P33.

The question refers to the number of children born alive to a woman during the last 12 months, from May 1, 1989 to April 30, 1990. Probe further if the respondent gives an answer of 2 or more children born alive to a woman (which is unusual but possible). It is possible that a respondent will erroneously include a stillbirth or miscarriage, or a child born before or after the reference period of 12 months.

An answer of two or more children born alive to a woman is acceptable in cases of twins, triplets, etc., or if there was rather a short interval between two live-births, say one was born in May 1989 and the other in April 1990.

Enter the actual number of children born alive in the past twelve months like 1 for one child born alive, 2 for two children, and 3 for three live-born children and so on. If no child was born alive to the woman, enter 0.

Philippines 2010 — source variable PH2010A_BTHLYR — Children born alive last year
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Population Census Questions

Fertility indicators.

For all females 15 to 49 years old.

[Questions 24 through 27 were asked of females 15 to 49 years old]

P26. How many children were born alive to [the respondent] from May 1, 2009 to April 30, 2010?

Write the number in the boxes.

Children born_
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Columns P24 to P27 for All Females 15 to 49 Years old
Columns P24 to P27 are to be accomplished only for females 15 to 49 years old. For all other members, leave these columns blank.
Questions P24 to P27 are designed to collect necessary information for deriving fertility indicators. The fertility indicators are indispensable bases for studying population growth and changes in population's age structure, and their possible implications on the economic and social needs of the population.

P26-Number of Children Born Alive from May 1, 2009 to April 30, 2010
Data on the number of births in the last 12 months are used in estimating indicators of current fertility of women, such as total fertility rate and age-specific fertility rate.
Ask the respondent the question in P26: "How many children were born alive to from May 1, 2009 to April 30, 2010?"
The question refers to the number of children born alive to a woman during the last 12 months, from May 1, 2009 to April 30, 2010. Enter in this column the number of children born alive in the last 12 months preceding the census reference date. This includes the number of children born alive but are no longer surviving, and children born alive but living elsewhere.

An answer of two or more children born alive to a woman is unusual but possible. This is acceptable in cases of twins, triplets, and others, or if there was a short interval between two livebirths, say one was born May 2009 and the other in April 2010. Probe if the answer is correct by checking P5 for presence of children aged less than one year. If there is none, probe further by asking if the children reported are living elsewhere. It is possible that a respondent will erroneously include a stillbirth or miscarriage, or a child born before or after the reference period of 12 months.
Enter the actual number of children born alive in the past 12 months such as "1" for one child born alive, "2" for two children born alive, "3" for three children born alive, and so on. If no child was born alive to a woman during the last 12 months, enter "0".

Puerto Rico 2005 — source variable PR2005A_FERTYR — Children born within the last year
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H. Answer question 18 only if this person is female and between 15 and 50 years old. Otherwise, skip to question 19a.
18. Has this person given birth to any children in the past 12 months?
[] Yes
[] No

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[Housing Question 17-42 should be asked only of individuals 15 and older.]

18. Answer this question if the person is a female who is at least 15 years old and younger than 51 years old. Mark the "Yes" box if the person has given birth to at least one child born alive in the past 12 months, even if the child died or no longer lives with the mother. Do not consider miscarriages, or stillborn children, or any adopted, foster, or step children.

Puerto Rico 2010 — source variable PR2010A_FERTYR — Children born within the last year
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[Question 24 was asked of females aged 15-50.]

24. Has this person given birth to any children in the past 12 months?

[] Yes
[] No
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Answer person question 24 if this person is female and is 15-50 years old.

24. Mark the "Yes" box if the person has given birth to at least one child born alive in the past 12 months, even if the child died or no longer lives with the mother. Do not consider miscarriages, or stillborn children, or any adopted, foster, or stepchildren.

Puerto Rico 2015 — source variable PR2015A_FERTYR — Children born within the last year
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I Answer question 24 if this person is female and 15-50 years old. Otherwise, skip to question 25a.

24. Has this person given birth to any children in the past 12 months?

[] Yes
[] No

Puerto Rico 2020 — source variable PR2020A_FERTYR — Children born within the last year
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J. Answer question 25 if this person is female and 15-50 years old. Otherwise, skip to question 26a.

25. In the past 12 months, has this person given birth to any children?

[] Yes
[] No
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Person questions 25-32

Answer question 25 if this person is female and 15-50 years old. Otherwise, skip to question 26a.

P25. Mark the "yes" box if the person has given birth to at least one child born alive in the past 12 months, even if the child died or no longer lives with the mother. Do not consider miscarriages, or stillborn children, or any adopted, foster, or stepchildren.

Rwanda 1991 — source variable RW1991A_CHB12M — Males born in last 12 months
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Women aged 12 years and older (born before August 1979).
[Questions P26-P33 were asked of women age 12+]

P30. Own births in past 12 months: number of boys _ _

Did [the respondent] have any live births between August 1st, 1990 and July 31st 1991? Write 0 if none. If this occurred, [specify number of boys]

Rwanda 1991 — source variable RW1991A_CHB12F — Females born in last 12 months
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Women aged 12 years and older (born before August 1979).
[Questions P26-P33 were asked of women age 12+]

P31. Own births in past 12 months: number of girls _ _

Did [the respondent] have any live births between August 1st, 1990 and July 31st 1991? Write 0 if none. If this occurred, [specify number of girls]

Rwanda 2002 — source variable RW2002A_CHB12M — Male children born in the past 12 months
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D. Population aged 12 years or more
[Questions P26-P30.]

Females only (Women aged 12 years or more)
[Questions P27-P30.]

Own births in past 12 months
[Questions P29-P30.]

P29. Live births

How many live births did ____ have during the past 12 months, that is between August 15th, 2001 and August 15th, 2002?

Specify in the appropriate boxes the number of boys born alive and the number of girls born alive, according to the declaration of the interviewee.
If no child were born, write 00 in these boxes

_ _ M [boys]
_ _ F [girls]

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D. Questionnaire designed for persons 12 years old or more

Questions asked to persons of the female sex, of at least 12 years of age (P27 to P30)

The questions going from P27 to P30 aim at knowing:

The fertility of Rwandese women, that is their number of children ever born (P27).
The number of children surviving, that is who are still living (P28).
The number of children born alive during the past 12 months, either still alive or already deceased (P29 and P30).

1. For female children aged less than 12 years, as for all persons of the male sex, the census enumerator will not write anything in P27, P28, P29 and P30.

2. These questions will be asked to all concerned persons in all discretion and privacy.

3. In order to ensure that all questions were asked, it is necessary to fill in the appropriate boxes with zeros "00" if the interviewed person never had any child.

P29: Live births in past 12 months

The census enumerator must ask the woman (or the single mother) aged 12 years or more about the children born alive (over the past 12 months), that is those who are aged less than a year, or children born between August 15, 2001 and August 15, 2002.

Write down the number of male children born alive during this period in box P29M.
Write down the number of female children born alive during this period in box P29F.
Write down (0) in the appropriate boxes if there was no live birth during this period.


If there are children in boxes P29M and P29F, those could be broken down into two categories:

If the child lives in the household, he/she must appear in column P01 of the questionnaire. In this case one must verify that his/her date of birth is written in column P05.
If the child does not live in the household: the child may not reside with his own parents. In this case the census enumerator must write down in the remarks why this little baby does not appear among the household members. The child might have died. in this case this must appear in column P28M or P28F, since these numbers must be smaller than those in P27M and P27F.

Rwanda 2002 — source variable RW2002A_CHB12F — Female children born in the past 12 months
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D. Population aged 12 years or more
[Questions P26-P30.]

Females only (Women aged 12 years or more)
[Questions P27-P30.]

Own births in past 12 months
[Questions P29-P30.]

P29. Live births

How many live births did ____ have during the past 12 months, that is between August 15th, 2001 and August 15th, 2002?

Specify in the appropriate boxes the number of boys born alive and the number of girls born alive, according to the declaration of the interviewee.
If no child were born, write 00 in these boxes

_ _ M [boys]
_ _ F [girls]

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D. Questionnaire designed for persons 12 years old or more

Questions asked to persons of the female sex, of at least 12 years of age (P27 to P30)

The questions going from P27 to P30 aim at knowing:

The fertility of Rwandese women, that is their number of children ever born (P27).
The number of children surviving, that is who are still living (P28).
The number of children born alive during the past 12 months, either still alive or already deceased (P29 and P30).

1. For female children aged less than 12 years, as for all persons of the male sex, the census enumerator will not write anything in P27, P28, P29 and P30.

2. These questions will be asked to all concerned persons in all discretion and privacy.

3. In order to ensure that all questions were asked, it is necessary to fill in the appropriate boxes with zeros "00" if the interviewed person never had any child.

P29: Live births in past 12 months

The census enumerator must ask the woman (or the single mother) aged 12 years or more about the children born alive (over the past 12 months), that is those who are aged less than a year, or children born between August 15, 2001 and August 15, 2002.

Write down the number of male children born alive during this period in box P29M.
Write down the number of female children born alive during this period in box P29F.
Write down (0) in the appropriate boxes if there was no live birth during this period.


If there are children in boxes P29M and P29F, those could be broken down into two categories:

If the child lives in the household, he/she must appear in column P01 of the questionnaire. In this case one must verify that his/her date of birth is written in column P05.
If the child does not live in the household: the child may not reside with his own parents. In this case the census enumerator must write down in the remarks why this little baby does not appear among the household members. The child might have died. in this case this must appear in column P28M or P28F, since these numbers must be smaller than those in P27M and P27F.

Rwanda 2012 — source variable RW2012A_BTHLYRM — Male children born in last 12 months
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Section P: Characteristics of population

[Questions 33-36 were asked of resident women aged 12 years or older.]

35. How many live births has the respondent had during the last 12 months (from August 15, 2011 to August 15, 2012)?

Male _
Female _
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P33 to P36 for resident women aged 12 years or older

P35: Live births in the last 12 months

Ask: How many live births has [the person] had during the last 12 months [from 15 August 2011 to 15 August 2012]?
If the woman has born any child alive in 12 last months,
Write the number of boys in the box provided.
Write the number of girls in the box provided.

