Questionnaire Text

Argentina 2001 Ecuador 2010 Nicaragua 2005 Thailand 1990
Argentina 2010 El Salvador 1992 Panama 1980 Trinidad and Tobago 1980
Bolivia 1976 El Salvador 2007 Panama 1990 Trinidad and Tobago 1990
Bolivia 1992 France 1968 Panama 2000 Trinidad and Tobago 2000
Bolivia 2001 Ghana 2000 Panama 2010 Trinidad and Tobago 2011
Bolivia 2012 Ghana 2010 Paraguay 1972 Uganda 2002
Brazil 1960 Guatemala 1964 Paraguay 1982 Uganda 2014
Brazil 1970 Guatemala 1981 Paraguay 1992 United States 1960
Brazil 1980 Guatemala 1994 Paraguay 2002 United States 1980
Brazil 1991 Guatemala 2002 Peru 1993 United States 1990
Brazil 2000 Honduras 1988 Poland 2002 United States 2000
Brazil 2010 Honduras 2001 Puerto Rico 1970 United States 2005
Cameroon 2005 Iraq 1997 Puerto Rico 1980 United States 2010
Canada 2011 Jamaica 2001 Puerto Rico 1990 United States 2015
Chile 2017 Jordan 2004 Puerto Rico 2000 United States 2020
Colombia 1973 Malawi 2008 Puerto Rico 2005 Uruguay 1963
Colombia 2005 Malaysia 2000 Puerto Rico 2010 Uruguay 1975
Costa Rica 1963 Mexico 1990 Puerto Rico 2015 Uruguay 1985
Costa Rica 1973 Mexico 1995 Puerto Rico 2020 Uruguay 1996
Costa Rica 1984 Mexico 2000 Rwanda 2012 Uruguay 2006
Costa Rica 2000 Mexico 2005 Saint Lucia 1991 Uruguay 2011
Costa Rica 2011 Mexico 2010 South Africa 2011 Venezuela 2001
Cuba 2002 Mexico 2015 South Sudan 2008 Vietnam 2009
Cuba 2012 Mexico 2020 Sudan 2008 Vietnam 2019
Côte d'Ivoire 1998 Mozambique 1997 Tanzania 2002 Zambia 1990
Dominican Republic 1981 Mozambique 2007 Tanzania 2012 Zambia 2000
Dominican Republic 2002 Nicaragua 1971 Thailand 1970 Zambia 2010
Dominican Republic 2010 Nicaragua 1995 Thailand 1980
Argentina 2001 — source variable AR2001A_BEDROOMS — Number of rooms for sleeping
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[Questions 5-24 were asked in the case of households that occupied some structure, per question 4.]

20. How many rooms for sleeping does this home have? _ _

[Specify] number of rooms it has for sleeping.

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Questions 20 and 21:
A room or bedroom is considered to be a space or area that is closed in by walls (that go from the floor to the ceiling) or dividers (walls that go from the floor to the height of two meters, and that have sufficient surface to place at least an adult-size bed.

If the dwelling has only one room in which they also cook, you will complete 01 (one) room or bedroom in both questions.

In question 20, you should only count the rooms or spaces used by the household for sleeping.

[p. 35]

On the other hand, question 21 asks for the total number of rooms that are in the household, including the ones counted in the previous questions.

In the total number of rooms or spaces, you should count:

--the dining room, even if it is part of the kitchen (kitchen-dining room),
--the mezzanines built into some dwellings, even though they do not have some/any of the walls indicated in the definition.

You will exclude:

--kitchens used only for cooking,
--laundry areas, garages, sheds, corridors and entryways, unless they are used as a place for a person to sleep,
--Quinchos [a shelter that has a straw or thatched roof, supported only by columns, that does not have walls and is used as an area for eating] that are not enclosed.

You will register the answer according to what the person answering the census tells you.
Now we will continue with the instructions to complete the answers for

Argentina 2010 — source variable AR2010A_BEDRMS — Number of bedrooms
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[Questions 3 to 19 were asked of inhabited households with persons present]

15. How many bedrooms or rooms for sleeping are in this household?

Number of bedrooms or rooms for sleeping: _ _

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Question 15: How many bedrooms or rooms for sleeping are in this household?
15. How many bedrooms or rooms for sleeping are in this household?

Number of bedrooms or rooms for sleeping: __

For bedrooms or rooms for sleeping we understand that this means all rooms or spaces enclosed with walls or dividers, that have a sufficient floor space to hold a bed for an adult and that is found in conditions to be used for sleeping in the case that it be necessary.
Let's see some examples:
- the dwelling where a household resides is made up of a married couple and their son, it has a living room, a kitchen and one bedroom. The couple lives in the bedroom and the son sleeps on a sleeper-sofa in the living room. In this case, you will count two bedrooms or rooms for sleeping.
- the dwelling where Pablo lives has one single room where he sleeps and also cooks. In this case, you will count one bedroom or room for sleeping.


If in the dwelling there is more than one household, you should only consider the rooms that the persons of the household being interviewed uses for sleeping, even when these rooms are spaces shared with persons of the other household.

Bedroom or rooms for sleeping in the dwelling: rooms closed in by walls or dividers (wall that rises from the ground to a height of two meters) that have a floor space that is sufficient to contain a bed for an adult and that is found in conditions to be used for sleeping in the case that it is needed.

Bolivia 1976 — source variable BO1976A_BEDROOMS — Bedrooms
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9. Number of rooms in the household
[Question 9 was asked of persons in private dwellings, per Question 1.]

9.2 Of these, how many are used only for sleeping? (bedrooms)

____ Number

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Question 9. Number of rooms or bedrooms in the household

Any environment that has the capacity for an adult bed is considered a room.

How many rooms or bedrooms do you have in your household?

Write down the number of rooms or bedrooms in the household, without counting the kitchen or bathroom. Also do not include corridors, halls or storage rooms.

Of these, how many are used only for sleeping? (bedrooms)

On the corresponding line, write down the number of rooms that are used exclusively as bedrooms.

Bolivia 1992 — source variable BO1992A_ROOMSB — Number of bedrooms
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11. Of these, how many are used for sleeping?
[Question 11 was asked of persons in occupied private dwellings, per Questions 1 and 2.]

____ (Number)

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Question 11. Of these, how many do you use for sleeping?

Of the total number of rooms reported in the previous question, you will record those that are used for sleeping, even if they also serve other purposes.

Bolivia 2001 — source variable BO2001A_BEDROOMS — Number of bedrooms
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[Questions 6 to 26 were asked of persons who lived in occupied private dwelling and were present at the time of enumeration, per Questions 4 and 5.]

19. Of these rooms, how many are used for sleeping?

[] 1 One
[] 2 Two
[] 3 Three
[] 4 Four
[] 5 Five
[] 6 Six
[] 7 Seven
[] 8 Eight or more

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Chapter C. Characteristics of dwellings with inhabitants who are present

Question 19. How many of these rooms are used for sleeping?

The oval corresponding to the number of rooms used only for sleeping by the household is filled in.

Bolivia 2012 — source variable BO2012A_BEDROOMS — Number of rooms used only for sleeping
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Chapter B. Main characteristics of the dwelling

15. Of the total number of rooms, how many are used only for sleeping? _ _

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Chapter B. Main characteristics of the dwelling

Rooms in the dwelling
13. Availability of a room for cooking.
Mark the appropriate circle or bubble.
14. Number of rooms in the dwelling
In the census, a room is any interior space large enough to accommodate an adult-sized cot or bed. The question about the number of rooms in the dwelling has two boxes for noting down the answer. In these boxes, note down the number of rooms used as bedrooms or for other purposes, not counting any kitchens, bathrooms, laundry rooms, foyers, hallways, or storage rooms.
15. Number of rooms used only for sleeping
In the boxes, note down the number of rooms used only as bedrooms. If the dwelling has no such rooms, put 0.

Brazil 1960 — source variable BR1960A_BEDROOMS — Rooms serving as bedrooms
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N. Number of rooms serving as bedrooms


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Question N - Rooms which serve as bedrooms

Rooms which serve as sleeping quarters include not only bedrooms, but all other areas which permanently serve as sleeping accommodations, even if they are used as such due to lack of adequate accommodations for this purpose. It would be well to recall that rooms which are not used as sleeping quarters (offices, sewing rooms, etc.) should not be considered. However, rooms located in areas outside the building will be included, provided that persons (including employees) who are part of the dwelling live in them and, as such, are recorded on the respective Census Form.

Brazil 1970 — source variable BR1970A_NBEDROOM — Number of bedrooms
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15. Rooms
____ Total
____ Serving as bedrooms

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Question 15 - Rooms

Total number of rooms:

Record the total number of compartments separated by walls, not including corridors, porches or verandas, and including rooms located in areas outside the building, provided that such rooms are an integral part of the household. Rooms used for non-household purposes, such as workshops, doctors' offices, dentists' offices, laboratories, garages, sheds, storehouses, warehouses, etc. will not be considered, even if directly connected to the domicile.

[p. 60]

Rooms which serve as bedrooms: Record the number of bedrooms and other areas which permanently serve as sleeping quarters, even if they are used as such due to lack of adequate accommodations for this purpose. Bedrooms which are not used as sleeping quarters (offices, sewing rooms, etc.) should not be considered. Bedrooms located in areas outside the building will be included, provided that persons (including employees) who are part of the household sleep there.

Brazil 1980 — source variable BR1980A_NBEDROOM — Rooms serving as bedrooms
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(The following questions are only for permanent private households)

13. Rooms used as bedrooms


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Question 13 - Rooms Serving as Sleeping Quarters

Record, with two digits, the number of bedrooms and other areas which permanently serve as sleeping quarters, even if they are used as such due to lack of adequate accommodations for this purpose. Dressing rooms, guest rooms, etc. should not be considered.

Brazil 1991 — source variable BR1991A_BEDROOM — Rooms used as bedrooms
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12. Rooms used as bedroom
[] 1 1 room
[] 2 2 rooms
[] 3 3 rooms
[] 4 4 rooms
[] 5 5 rooms
[] 6 6 rooms
[] 7 7 rooms
[] 8 8 rooms
[] 9 9 rooms or more

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Question 12 - Rooms serving as sleeping quarters
Mark the box corresponding to the number of rooms or other areas that are permanently serving as sleeping quarters, even if they are only used as such for lack of adequate accommodations for that purpose.
Do not consider dressing rooms, guest rooms, etc.

Brazil 2000 — source variable BR2000A_NBEDROOM — Number of rooms serving as bedrooms
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2.04 How many rooms are used as bedrooms in this dwelling?
If 9 or more, write 9.

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Question 2.04 - How many rooms serve as sleeping quarters for the residents of this household?

Record the number of bedrooms or any other rooms that serve as sleeping quarters for the residents.

Example: a visitor's room used as a bedroom.

Also include the rooms belonging to the household/dwelling that are located on the outside of the building and are used as sleeping quarters by residents. If there are nine (9) or more rooms serving as sleeping quarters, record nine (9).

Brazil 2010 — source variable BR2010A_NBEDROOM — Number of bedrooms
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2. For occupied permanent private housing units - Household characteristics.

2.04 How many rooms are used as bedrooms by residents of this housing unit?
_ _

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2:04 - How many rooms in your household are used for sleeping?

In this question you must record the number of bedrooms or any room that is used by household residents for sleeping.
You must also include the rooms contained within the property where household residents use for sleeping.

Cameroon 2005 — source variable CM2005A_ROOMS — Bedrooms
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52. How many bedrooms are there in this dwelling?
[] 0-1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9
[] 10
[] 11+

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52. Number of bedrooms in the dwelling
This is about the number of rooms regularly used for sleeping. In some cases, a living room or a kitchen might be considered a bedroom if certain members of the household spend their nights there.
Q. How many bedrooms are in your dwelling?
-Circle the code corresponding to the answer.