Rwanda 2012 — source variable RW2012A_BTHLYRF — Female children born in last 12 months
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Section P: Characteristics of population

[Questions 33-36 were asked of resident women aged 12 years or older.]

35. How many live births has the respondent had during the last 12 months (from August 15, 2011 to August 15, 2012)?

Male _
Female _
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P33 to P36 for resident women aged 12 years or older

P35: Live births in the last 12 months

Ask: How many live births has [the person] had during the last 12 months [from 15 August 2011 to 15 August 2012]?
If the woman has born any child alive in 12 last months,
Write the number of boys in the box provided.
Write the number of girls in the box provided.

Saint Lucia 1980 — source variable LC1980A_BIRTHSL — Live birth in last 12 months
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Females age 14 years and over who are not attending school full time [Questions 30-35]

33. Number of live births/still births during the past 12 months

a. Live births

[] 0
[] 1
[] Twins
[] 2
[] 3+
[] Not stated

b. Still births

[] 0
[] 1
[] 2+
[] Not stated

Saint Lucia 1991 — source variable LC1991A_BLASTYR — Birth last year
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Section 6. Marital status, union status and fertility
For persons 15 years and over
[Questions 6.1 through 6.14 were asked of persons 15 and older.]

6.11 How many live births did you/she have in the last 12 months?

[Question 6.11 was asked of females between 15 and 65 years not attending school, per question 6.7]

[] None -- Skip to 7.1
[] One
[] Two separate births
[] Twins
[] Three or more

Senegal 1988 — source variable SN1988A_NAISMAS — Male births since the Korite
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[For women aged 12-54]

P22. Fertility

Number of births since the Korite [a Muslim festival]:

Males: _____________
Females: ___________

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P22) Births since the (Korite)
This question applies only to women aged 12 to 54 years, that is, those who were born before 1977 and after 1933.

Record the number of live births of each gender that the woman has had during the period from the Korite to the date of your visit in the household. A child is said to be born alive when he or she has shown any sign of life at birth (cry of the child, breathing, heart beating, etc.).

Do not forget the births that were followed by a death, that the women tend to omit, for voluntary or involuntary reasons, because or taboos or prohibitions inherent in various superstitions.

If the woman has had no live births, write "0" in the box for males and "0" in the box for females.

Senegal 1988 — source variable SN1988A_NAISFEM — Female births since the Korite
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[For women aged 12-54]

P22. Fertility

Number of births since the Korite [a Muslim festival]:

Males: _____________
Females: ___________

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P22) Births since the (Korite)
This question applies only to women aged 12 to 54 years, that is, those who were born before 1977 and after 1933.

Record the number of live births of each gender that the woman has had during the period from the Korite to the date of your visit in the household. A child is said to be born alive when he or she has shown any sign of life at birth (cry of the child, breathing, heart beating, etc.).

Do not forget the births that were followed by a death, that the women tend to omit, for voluntary or involuntary reasons, because or taboos or prohibitions inherent in various superstitions.

If the woman has had no live births, write "0" in the box for males and "0" in the box for females.

Senegal 2002 — source variable SN2002A_BTHLYRM — Number of male children born in the past 12 months
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Women aged 12 years and more
[Questions B21-B22 were asked of women aged 12 years and more]

[For all women aged 12-54 years]

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B23 - Births in past 12 months
This question applies only to women aged from 12 to 54 years.

You have to write the number of live births of each sex that the woman had during the past twelve months. Remember that a child is said to be born alive if he or she showed any sign of life at birth (cry, breathing, heart beating, etc.).

Do not forget the births followed by a death, that the respondents have a tendency to omit, for voluntary or involuntary reasons linked to taboos or prohibitions.

If a woman had no live birth, write:
"00" in the "male" box, and "00" in the "female" box.

Note: Do not leave the boxes empty, and write the number of births broken down by sex. If there was no birth, write "00" in the appropriate boxes.

For a woman who had twins, both males, write:
"02" in the "male" box, and "00" in the "female" box.

Write an oblique hyphen for women aged less than 12 years.

Senegal 2002 — source variable SN2002A_BTHLYRF — Number of female children born in the past 12 months
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Women aged 12 years and more
[Questions B21-B22 were asked of women aged 12 years and more]

[For all women aged 12-54 years]

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B23 - Births in past 12 months
This question applies only to women aged from 12 to 54 years.

You have to write the number of live births of each sex that the woman had during the past twelve months. Remember that a child is said to be born alive if he or she showed any sign of life at birth (cry, breathing, heart beating, etc.).

Do not forget the births followed by a death, that the respondents have a tendency to omit, for voluntary or involuntary reasons linked to taboos or prohibitions.

If a woman had no live birth, write:
"00" in the "male" box, and "00" in the "female" box.

Note: Do not leave the boxes empty, and write the number of births broken down by sex. If there was no birth, write "00" in the appropriate boxes.

For a woman who had twins, both males, write:
"02" in the "male" box, and "00" in the "female" box.

Write an oblique hyphen for women aged less than 12 years.

Senegal 2013 — source variable SN2013A_BTHLYRM — Male births in the last 12 months
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B. Individual characteristics

Women aged 10 years and older
[Question B43-B46 were asked of resident women age 10 years or older.]

B47 - B48. Births in the last 12 months

Women between 10 and 54 years of age.
How many of [the respondent]'s children were born living in the last 12 months
_ _ B47. Male
_ _ B48. Female
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4.2. Part B: individual characteristics

B47/48: births of the last 12 months
These two questions concern women aged 10 to 54 years old.
The question is to record the number of live births of each sex that the woman has had in the last twelve months. Remember that a child is born alive when he or she manifests any sign of life at birth (child's cry, breathing, heartbeat and so on).
It will be important to remember the births followed by deaths that respondents tend to omit for involuntary or voluntary reasons related to taboos or bans. If the woman had no live birth, record 0 in the ''male'' box and 0 in the ''female'' box.
NB: Do not leave an empty box, put the number of births according to sex.
If there is no birth, put 0 in the corresponding boxes.
Example: A woman who has had a male birth in the last 12 months: record 01 in the ''male'' box and 00 in the ''female'' box.
For a woman who has male twins, record 02 for male and 00 for female.

Senegal 2013 — source variable SN2013A_BTHLYRF — Female births in the last 12 months
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B. Individual characteristics

Women aged 10 years and older
[Question B43-B46 were asked of resident women age 10 years or older.]

B47 - B48. Births in the last 12 months

Women between 10 and 54 years of age.
How many of [the respondent]'s children were born living in the last 12 months
_ _ B47. Male
_ _ B48. Female
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4.2. Part B: individual characteristics

B47/48: births of the last 12 months
These two questions concern women aged 10 to 54 years old.
The question is to record the number of live births of each sex that the woman has had in the last twelve months. Remember that a child is born alive when he or she manifests any sign of life at birth (child's cry, breathing, heartbeat and so on).
It will be important to remember the births followed by deaths that respondents tend to omit for involuntary or voluntary reasons related to taboos or bans. If the woman had no live birth, record 0 in the ''male'' box and 0 in the ''female'' box.
NB: Do not leave an empty box, put the number of births according to sex.
If there is no birth, put 0 in the corresponding boxes.
Example: A woman who has had a male birth in the last 12 months: record 01 in the ''male'' box and 00 in the ''female'' box.
For a woman who has male twins, record 02 for male and 00 for female.

Sierra Leone 2004 — source variable SL2004A_BTHLSTYR — Gave birth in last year
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[Questions P34 - P38: Females age 10 to 54 years]

Particulars of her most recent birth (last 12 months)

P34. Year _ _ _ _

P35. Month _ _

P36. Sex

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

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Columns P34 to P38 -- Particulars of [the] most recent live birth (last 12 months)
151. These columns must be completed for all women aged between 10 and 54 years of age for whom live births have been recorded.

152. If each of columns P26 to P33 contains "00", then draw a straight line across P34 to P38.

153. You must record particulars of the last child borne by the woman -- that is, in the last 12 months. You can do that by asking: "Did you bear a child in the last 12 months?" If "Yes", ask for the year and month. Record the year and the month in columns P34 and P35 respectively. If "No", record "00" in each of columns P34 and P35.

154. Some people will not know the exact date on which the last child was born. You must help determine the date and record the answer as accurately as possible. Ask for a birth certificate or an Immunisation card.

155. We are especially interested in those women whose last live birth took place during the year before the census. For births taking place in that year, it is important that you record both the year and the month.

156. Check that the date of birth shown in columns P34 and P35 agrees with the child's age as stated in column P5.

Sierra Leone 2015 — source variable SL2015A_BTHLYR — Number of children born alive in the last 12 months
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[Section II was answered for all persons who selected living in occupied housing units in question I15]

Females 10-54 years [Questions P38-P40]

Recent births (last 12 months)

P38. How many live births did [the respondent] have in the last 12 months?

If no live birth, write '0' and go to Section III

_ _ P38M. Male live births
_ _ P38F. Female live births
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Section 2: Population characteristics

Columns (P01) to (P20) -- These should provide particulars of all persons who slept in the household on census night. The questions therefore apply to all persons irrespective of age or sex, except P13 which applies to persons 5 years and above.

Columns (P38M) to (P40F) -- Particulars of most recent live birth (last 12 months).
178. These columns must be completed for all women aged between 10 to 54 years who have at least one live birth recorded in P34M and P34F.

179. If each of columns (P34M) to (P37F) contains "00", put a dash in P38M to P40F.

P38 -- Total births in the last 12 months
180. Ask "Did (name) bear a child in the last 12 months?" If the response is 'Yes', ask for the number of males and/or female children and record the answer in (P38M) and (P38F) respectively. If 'No', record '0' in each of columns P38M and P38F.


181. Some respondents may not know the date on which the last child was born. You must help determine the date and record the answer as accurately as possible. Ask for a Birth Certificate or an Immunization Card.

182. These questions are asked to women whose last live birth took place in the last 12 months before the census. For births taking place in that year, it is important that you get the exact month the child was born so that you do not include births that occurred outside the last 12 months.

183. Check that the child's information shown in columns (P38M) and (P38F) agrees with the child's age as stated in column (P5) if the child spent the census night in the household.

South Africa 2011 — source variable ZA2011A_DBRTHLYR — Any births in past 12 months (derived)
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Section G: Fertility
Ask of women aged 12-50 years on the flap

P-38 Last child born
When was [the person's] last child born, even if the child died soon after birth?
_ _

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9. Section G: Fertility (remember to follow instructions)
Purpose: Provides an estimation of fertility in the country which helps in population projections.

This section must be completed ONLY for women aged 12 to 50 years.
This should not include miscarriages, stillbirths and adopted children.
If the woman stays with all her children and none have died, then put 00 on P-36 to P-37 (for boys, girls and total).
If a woman is a visitor, the question on total children living with her in the household (P-35) must be about the children she is visiting with. Then all her other children who are not there with her will be living elsewhere.
If she is visiting alone, then P-35 will be 00 as she does not have any children with her in the household that she is part of on census night.

South Africa 2016 — source variable ZA2016A_BTHLYR — Births in the last 12 months
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3. Person information

[3.7] Household members

[3.7.8] Fertility
Now, I am going to ask you questions about your biological children.

[] When was the respondent's last child born? ____

South Sudan 2008 — source variable SS2008A_BIRTHSM — Males born last 12 months
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Number of children ever born alive
[Questions 26 - 32: Women aged 12 to 54 years]
If no children, write "00"

Births during the last 12 months

31. How many children has [the respondent] given birth to in the last 12 months?

[Q31 was asked of females who have given birth during the last 12 months, as per Q30.]
Male _ _
Female _ _

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7.7. LFQ fertility questions 26-32
The remaining questions are only asked of women aged 12 to 54 years old. If you are asking questions for a male, or a female 11 years old or less or 55 years or older, stop and go to the next person listed on the questionnaire. In the 15 states of North Sudan, these questions are not asked of never married females as reported in Q24.

Q30 - Q32 refer to the children born to females aged 12 - 54 during the 12 months before census night.

Q31 "How many children has [the respondent] given birth to in the last 12 months?" Continuing with the same female respondent, who answered yes "1" to question 30, ask question 31.

  • Write the number of male births in the box under the "males" column
  • Write the number of female births in the box under the "females" column.
  • If she did not have any male births then write "0" in the "males" column.
  • If she did not have any female births, write "0" in the "females" column.
  • Shade in the numbers corresponding to the numbers written in the boxes.

South Sudan 2008 — source variable SS2008A_BIRTHSF — Females born last 12 months
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Number of children ever born alive
[Questions 26 - 32: Women aged 12 to 54 years]
If no children, write "00"

Births during the last 12 months

31. How many children has [the respondent] given birth to in the last 12 months?

[Q31 was asked of females who have given birth during the last 12 months, as per Q30.]
Male _ _
Female _ _

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7.7. LFQ fertility questions 26-32
The remaining questions are only asked of women aged 12 to 54 years old. If you are asking questions for a male, or a female 11 years old or less or 55 years or older, stop and go to the next person listed on the questionnaire. In the 15 states of North Sudan, these questions are not asked of never married females as reported in Q24.

Q30 - Q32 refer to the children born to females aged 12 - 54 during the 12 months before census night.

Q31 "How many children has [the respondent] given birth to in the last 12 months?" Continuing with the same female respondent, who answered yes "1" to question 30, ask question 31.

  • Write the number of male births in the box under the "males" column
  • Write the number of female births in the box under the "females" column.
  • If she did not have any male births then write "0" in the "males" column.
  • If she did not have any female births, write "0" in the "females" column.
  • Shade in the numbers corresponding to the numbers written in the boxes.

Sudan 2008 — source variable SD2008A_BTHLSTYR — Children born last year
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Number of children ever born alive
[Questions 26 - 32: Women aged 12 to 54 years (if in North Sudan only complete this section for women who are or have ever been married)]
If no children, write "00"

31. How many children has [the respondent] given birth to in the last 12 months?

[Q31 was asked of females who have given birth during the last 12 months, as per Q30.]

Male _ _
Female _ _

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Q30 - Q32 refer to the children born to females aged 12 - 54 during the 12 months before census night.

Q31 "How many children has [the respondent] given birth to in the last 12 months?" Continuing with the same female respondent, who answered yes "1" to question 30, ask question 31.

  • Write the number of male births in the box under the "males" column
  • Write the number of female births in the box under the "females" column.
  • If she did not have any male births then write "0" in the "males" column.
  • If she did not have any female births, write "0" in the "females" column.
  • Shade in the numbers corresponding to the numbers written in the boxes.

Suriname 2004 — source variable SR2004A_BTHLYR — Births in the past 12 months
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Personal form

Women aged 12 to 64
[Questions P26 through P30 were asked of women aged 12 to 64.]

P31. Has this woman given birth to any live-born children in the period 2 Aug 2003 to 1 Aug 2004?

[] 1 Yes
Enter number _ _
[] 2 No
[] 7 Don't know
[] 9 No response

Suriname 2012 — source variable SR2012A_BTHLYR — Births last 12 months
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Personal module

Women aged 15 to 49
[Questions P50 - P52 were asked of women aged 15 to 49.]

P50. How many live-born children did this woman give birth to in the period from 13 Aug 2011 to 12 Aug 2012?

N.B.: If the answer is 0 children, proceed with next person.

Enter the number: ____
[] 97 Don't know
[] 99 No response

Tanzania 1988 — source variable TZ1988A_CHBORNM — Children born during last year, male
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Females 12 years and older
[Applied to questions 19 to 22]

22. How many children were born alive to [the respondent] in the last 12 months?

If none, enter "00". Omit if the woman's age is 50 years or greater.
Indicate the sex of the children:
____ Males
____ Females

Tanzania 1988 — source variable TZ1988A_CHBORNF — Children born during last year, female
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Females 12 years and older
[Applied to questions 19 to 22]

22. How many children were born alive to [the respondent] in the last 12 months?

If none, enter "00". Omit if the woman's age is 50 years or greater.
Indicate the sex of the children:
____ Males
____ Females

Tanzania 2002 — source variable TZ2002A_MBIRTHS — Male children born in the last 12 months
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E. Female respondents age 12 and older
[Questions 21-24.]
Children ever born

24. How many male/female children were born alive to [respondent] in the last 12 months?

If no child was born alive in the last 12 months, write "0". Don't ask females age 50 and and older.
Male _ _
Female _ _

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E. Women with the age of 12 and above
This part is important so, you should be very careful when asking questions and filling in the answers. Questions 21 to 24 are specifically for women age 12 and older.
All men (without age consideration) and women younger than 12 years should not be asked these questions. You acquire every detail about the number of children born alive from the woman you are interviewing for the whole period, up to the night before the Census day.
[p. 62]
It is stressed that a baby born "alive" is one who shows signs of being alive (he/she breathed or cried), even if for a short time. Please make sure that the children mentioned by the respondent are only those she gave birth to, not those she is raising.
Remember that the night before the Census day is the one between the 24th and the 25th of August, 2002.Therefore, all babies born after the night before the Census day should not be counted, though they will be in that household when your enumerating those in the household. For example, all children born after midnight in the night between August 24th and 25th, 2002 are not to be counted. This may happen when you are forced take more than a day to enumerate in your area.
The answers are to be given by all women age 12 and older without taking into consideration their marital status. Even if she is still in school or university, as long as she is 12 or older, she must be asked this question.
Note: Questions about births are to be answered by the respective woman, for she is the one who knows her birth history.
It is possible to meet women who do not want to give information about their children. There are different reasons that may lead to this situation, but make sure you get the correct information about the live births from that woman. If this situation arises, seek for help from the street/village chairman/sheha or any leader in that area.

Tanzania 2002 — source variable TZ2002A_FBIRTHS — Female children born in the last 12 months
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E. Female respondents age 12 and older
[Questions 21-24.]
Children ever born

24. How many male/female children were born alive to [respondent] in the last 12 months?

If no child was born alive in the last 12 months, write "0". Don't ask females age 50 and and older.
Male _ _
Female _ _

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E. Women with the age of 12 and above
This part is important so, you should be very careful when asking questions and filling in the answers. Questions 21 to 24 are specifically for women age 12 and older.
All men (without age consideration) and women younger than 12 years should not be asked these questions. You acquire every detail about the number of children born alive from the woman you are interviewing for the whole period, up to the night before the Census day.
[p. 62]
It is stressed that a baby born "alive" is one who shows signs of being alive (he/she breathed or cried), even if for a short time. Please make sure that the children mentioned by the respondent are only those she gave birth to, not those she is raising.
Remember that the night before the Census day is the one between the 24th and the 25th of August, 2002.Therefore, all babies born after the night before the Census day should not be counted, though they will be in that household when your enumerating those in the household. For example, all children born after midnight in the night between August 24th and 25th, 2002 are not to be counted. This may happen when you are forced take more than a day to enumerate in your area.
The answers are to be given by all women age 12 and older without taking into consideration their marital status. Even if she is still in school or university, as long as she is 12 or older, she must be asked this question.
Note: Questions about births are to be answered by the respective woman, for she is the one who knows her birth history.
It is possible to meet women who do not want to give information about their children. There are different reasons that may lead to this situation, but make sure you get the correct information about the live births from that woman. If this situation arises, seek for help from the street/village chairman/sheha or any leader in that area.

Tanzania 2012 — source variable TZ2012A_BTHLYR — Children born last year
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E. Females aged 12 years and above
[Questions 28-32 were asked of females aged 12+]

Fertility in the last 12 months for women aged 12 to 49 years

31 How many male/female children were born alive to [the respondent] in the last 12 months [i.e. 26 August 2011-25 August 2012]?

_ Male
_ Female

If there is no child born alive in the last 12 months write and shade '0'. Don't ask women of age 50 years and above.
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Question 28 to 32 aims to understand the fertility trends in our communities, including child born alive but died [i.e., stillbirth and neonatal or perinatal deaths], and children born alive in the past twelve months and whether they're still alive.

Explanation/clarification of the question: The purpose of these questions is to get the fertility rate in the country.

Thailand 2000 — source variable TH2000A_BIRTHS — Number of new born babies
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For ever married women ages 13 years and over (code 2-6 in S13)

[Questions L20-21 were asked of ever married women ages 13 years and older of their ever born children excluding step and adopted children.]

[Question L22 was asked of ever married women from 13 to 50 years old.]