Canada 2011 — source variable CA2011A_BEDROOM — Number of bedrooms
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Household questionnaire

Step E
Questions E1-E10 are about this dwelling.
The questions refer to May 10, 2011 unless otherwise specified.

A dwelling is a separate set of living quarters with a private entrance from the outside or from a common hallway or stairway inside the building. This entrance should not be through someone else's living quarters.

(b) How many of these rooms are bedrooms?

Include all rooms designed as bedrooms, even if they are now used for something else. Also include basement bedrooms.

Number of bedrooms: _ _
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Step E: Housing
Questions E1 to E10 provide information to develop housing communities and projects.

Information on the number of rooms and bedrooms in homes and on housing costs is used to assess the economic situation of families. Governments use this information to measure levels of crowding within households and to develop housing programs.

Information on the age of dwellings and the need for repairs is used by municipalities to develop neighborhood improvement programs.

Question E4 -- Number of rooms and bedrooms
Part (a) -- Number of rooms in a dwelling

Do not count any half-rooms (e.g., instead of '1.5' enter '1' or '2', depending on which best describes the dwelling).

If a room is partially divided by a fixed or movable partition, or has two parts used for different purposes, such as an L-shaped living and dining room, count it as two separate rooms.

Part (b) -- Number of bedrooms
For a one-room dwelling or bachelor apartment, report '0'.

Chile 2017 — source variable CL2017A_BEDROOMS — Number of rooms used only as a bedroom
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B. Housing unit characteristics

4. How many rooms in this house unit are used only as bedrooms?

[] 0
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6 or more
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Questionnaire section B: "housing unit characteristics"
[Questions 1 and 2, housing unit type]
In this part of the questionnaire, information about the housing unit that you are recording is entered. The first two questions are by observation; only in cases where there are no persons present in the housing unit should you check with neighbors as to whether it is occupied or vacant.
[Figure omitted, group of images to use as a reference for type of housing unit]
Remember that you can go back to review the definition of privately-owned housing unit and collective unit on pages 21 and 22.

Continue filling out the questionnaire following each of the following instructions:
[Question 3, housing unit main construction materials]
On each question with a question mark (?), you must wait for a spontaneous response form the informant and then mark the alternative that the informant indicates to you.
[Figures omitted, the first figure shows question 3, and the second one is a visual help for the interviewer about the construction material of exterior walls, the roof, and the floor]
[p. 22]
[Question 4, housing unit bedrooms]
A room used only as a bedroom must not also be used as a kitchen, dining room or living room.
[Figure omitted, image of question 4 from the questionnaire]
[Question 5, water supply]
On each question that ends with a colon (:) you must read the response options to the informant. This question is asking for the housing unit's main source of water for domestic use. Choose the source that contributes the greatest quantity of water. If the housing unit is temporarily without access to the public system due to delay in payment or because of repairs, mark option 1. If water is provided by a neighbor, select the response option corresponding to that neighboring housing unit's water source.
[Figure omitted, image of question 5 from the questionnaire]
The next questions are very important, since they will determine whom you must record for the census and the number of households in the housing unit.

Colombia 1973 — source variable CO1973A_BEDROOM — Number of rooms used for sleeping
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3. Bedrooms

In how many rooms do the persons of this household sleep? __ __
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Question No. 3. Bedrooms.

[Below the text is a form.]

1 - Of the number of rooms registered as exclusive use of a household, determine how many are used by members of the household for sleeping, even if other functions are also carried out like cooking, working etc.

2 - Clearly write down the number of rooms in the corresponding space.

Colombia 2005 — source variable CO2005A_ROOMSBD — Number of rooms for sleeping
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12. How many of these rooms are used by the persons in this household for sleeping? (expanded) _ _

Costa Rica 1963 — source variable CR1963A_BEDROOM — Number of bedrooms
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15. Rooms and bedrooms
(write in both spaces)

____ Number of rooms
____ Of these, how many are used as bedrooms?

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Box No. 15.- Rooms and Bedrooms


A "room" will be considered as any one of the compartments or rooms used for purposes of lodging, including: living room, dining room, kitchen, bed rooms, studies, recreation rooms, servants' quarters, but excluding: porches, hallways, bathrooms, inner patios, except when these last ones are used as recreation room, library or other purpose of lodging in which case they should be considered as "rooms".

You should ask and write down the number of rooms according to the criteria explained above.

Those compartments that are used exclusively for commercial, industrial or service purposes, such as store, local store (pulpería), bar, workshop, barber shop etc. should not be considered rooms of a Dwelling.


Bedroom is understood to be any room of a Dwelling that is used for sleeping.

Keep in mind that in the explanation about "rooms" it said that those compartments used exclusively for commercial, industrial or service purposes should not be considered. On the other hand, if in a Dwelling there is a place that is used as a workshop of a shoe store {a very frequent case) and at the same time someone sleeps in it, such a place should be considered as "room", and also so "bedroom".

Costa Rica 1973 — source variable CR1973A_BEDROOM — Rooms used only as bedrooms
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7. Rooms and bedrooms
Total number of rooms ____
Of these, how many are bedrooms? ____

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4.9.- Rooms and Bedrooms.

[Below the text is a filled out form.]

4.9.1.- Total Number of Rooms: Ask, - How many rooms does the dwelling have?

Remember that "Room" is any compartment or area that the dwelling has for purposes of lodging: Living room, dining room, kitchen, bedrooms, studies, patios, recreation rooms, servants' rooms.

To be excluded are: Hallway, porches, bathrooms, inner patios, depots or garages.

Those rooms that are used exclusively for commercial, industrial or service purposes should not be considered rooms of a Dwelling. For example: Office of a lawyer, dentist, doctor, store, local store, bar, workshop, barber shop, etc.

4.9.2.- Of these how many are Bedrooms?: A bedroom is any room used principally for sleeping.

In the case of dwellings of only one room, zero (0) bedrooms will be marked. It is also the case of places that are, for example: A shoe store's workshop, wine cellar, local store, or any other that also serves as residence to one or more persons. Those dwellings that consist of one room and that is used exclusively for sleeping should be written down 1 room and 1 bedroom.

Costa Rica 1984 — source variable CR1984A_BEDROOMS — Number of bedrooms
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6. Number and use of rooms

_ _ Total rooms

_ _ Exclusively for sleeping
_ _ Living-dining
_ _ Exclusively kitchen
_ _ Kitchen-dining
_ _ Other uses

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Question 6: Number and Use of Rooms

(See Illustration on Page 22)

Every dwelling has one or many rooms whose inhabitants use for different purposes: sleeping, cooking food, eating, relaxing, or receiving visitors, watching television, listening to the radio, etc. Of course not all dwellings have areas so different it includes that in some cases some area single room that is used for all, what in popular speech people called and at times now call a round room (cuarto redondo).

[p. 30]

This question has been designed precisely to know the number of rooms, bedrooms or sleeping quarters that the Costa Rican dwellings have and which of them are occupied for sleeping, preparing food, relaxing, etc. All rooms or bedrooms of the dwelling that are used for exclusively professional, commercial, industrial or service purposes should be excluded, such as lawyer's office, offices, local stores or grocery stores, barber shops or beauty shops, "cantinas [bars]" or bars, workshops, etc. Also halls, porches, bathrooms, inner patios, depots or garages, etc.

{How to register the number and use of the rooms of the dwelling}

In the open boxes placed at the right side of question number 6 (Number and Use of Rooms), you should register the information turning to the use of two digits or numbers. This operation has to be done first to indicate the number of rooms. For example: in a dwelling that has 10 rooms (four bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, television room, breakfast room, and a room for the servant, you should write down the total in the following manner:

[Below the text is a filled out form.]

Once you have registered the number of rooms of the dwelling it is necessary that you indicate how many are used for sleeping (remember that the room for the servant is where she sleeps), how many like living/dining room, how many for only cooking, how many for cooking and eating at the same time, and how many are meant to be for "other uses" without you having to write down what is specifically done in them.

Nevertheless, those dwellings exist that have a single room that its inhabitants use at the same time for sleeping, cooking, eating, and receiving visitors. You should consider them dwellings without bedroom, that is to say with "zero" (0) bedrooms, except in the case that this single room is used exclusively for sleeping. Then you should mark the digits 01 in the cells meant for indicating the number of rooms, such {0}{1} in those reserved for the concept "only for sleeping" it will have been indicated in the following form: {0}{1} that means something like "01 bedroom". The places used for commercial, professional, industrial or service purposes and that also serve as a residence for one or more persons are not considered as "only for sleeping" they are only registered as dwelling and as if it did not have a number of rooms, that is to say by what are referred to as rooms that are used as living room and dining room (living/dining room) and kitchen and dining room (kitchen-dining room) as a result obviously serve to fulfill two of the purposes that they indicate. Nor does any doubt exist when one talks about a room that is only for cooking ("only-kitchen); although in this case it can happen that any person or persons sleep in the kitchen (on the floor or on benches), but is considered as "only kitchen".

Caution. In the countryside it is possible to find that the kitchen is a "separate" construction from the rest of the dwelling. In this case it is taken as an integral part of the dwelling.

Finally, it remains for us to make some comment about rooms meant for different uses to those pointed out previously ("other uses"). Generally it concerns spaces or rooms that residents use as places or recreation and service. For example: Living room, dining room, study, recreation room, bedroom where also they cook.

Remember that no open box should be left without annotation, because of this, when there are no rooms of any of the specified classes, write down {0}{0} according to what it corresponds to.

Costa Rica 2000 — source variable CR2000A_BEDRM — Bedrooms
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8. How many rooms, exclusively for sleeping, does the dwelling have?
_ _ Number

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Question 8: Rooms exclusively for sleeping

This question is related to the size of the home and will permit building an indicator of the overcrowding of persons in a dwelling.

[To the right of the text is a form.]

Write down here the number of rooms or quarters used only for sleeping. Include the bedroom of a domestic servant.

[Below the form is a layout of a house.]

Costa Rica 2011 — source variable CR2011A_BEDROOMS — Bedrooms
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9. How many rooms in this dwelling are used only for sleeping?

[] 0
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9
[] 10 or more
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Question 9: Rooms for sleeping

9. How many rooms in this dwelling are used only for sleeping?

[] 0
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9
[] 10 or more

Record the number of rooms used only for sleeping. Consider that, in addition to the walls, you should also consider as partitions closets, curtains, stairs, or levels.

Cuba 2002 — source variable CU2002A_ROOMSS — Rooms used for sleeping
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Section III. Information about the Private Dwelling

6. Number of rooms per dwelling

b. How many are habitually used for sleeping?

_ _

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Question 6. What is the quantity of rooms that the dwelling has?:

This question [question 6] is related to the quantity of rooms in the dwelling and of these, how many are habitually used for sleeping and how many are used exclusively as bedrooms.

In this question the form of annotation changes, since they are not marked with an X for the answer, but you note a quantity (with numbers), which is given to us by the interviewee. You should take into account that you should note two digits, so therefore you will fill in a zero on the left when the number is not higher than nine.

Considering that generally the rooms are the spaces in the dwelling called bedroom, dormitory or room, living room, dining room, entryway, closed porch, garages, etc., whenever these same rooms are separated from each other with fixed walls that are two meters high or higher, and that in addition they have a surface area of at least four square meters and the kitchen if its size permits the placement of a table with chairs for eating in it.

Do not include the following as a room, even if it has more than four square meters of surface space: bathrooms, closet, interior hallways, open galleries, sanitary services, open portals, patios, balconies, terraces, etc.

b. How many rooms are habitually used for sleeping?

[ _ _ ]

In B) consider those that despite not being bedrooms are used for this purpose at the moment of the census.

Be aware that these are rooms that are used for sleeping, which means, the spaces of the dwelling that you determined as rooms in part A) of this question and that are used for the mentioned purpose.

In this manner, a living room that fulfills the condition of room, and in which a person habitually sleeps, would be a room used for sleeping.