L22. Number of new born babies last year (April 1, 1999 to March 31, 2000) _ _

If none record "0"

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24. Children ever born
This refers to a child who was alive at birth, even though the child may not have lived after birth. For infants not breathing at birth, they are classified as dead before delivery or aborted. Step or foster children are not counted as children ever born.

24.3 New-born babies born in the last year
Any child born in the period between April 1st, 1999 and March 31st, 2000

Column L20, L21, L22 Number of living children, number of children ever born who had died, number of new born babies last year (excluding step children and adopted children)

Ask only persons 13 years and over, recorded code 2 in column S4 and recorded code 2-6 in column S13.

Column L22: Number of new-born baby last year (April 1st, 1999 - March 31st, 2000)
[p. 119]

[Question L22 was asked of ever married women from 13 to 50 years old.]

New-born babies born last year are the children who survived at birth and were born between April 1st, 1999 and March 31st, 2000.

The question [of respondents]: "Do you have any children, who were born between April 1st, 1999 and March 31st, 2000?"

Record the number of new-born babies in the check box provided on the line for that particular woman.

For ever married women who had no children, record "00" in the check boxes provided on the line for that particular woman in column L20 and L21, and record "0" in column L22.

Togo 2010 — source variable TG2010A_BTHLYR — Live births in the last 12 months
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Economic activities

Female residents of 12 or more of age
[columns P25-29]

Births that occurred during the last 12 months
[Columns P27 - P29 were asked about births that occurred in the last 12 months.]

(P27) How many living births have you had during the last 12 months?

Record the number for each sex in the appropriate boxes. If none put 00 in the boxes and go to the following line (following person)
_ _ Male
_ _ Female
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Columns P27, P28, and P29: Births occurring in last 12 months.

Column P27: Number of births occurring during last twelve (12) months

Pose the following question: "How many live births has [the respondent] had in the last 12 months (since November 1st, 2009)?". Record the total number of boys declared in the boxes marked "M" for male and the total number of girls declared in the boxes marked "F" for female.

For a resident woman aged 24 having had 3 boys, record in the boxes:

M /_0_3/
F /_0_0/

If the woman has had no child born alive during the last 12 months, record first "0" in the boxes of column P27 then put dashes in columns P28 and P29 and go to the following line.

Trinidad and Tobago 1970 — source variable TT1970A_BTHLYR — Number of live births in the past 12 months
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Section VII. Fertility

[Questions 30-35 asked only of females 14 years and over.]

33a. Number of live births during past 12 months

[] 0
[] 1
[] Twins
[] 2
[] 3+
[] Not stated
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G. Section VII - Fertility

This section is comprised of six questions and the information is to be completed only for females 14 years or older.

66. Question 33 - Number of live birth / stillbirths

In this question one row is used for two closely connected question; one response position is to be marked on the left hand side for livebirths and another on the right hand side for stillbirths.

It is possible, although the rate of occurrence is low, for a woman to have more than one delivery in the 12 months preceding enumeration. The occurrence of one of these two types of events does not preclude the occurrence of the other. It is necessary therefore to ask about both live and stillbirths.

Remember that a stillbirth is a child which shows no sign of life on delivery.

Trinidad and Tobago 2000 — source variable TT2000A_BTHLYR — Number of live births during past 12 months
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Section 9. Fertility - For female 14 years old and over

[Questions 38 and 39(a) were asked of those who had at least one live birth]

39. Numbers of live births/still births

39(a). How many live births did (N) [the respondent] have during the past twelve (12) months?

[] 0. None
[] 1. One
[] 2. Two
[] 3. Twin (TW)
[] 4. Three and over (3+)
[] 9. Not stated
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Section 9 - Fertility

This Section will provide information on fertility of all females' 14 years and over. The census, moreover, seeks to obtain supplementary data of demographic interest than that provided from the Registrar's General Office.

The data collected are of even greater importance when cross-classified and analyzed by marital and union status, religion, ethnicity and other socioeconomic factors like occupational and educational attainment. Two examples of measures of fertility that can be obtained from the census are the ratio of young children to women of childbearing age and the number of children ever born to women. Additionally, fertility studies could be extended to population groups or communities within Trinidad and Tobago.


Fertility simply indicates the rate at which women of childbearing age are having children. This will have a direct impact on resource allocation in terms of medical, educational, health and training facilities.

Question 39 (a) - Number of live births past twelve (12) months

If the response in question 37 is none question 39(a) should not be asked. In all other cases, tick the appropriate box, which indicates the response, for example, one, two, etc.

Trinidad and Tobago 2000 — source variable TT2000A_CHBORN — Number of live births ever had
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Section 9. Fertility - For female 14 years old and over

37. Number of live births ever had

How many live births has (N) [the respondent] ever had?
_ _
(a) Discreetly probe to include all births ever had that showed some sign of life at birth. Probe respondent for any child, likely to be omitted, who is not a current member of the household.
(b) If none, skip to question Q.39(b)
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Section 9 - Fertility

This Section will provide information on fertility of all females' 14 years and over. The census, moreover, seeks to obtain supplementary data of demographic interest than that provided from the Registrar's General Office.

The data collected are of even greater importance when cross-classified and analyzed by marital and union status, religion, ethnicity and other socioeconomic factors like occupational and educational attainment. Two examples of measures of fertility that can be obtained from the census are the ratio of young children to women of childbearing age and the number of children ever born to women. Additionally, fertility studies could be extended to population groups or communities within Trinidad and Tobago.


Fertility simply indicates the rate at which women of childbearing age are having children. This will have a direct impact on resource allocation in terms of medical, educational, health and training facilities.

Question 37 - Number of live births ever had

You may wish to introduce this section as follows: - "now I would like to ask a few census questions on number of live births, age at birth of first live born child, of all female members of this household who are fourteen (14) years of age and over". Although the question may be sensitive, you should not ask the question in an apologetic tone or change your approach.

Should you do this, you will discourage response or cause the respondent to observe your hesitancy to ask the question. Act naturally and maintain the pace of the interview.

Note to interviewer: The information sought is not the number of children alive at the time of the census but the total number of live born children the woman ever had, whether currently residing with her, elsewhere in Trinidad and Tobago or abroad. Included also, are those who were born alive but are now dead. However, still births are not to be included.

Remember a live birth occurs when a baby cries or shows other signs of life when born. If the respondent states none then enter _0 in the boxes provided. If "none" is entered for question 37 then skip to question 39(b), since the women may have had a still birth. If the number of live births is six (6), entry is recorded as _6.

Trinidad and Tobago 2011 — source variable TT2011A_BTHLYR — Live births last year
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Section 8 Fertility - For Females Fourteen to fifty-four (14-54) Years

30(a). Number of live births in the past 12 months

How many live births did (N) [the respondent] have during the past 12 months?

[] 00 None
[] 01 One
[] 02 Two separate births
[] 03 Twin (TW)
[] 04 Three and over (3+)
[] 09 Not stated (NS)
Interviewer: If none, skip to Q.31
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Section 8 - Fertility

8.1. Children ever born

This refers to all children born alive (excluding fetal deaths) during a woman's lifetime, whether currently residing with her, elsewhere in Trinidad and Tobago or abroad. Also included are the children born alive, but who have died.

Please note that children born dead (still births) are not to be included here.

8.4. Live birth

A live birth means the complete expulsion or extraction from its mother of a product of conception, irrespective of the duration of pregnancy; which, after such separation, breathes or shows any other evidence of life, such as beating of the heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord, or definite movement of voluntary muscles, whether or not the umbilical cord has been cut or the placenta is attached; each product of such a birth is considered live born.

Trinidad and Tobago 2011 — source variable TT2011A_CHBORN — Children ever born
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Section 8 Fertility - For Females Fourteen to fifty-four (14-54) Years

27. Children ever born (live born)

(a) How many live born children has (N) [the respondent] ever had and how many are males and females?

_ _ Total
_ _ Female
_ _ Male
[] 09 NS

(b) How many of (N's) [the respondent's] live born children are still alive and how many are males and females?

_ _ Total
_ _ Female
_ _ Male
[] 09 NS
Interviewer: If none, skip to Q.31
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Section 8 - Fertility

8.1. Children ever born

This refers to all children born alive (excluding fetal deaths) during a woman's lifetime, whether currently residing with her, elsewhere in Trinidad and Tobago or abroad. Also included are the children born alive, but who have died.

Please note that children born dead (still births) are not to be included here.

Turkey 1985 — source variable TR1985A_BTHLSTYR — Number of children born alive last year
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Part IV: Questions on personal characteristics

(Ask married, widowed and divorced females age 12 or older)
[Questions 30-33 were asked of ever married females age 12 or older]

[Questions 32-33 were asked of ever married females ages 12-49 who ever gave birth.]

32. Number of children alive or dead, male or female, to whom you gave birth in the preceding year?

(Since 20 October, 1984 -- i.e., since last autumn)


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Section IV: Questions regarding individual characteristics (11-42)
This section includes questions (questions 11-42) about the population's social and economic characteristics. In this section, only write the characteristics of those people present at the time and place where the census is being conducted.
Whether or not the household head is at home, be absolutely sure to begin by first writing his/her name and surname on the first line of Section IV, together with all of his/her characteristics (from question 11 to question 42). Take care that the household head's name and surname entered in this section is identical to the one written in in the first line of Section III.
After writing down all of the characteristics of the household head, whether he/she is at home or not, also write down all the characteristics of the other household members at home, beginning from the oldest and proceeding in order of age, from oldest to youngest. After the household members, write onto the dotted line in printed letters, in order of their ages, the names surnames and all the characteristics of those, who, while being present at home, are not household members. Answer questions with a box, by placing an "X" into it.

(Questions 29-42 are for persons age 12 or older)

Fertility status (30 - 33)
(Married, widowed, or divorced women age 12 or older)

(Ask questions 31-33 to women who experienced a live birth [according to] question 30)

(Ask questions 32-33 to "Married", "Widowed", and "Divorced" women age 12-49)

Question 32: Within the last year, how many live children did you give birth to, whether girls or boys, either alive or dead?

(From October 20, 1984 or, in other words, from the previous autumn to the present)

Write in numeric form into the space for the answer, the number of live children (girl, boy) that the woman being administered the census gave birth to since last autumn (October 20, 1984) to the present, whether they be alive or dead.

If there was more than one live birth during the last year (including twins and triplets), write the number the same way. If the woman to whom the census is administrated had no live births during the last year, enter "0" for this question.

United States 2005 — source variable US2005A_FERTYR — Children born within the last year
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H. Answer question 18 only if this person is female and 15-50 years old. Otherwise, skip to question 19a.

18. Has this person given birth to any children in the past 12 months?
[] Yes
[] No

United States 2010 — source variable US2010A_FERTYR — Children born within the last year
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24. Has this person given birth to any children in the past 12 months?
[] Yes
[] No

United States 2015 — source variable US2015A_FERTYR — Gave birth within the last year
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[I] Answer question 24 if this person is female and 15-50 years old. Otherwise, skip to question 25a.

24. Has this person given birth to any children in the past 12 months?

[] Yes
[] No
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Answer person question 24 if this person is female and is 15-50 years old.

24. Mark the "Yes" box if the person has given birth to at least one child born alive in the past 12 months, even if the child died or no longer lives with the mother. Do not consider miscarriages, or stillborn children, or any adopted, foster, or stepchildren.

United States 2020 — source variable US2020A_FERTYR — Children born within the last year
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J. Answer question 25 if this person is female and 15-50 years old. Otherwise, skip to question 26a.

25. In the past 12 months, has this person given birth to any children?

[] Yes
[] No
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Person questions 25-32

Answer question 25 if this person is female and 15-50 years old. Otherwise, skip to question 26a.

P25. Mark the "Yes" box if the person has given birth to at least one child born alive in the past 12 months, even if the child died or no longer lives with the mother. Do not consider miscarriages, or stillborn children, or any adopted, foster, or stepchildren.

Uruguay 1975 — source variable UY1975A_CH12MO2 — Children born alive in the past 12 months (edited)
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(IV) Other characteristics (for women 15 years old or older)

19. Have you had children born alive?

Mark the corresponding box.

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 9 Not known

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G. Information of the people
169. Once the Section "F. Information of the home" is finished, you should ask the population questions to each one of the people who you are to enumerate.

When possible, you should try to make each person provide you with their own information. Only in the case of a person who is absent at the time of your visit, or if it concerns children, will you receive their information from a third party.

In each home, you will enumerate all people who slept in it the night before the "Day of the Census" or who, being absent this night for reasons of work, return to the home during the day. In such form, a doctor who did not sleep in his/her house because of being on guard in a hospital will be enumerated in their home. On the contrary, a traveler who spent many days away from their home will be enumerated in the place slept in during the night before the "Day of the Census."

253. For question no. 15 "Of the following types of activities, which did you do last week?", you should read the list of possible answers, one by one and in the order that is presented in the Census document, waiting for an affirmative answer. When you get it, mark the corresponding box with an "X", and do not read the following alternatives.

[p. 73]

As you will observe, the series of possible answers is divided into two parts: A and B.

If a person being enumerated answers part A, you will ask the following questions from the chapter. On the contrary, if a person answers part B, you will not ask the rest of the questions from chapter III; cross them out with a diagonal line and go to chapter IV.

Taking into account the previous instructions, if a person answers within part A of question no. 15 you should ask questions no. 16, 17, and 18.

Mrs. de Gonzáles (28 years old) answers that during last week she only took care of the home. (Part B). Looking at the Census document, indicate what you should do to the following:

  • Cross out questions no. 16, 17 and 18 and go to chapter IV.

A young woman of 14 years answers affirmatively to the question "Did you study and not work?" What will you do in this case?
  • Cross out questions no. 16, 17 and 18 and go to chapter IV.

Mrs. De González says that last week, along with habitual duties of the home, she knit a sweater for her husband. What should you do?
  • Mark "Took care of the home only" for question no. 15, crossing out questions no. 16, 17 and 18 and going to chapter IV.

[p. 74]

259. Remember that all jobs that are done in a home for the use of its members or for gifts to other people should be considered "Duties of the home".

Question no. 21, "Of them, how many were born in the last 12 months?", refers to children born in the last 12 months before the "Day of the Census." If she answers none, write down "0" (zero).

Mrs. González., whom you are enumerating, tells you that she gave birth to a daughter three months ago. Make the corresponding notation for question no. 21.

[Below the text are two forms, one of which is filled out but illegible]

307. Make sure to ask the questions directly to the enumerated woman.

308. The companion of Rodríguez tells you that she did not have a child in the last 12 years. Register this case in the Census document.

[Below the text are two forms, one of which is filled out but illegible]

[p. 86]

309. Remember that in the questions of chapter IV, you should write down the children born alive. When asking them, you should not take into account the stillborn, even in a case of having arrived at the end of the pregnancy term. When finishing this question, go to the next person.

Uruguay 1985 — source variable UY1985A_CHBLSTYR — Number of children born in the last 12 months
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(IV) Other characteristics
[Questions 19-21 were asked of women age 15 or older]

[Questions 20 and 21 were asked of women age 15 or older who had children born alive.]

20. Of your children born alive,

21. How many were born in the last 12 months?

If she answers "None", write down "0".

Number of children born alive in the last 12 months _

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IV. Other characteristics -- for women age 15 or older

This is the last chapter of the form, but is not the least important. From the exactitude and seriousness that you ask and write down the results of these questions, now unknown aspects about the birth rate, death rate and international migration of our country will be known.

Review the previous questions; if a person that you are enumerating is a woman and is 15 years of age or older, you should ask her the questions of Chapter IV.

If it is a man or a woman younger than 15, you will not ask any more questions, cross out with a diagonal line questions No. 19, 20 and 21 and go to the next person.

Do not forget that the result of your work will be useful only if the question is answered by all women age 15 or older, whatever their married state is.

Make sure to ask the questions directly to the enumerated woman, and write down all the responses that you get.

For question No. 19 "How many total children born alive have you had?", you should write down the number corresponding to the response you get.

When you ask the question "How many total children born alive have you had?," it refers to all children born alive during the life of the enumerated woman up to the day of the census, whether legitimate or natural, from a marriage, current union or any other previous state. Because it concerns children born alive, stillborn children should not be included, but those who were born alive and died soon thereafter should be included.

If a woman had any children, you should continue the interview.

On the contrary, that is to say, if she did not have children, write down "0" (zero) in question No. 19; do not ask questions No. 20 and 21; cross them out with a diagonal line and go to the next person.

Question No. 21, "How many were born in the last 12 months?", refers to children born in the last 12 months before the "Day of the Census", that is, children born from October 23, 1984 to 0 hour of the "Day of the Census".

If she answers that none of her children were born in the last 12 months, write down "0" (zero).

Uruguay 1996 — source variable UY1996A_CHLASTYR — Births in the past 12 months
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For all women age 15 or older
[Questions 29-31 were asked of women age 15 or older]

31. How many were born in the last twelve months?

[] 1 One
[] 2 Two or more
[] 3 None

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Women age 15 or older
The questions in this part should be asked to all women age 15 or older, whatever their marital status.

Question 31. How many were born in the last 12 months?
It refers to children born alive that the enumerated mother had during the last 12 moths before the Day of the Census. The options to mark are: "One", "Two or more", "None".

Fill in the corresponding box, according to the answer received.

Now finish the enumeration of this person and go to the next member of the household, if necessary.

Venezuela 1981 — source variable VE1981A_NUMBORN — Number of births last year
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(Only for women 12 years of age and older.)

17. Between October 1st, 1980 and September 30th, 1981, did you give birth to any child born alive?

____ Yes
How many?

[] One
[] Two
[] Three or more

[] No

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Question 17

-- Between October 1, 1980 and September 30, 1981, did the woman give birth to any children born alive?

The question is designed to find out how many children the person had between October 1, 1980 and September 30, 1981. Only children born alive are counted.

If the informant responds affirmatively, the enumerator should ask: "How many?" and fill in the corresponding oval and then proceed to question 18.

If the woman had more than 4 children in this time period, the oval "3 or more" should be filled in.

If the woman responds No, fill in the corresponding oval and proceed to question 18.

Venezuela 1990 — source variable VE1990A_NCHYEAR — Number of children born in last 12 months
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

Questions 15-17 are only for women 12 years of age and older

17. Have you given birth to any child born alive in the last 12 months?

[] Yes - How many?

[] 1
[] 2
[] 3 or more

[] No

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Questions 15-17 are only for women 12 yrs of age and older

Question No.17

[Recent births]
[The instructions refer to a graphic of section VI, question 17 on the census form.]

-- Fill in the cell that corresponds to the answer given:

-- If the answer is yes, ask how many and fill in the corresponding cell.

Vietnam 2019 — source variable VN2019A_BTHLYRM — Number of sons born between April 2018 and March 2019
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Part 1. Information on household members

KT6. Check Q3, Q4, and Q5 to define women aged from 10 to 49 (born since April 1969 to March 2009) then go to Q34; otherwise next person.

KT7. Check Q38: month, year of the last birth since April 2018 to March 2019 then go to Q40; otherwise go to KT8.

40. How many sons and daughters did you give birth to from April 2018 to March 2019?

_ _ No. of sons
_ _ No. of daughters
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Part V: Instructions on how to question and record information on the census form

Part 1: Information about members of the household
Part 1 of the Census form consists of 41 questions, numbered sequentially from Question 1 to Question 41.

The respondent is the head of the household or a person knowledgeable about members of the household. For information on employment and birth history of women, DTV needs to interview DTDT face-to-face and collect information. In addition, for other information about members of the household, if the head of the household or the information provider is not knowledgeable, DTV also needs to interview DTDT face-to-face and record the information.

Test 7 (KT7)
The test question is intended to identify women who have had the most recent birth within the last 12 months (April 2018 to March 2019) to proceed to Question 40; otherwise, DTV skips to test question 8 (KT8).

Question 40: Number of sons and daughters born to you from April 2018 to March 2019?
DTV asks to identify the number of sons and daughters born to DTDT within the past 12 months.


Question 40 is intended to identify, in addition to the most recent birth within the last 12 months (Question 39), whether DTDT gave birth to another child in the same year. Therefore, the information about the number of sons and daughters in Question 40 must be equal to or greater than the number of sons and daughters in Question 39.