In the same manner, you will include all of the bedrooms, even when some of them are not used by their occupants because there are more bedrooms than are needed.

If, in a dwelling, they inform you that they have two bedrooms, but in addition they habitually use the living room and dining room, you should note under rooms used for sleeping: (04).

Cuba 2012 — source variable CU2012A_SLROOMS — Number of rooms used for sleeping
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Section III. Private housing data
[Applies to questions 1-16]

7. [Number of rooms]

_ _ A) How many rooms does the home have? (Do not count bathrooms, hallways, balconies, open rooms such as: entryways, terraces, galleries, etc.)
_ _ B) How many bedrooms does the home have?
_ _ C) How many rooms are commonly used for sleeping?
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Section III. Private housing data.

Question 7. How many rooms does the home have?
This question is related to the number of rooms the home has, how many are typically used to sleep, and how many are used exclusively as bedrooms.
The format on this question is different as the response is not marked with an X, but rather the number of rooms (with numerals) is marked as reported by the interviewee. Note that the number must contain two digits, so if the number is not greater than nine, place a zero (0) before the number.
Bear in mind that generally the rooms are spaces of the home, referred to as bedroom, living room, dining room, entrance hall, library, garage, etc., so long as they are separated by fixed walls at least 2 meters in height, with an area of at least 4 square meter and the kitchen is of sufficient size to allow for a table and chairs to eat in the room.
The following are not considered rooms, even if they have a surface area of more than 4 square meter: bathrooms, closets, interior hallways, open galleries, sanitation systems, open portals, patios, balconies, terraces, etc.
In subsection A) of the question, the total number of rooms in the home should be noted, taking the above into consideration.
Subsection B) lists the number of rooms that were built with the sole function of serving as a bedroom or sleeping quarters. All bedrooms will be included, whether or not they are used for sleeping.
In C), include all of the rooms that are used for this purpose, whether they are bedrooms or not.
Keep in mind that these are all the rooms used for sleeping, that is, the housing spaces that you determined to be rooms in subsection A) of this question and that are used for the aforementioned purpose.
As such, a living room that meets the conditions to be a "room" and is habitually used by one or more people to sleep will be considered a room for sleeping.
If you are told that a home has two bedrooms, but in addition the living room and dining room are commonly used for sleeping, you will note the number of rooms used for sleeping as: (04).
Example of how to answer this question:
The apartment that you visit has the following spaces:

- Two bedrooms, each one measuring 6 square meter
- A 6 square meter living room.
- A 5 square meter dining room.
- A 4 square meter kitchen with a table.
- A 5 square meter bathroom.
- A 1 square meter closet.
- A 5 square meter open terrace.

You are told that in addition to the two bedrooms, the living room is used to sleep.
Remember that subsection A) is the total number of rooms, therefore subsection C) must be lesser than or equal to A), and B) must always be lesser.
As you can see, the bathroom, closet and terrace do not count as rooms.
[Figure omitted]

Côte d'Ivoire 1998 — source variable CI1998A_BEDROOMS — Total number of rooms occupied for sleeping
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Housing features and amenities

40. Total number of rooms in household

_ _ 40A. Total number of available rooms
_ _ 40B. Total number of occupied rooms
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6.3.1- Features and amenities of the dwelling of an ordinary household

The questions about housing pertain to the characteristics and amenities of the household's dwelling, or of its primary dwelling, in the event that the household occupies several buildings for residential use. However, in regard to the number of rooms available or occupied by the household, all residential rooms located in the building or buildings occupied by the household for residential use are to be taken into account.


For each question, circle the code that matches the correct answer. For questions involving numbers, legibly write the numbers declared by the head of household in the appropriate grids.

Note: Details must be provided when the "Other, specify" option is selected. In cases where the answer to a question is visible (Questions 39, 41, 42), do not ask the question.

Question 40b: Total number of rooms occupied for sleeping
The number of occupied rooms in a household is the number of rooms the household uses for sleeping. In the event that a household occupies several buildings for its dwelling, you must count all the rooms in these buildings that are used for sleeping.
Ask the question: "How many rooms are used for sleeping in your household?" Enter the number in the coding grid.

Dominican Republic 1981 — source variable DO1981A_BDROOMS — Rooms used for sleeping
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22. Rooms occupied by the household

a) How many rooms does this household occupy (not counting bath or rooms used in common with another household)?
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9 or more
b) Of these rooms, how many are used for sleeping?
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9 or more
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Question 22: Rooms occupied by the household
a) How many rooms does this household occupy?
(Not counting the kitchen, bathroom, or rooms shared with other households)

The circle corresponding to the number of rooms occupied by the enumerated household is filled in.

The kitchen, bathroom, and rooms shared with other households are not counted.

Note: When the dwelling is occupied by only one household, the answer to this question will coincide with the answer to question 18.

A census household is constituted of one or more persons, related or not, who live in the same census dwelling and who share a common food budget.
b) Of these rooms, how many are used for sleeping?

The circle corresponding to the number of rooms used for sleeping is filled in. This includes the rooms that are used for another purpose during the day but that are used for sleeping at night.

Dominican Republic 2002 — source variable DO2002A_BEDROOMS — Number bedrooms in household
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12. How many bedrooms does this dwelling have?

Bedrooms _ _
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Question 12: How many rooms or bedrooms are in this household?

Write down in the box the number of all of the rooms in the household. Do not include the ones that are used for sleeping at night and during the day are used for other purposes.

Dominican Republic 2010 — source variable DO2010A_BEDROOMS — Number bedrooms in household
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Section IV - Household characteristics

11. How many rooms (bedrooms) are in this household?

Number of bedrooms _ _
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Question 11. How many rooms (bedrooms) are in this household?
The objective of this question is to determine the number of rooms or bedrooms that the household has, including those that are not being used during time the census is being taken. This question is essential to measure the level of overcrowding in the households.
Verify in question 7 that the Total number of rooms of the household is higher than the Number of bedrooms or rooms that are used only for sleeping.
If a person lives in a room that does not have divisions, in other words, there are no spaces separated by walls of concrete, wood or any other material, and in that room there is a bed for sleeping and a stove, then in this case there is no bedroom. In this case, you should record in Number of bedrooms 00.

Ecuador 2010 — source variable EC2010A_ROOMSHH — Number of bedrooms in the household
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Section 2: Information about the household.
[Questions 1-15 were asked for private dwellings.]

1. Of the total number of rooms in this household, how many are exclusively for sleeping?

Number of bedrooms _ _
[] 0 None

El Salvador 1992 — source variable SV1992A_BEDROOMS — Number of bedrooms
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II. Household information

2. Characteristics of the dwelling

[Questions 4-15 were asked of occupied private households, per question 3 and Section 1.]

11b. Of the total rooms, how many are used as bedrooms?

____ Number

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4.2 Household information
Household: All places defined by walls and roofs where one or more people live regularly, that is where they sleep, cook and protect themselves from the elements. Also people can enter and leave the mentioned without passing through another house, having direct access from the street, passage, path or passing through common areas such as patios, hallways, corridors or stairs.

11b. Bedrooms
Of the total number of rooms, how many are used as bedrooms?

The rooms in the household that will be counted as bedrooms are all those that are used exclusively as bedrooms, as well as partially used, such that in the case of a family that lives in one room in an inn, this will be considered the bedroom, where the number of rooms coincides with the number of bedrooms.

El Salvador 2007 — source variable SV2007A_BEDROOMS — Total number of bedrooms
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2. How many of the rooms are used exclusively as bedrooms? Number /_/_/
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Question 2: How many of the rooms are used exclusively as bedrooms?
Bedrooms are those rooms in the household which are used exclusively as such. Those that are used partially, as is the case with a room in a tenement, are also considered bedrooms.

France 1968 — source variable FR1968A_ROOMS — Number of rooms in a dwelling (kitchen not included)
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3. Number of dwelling accommodation: not including the kitchen or rooms exclusively for professional use
Count as dwelling places rooms such as the bedroom, dining room, salon, common room, studio, living room, etc. whatever their surface area, as well the maid's room and attic garrets.
Do not count as dwelling places rooms such as entranceways, hall, bathroom, closet, alcove, W.C., laundry, office, etc.
Special case of independent rooms (for example: maid's room separated from the main dwelling)
Count these rooms amongst your dwelling places if you use them yourself (either for housing a member of your household: child, servant, etc.; or as a storage room, etc.)
Do not count them if they are rented, sublet, or leased to other people. In this last case, they constitute, in the meaning of the census, a distinct dwelling and their occupants will fill out a new dwelling form.
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3.1 Questions 1 and 3: Characteristics and existence of the kitchen, number of rooms.
The same room should never be counted at the same time in response to question 1 and in the answer to question 3. It should be counted in question 1 if it is considered a kitchen (answer Yes to question 1), and to question 3 if it is considered as a room in a dwelling.
In some dwellings, there is no separation (or there is a removable partition) between the two "rooms", (for example the dining room and the living room). In such a case, you will count it as two rooms if there is a partition and one single room if there is no partition.
The case of the dwelling consisting of one single room
It in the country that you may often encounter some regular dwellings (dwelling category 1) made up of one single room serving as a shared room, with some kitchen facilities (sink, stove, etc.). In the city, it is frequent to find some places (furnished bedrooms, for example) made up of a single room (dwelling category 1, 2 or 3).
In all these cases, you will answer 1 for question 3 (number of rooms in the dwelling) and you will check box NO (no kitchen) for question 1 ("Do you have a kitchen?").
In the case of the furnished bedroom where someone has installed a simple portable stove and where there is no sink, you will complete the answer question 6 by checking the numbered box 6 (No) and not box numbered 5.
According to the rules above, for all dwellings consisting of at least one room for living you should never have a blank response to question 3.

Ghana 2000 — source variable GH2000A_ROOMSS — Sleeping rooms
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H07 Rooms

H07b Sleeping rooms: How many of the rooms in H07a are designed primarily for sleeping?

[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9+

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H07. Rooms:

A room is defined as a space in the housing unit or other living quarters enclosed by walls reaching from the floor to the ceiling or roof covering, or at least to a height of 2 metres, of a size large enough to hold a bed for an adult, that is, at least 4 square metres.

H07b Sleeping rooms: How many of the rooms in H07a are designed primarily for sleeping?

Only information on sleeping room(s) intended for sleeping purposes must be collected unless the room/place has been specifically converted for that purpose. Conversion here means a change of its original use.

Sleeping rooms must exclude kitchens, dining rooms, studies, habitable attics, rooms used for professional or business purposes (e.g. stores) or garages, unless these are used as sleeping places. Bathrooms, toilet rooms, passageways, veranda and lobbies should also not be counted as rooms.

When a person or household sleeps in a room which is also at the same time used for business purposes, e.g. shop/store or office or workshop, the room must be recorded and the information must have been appropriately recorded in question H01 (category 09) above.

Ghana 2010 — source variable GH2010A_BEDROOMS — Bedrooms
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H: Housing conditions (household population only)
[For vacant housing unit fill only H01, H02, and H04]

H07: Rooms

H07b. How many of the rooms are used or sleeping? _ _

If more than 1, go to H08.
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H07. Rooms

A room is defined as a space in the housing unit or other living quarters enclosed by walls reaching from the floor to the ceiling or roof covering, or at least to a height of 2 meters, of a size large enough to hold a bed for an adult, that is, at least 4 square meters. Note that there are cases of two or more persons sharing a single room that have separate catering arrangements. Such persons are therefore single person household. The number of rooms occupied by such households should be one (1) for each person.

H07b. Sleeping rooms - How many of the rooms are used for sleeping?

Only rooms used for sleeping must be counted unless the room/place has been specifically converted for sleeping. Conversion here means a change of its original use. Record the number of rooms used for sleeping in 2 digits.

Sleeping rooms must exclude the kitchen, dining room, study, habitable attic, rooms used for professional or business purposes (e.g. stores or garages,) unless these are used as sleeping places. Bathrooms, toilet rooms, passageways, veranda and lobbies should also not be counted as sleeping rooms.