Vietnam 2019 — source variable VN2019A_BTHLYRF — Number of daughters born between April 2018 and March 2019
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Part 1. Information on household members

KT6. Check Q3, Q4, and Q5 to define women aged from 10 to 49 (born since April 1969 to March 2009) then go to Q34; otherwise next person.

KT7. Check Q38: month, year of the last birth since April 2018 to March 2019 then go to Q40; otherwise go to KT8.

40. How many sons and daughters did you give birth to from April 2018 to March 2019?

_ _ No. of sons
_ _ No. of daughters
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Part V: Instructions on how to question and record information on the census form

Part 1: Information about members of the household
Part 1 of the Census form consists of 41 questions, numbered sequentially from Question 1 to Question 41.

The respondent is the head of the household or a person knowledgeable about members of the household. For information on employment and birth history of women, DTV needs to interview DTDT face-to-face and collect information. In addition, for other information about members of the household, if the head of the household or the information provider is not knowledgeable, DTV also needs to interview DTDT face-to-face and record the information.

Test 7 (KT7)
The test question is intended to identify women who have had the most recent birth within the last 12 months (April 2018 to March 2019) to proceed to Question 40; otherwise, DTV skips to test question 8 (KT8).

Question 40: Number of sons and daughters born to you from April 2018 to March 2019?
DTV asks to identify the number of sons and daughters born to DTDT within the past 12 months.


Question 40 is intended to identify, in addition to the most recent birth within the last 12 months (Question 39), whether DTDT gave birth to another child in the same year. Therefore, the information about the number of sons and daughters in Question 40 must be equal to or greater than the number of sons and daughters in Question 39.

Zambia 1990 — source variable ZM1990A_BRTHLYR — Live birth in last 12 months
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
F-5 Have you had any live birth since 1989?

[] 1-Yes
[] 2-No (Go to the next person otherwise go to M-1)
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Chapter VI-Fertility

1. You are about to start a new topic so you have to prepare the respondent by informing her that you are now going to ask her questions about children and child bearing. Remember these are questions to be asked of female adults and not for husbands to answer for their wives, except where it is inevitable. Questions on fertility are to be asked only of those females who are 12 years old and over and they involve only their own children.

F - 5: Have you had any live birth since August, 1989?
7. Do not put this question to females over 50 years of age since it will only be embarassing. Just enter code "2" in F-5 for such a female. The question is similar to F - 1 except that this time we are trying to find out if the female had a live birth in the "last 12 months".

Zambia 1990 — source variable ZM1990A_LASTMHH — Males born in last 12 months in household
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
F-5 Have you had any live birth since 1989?

[] 1-Yes
[] 2-No (Go to the next person otherwise go to M-1)

F-6 Of the children born to you alive since 1989:
a. How many are still living today? How many of these are male and how many are female?
b. How many are living elsewhere in some other household? How many of these are male and how many are female?
c. How many died? How many of these are male and how many are female?

Male ____
Female ____
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Chapter VI-Fertility

1. You are about to start a new topic so you have to prepare the respondent by informing her that you are now going to ask her questions about children and child bearing. Remember these are questions to be asked of female adults and not for husbands to answer for their wives, except where it is inevitable. Questions on fertility are to be asked only of those females who are 12 years old and over and they involve only their own children.

F - 5: Have you had any live birth since August, 1989?
7. Do not put this question to females over 50 years of age since it will only be embarassing. Just enter code "2" in F-5 for such a female. The question is similar to F - 1 except that this time we are trying to find out if the female had a live birth in the "last 12 months".

F - 6 Of the children born to you alive since August, 1989 how many...

8. These questions are similar to F - 4, except that this time we are interested in the number of children born alive to this woman during the last 12 months. Thus while in the former question the reference period was the woman's reproductive life up to now, in the present questions we are concerned only with a period of one year just preceding the date of interview. Enter the numbers as reported.

Zambia 1990 — source variable ZM1990A_LASTFHH — Females born in last 12 months in household
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
F-5 Have you had any live birth since 1989?

[] 1-Yes
[] 2-No (Go to the next person otherwise go to M-1)

F-6 Of the children born to you alive since 1989:
a. How many are still living today? How many of these are male and how many are female?
b. How many are living elsewhere in some other household? How many of these are male and how many are female?
c. How many died? How many of these are male and how many are female?

Male ____
Female ____
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Chapter VI-Fertility

1. You are about to start a new topic so you have to prepare the respondent by informing her that you are now going to ask her questions about children and child bearing. Remember these are questions to be asked of female adults and not for husbands to answer for their wives, except where it is inevitable. Questions on fertility are to be asked only of those females who are 12 years old and over and they involve only their own children.

F - 5: Have you had any live birth since August, 1989?
7. Do not put this question to females over 50 years of age since it will only be embarassing. Just enter code "2" in F-5 for such a female. The question is similar to F - 1 except that this time we are trying to find out if the female had a live birth in the "last 12 months".

F - 6 Of the children born to you alive since August, 1989 how many...

8. These questions are similar to F - 4, except that this time we are interested in the number of children born alive to this woman during the last 12 months. Thus while in the former question the reference period was the woman's reproductive life up to now, in the present questions we are concerned only with a period of one year just preceding the date of interview. Enter the numbers as reported.

Zambia 1990 — source variable ZM1990A_LASTMAWAY — Males born in last 12 months living elsewhere
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
F-5 Have you had any live birth since 1989?

[] 1-Yes
[] 2-No (Go to the next person otherwise go to M-1)

F-6 Of the children born to you alive since 1989:
a. How many are still living today? How many of these are male and how many are female?
b. How many are living elsewhere in some other household? How many of these are male and how many are female?
c. How many died? How many of these are male and how many are female?

Male ____
Female ____
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Chapter VI-Fertility

1. You are about to start a new topic so you have to prepare the respondent by informing her that you are now going to ask her questions about children and child bearing. Remember these are questions to be asked of female adults and not for husbands to answer for their wives, except where it is inevitable. Questions on fertility are to be asked only of those females who are 12 years old and over and they involve only their own children.

F - 5: Have you had any live birth since August, 1989?
7. Do not put this question to females over 50 years of age since it will only be embarassing. Just enter code "2" in F-5 for such a female. The question is similar to F - 1 except that this time we are trying to find out if the female had a live birth in the "last 12 months".

F - 6 Of the children born to you alive since August, 1989 how many...

8. These questions are similar to F - 4, except that this time we are interested in the number of children born alive to this woman during the last 12 months. Thus while in the former question the reference period was the woman's reproductive life up to now, in the present questions we are concerned only with a period of one year just preceding the date of interview. Enter the numbers as reported.

Zambia 1990 — source variable ZM1990A_LASTFAWAY — Females born in last 12 months living elsewhere
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
F-5 Have you had any live birth since 1989?

[] 1-Yes
[] 2-No (Go to the next person otherwise go to M-1)

F-6 Of the children born to you alive since 1989:
a. How many are still living today? How many of these are male and how many are female?
b. How many are living elsewhere in some other household? How many of these are male and how many are female?
c. How many died? How many of these are male and how many are female?

Male ____
Female ____
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Chapter VI-Fertility

1. You are about to start a new topic so you have to prepare the respondent by informing her that you are now going to ask her questions about children and child bearing. Remember these are questions to be asked of female adults and not for husbands to answer for their wives, except where it is inevitable. Questions on fertility are to be asked only of those females who are 12 years old and over and they involve only their own children.

F - 5: Have you had any live birth since August, 1989?
7. Do not put this question to females over 50 years of age since it will only be embarassing. Just enter code "2" in F-5 for such a female. The question is similar to F - 1 except that this time we are trying to find out if the female had a live birth in the "last 12 months".

F - 6 Of the children born to you alive since August, 1989 how many...

8. These questions are similar to F - 4, except that this time we are interested in the number of children born alive to this woman during the last 12 months. Thus while in the former question the reference period was the woman's reproductive life up to now, in the present questions we are concerned only with a period of one year just preceding the date of interview. Enter the numbers as reported.

Zambia 1990 — source variable ZM1990A_LSTDEDM — Males born in last 12 months who have died
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
F-5 Have you had any live birth since 1989?

[] 1-Yes
[] 2-No (Go to the next person otherwise go to M-1)

F-6 Of the children born to you alive since 1989:
a. How many are still living today? How many of these are male and how many are female?
b. How many are living elsewhere in some other household? How many of these are male and how many are female?
c. How many died? How many of these are male and how many are female?

Male ____
Female ____
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Chapter VI-Fertility

1. You are about to start a new topic so you have to prepare the respondent by informing her that you are now going to ask her questions about children and child bearing. Remember these are questions to be asked of female adults and not for husbands to answer for their wives, except where it is inevitable. Questions on fertility are to be asked only of those females who are 12 years old and over and they involve only their own children.

F - 5: Have you had any live birth since August, 1989?
7. Do not put this question to females over 50 years of age since it will only be embarassing. Just enter code "2" in F-5 for such a female. The question is similar to F - 1 except that this time we are trying to find out if the female had a live birth in the "last 12 months".

F - 6 Of the children born to you alive since August, 1989 how many...

8. These questions are similar to F - 4, except that this time we are interested in the number of children born alive to this woman during the last 12 months. Thus while in the former question the reference period was the woman's reproductive life up to now, in the present questions we are concerned only with a period of one year just preceding the date of interview. Enter the numbers as reported.

Zambia 1990 — source variable ZM1990A_LSTDEDF — Females born in last 12 months who have died
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
F-5 Have you had any live birth since 1989?

[] 1-Yes
[] 2-No (Go to the next person otherwise go to M-1)

F-6 Of the children born to you alive since 1989:
a. How many are still living today? How many of these are male and how many are female?
b. How many are living elsewhere in some other household? How many of these are male and how many are female?
c. How many died? How many of these are male and how many are female?

Male ____
Female ____
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Chapter VI-Fertility

1. You are about to start a new topic so you have to prepare the respondent by informing her that you are now going to ask her questions about children and child bearing. Remember these are questions to be asked of female adults and not for husbands to answer for their wives, except where it is inevitable. Questions on fertility are to be asked only of those females who are 12 years old and over and they involve only their own children.

F - 5: Have you had any live birth since August, 1989?
7. Do not put this question to females over 50 years of age since it will only be embarassing. Just enter code "2" in F-5 for such a female. The question is similar to F - 1 except that this time we are trying to find out if the female had a live birth in the "last 12 months".

F - 6 Of the children born to you alive since August, 1989 how many...

8. These questions are similar to F - 4, except that this time we are interested in the number of children born alive to this woman during the last 12 months. Thus while in the former question the reference period was the woman's reproductive life up to now, in the present questions we are concerned only with a period of one year just preceding the date of interview. Enter the numbers as reported.

Zambia 2000 — source variable ZM2000A_BTHLYR — Any live births in last 12 months
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
For Females 12 Years and Older ? Fertility
(Own children ever born alive)

28. Live Births
Did you have any live births in the last 12 months?
[] Yes
[] No (Go to Question 30)

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
5.8 Fertility: for females 12 years and older

You are about to start a new topic so you have to prepare the respondent by informing her that you are now going to ask her questions about children and child bearing. Remember these are questions to be asked of female adults and not for husbands to answer for their wives, except where it is inevitable. Questions on fertility are to be asked only of those females who are 12 years and older and they involve only their own children.

P31: Did you have any Live Birth Since August, 1999?
This question is only asked to females 12-49 years of age. Do not ask this question to females 50 years and older since it will be embarrassing. Shade appropriately. The question is similar to P-29 except that this time we are trying to find out if the female had a live birth in the "last 12 months".

Zambia 2000 — source variable ZM2000A_LBMHOME — Number of past year's male births living with you
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
For Females 12 Years and Older ? Fertility
(Own children ever born alive)

28. Live Births
Did you have any live births in the last 12 months?
[] Yes
[] No (Go to Question 30)

29. Of the children born to you alive:
a. how many are still living with you? How many of these are male and how many are female?

Total: _____

b. how many are living elsewhere in some other household? How many of these are male and how many are female?

Total: _____

c. how many died? How many of these are male and how many are female?

Total: _____
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
5.8 Fertility: for females 12 years and older

You are about to start a new topic so you have to prepare the respondent by informing her that you are now going to ask her questions about children and child bearing. Remember these are questions to be asked of female adults and not for husbands to answer for their wives, except where it is inevitable. Questions on fertility are to be asked only of those females who are 12 years and older and they involve only their own children.

P31: Did you have any Live Birth Since August, 1999?
This question is only asked to females 12-49 years of age. Do not ask this question to females 50 years and older since it will be embarrassing. Shade appropriately. The question is similar to P-29 except that this time we are trying to find out if the female had a live birth in the "last 12 months".

P32 Of the Children Born to you alive?
The number of male and female children born alive to this female in the last 12 months is to he recorded separately in three different categories. These are:

a. Still living and still at home with the respondent (i.e staying in the same household with the respondent):
b. Still living but staying with some other households" e.g other relatives, in institutions
etc.: and
c. Those who have since died (regardless of whether the death took place just after or much later in life).

If a woman is visiting, then the question of "still living with you" should he asked with respect to her usual place of residence. That is about children she normally stays with. Enter the number of children as reported by sex in two digits e.g. if 1 male child is living with her shade 0 in the first column and I in the second column under male. If the answer is none. enter 00 and shade the 2 zeros in the two columns. Never leave a column blank.

Zambia 2000 — source variable ZM2000A_LBFHOME — Number of past year's female births living with you
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
For Females 12 Years and Older ? Fertility
(Own children ever born alive)

28. Live Births
Did you have any live births in the last 12 months?
[] Yes
[] No (Go to Question 30)

29. Of the children born to you alive:
a. how many are still living with you? How many of these are male and how many are female?

Total: _____

b. how many are living elsewhere in some other household? How many of these are male and how many are female?

Total: _____

c. how many died? How many of these are male and how many are female?

Total: _____
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
5.8 Fertility: for females 12 years and older

You are about to start a new topic so you have to prepare the respondent by informing her that you are now going to ask her questions about children and child bearing. Remember these are questions to be asked of female adults and not for husbands to answer for their wives, except where it is inevitable. Questions on fertility are to be asked only of those females who are 12 years and older and they involve only their own children.

P31: Did you have any Live Birth Since August, 1999?
This question is only asked to females 12-49 years of age. Do not ask this question to females 50 years and older since it will be embarrassing. Shade appropriately. The question is similar to P-29 except that this time we are trying to find out if the female had a live birth in the "last 12 months".

P32 Of the Children Born to you alive?
The number of male and female children born alive to this female in the last 12 months is to he recorded separately in three different categories. These are:

a. Still living and still at home with the respondent (i.e staying in the same household with the respondent):
b. Still living but staying with some other households" e.g other relatives, in institutions
etc.: and
c. Those who have since died (regardless of whether the death took place just after or much later in life).

If a woman is visiting, then the question of "still living with you" should he asked with respect to her usual place of residence. That is about children she normally stays with. Enter the number of children as reported by sex in two digits e.g. if 1 male child is living with her shade 0 in the first column and I in the second column under male. If the answer is none. enter 00 and shade the 2 zeros in the two columns. Never leave a column blank.

Zambia 2000 — source variable ZM2000A_LBMAWAY — Number of past year's male births living elsewhere
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
For Females 12 Years and Older ? Fertility
(Own children ever born alive)

28. Live Births
Did you have any live births in the last 12 months?
[] Yes
[] No (Go to Question 30)

29. Of the children born to you alive:
a. how many are still living with you? How many of these are male and how many are female?

Total: _____

b. how many are living elsewhere in some other household? How many of these are male and how many are female?

Total: _____

c. how many died? How many of these are male and how many are female?

Total: _____
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
5.8 Fertility: for females 12 years and older

You are about to start a new topic so you have to prepare the respondent by informing her that you are now going to ask her questions about children and child bearing. Remember these are questions to be asked of female adults and not for husbands to answer for their wives, except where it is inevitable. Questions on fertility are to be asked only of those females who are 12 years and older and they involve only their own children.

P31: Did you have any Live Birth Since August, 1999?
This question is only asked to females 12-49 years of age. Do not ask this question to females 50 years and older since it will be embarrassing. Shade appropriately. The question is similar to P-29 except that this time we are trying to find out if the female had a live birth in the "last 12 months".

P32 Of the Children Born to you alive?
The number of male and female children born alive to this female in the last 12 months is to he recorded separately in three different categories. These are:

a. Still living and still at home with the respondent (i.e staying in the same household with the respondent):
b. Still living but staying with some other households" e.g other relatives, in institutions
etc.: and
c. Those who have since died (regardless of whether the death took place just after or much later in life).

If a woman is visiting, then the question of "still living with you" should he asked with respect to her usual place of residence. That is about children she normally stays with. Enter the number of children as reported by sex in two digits e.g. if 1 male child is living with her shade 0 in the first column and I in the second column under male. If the answer is none. enter 00 and shade the 2 zeros in the two columns. Never leave a column blank.

Zambia 2000 — source variable ZM2000A_LBFAWAY — Number of past year's female births living elsewhere
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
For Females 12 Years and Older ? Fertility
(Own children ever born alive)

28. Live Births
Did you have any live births in the last 12 months?
[] Yes
[] No (Go to Question 30)

29. Of the children born to you alive:
a. how many are still living with you? How many of these are male and how many are female?

Total: _____

b. how many are living elsewhere in some other household? How many of these are male and how many are female?

Total: _____

c. how many died? How many of these are male and how many are female?

Total: _____
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
5.8 Fertility: for females 12 years and older

You are about to start a new topic so you have to prepare the respondent by informing her that you are now going to ask her questions about children and child bearing. Remember these are questions to be asked of female adults and not for husbands to answer for their wives, except where it is inevitable. Questions on fertility are to be asked only of those females who are 12 years and older and they involve only their own children.

P31: Did you have any Live Birth Since August, 1999?
This question is only asked to females 12-49 years of age. Do not ask this question to females 50 years and older since it will be embarrassing. Shade appropriately. The question is similar to P-29 except that this time we are trying to find out if the female had a live birth in the "last 12 months".

P32 Of the Children Born to you alive?
The number of male and female children born alive to this female in the last 12 months is to he recorded separately in three different categories. These are:

a. Still living and still at home with the respondent (i.e staying in the same household with the respondent):
b. Still living but staying with some other households" e.g other relatives, in institutions
etc.: and
c. Those who have since died (regardless of whether the death took place just after or much later in life).

If a woman is visiting, then the question of "still living with you" should he asked with respect to her usual place of residence. That is about children she normally stays with. Enter the number of children as reported by sex in two digits e.g. if 1 male child is living with her shade 0 in the first column and I in the second column under male. If the answer is none. enter 00 and shade the 2 zeros in the two columns. Never leave a column blank.

Zambia 2000 — source variable ZM2000A_LBMDEAD — Number of past year's male births currently dead
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
For Females 12 Years and Older ? Fertility
(Own children ever born alive)

28. Live Births
Did you have any live births in the last 12 months?
[] Yes
[] No (Go to Question 30)

29. Of the children born to you alive:
a. how many are still living with you? How many of these are male and how many are female?

Total: _____

b. how many are living elsewhere in some other household? How many of these are male and how many are female?

Total: _____

c. how many died? How many of these are male and how many are female?

Total: _____
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
5.8 Fertility: for females 12 years and older

You are about to start a new topic so you have to prepare the respondent by informing her that you are now going to ask her questions about children and child bearing. Remember these are questions to be asked of female adults and not for husbands to answer for their wives, except where it is inevitable. Questions on fertility are to be asked only of those females who are 12 years and older and they involve only their own children.

P31: Did you have any Live Birth Since August, 1999?
This question is only asked to females 12-49 years of age. Do not ask this question to females 50 years and older since it will be embarrassing. Shade appropriately. The question is similar to P-29 except that this time we are trying to find out if the female had a live birth in the "last 12 months".

P32 Of the Children Born to you alive?
The number of male and female children born alive to this female in the last 12 months is to he recorded separately in three different categories. These are:

a. Still living and still at home with the respondent (i.e staying in the same household with the respondent):
b. Still living but staying with some other households" e.g other relatives, in institutions
etc.: and
c. Those who have since died (regardless of whether the death took place just after or much later in life).