When a person or household sleeps in a room which is also used for business purposes, e.g. shop/store or office or workshop, the room must be recorded and the information must be appropriately recorded in question H01 (category 10) above.

Note that if the number of rooms used by the household is more than 1, skip to H08.

Guatemala 1964 — source variable GT1964A_BEDROOMS — Number of rooms for sleeping
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V. Rooms and occupants

17. Number of rooms

_ _ Number of rooms
_ _ Number of rooms used as bedrooms
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V. Rooms and occupants

In this last section of the form, information of great importance for the Dwelling Census is requested, such as the number of rooms and permanent occupants of the dwelling.

b) Number of rooms used as bedrooms:

Any room in which one or more persons sleep, even when the room also has another use (living room, store, etc.) will be considered as a bedroom. You should note the number of rooms that are used for this purpose.

c) Definition of room:

You will consider as a room a space (room, bedroom, space) located in a dwelling that has a roof and it is enclosed by walls, which can extend to the roof or be interrupted at a level that guarantees effective separation from the neighboring rooms and that is used for the purpose of housing. Therefore, you will consider as rooms in the dwelling the bedrooms, living rooms, dining rooms, family rooms, lofts, studios and recreations rooms, kitchens and servants' rooms. Since in some case you can doubt as to whether to include some very small spaces, as occurs frequently with kitchens, you can adopt the following criteria to consider them as rooms: the dimensions allow to accommodate an adult bed and the minimum height is superior to that of a person (approximately two meters).

The bathrooms are not considered in any case as rooms for the purpose of the census.

The rooms that are used exclusively for commercial purposes, industrial purposes, or services, such as shops, stores, workshops, clinics, legal offices, etc. are not counted as rooms. However, if any of these places serve at the same time to offer lodging, as occurs in some cases in which the same room in which there is a shop there is also a bedroom, living room, etc., then you should count it as a room. The same criteria will be applied to the garages that are used for the purpose of lodging and the open spaces, such as passages, vestibules, porches, etc.

Guatemala 1981 — source variable GT1981A_BEDROOMS — Number of sleeping rooms
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III. Living situation of household number

4. Number of rooms

b. Of these, how many are used as bedrooms?
____ Total bedrooms
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III. Living situation of household number

The questions included in this part of the form should be investigated for each of the households that are residing in the dwelling at the time of the Census.

The following specific instructions will allow the enumerator to carry out the work more efficiently.

Question 4: number of rooms

1. How to formulate the question

To investigate this question, the definition of "room" (see page 40) and "bedroom" should be taken into account. A "bedroom" is a room usually used for sleeping. Therefore, before asking the pertinent questions, the following should be taken into account: When one census household lives in a dwelling, the number of rooms should be the same as declared in section II, question 8; with this in mind, the enumerator will ask:

A. What is the total number of rooms available to this household?, and;
B. How many of these rooms are used as bedrooms?

2. How to record the data

If only one household lives in the dwelling, the same number of rooms as declared in section II, question 8 is recorded. If two or more households live in the dwelling, the number of rooms and bedrooms available to the household in question is recorded, independently for each household.

Might be cases where two or more households live in one-room dwellings. In these cases, it will be recorded in the form that each household has one room and one bedroom available. This situation will be documented in the space meant for observations in the census form.

[p. 46]

3. Example:

[These instructions refer to a graphic of question 4 of the census form]

Guatemala 1994 — source variable GT1994A_BEDROOMS — Rooms used as bedrooms
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III. Inhabited condition of the household

5. Total number of rooms

b. Of this total number of rooms, how many are used as bedrooms? _ _

Guatemala 2002 — source variable GT2002A_BEDROOMS — Number of bedrooms
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Chapter IV. Habitation situation of the household

[Questions 7 to 13 are asked of all dwellings]

7. How many rooms are there in the dwelling not counting the bathroom or kitchen? _ _

8. Of the total rooms, how many are used as bedrooms? _ _

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Section 4: Household housing status

The information you record in this section is for each household in a dwelling.

8. Bedrooms
Ask, "Of all the rooms, how many in total are used as bedrooms?"

[A graphic of question 8, from section 4 of the census form, is included here.]

Bedroom: This is a room normally used for sleeping.

Honduras 1988 — source variable HN1988A_BEDROOMS — Number of sleeping rooms
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Chapter II Dwelling Information

6. Rooms in the dwelling

a) How many total rooms does this dwelling have?
____ (not counting the bathroom)
b) How many [rooms] are used as bedrooms?
c) Is there a separate room for the kitchen?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

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6. Rooms in the dwelling
A room is a space in the dwelling, closed in by fixed walls, which rises from the floor to the roof, or to a height of at least two (2) meters from the floor.

a) How many rooms in total does the dwelling have?
Hallways, vestibules, and bathrooms are not counted as rooms. Then, write down the number of rooms told by the informant.

[There is a graphic illustrating the rooms in a dwelling]

b) How many rooms are used as bedrooms?
A bedroom is a room that is principally used for sleeping.

[There is a graphic illustrating the bedrooms in a dwelling]

c) Is there a room used only for cooking?
A kitchen is the room meant for food preparation.

[There is a graphic illustrating a kitchen in a dwelling]

Reminder: It is possible that, in the country, the kitchen is located separately from the rest of the dwelling. For the purposes of the census, this is considered to be an integral part of the dwelling.

Honduras 2001 — source variable HN2001A_BEDROOMS — Rooms used for sleeping
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Section C. Household information

Rooms in the house

1. How many rooms are used by this household for sleeping? _ _

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Section C. Data about the household

Question 1: How many rooms does this household utilize for sleeping?
Note the quantity of rooms or bedrooms that the household uses for sleeping, independent of whether during the day the room is used for other purposes. Remember that this does not mean the rooms that are considered bedrooms; it means the rooms used for sleeping by all of the members of the household.

Iraq 1997 — source variable IQ1997A_ROOMBED — Number of bedrooms
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12. Number of bedrooms ____

Mark with an [x] the correct answer.
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12. Number of bedrooms:
This field concerns only houses, flats, mud houses, and caravans. The data concerning this field is not collected from others. The dependable definition for the bedroom is the room which is used for sleeping even it is used basically as a sitting room, dining room, and kitchen or for any other purpose. Recorded in this field the number of rooms used for sleeping. If the household uses two bedrooms, number (2) is put in the space indicated for that and if the household uses (3) bedrooms, number (3) is put in the space indicated for that and so on.

Jamaica 2001 — source variable JM2001A_BEDROOMS — Number of rooms used for sleeping
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3.4 How many rooms are used mainly for sleeping?
_ _
[] Not stated

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5.22 Question 3.4: Rooms used for sleeping
Include here the total number of rooms which are used for sleeping on a regular basis. These may or may not be rooms that were originally intended for this purpose. Include rooms that were intended as bedrooms, but are not being used as such at the time of the Census.

Jordan 2004 — source variable JO2004A_ROOMBD — Total number of bedrooms in the housing unit
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Total No. of rooms in the housing unit
[Questions 127 and 128 were asked of persons who lived in occupied private or collective household, per Question 116.]
127. Total _ _
128. Bed rooms _
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Question 128 the number of bedrooms in the housing unit:
The enumerator asks the residents in the housing unit about the number of rooms used for sleeping. Their numbers could be equal to the total of number of rooms or less. Its number cannot be under 1.

Malawi 2008 — source variable MW2008A_BEDROOMS — Number of rooms for sleeping
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D07. How many of these rooms are used for sleeping? _ _
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D05. Number of rooms for sleeping
Ask for the number of rooms used for sleeping. Record the number in the boxes provided and shade the digits as appropriate.

Malaysia 2000 — source variable MY2000A_BEDROOM — Number of bedrooms
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A5. Number of bedrooms _ _

Mexico 1990 — source variable MX1990A_BEDROOM — Bedrooms
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4. Number of Rooms

How many rooms in this dwelling are used for sleeping?

_____ (Write the number)

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Characteristics of the dwelling

The series of questions found on page two of the questionnaire will permit you to find out the principal characteristics of the dwellings: the materials that they are made out of, the number of rooms that the dwelling consists of and the use the rooms are given, the available services, ownership of the dwelling and the cooking fuel that they use.

4. Number of rooms

A room in a space inside the dwelling that is separated by permanent walls of any material. Remember that you should always ask two questions:

With the first question, you will know how many rooms are used as bedrooms.

With the second question, you will know how many rooms the dwelling has in total, such as living room, dining room, bedrooms, kitchen, etc. You should not count hallways nor bathrooms as rooms.

Mexico 1995 — source variable MX1995A_ROOMSS — Rooms for sleeping
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1.6 Rooms for sleeping
How many rooms are used for sleeping, without counting hallways?
Bedrooms ____

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1.6 Rooms for sleeping

This question finds out the number of rooms in a dwelling that are used for sleeping. A room is understood to be a space in a dwelling delineated normally by four fixed walls of any material, meant for the lodging of people or other uses or activities of family life.

[graphic of the question from the census form]

Write down in the corresponding boxes the information given by the informant.

Rooms of a dwelling meant for sleeping and that are only occasionally used should be included in the total number of rooms for sleeping, those that at the moment of the counting are not used for this purpose, but rather as library, shop, wine cellar, among others, are not considered bedrooms.

The rooms that are used occasionally for sleeping and are not meant for it, are not included in the total number of rooms for sleeping, but rather only in the total number of rooms.

Wine cellar, granaries, commercial places, etc. that are used normally or habitually for sleeping should be considered room-bedrooms. If hallways or sheds are used for sleeping, do not consider them rooms.

Mexico 2000 — source variable MX2000A_RMBED — Number of bedrooms
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5. Number of Rooms

How many rooms are used for sleeping without counting hallways?

_____ Write the number

Without counting the hallways or bathrooms how many total rooms are in this dwelling? Count the kitchen

_____Write the number

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5. Number of Rooms

Room is the space in the dwelling delimited, normally, by fixed walls and roofs of any material.

In the first question, only the rooms utilized for sleeping are considered.

In the second, include all the rooms in the dwelling: bedrooms, living room, dining room, living room-dining room, kitchen, living room ["estancia"], study, and service room.

Storerooms, granaries, commercial areas, stores, garages, or others, which are regularly used for sleeping, should be counted as bedrooms and be included in the total number of rooms. However, if no one sleeps there, do not count them in any of the questions.

[Depiction of this completed question on the enumeration form, and a drawing of a storage shed]

Double check that the total number of rooms in the dwelling is more than or equal to the total number of bedrooms. If this is not so, clear up the situation with the informant and correct the corresponding figure.

Mexico 2005 — source variable MX2005A_ROOMBD — Number of bedrooms
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1.2 Number of rooms
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Section I: Characteristics of the dwelling

If the class of private dwelling is an independent house, apartment in a building or tenement house and dwelling or room on a roof, ask questions of section 1.

If it is a premises not built for inhabitation, mobile dwelling or shelter, do not ask the questions of section I: Characteristics of the dwelling.

1.2 Number of rooms

The first question refers to the number of rooms (delineated by walls and roof) that are regularly used to sleep, although they have another use.

With the second question, it is to know the total number of rooms that a dwelling has: kitchen, living rooms, dining room, large room, bedroom, or study.

Verify that an informant does not include hallways or bathrooms in any of the two questions.

When in a dwelling, wine cellars, granaries, commercial premises, stores, depots and others similar spaces exist, they are thought of as rooms only if they are used regularly for sleeping. That is, count them as bedrooms and also in the total number of rooms. But if nobody sleeps there, do not count them.

Be careful to point out that all rooms of a dwelling are counted since in some places, the dwellings have separate or independent rooms in the same plot of land.

[To the right of the text is a form for 1.2 Number of rooms.]

[p. 56]

There are dwellings that have a single room that is used for sleeping, cooking, eating, etc; you should consider that the dwelling has a room for sleeping in the first question one room total, for the second question.