If a woman is visiting, then the question of "still living with you" should he asked with respect to her usual place of residence. That is about children she normally stays with. Enter the number of children as reported by sex in two digits e.g. if 1 male child is living with her shade 0 in the first column and I in the second column under male. If the answer is none. enter 00 and shade the 2 zeros in the two columns. Never leave a column blank.

Zambia 2000 — source variable ZM2000A_LBFDEAD — Number of past year's female births currently dead
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
For Females 12 Years and Older ? Fertility
(Own children ever born alive)

28. Live Births
Did you have any live births in the last 12 months?
[] Yes
[] No (Go to Question 30)

29. Of the children born to you alive:
a. how many are still living with you? How many of these are male and how many are female?

Total: _____

b. how many are living elsewhere in some other household? How many of these are male and how many are female?

Total: _____

c. how many died? How many of these are male and how many are female?

Total: _____
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
5.8 Fertility: for females 12 years and older

You are about to start a new topic so you have to prepare the respondent by informing her that you are now going to ask her questions about children and child bearing. Remember these are questions to be asked of female adults and not for husbands to answer for their wives, except where it is inevitable. Questions on fertility are to be asked only of those females who are 12 years and older and they involve only their own children.

P31: Did you have any Live Birth Since August, 1999?
This question is only asked to females 12-49 years of age. Do not ask this question to females 50 years and older since it will be embarrassing. Shade appropriately. The question is similar to P-29 except that this time we are trying to find out if the female had a live birth in the "last 12 months".

P32 Of the Children Born to you alive?
The number of male and female children born alive to this female in the last 12 months is to he recorded separately in three different categories. These are:

a. Still living and still at home with the respondent (i.e staying in the same household with the respondent):
b. Still living but staying with some other households" e.g other relatives, in institutions
etc.: and
c. Those who have since died (regardless of whether the death took place just after or much later in life).

If a woman is visiting, then the question of "still living with you" should he asked with respect to her usual place of residence. That is about children she normally stays with. Enter the number of children as reported by sex in two digits e.g. if 1 male child is living with her shade 0 in the first column and I in the second column under male. If the answer is none. enter 00 and shade the 2 zeros in the two columns. Never leave a column blank.

Zambia 2010 — source variable ZM2010A_BRTHS12MTHS — Any live births in last 12 months
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Females 12 - 49 years old
[Applies to questions 42-45]

P42. Did you have live births in the last 12 months

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No - Go to P46
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
4.19 Fertility: for females 12 years and older

You are about to start a new topic so you have to prepare the respondent by informing her that you are now going to ask her questions about children and child bearing. Remember these are questions to be asked to females 12 years and older and not for husbands to answer for their wives. Questions on fertility are to be asked only to those females who are 12 years and older and they involve only their own children. If the female is a usual member present or a visitor, fertility questions have to be asked to them personally. If they are not around, a call back has to be made until they are found and information is collected. If the enumerator cannot find the female respondent even after making at least three visits, the enumerator should inform the supervisor.

P-42: Did you have any live birth in the last 12 months?

This question is only asked to females 12-49 years of age. Do not ask this question to females 50 years and older. Shade appropriately. The question is similar to P-38 except that this time we are trying to find out if the female had a live birth in the "last 12 months".

Zambia 2010 — source variable ZM2010A_MALES12LIV — Number of male live births in past year still living with you
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Females 12 - 49 years old
[Applies to questions 42-45]

Of the children born to you alive in the last 12 months how many are?.?

P43. Living with you now?

_ Male
_ Female
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
4.19 Fertility: for females 12 years and older

You are about to start a new topic so you have to prepare the respondent by informing her that you are now going to ask her questions about children and child bearing. Remember these are questions to be asked to females 12 years and older and not for husbands to answer for their wives. Questions on fertility are to be asked only to those females who are 12 years and older and they involve only their own children. If the female is a usual member present or a visitor, fertility questions have to be asked to them personally. If they are not around, a call back has to be made until they are found and information is collected. If the enumerator cannot find the female respondent even after making at least three visits, the enumerator should inform the supervisor.

P?43: Of the children born to you alive in the last 12 months, how many are living with you now?

The number of male and female children born alive to this female in the last 12 months since October 2009 and still at home with the respondent (i.e staying in the same household with the respondent). Enter the number of children as reported by sex e.g. if 1 male child is living with her enter 1 in the box provided. If the answer is none, enter 0 in the box. Never leave a box blank.

If a woman is visiting, question P-43 should be asked with respect to her usual place of residence. That is about children she normally stays with.

Zambia 2010 — source variable ZM2010A_FEMS12LIV — Number of female live births in past year still living with you
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Females 12 - 49 years old
[Applies to questions 42-45]

Of the children born to you alive in the last 12 months how many are?.?

P43. Living with you now?

_ Male
_ Female
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
4.19 Fertility: for females 12 years and older

You are about to start a new topic so you have to prepare the respondent by informing her that you are now going to ask her questions about children and child bearing. Remember these are questions to be asked to females 12 years and older and not for husbands to answer for their wives. Questions on fertility are to be asked only to those females who are 12 years and older and they involve only their own children. If the female is a usual member present or a visitor, fertility questions have to be asked to them personally. If they are not around, a call back has to be made until they are found and information is collected. If the enumerator cannot find the female respondent even after making at least three visits, the enumerator should inform the supervisor.

P?43: Of the children born to you alive in the last 12 months, how many are living with you now?

The number of male and female children born alive to this female in the last 12 months since October 2009 and still at home with the respondent (i.e staying in the same household with the respondent). Enter the number of children as reported by sex e.g. if 1 male child is living with her enter 1 in the box provided. If the answer is none, enter 0 in the box. Never leave a box blank.

If a woman is visiting, question P-43 should be asked with respect to her usual place of residence. That is about children she normally stays with.

Zambia 2010 — source variable ZM2010A_MALES12ELSE — Number of male live births in past year living elsewhere
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Females 12 - 49 years old
[Applies to questions 42-45]

Of the children born to you alive in the last 12 months how many are?.?

P44. Living elsewhere?

_ Male
_ Female
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
4.19 Fertility: for females 12 years and older

You are about to start a new topic so you have to prepare the respondent by informing her that you are now going to ask her questions about children and child bearing. Remember these are questions to be asked to females 12 years and older and not for husbands to answer for their wives. Questions on fertility are to be asked only to those females who are 12 years and older and they involve only their own children. If the female is a usual member present or a visitor, fertility questions have to be asked to them personally. If they are not around, a call back has to be made until they are found and information is collected. If the enumerator cannot find the female respondent even after making at least three visits, the enumerator should inform the supervisor.

P-44: Of the children born to you alive, how many are living elsewhere?

The number of male and female children born alive in the last 12 months since October 2009 but staying with some other households" e.g. other relatives, in institutions etc. Enter the number of children as reported by sex e.g. if 1 female child is living elsewhere enter 1 in the box provided. If the answer is none, enter 0. Never leave a box blank.

Zambia 2010 — source variable ZM2010A_FEM12ELSE — Number of female live births in past year living elsewhere
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Females 12 - 49 years old
[Applies to questions 42-45]

Of the children born to you alive in the last 12 months how many are?.?

P44. Living elsewhere?

_ Male
_ Female
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
4.19 Fertility: for females 12 years and older

You are about to start a new topic so you have to prepare the respondent by informing her that you are now going to ask her questions about children and child bearing. Remember these are questions to be asked to females 12 years and older and not for husbands to answer for their wives. Questions on fertility are to be asked only to those females who are 12 years and older and they involve only their own children. If the female is a usual member present or a visitor, fertility questions have to be asked to them personally. If they are not around, a call back has to be made until they are found and information is collected. If the enumerator cannot find the female respondent even after making at least three visits, the enumerator should inform the supervisor.

P-44: Of the children born to you alive, how many are living elsewhere?

The number of male and female children born alive in the last 12 months since October 2009 but staying with some other households" e.g. other relatives, in institutions etc. Enter the number of children as reported by sex e.g. if 1 female child is living elsewhere enter 1 in the box provided. If the answer is none, enter 0. Never leave a box blank.

Zambia 2010 — source variable ZM2010A_MALES12DEAD — Number of male live births in past year now dead
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Females 12 - 49 years old
[Applies to questions 42-45]

Of the children born to you alive in the last 12 months how many are?.?

P45. Dead?

_ Male
_ Female
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
4.19 Fertility: for females 12 years and older

You are about to start a new topic so you have to prepare the respondent by informing her that you are now going to ask her questions about children and child bearing. Remember these are questions to be asked to females 12 years and older and not for husbands to answer for their wives. Questions on fertility are to be asked only to those females who are 12 years and older and they involve only their own children. If the female is a usual member present or a visitor, fertility questions have to be asked to them personally. If they are not around, a call back has to be made until they are found and information is collected. If the enumerator cannot find the female respondent even after making at least three visits, the enumerator should inform the supervisor.

P?45: Of the children born to you alive in the last 12 months, how many are dead?

The number of male and female children born alive to this female in the last 12 months since October but have since died (regardless of whether the death took place just after or much later in life). Enter the number of children as reported by sex.

Zambia 2010 — source variable ZM2010A_FEM12DEAD — Number of female live births in past year now dead
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Females 12 - 49 years old
[Applies to questions 42-45]

Of the children born to you alive in the last 12 months how many are?.?

P45. Dead?

_ Male
_ Female
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
4.19 Fertility: for females 12 years and older

You are about to start a new topic so you have to prepare the respondent by informing her that you are now going to ask her questions about children and child bearing. Remember these are questions to be asked to females 12 years and older and not for husbands to answer for their wives. Questions on fertility are to be asked only to those females who are 12 years and older and they involve only their own children. If the female is a usual member present or a visitor, fertility questions have to be asked to them personally. If they are not around, a call back has to be made until they are found and information is collected. If the enumerator cannot find the female respondent even after making at least three visits, the enumerator should inform the supervisor.

P?45: Of the children born to you alive in the last 12 months, how many are dead?

The number of male and female children born alive to this female in the last 12 months since October but have since died (regardless of whether the death took place just after or much later in life). Enter the number of children as reported by sex.