Mexico 2010 — source variable MX2010A_BEDROOMS — Number of bedrooms
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I. Dwelling Characteristics
[Questions 1-19 were not asked of mobile dwellings, shelter and premises not intended for habitation]

5. Bedrooms
How many rooms are used for sleeping, not including the hallways?

Write in digits _ _

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6.3 Section I. Housing characteristics

In this section, instructions will be presented for the questions that investigate the characteristics of the private inhabited dwellings.

If the class of the private inhabited dwellings is a premise not intended for inhabitation, a mobile dwelling, a shelter, or a collective dwelling, don't apply this section. Start the interview with the section II, List of People.

5. Bedrooms and 6. Rooms
Question 5 only considers the rooms that are habitually used to sleep, even though they have other uses.

[p. 78]

There are dwellings with various rooms and these are recognized commonly for the principal function that is carried out in them, like kitchen, living room, dining room, room, and bedroom among others. Record the total number of rooms that the dwelling has in Question 6.

There are dwellings with a single room that is used for distinct functions, like sleeping, cooking, and eating, among others. In these cases, record number 1 for both questions.

If there is some garage, storage, grain barn, or business that has a different function than sleeping, only count it if it is used for sleeping.

Confirm that the total number of rooms is always greater than or equal to the number of rooms used for sleeping. If it's not so, clarify the situation with the informer and correct the responses.

Areas used for storage do not count.

Mexico 2015 — source variable MX2015A_BEDROOMS — Number of bedrooms excluding hallways
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4. Bedrooms
How many rooms are used for sleeping, not counting hallways?

Record the number _ _
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4. Bedrooms
This question identifies the number of rooms used for sleeping. Read the question, listen to the answer and record the number.

[Figures are omitted]

Consider that all dwellings have at least one room. Knowing the difference between room and bedroom will help you to make a correct record, so it is important that you identify the definition of each type:

[] Room: it is a space delimited by fixed walls and ceiling of any material, where are placed some everyday activities such as resting, sleeping, eating, cooking, among other.
[] Bedroom: it is a space used for sleeping, regardless of other activities are also conducted.

If the respondent says that there are rooms that sometimes are used for sleeping, include them as bedrooms.

Mexico 2020 — source variable MX2020A_BEDROOMS — Number of bedrooms excluding hallways
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I. Characteristics of the housing unit

5. Bedrooms: Excluding corridors, how many rooms are used for sleeping?

_ _ Write the number
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15. Extended questionnaire
This section of the questionnaire contains the questions you must apply in the households you have registered as: Single house on the land, house sharing land with other(s); duplex house; apartment in a building; housing unit in neighborhood or tenement and housing unit in the rooftop room of a building. That is, with classes 1 to 6 of private housing unit class.

5. Bedrooms
This question shows the number of rooms used for sleeping.

Read the question, listen to the answer, and register the number.

[p. 224]

Consider that all housing units have at least one room. Knowing the difference between a room and a bedroom will help you make a correct record, so it is important that you know their definitions:

[Figure omitted: image with text]

- Room. Space of the housing unit is delimited by fixed walls and a roof made from 
any material, where some daily activities such as resting, sleeping, eating, and cooking, among others, are carried out.
- Bedroom. A room in the housing unit that is used for sleeping, regardless of whether other activities are also carried out.

If the respondent comments that there are rooms that are only used occasionally for sleeping, include them as bedrooms.

[Figure omitted: image with text - in the image you can see three bedrooms out of the five rooms in the house]

[p. 225]

Mozambique 1997 — source variable MZ1997A_BEDROOMS — Rooms for sleeping
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[Questions 5 through 10 were asked of private households in occupied dwellings.]

6a. How many rooms is the house divided into? (Excluding kitchen and bathrooms)

No. of Rooms: ____
6b. From those, how many are used for persons to sleep?
No. of Rooms: ___
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E6b. How many divisions do you use to sleep?
Read the question and wait for the reply. Of the total number of divisions mentioned in E6a, write down how many are used for sleeping. Write down the number, even if some are not sleeping quarters, such as dining room, living room, etc.

Mozambique 2007 — source variable MZ2007A_BEDRMS — Rooms used for sleeping
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Section E: Characteristics and Condition of the Dwelling
Enumerator: Fill out the Enumeration Form using the question about the dwelling. If there is more than one household within the dwelling, fill out questions 1-11 only, for the first household.

[Question 7 through 11, section F and G were asked those in private occupied dwellings]

8a. How many rooms is the dwelling divided into? (excluding kitchen and bathrooms)_ _

8b. From those, how many are used for persons to sleep? _ _

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E8b. From those, how many are used as bedrooms?

Read the Question and wait for a response. From the total number of rooms mentioned in E8a, how many are used as a place to sleep? Write the number of rooms even if they are not actually bedrooms, like for example, dining room, living room, etc.


If a household lives in a two-bedroom apartment and they use the living room to sleep, write |0|3|.

If, in addition to the main two-room dwelling, a household has 4 one-room huts that they also use to sleep, write |0|6|.

Nicaragua 1971 — source variable NI1971A_BEDROOM — Number of sleeping rooms
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3. Number of rooms and bedrooms

____ Total number of rooms
____ Of these, how many are bedrooms?

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Question #3

Number of rooms and bedrooms

a. How to carry out the investigation
The following definitions should be taken into account in investigating this topic:

Room: A room is the space situated in a dwelling that is separated by walls that rise at least 2 meters from the floor and that have enough room for an adult-sized bed, or are at least 4 square meters in size. The following are considered to be rooms: bedrooms, dining rooms, living rooms, servant's quarters, and other rooms that can be used as lodging for persons or that are designed for that purpose. The following are not considered to be rooms: hallways, open galleries, foyers, etc. as well as bathrooms and rooms used exclusively for commercial or industrial purposes.

Bedroom: A bedroom is a room (see definition above) that is used principally for sleeping.

b. How to record the data
The total number of rooms and the total number of bedrooms is recorded. For dwellings with only one room, "zero" (0) is marked for bedrooms.

c. Example:

[These instructions refer to a graph of question 3 on the census form]

Nicaragua 1995 — source variable NI1995A_BEDROOMS — Bedrooms in dwelling
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Characteristics of the dwelling

Number of rooms
6. How many rooms does this dwelling have altogether? (Do not include bathrooms, kitchen, corridors, or garages)
Total: _ _

Of this total number of rooms, how many are always used for sleeping, even though they may have other uses during the day?
Total: _ _

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Question 6: Number of rooms
Room: This is a space within the dwelling that is delimited by fixed divisions of any material. You should count as rooms: the living room, the dining room, the bedrooms, the combined living room/dining room, but you should not include in the count: the bathroom, hallway, kitchen, garages, storage room, workshop, etc.

Note the total number of rooms that the dwelling has, and of this total, note the number that are used for sleeping as long as the room does not have another use during the day.

Nicaragua 2005 — source variable NI2005A_BEDROOMS — Rooms used only for sleeping
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3. How many rooms does this household have that are used only for sleeping? (Do not include kitchens, bathrooms, hallways, or garages) Total: _ _
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Question 3. How many rooms does this household have that are used only for sleeping? (Do not include kitchens, bathrooms, hallways or garages.)

Use two digits to write the answer in the spaces corresponding to total number of rooms used only for sleeping. Put a "0" in front of numbers 1-9.

Keep in mind that you should write "00" if the dwelling only has one room.

Panama 1980 — source variable PA1980A_ROOMSB — Number of bedrooms
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Ask questions 3 through 14 only for those dwellings, with inhabitants present, that are classified in boxes 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 of question number 1, Type of Dwelling.

3. Rooms in this dwelling

How many rooms does the dwelling have? ____
Of these, how many are bedrooms? ____

Is there an area used exclusively for cooking?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

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Question 3 Rooms in this dwelling

How many rooms does it have? Write down with numbers and in the corresponding space, the total number of rooms that the enumerated dwelling has. Do not count as a room the kitchen, bathroom, halls, terraces, "porches", doorways and garages. Also do not consider those buildings that are used exclusively for commercial, industrial or service (store, workshop, depositories of grain and other product, elevated storage rooms (jorones), stalls for animals, etc.) purposes.
Of these rooms, how many are bedrooms? Write down in the corresponding space, the number of bedrooms that the enumerated dwelling has.
Bedroom is understood to be the room principally meant and used for sleeping.
In the case of dwellings with only one room, "0" bedrooms will be marked.

[The instructions refer to a graphic of question 3 of the census form.]

Does it have an area exclusively for cooking? Mark the corresponding box if the dwelling has or does not have a space exclusively for cooking.
If the kitchen is found improvised in the living room, balcony, corridor or garage, mark box " no" [] 2.
For the case of hanging shacks, this question does not apply completely. The enumerator will write down "0" for the numbers of rooms and bedrooms and will mark box 2 (NO) on this question for the area exclusively for a kitchen.

Panama 1990 — source variable PA1990A_ROOMSB — Number of sleeping rooms in the dwelling
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4. How many rooms does this dwelling have?
(Do not include kitchen, toilet and bath)

_ _

4a. Of these, how many are used only for sleeping? _ _

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Questions 3 to 14 only are asked at dwellings with occupants present classified in one of the circles 01 to 05 of question Number 1 "Type of Dwelling".

Question Number 4: How many rooms does this dwelling have? (Do not include kitchen, toilet and bath)
Write down in Arabic numbers in the corresponding space, the total number of rooms that the enumerated dwelling has. Do not count as a room the kitchen, bathroom, halls, terraces, doorways, attics and garages. Also do not consider those that are used exclusively for commercial, industrial or service (store, workshop, depositories of grain and other products, elevated storage rooms (jorones), stalls for animals, etc.) purposes. Do not include annexes that are rented.

Question Number 4a Of these [rooms] how many are for sleeping?
Write down in Arabic numbers in the corresponding space the amount of bedrooms or sleeping quarters that the enumerated dwelling has. Write down "00" if the dwelling is composed of a single room. Do not count attics as bedrooms.
Bedroom is understood to be the room meant for used exclusively for sleeping.

[Below the text is a picture of a filled out question.]

Panama 2000 — source variable PA2000A_ROOMSB — Number of bedrooms
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5. How many rooms does the dwelling have?
(Do not include the kitchen, toilet and bathroom)

Number of rooms _ _

5a. Of these, how many are only for sleeping?

_ _

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Questions 3 to 15 are only asked at dwellings with occupants present (Circle 1).

Question 5 How many rooms does the dwelling have?

(Do not include the kitchen, toilet or bath)

It is any separated chambers used for means of lodging. The rooms can be separated by fixed walls of any material, which constitutes an effective division between the different chambers.
When this question is asked, clarify to the enumerated person what should be included as rooms or not, what should be considered for a better understanding is detailed below:

[p. 42]

[Below the text are two lists.]


Living room
Dining room
Recreation room
Domestic servant's room
Rooms always ceded or rented and when they are within an enumerated dwelling (more than one home in a dwelling)

Do not include
Attics (that are not used as sleeping rooms)
Annexes that are rented and have an independent entrance
Those that are used exclusively for commercial, industrial or service (shop, workshop, depositories of grain and other products, elevated storage rooms (jorones), stalls for animals, etc.) reasons.

Finally, write down with two numbers in the corresponding space the total number of rooms that the enumerated dwelling has, putting a zero in front if the amount is less than ten.

Question Number 5a Of these [rooms] how many are for sleeping?

The objective that this question pursues is to quantify the total number of rooms which are in the home and that are used only for sleeping even if they have not been built for this purpose. The information obtained will permit us to know the level of housing of the home.
Write down in Arabic numbers in the corresponding space the amount of rooms exclusive for sleeping that the enumerated dwelling has, even if they have not been built for this purpose. Consider attics, only, if they are used only for sleeping. Write down " 00" if the dwelling does not have any room exclusive for sleeping.
The number of rooms in this question should be less than the total number of rooms mentioned in question 5.

[p. 43]

Example: The person declares to have, in their dwelling, a living room -- dining room and 4 rooms for sleeping. The response will be written down as:

[Below the text is a form.]

Panama 2010 — source variable PA2010A_BEDROOMS — Number of bedrooms in the dwelling
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8. How many rooms does this dwelling have?
(Do not include kitchen, laundry and bathrooms)
Number of rooms _ _
8A. Of these, how many are only bedrooms? _ _

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Question No. 8: How many rooms does this dwelling have?
(Do not include the kitchen, toilet, or bath.)
Room: It is each of the chambers or spaces used for housing purposes. The rooms must be separated by fixed walls of any material that establishes a practical separation between each of the different chambers.
When you ask this question, clarify to the person that is being enumerated what must be included or not as rooms, next there is a detailed list of what you should consider for a better understanding:
[Below the text there is a table that indicates what should and what should not be included when counting rooms.]
Living room.
Dining room.
Study rooms.
Recreation rooms.
Room for the domestic service.
Rooms that are ceded and rented as long as those are within the enumerated dwelling (more than one household in the dwelling.)
Attics used as sleeping room.
Elevated storage rooms [jorones] that are used as sleeping rooms.

Do not include
Attics (that are not used as sleeping rooms.)
Annexes that are rented and have an independent entrance.
Those that are used exclusively for commercial, industrial or service reasons (shop, workshop, depositories of grain and other products, elevated storage rooms [jorones], stalls for animals, etc.).

Finally, register at the two-digit level, in the corresponding space, the total number of rooms that the dwelling you are enumerating has, putting before a 0, if the quantity is lower than 10.
[There is a simple image of question 8 from the enumeration form.]

[p. 67]
Question No. 8A: Of these [rooms], how many are only for sleeping?
The objective of this question is to quantify the total number of rooms that the dwelling has and that are used only to sleep, even if they have not been built for this purpose. The information obtained will permit us to know the level of overcrowding of the household.
Overcrowding: Congestion in the same place of a number of people that is considered excessive.
These rooms are generally known as bedrooms.
Register in Arabic numbers, in the corresponding space, the number of rooms exclusive for sleeping that the dwelling being enumerated has, even if they have not been built for this purpose. Consider attics only if those are used exclusively for sleeping. Register "00" if the dwelling does not have any room exclusive for sleeping.
The number of rooms indicated in this question must be lower than the total of rooms mentioned in question 8.
Note: In indigenous areas it is possible to find dwellings without walls and having only one room where all the daily life activities are performed. You must register "01" in question 8 and "00" in question 8a of section II, information on the dwelling, because by definition, those do not have exclusive rooms for sleeping.
[There is a picture showing huts without walls. Below the picture, there is a sample image of questions 8 and 8A from the enumeration form.]
[p. 68]
Example: The respondent declares that, in his/her apartment, there is a living room - dining room and 2 rooms used for sleeping and a room that is used as storage. The answer will be registered in the following way:
[There is a drawing representing the different rooms listed in the example. Below, there is a sample image of questions 8 and 8A from the enumeration form.]

Paraguay 1972 — source variable PY1972A_BEDRMS — Sleeping rooms
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[Questions 3 to 10 were asked of private households]

III. Household information

5. Rooms in the household

How many rooms does this household have? ____

Of these, how many are used for sleeping? ____

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III. Information about the household

The information for this part of the form refers to the "census household", which means, the set of persons who live in the dwelling.

5. Rooms in the household:

* How many rooms does this household occupy? Note with number, the total of rooms used as habitation by the members of the "household".
- Considered as a room is the space enclosed by walls and roof, and in which at least the bed of an adult can fit. This includes the living room, the dining room, and the bedrooms.
- Not considered as room is the Hall, the kitchen, the bathroom, corridor, shed, garage, etc., nor those that are used exclusively for commercial, industrial, or service purposes, such as stores, shops, doctor's offices, other offices, etc. Exception: if the kitchen is also used as a dining room, consider it as a room.

* Of these, how many are used for sleeping? Note here the number of rooms that are used specifically as bedrooms and those that, not being bedrooms, are normally arranged and used for sleeping.

* Does the household have rooms designated for cooking and bathing? We want to know if the "household" has a special room available for cooking and another for bathing.
If the household has a kitchen or bathroom and it is used exclusively by the "household", mark the corresponding line, in box 2. If the household does not have them, mark box 3.

Paraguay 1982 — source variable PY1982A_BEDRMS — Number of sleeping rooms
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a) How many rooms does this dwelling have? ____

b) Of these, how many are used for sleeping? ____

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Question 4. Rooms in the dwelling

Read each question and write down:

- On the line corresponding to questions a) and b), the number of floors declared by the informant.
- In questions c) and d) make an X in the corresponding box, depending on the case.

[A depiction of questions 4a, b, c, and d, to the right of the preceding text is omitted here.]

Keep in mind the following definition:

"Room:" a space enclosed by walls that are elevated from the floor to the roof and which have an area large enough to fit at least a bed for an adult. An attic that fits this definition and is at least 2 meters high is considered a room.

[P. 26]

The bathroom, the kitchen, and the rooms that are utilized exclusively for commercial, industrial, or service purposes, such as storehouses, stores, consulting offices [i.e. for a doctor, other professional], offices, hallways, etc. are not included in the number of rooms. If the kitchen is also used as a dining room, it is included as a room.

Paraguay 1992 — source variable PY1992A_BEDRMS — Number of sleeping rooms
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Section III. Household information

[Question 14 through 24 were asked of occupied households with present members]

16. How many rooms are used for sleeping?

_ _ Rooms used for sleeping

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[Question 15 is asked of occupied households with present members]

Question 15: How many rooms are there in this household?

15. How many households are there in this household?
(Do not count the kitchen nor bathroom)
Number of rooms [3]

This refers to the number of rooms that a household has, without taking into account the rooms of the bathroom, nor the kitchen. Room is a space that is closed off by four walls and a roof.

[Question 16 is asked of occupied households with present members]

Question 16: How many rooms are used for sleeping?

16. How many rooms are used for sleeping?
Number of rooms for sleeping [2]

In this case, you should take into account all of the rooms that are habitually used for sleeping. This also includes the living room, dining room, the garage or any other room that is habitually used for sleeping.

Paraguay 2002 — source variable PY2002A_BEDROOMS — Number of bedrooms
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Chapter C. Household information

16. In this household, how many rooms are used for sleeping?

____ Number of rooms for sleeping
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C. Information about the household

Question 16: In this household, how many rooms are used for sleeping?

If in the household they use the living room, the dining room or any other room for sleeping in habitual manner, it should be counted as a room for sleeping.

Peru 1993 — source variable PE1993A_BEDROOM — Number of sleeping rooms
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1. How many rooms in this household are used exclusively for sleeping?
Write the number in the box: ____

Poland 2002 — source variable PL2002A_BEDROOM — Number of bedrooms in the dwelling (excluding rooms used for business purposes only)
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4. Number of rooms in this dwelling?
a) Total (do not include kitchen, hall, bathroom, toilet, veranda, pantry etc.): ____
b) Of which rooms are used exclusively for conducting economic activity (for example: office, study room, workshop, etc.) ____
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Question 4. Number of rooms in this dwelling? [p. 54]

1.In question 4a indicate all the rooms (according the definition of the room) in the dwelling, even if some of them are currently being used for purposes other than housing ones, e.g. for economic activity, storage or they are just empty.

Among the enumerated rooms, indicate a multi-functional room (a combination of the kitchen and living room), irrespective of the fact that the existence of such kitchen arrangement has been marked in that dwelling.

2. Rooms used exclusively for conducting economic activity -- question 4b -- are: seats of companies, offices, law firms, surgeries, studios, workshops, establishments etc. The entrance to these rooms is situated in the same ante-room as the entrances to the other rooms.
Please Notice: Rooms (and other spaces) used for conducting economic activity, which have a separate entrance from the street, yard or a common corridor, should not be treated as an integral part of the dwelling, even if they are connected with the living part. Do not count them in the number of the rooms in the dwelling and do not count their space in the useful floor space of dwelling.

Puerto Rico 1970 — source variable PR1970A_BEDROOMS — Number of bedrooms
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H23. How many bedrooms are there in this housing unit?
(Count the rooms used mainly for sleeping even if used for other purposes.)
[] No bedrooms
[] 1 bedroom
[] 2 bedrooms
[] 3 bedrooms
[] 4 bedrooms
[] 5 bedrooms or more

Puerto Rico 1980 — source variable PR1980A_BEDROOMS — Number of bedrooms
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H23. How many bedrooms do you have?

Count rooms used mainly for sleeping even if used also for other purposes.
[] No bedroom
[] 1 bedroom
[] 2 bedrooms
[] 3 bedrooms
[] 4 bedrooms
[] 5 or more bedrooms

Puerto Rico 1990 — source variable PR1990A_BEDROOMS — Number of bedrooms
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H16. How many bedrooms do you have; that is, how many bedrooms would you list if this (house/apartment) were on the market for sale or rent?
[ ] 1 No bedroom
[ ] 2 1 bedroom
[ ] 3 2 bedrooms
[ ] 4 3 bedrooms
[ ] 5 4 bedrooms
[ ] 6 5 or more bedrooms

Puerto Rico 2000 — source variable PR2000A_BEDROOMS — Number of bedrooms
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38. How many bedrooms do you have; that is, how many bedrooms would you list if this house, apartment, or mobile home were on the market for sale or rent?
[] No bedrooms
[] 1 bedroom
[] 2 bedrooms
[] 3 bedrooms
[] 4 bedrooms
[] 5 or more bedrooms

Puerto Rico 2005 — source variable PR2005A_BEDROOMS — Number of bedrooms
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8. How many bedrooms are in this house, apartment, or mobile home; that is, how many bedrooms would you list if this house, apartment or mobile home were on the market for sale or rent?
[] No bedrooms
[] 1 bedroom
[] 2 bedrooms
[] 3 bedrooms
[] 4 bedrooms
[] 5 or more bedrooms

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8. Include all rooms intended to be used as bedrooms in this house, apartment, or mobile home, even if they are currently being used for other purposes.

Puerto Rico 2010 — source variable PR2010A_BEDROOMS — Number of bedrooms
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[Questions 7 - 14 were asked of all households.]

7. b) How many of these rooms are bedrooms?

Count as bedrooms those rooms you would list if this house, apartment, or mobile home were for sale or rent. If this is an efficiency/studio apartment, print "0".

Number of bedrooms ____
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Answer questions 1 through 21 for the house, apartment, or mobile home at the address on the mailing label.

7b. Include all rooms intended to be used as bedrooms in this house, apartment, or mobile home, even if they are currently being used for other purposes.

Print "0" for an efficiency or studio apartment that does not have a separate bedroom. Your response to this question (7b) should be smaller than the number of rooms reported in question 7a.

Puerto Rico 2015 — source variable PR2015A_BEDROOMS — Number of bedrooms
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A Answer questions 4 - 6 if this is a house or a mobile home; otherwise, skip to question 7a.

a. How many separate rooms are in this house, apartment, or mobile home?

Rooms must be separated by built-in archways or walls that extend out at least 6 inches and go from to ceiling.
- Include bedrooms, kitchens, etc
- Exclude bathrooms, porches, balconies, foyers, halls, or unfinished basements,
Number of rooms _ _

b. How many of these rooms are bedroom?

Count as bedrooms those rooms you would list if this house, apartment, or mobile home were for sale or rent. If this is an efficiency/studio apartment, print 0.

Number of rooms _ _
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Answer questions 1 through 21 for the house, apartment, or mobile home at the address on the mailing label.

7b. Include all rooms intended to be used as bedrooms in this house, apartment, or mobile home, even if they are currently being used for other purposes.

Print "0" for an efficiency or studio apartment that does not have a separate bedroom. Your response to this question 7b should be smaller than the number of rooms reported in question 7a.

Puerto Rico 2020 — source variable PR2020A_BEDROOMS — Number of bedrooms
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Please answer the following questions about the house, apartment, or mobile home at the address on the mailing label.

A. Answer questions 4-5 if this is a house or a mobile home; otherwise, skip to question 6a.

6b. How many of these rooms are bedrooms?

Count as bedrooms those rooms you would list if this house, apartment, or mobile home were for sale or rent. If this is an efficiency/studio apartment, print "0".

Number of bedrooms _ _
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Housing questions 4-17

H6.b. Include all rooms intended to be used as bedrooms in this house, apartment, or mobile home, even if they are currently being used for other purposes.

Enter "0" for an efficiency or studio apartment that does not have a separate bedroom. Your response to question 6b should be smaller than the number of rooms reported in question 6a.

Rwanda 2012 — source variable RW2012A_BEDROOMS — Number of rooms for sleeping
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Section H: Housing Units Characteristics

8. How many of those rooms are used for sleeping?

Number of bedrooms _ _
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Section H: Housing units characteristics
5.3.5. How to complete Section H: Habitat [H01 to H35]
Questions on habitat are also asked to the household head or his representative.

H08: Number of bed rooms
How many of these rooms are used for sleeping?
Record the number of rooms used for sleeping in provided boxes

Saint Lucia 1991 — source variable LC1991A_BEDROOM — Number of bedrooms
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1.16 How many bedrooms are there in this dwelling unit?
Bedrooms are rooms used mainly for sleeping and exclude makeshift and temporary sleeping quarters.

Count all bedrooms including spares not occupied.

Bedrooms _ _

South Africa 2011 — source variable ZA2011A_BEDRMS — Number of bedrooms
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H-03 Rooms
How many rooms are there in the main dwelling of this household?
Write the appropriate codes in the boxes

Dining rooms _ _
Living rooms _ _
Dining/Living room _ _
Bedrooms _ _
Study rooms _ _
One room with multiple uses _ _
Other rooms _ _
Total rooms _ _
Exclude bathrooms and kitchen.
Include garages if some members of the household are living in them.
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10. Section H: Housing (remember to follow instructions)
Purpose: Information collected here is important to all users such as Eskom, Telkom, etc. as it can be used to monitor progress regarding service delivery issues (or lack thereof).

This section must be completed for every household.
H-02: Other dwelling refers to another structure that the household occupies other than the main house/dwelling.

South Sudan 2008 — source variable SS2008A_BEDRMS — Number of sleeping rooms
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34. How many rooms does this household use for sleeping indoors?
_ _

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Q34 "How many rooms does this household use for sleeping indoors?" Ask question 34.
  • Write the number of rooms in the boxes and shade the corresponding numbers in the rows.
  • Use leading zeroes. If the respondent says 5 rooms, write and shade "05"
  • The number of sleeping rooms should include the number of rooms in the main building plus any other rooms used for sleeping in the building/compound.

Sudan 2008 — source variable SD2008A_BEDRMS — Number of sleeping rooms
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34. How many rooms does this household use for sleeping indoors?
_ _

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Q34 "How many rooms does this household use for sleeping indoors?" Ask question 34.
  • Write the number of rooms in the boxes and shade the corresponding numbers in the rows.
  • Use leading zeroes. If the respondent says 5 rooms, write and shade "05"
  • The number of sleeping rooms should include the number of rooms in the main building plus any other rooms used for sleeping in the building/compound.

Tanzania 2002 — source variable TZ2002A_ROOMS — Number of rooms used for sleeping
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35. How many rooms in your household are used for sleeping?
Write the number of rooms used for sleeping.
_ _

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G. Housing conditions and ownership of properties
These questions are about tools used in house construction, services available in this household (such as water, toilets, electricity), the total number of bedrooms used by the household, and ownership of properties. The head of household is asked these questions. If the head of household is absent, try to get another member of the household to answer these questions on behalf of the head of household.
Usually, if a household is using more than one house, all questions about the material used to construct the house and the electricity used in the house are to be asked for the main house where most household members live.
For Census purposes, a house is a building used by people for living. Workshops or store, places where people do not live, are not involved.
Note: Questions about house are to be asked to private households only. For collective households such as schools, hostels, camps, hospitals, etc. these questions should not be asked because they are not relevant.

Question 32: How many bedrooms does your household have?
The aim of this question is to know the number of people in the household. A "room" means a place surrounded by walls and separated from others parts of the house.
Write the total number of bedrooms used in the household, without taking into consideration if the rooms are of one house or more than one house. Don't write the rooms that are used as storage, kitchen, animal shed, or other works. Record only those used for sleeping. Remember to use two digits in writing the total number of bedrooms and shade the corresponding code.
[p. 70]
Use the following codes:
Number of rooms

[] 1 One room
[] 2 Two rooms
[] 3 Three rooms
[] 99 Ninety nine rooms and above

Tanzania 2012 — source variable TZ2012A_BEDROOMS — Number of sleeping rooms
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G. Housing conditions and ownership of assets

46. How many rooms are available for sleeping in this household?

Record number of rooms for sleeping _ _
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Questions 41 to 52 ask about the house characteristics and ownership of assets/properties and they are answered by the head of the household.

These questions ask about types of home ownership and materials used for construction of the house household members live in. Also, these questions aim to understand services available in the house, for example, water, toilets, energy source for cooking and lighting the house.
Explanation/clarification of the question: Answers to these questions will enable the nation understand the level of poverty in the households.

Thailand 1970 — source variable TH1970A_BEDROOMS — Number of bedrooms
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Part 4 Housing questions

Do not ask the collective household.

For Municipal Areas, ask housing questions in all households.

For Non-Municipal Areas, ask housing questions only in households with the letter "B".
(The letter of the 9th column in the "Sor Por Kor 1" form is:
[] A
[] B
[] C
[] D.
If the letter "B" is checked, ask the housing questions. If not, terminate the interview.)

[Approximately 1 in 3 households from Non-Municipal Areas were asked the household questions.]

25. Type of structure:

[] 1 Detached house
[] 2 Row house
[] 3 Apartment
[] 4 Room
[] 5 Mobile (boat, raft, or car)
[] Others, specify ____

If marked "5" or "Others," terminate the interview.

33. Number of rooms used for sleeping:

Number of bedrooms _____
Other rooms used for sleeping _____
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Number 33: Number of rooms used for sleeping
Ask "How many bedrooms and rooms used as bedrooms are there in this house?" Record the number of bedrooms and the number of rooms using as bedrooms separately. If there is none, record "0".

A room means an area inside a house that is bounded by walls, partitions, shelves, or closets for at least three sides, and it is separated from the other room or other area in that house.
In the case of a one-story Thai house that is lifted from the ground and has a space under the house, if there is no wall or no partition in the space under the house, that space is not considered as a room.

A bedroom means the room that is used particularly for sleeping. Although no one sleeps in the room during the enumeration period, that room is still considered a bedroom.

Other room used for sleeping refers to any room that is not a bedroom, but it is used by household members for sleeping as well. These rooms include parlor, living room, kitchen, dining room, or storage; if they are used for sleeping, then they are considered as rooms used for sleeping.

In the case where there are more than one household within a single house, count the bedrooms and other rooms used for sleeping from each household separately.

In the case where one household lives in many single houses, count the bedrooms and other rooms used for sleeping from all of the houses.

Thailand 1980 — source variable TH1980A_BEDROOM — Number of bedrooms
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Part 3. Housing Questions (For Private Household)

[Questions H1-H18 were asked of private households.]

H10. Number of rooms used for sleeping

[] 1 Bedrooms _ _
[] 2 Other rooms used for sleeping _ _

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3.37 Rooms:

Areas in the house which are partitioned by wall, shelves, or wardrobes at least 3 sides apart from other rooms, or other areas of the house. The height of shelves or wardrobes should not be approximately lower than 1.80 m.

3.37.1 Bedrooms mean the rooms for sleeping propose only. Although in the enumeration period there is no one sleeping in the rooms, they are still counted as bedrooms.

3.37.2 Other rooms using as bedrooms mean any room that is not a bedroom such as guest room, dining room, living room, kitchen, or storeroom. If a household member is regularly sleeping in any aforesaid room, all are counted as other rooms using as bedrooms.

In the case that there are several households living together in a house, count number of bedrooms and other rooms using as bedrooms only the ones that belong to a particular household. If there is a household living in several single houses, count all bedrooms and other rooms using as bedrooms of all houses.
Section 3 Questions on Housing
(Ask only private household)

Questions on housing are concerned with living places of every private household in municipal area. For those outside municipal area and Bangkok, ask only the sample households.

Guideline for questioning and recording

1. Ask conditions of living place by household not by person.
2. If a household living in many houses in the same area, consider the house where head of the household lives.
3. If several households living in the same house, consider conditions of the living place of the main household, other households or conditions of living are regarded as rooms in the house.
4. In recording answer, circle one code number only. If answer is "others," specify and record the answer clearly.
5. The question that has no answer code, record statement or number in the blank on the dot line.
H 10. Number of bedrooms

Ask "How many bedrooms and the rooms using as bedrooms in this house?"

Record number of bedrooms and the rooms using as bedrooms in the blank ____.

p. 82

In case that there are many households in a house, count only number of bedrooms and the rooms using as bedrooms of the household being asked.

If a household living in many houses, count number of bedrooms and the room using as household of all houses.
If there is no bedroom, record "0." A household must have a bedroom at least.
If there is no partition board/wall, record the rooms using as bedrooms "1" (See the Section of Housing, in Definition Chapter)

Thailand 1990 — source variable TH1990A_BEDROOMS — Number of bedrooms
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Part III Housing questions (for private household)

H9. Numbers of rooms used for sleeping

Number of bedrooms _ _
Number of other rooms used for sleeping _ _

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H9. Number of rooms used for sleeping
Ask: "How many rooms in this house are bedrooms and rooms used for sleeping?"

Record the number of bedrooms and other rooms used for sleeping by the household in the space that corresponds to the type of the room.
If there are many households within the same house, count only bedrooms and other rooms used for sleeping of that particular household only.
If a household lives in many houses, count the total number of bedrooms and other rooms used for sleeping in all houses.
If there is no bedroom, record "0".
Each household must have at least one room used for sleeping. If there is no partition for rooms within the house, record "1" in the space corresponding to other room used for sleeping (see the definition of room from number 8 of the housing section in the definition chapter).
If there are 8 bedrooms or more, record "8" in the space corresponding to bedroom.

Trinidad and Tobago 1980 — source variable TT1980A_BEDROOMS — Number of bedrooms
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Characteristics of Dwelling Unit

48. Number of bedrooms
48(a). How many bedrooms are there in this dwelling? (Count all bedrooms including spares not occupied. Bedrooms are rooms used mainly for sleeping and exclude makeshift and temporary sleeping quarters.)

[] 0 0
[] 1 1
[] 2 2
[] 3 3
[] 4 4
[] 5 5 and more
[] 9 Not stated
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Characteristics of the dwelling unit

Question 48[a] - Number of bedrooms

Bedrooms are rooms used exclusively for sleeping. There must be some permanency about the walls enclosing the bedroom. A dwelling unit which uses a room for other activities by day and sleeping by night has "no bedrooms". Makeshift arrangements, blinds et cetera do not count as rooms.
Question 48[b] - Bedrooms available for use or occupied by household

This question seeks to obtain a more accurate measurement of persons per bedroom by relating the actual number of bedrooms occupied or available for use by the major household in cases where the dwelling unit is shared with one or more households. For example, there may be three [3] bedrooms in a dwelling unit to be shared by two households consisting of ten [10] persons altogether. There will be errors in the analysis if each household separately is considered as having three [3] bedrooms available. Hence, question 48[b] is introduced and must be asked where there is double, triple, etc. household occupancy as the case may be. Do not ask question 48[b] if the dwelling unit is occupied by only one [1] household i.e. box [2] in question 40.

Trinidad and Tobago 1990 — source variable TT1990A_BEDROOMS — Number of bedrooms in dwelling unit
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Characteristics of the dwelling unit occupied by household

Interviewer: A dwelling unit must have a separate entrance and not be accessed or entered through someone else's living arrangements.

42. Number of bedrooms
42(a). How many bedrooms are there in this dwelling?

Count all bedrooms including spares not occupied. Bedrooms are rooms mainly used for sleeping and exclude makeshift and temporary sleeping quarters.

[] 0
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5 and more
[] 9 Not stated
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Characteristics of the dwelling unit

Question 42[a] - Number of bedrooms

Bedrooms are rooms used exclusively for sleeping. There must be some permanency about the walls enclosing the bedroom. A dwelling unit which uses a room for other activities by day and sleeping by night has "no bedrooms". Makeshift arrangements, blinds etc. do not count as rooms.

Trinidad and Tobago 2000 — source variable TT2000A_BEDROOMS — Number of bedrooms
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Characteristics of the dwelling unit occupied by household

Interviewer: A dwelling unit must have a separate entrance and not be accessed or entered through someone else's living arrangements.

54. Number of bedrooms

(a) How many bedrooms are there in this dwelling unit? (Count all bedrooms including spares not occupied. Bedrooms are rooms mainly used for sleeping and exclude makeshift and temporary sleeping quarters).

[] 0
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5 and more
[] 9. Not stated
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Characteristics of dwelling unit occupied by household

Question 54 (a) - Number of bedrooms

Bedrooms are rooms used exclusively for sleeping. There must be some permanency about the walls enclosing the bedroom. If a dwelling unit, uses a room for other activities by day and sleeping by night, this room is not counted as a bedroom. Makeshift arrangements, blinds etc. do not count as rooms.

Trinidad and Tobago 2011 — source variable TT2011A_BEDROOMS — Number of bedrooms
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Section 11: Housing - Head of household

B. Characteristics of Occupied Dwelling Unit and Land Tenancy

46. Number of bedrooms

46(a). How many bedrooms are there in this dwelling unit? (Count all bedrooms including spares not occupied. Bedrooms are used mainly for sleeping and exclude makeshift and temporary sleeping quarters)

[] 0 None
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5 and more
[] 9 Not stated
Interviewer: Question 46(b) applies only to heads of households living in dwelling units occupied by more than one household.

[Question 46(b) was asked of households living in dwelling units occupied by more than one household.]

46(b). How many bedrooms are occupied/available for use by your household?

[] 0 None
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5 and more
[] 9 Not stated
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Section 11 - Housing

11.8. Bedrooms

A bedroom is a room equipped with a bed and used for night rest. These rooms should be at least large enough to hold a bed for an adult (4 square metres at the very least). There must be some permanency about the walls enclosing the bedroom. A room in a dwelling unit, which is used for recreation by day and sleeping by night, is not regarded as a bedroom.

Uganda 2002 — source variable UG2002A_ROOMSS — Number of sleeping rooms
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H3 No. of rooms used for sleeping
[] 1 One
[] 2 Two
[] 3 Three
[] 4 Four
[] 5 Five
[] 6 Six or more

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Question H3: Number of Rooms used for Sleeping in the Dwelling Unit
Ask, "How many rooms used for sleeping does this Household have (for its exclusive use)?"
214. A room is enclosed by walls or partitions and is used for living. A sitting room or kitchen if also used for sleeping is also considered as a room. However, do not include corridors, balconies, verandas, stores, or bathrooms.
215. A Household may have some rooms for its exclusive use but share others - for example, a kitchen. Do not count shared rooms.
216. Circle the appropriate code in the box provided. If a Household has six or more rooms, circle code '6'.

Uganda 2014 — source variable UG2014A_ROOMS — Rooms for sleeping
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Section 2: Housing conditions

H3 How many rooms were used on the census night for sleeping? If 9 or more were used, record 9. _

United States 1960 — source variable US1960A_BEDROOMS — Number of bedrooms
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H19. How many bedrooms are in your house or apartment?
Count rooms whose main use is as bedrooms even if they are occasionally used for other purposes. If you live in a one-room apartment without a separate bedroom, check "No bedroom."
[] No bedroom
[] 1 bedroom
[] 2 bedrooms
[] 3 bedrooms
[] 4 bedrooms or more

United States 1980 — source variable US1980A_BEDROOMS — Number of bedrooms
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H24. How many bedrooms do you have?
Count rooms used mainly for sleeping even if used also for other purposes.

[] No bedroom
[] 1 bedroom
[] 2 bedrooms
[] 3 bedrooms
[] 4 bedrooms
[] 5 or more bedrooms

United States 1990 — source variable US1990A_BEDROOMS — Number of bedrooms
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H9. How many bedrooms do you have; that is, how many bedrooms would you list if this house or apartment were on the market for sale or rent?
[] No bedroom
[] 1 bedrooms
[] 2 bedrooms
[] 3 bedrooms
[] 4 bedrooms
[] 5 or more bedrooms

[Include all rooms intended to be used as bedrooms in this house, apartment, or mobile home, even if they are currently being used for other purposes.]

United States 2000 — source variable US2000A_BEDROOMS — Number of bedrooms
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38. How many bedrooms do you have; that is, how many bedrooms would you list if this house, apartment, or mobile home were on the market for sale or rent?
[] No bedroom
[] 1 bedroom
[] 2 bedrooms
[] 3 bedrooms
[] 4 bedrooms
[] 5 or more bedrooms

United States 2005 — source variable US2005A_BEDROOMS — Number of bedrooms
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8. How many bedrooms are in this house, apartment, or mobile home; that is, how many bedrooms would you list if this house, apartment or mobile home were on the market for sale or rent?

[] No bedroom
[] 1 bedroom
[] 2 bedrooms
[] 3 bedrooms
[] 4 bedrooms
[] 5 or more bedrooms

United States 2010 — source variable US2010A_BEDROOMS — Number of bedrooms
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b) How many of these rooms are bedrooms?
Count as bedrooms those rooms you would list if this house, apartment, or mobile home were for sale or rent. If this is an efficiency/studio apartment, print "0".

Number of bedrooms: ___

United States 2015 — source variable US2015A_BEDROOMS — Number of bedrooms
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Please answer the following questions about the house, apartment, or mobile home at the address on the mailing label.

b) How many of these rooms are bedrooms?

Count as bedrooms those rooms you would list if this house, apartment, or mobile home were for sale or rent. If this is an efficiency/studio apartment, print "0".

_ _ Number of bedrooms
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Answer questions 1 through 21 for the house, apartment, or mobile home at the address on the mailing label.

7b. Include all rooms intended to be used as bedrooms in this house, apartment, or mobile home, even if they are currently being used for other purposes.
Print "0" for an efficiency or studio apartment that does not have a separate bedroom. Your response to this question (7b) should be smaller than the number of rooms reported in question 7a.

United States 2020 — source variable US2020A_BEDROOMS — Number of bedrooms
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Please answer the following questions about the house, apartment, or mobile home at the address on the mailing label.

A. Answer questions 4-5 if this is a house or a mobile home; otherwise, skip to question 6a.

6b. How many of these rooms are bedrooms?

Count as bedrooms those rooms you would list if this house, apartment, or mobile home were for sale or rent. If this is an efficiency/studio apartment, print "0".

Number of bedrooms _ _
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Housing questions 4-17

H6.b. Include all rooms intended to be used as bedrooms in this house, apartment, or mobile home, even if they are currently being used for other purposes.

Enter "0" for an efficiency or studio apartment that does not have a separate bedroom. Your response to question 6b should be smaller than the number of rooms reported in question 6a.

Uruguay 1963 — source variable UY1963A_BEDRMS — Number of bedrooms
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6. Rooms and spaces
____ Rooms for sleeping (number)
____ Other rooms (number)

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Title VI: Rooms and spaces
130. Under this title the number of rooms of differentiated dwellings is to be written down, in figures, in two groups:

a) The rooms that are used for sleeping; and
b) The rooms meant for "other" uses.

Also the existence or not of open patios or gardens will be written down.

131. Room is understood to be a space situated in a dwelling that has a roof and is covered by walls that extend from the roof with minimal capacity to fit a bed for an adult. Furthermore, dormitories, salons, dining rooms, living rooms, habitual attics, rooms for study and recreation, kitchens, and servants quarters will be considered rooms.

132. Bathrooms will not be considered rooms, within this census definition.

133. Also, rooms that, although forming an integral part of the dwelling, are used exclusively for commercial, industrial or service means such as storage rooms, stores, consulting rooms, writing rooms, etc., should not be considered rooms. But if any of these rooms functions at the same time as lodging, such as what happens in certain cases like inhabitation where a storage room, work room or store exists, it is also a bedroom and should be considered a room. By extension, this same treatment should be given to inhabited garages.

[p. 24]

Rooms for sleeping
134. Within the given definition for room, under this heading should be written the exact total number of bedrooms (where beds and dressers are permanently located) and of those rooms that are inhabited as bedrooms when the family takes its rest.

Other rooms
135. Within the definition given for room, write down under this headline, the number of rooms that are in the dwelling and that have not been designated as rooms for sleeping.

Important note
136. The number of rooms for sleeping, plus the number of "other" rooms, should be the total number of rooms in the dwelling, within the given definition of room.

Uruguay 1975 — source variable UY1975A_BEDROOMS — Bedrooms
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7. Rooms of the home
Number of rooms used for sleeping


Number of rooms used for other residential purposes (do not include the bathroom, the kitchen, or those that are used for non-residential purposes, for example, commercial, industrial, professional, etc.)


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F. Information about the private home
Once the dwelling part is finished, you will ask questions referring to the Census home.

Remember that if in a dwelling inhabited by more than one private home you should fill out as many documents as there are homes.

Write in each one of the documents the information about each of the homes. You should not repeat information in Section "E. Information about the private dwelling".

Cancel this section upon enumerating the second and following homes that share this dwelling.

No. of rooms used for sleeping

Include here: bedrooms, bedrooms of guests and all rooms that are used normally for sleeping, even when during the day they have another purpose (living room, dining room, pantry, etc.). You should write down the number of these bedrooms on the dotted line.

Uruguay 1985 — source variable UY1985A_BEDROOMS — Number of bedrooms
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F. Information about the private home

6. Rooms of the home

Number of rooms used for other residential purposes (do not include the bathrooms or those not used for residential purposes, for example: corridors, garages, halls, etc.) _ _

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F. Information about the private home

Once the dwelling part is finished, you will ask questions referring to the Census home.

Remember that in a dwelling inhabited by more than one private home you should fill out as many documents as there are homes.

Write in each one of the documents the information about each of the homes. You should not repeat information in Section E. Information of the private dwelling.

Cancel this section upon enumerating the second and following homes that share this dwelling.

4. Rooms of the home
A room will be considered all spaces within a dwelling that are closed off by walls from a height not more than two meters and that has sufficient room to contain an adult's bed.

[p. 35]

Rooms of a home are considered: bedrooms, dining rooms, living rooms, rooms for service personnel and the rest of the separated spaces, used for lodging people.

Bathrooms, halls, corridors, garages, or rooms used habitually with non-residential purposes (for example: commercial, professional places, etc.) will not be considered rooms of a home.

Number of rooms used for sleeping
Include here: bedrooms, bedrooms of guests and all rooms that are used normally for sleeping, even when during the day they have another purpose (living room, dining room, pantry, etc.).

Write down the number of these bedrooms on the dotted line.

Uruguay 1996 — source variable UY1996A_BEDROOMS — Number of bedrooms
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Rooms for sleeping
9. How many rooms are used for sleeping in this home? ____
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Rooms for sleeping
Question 9. How many rooms are used in this household for sleeping?

Fill in the box corresponding to number of the received answer. Remember that it is exclusively rooms that the enumerated household uses, independent of whether there are other rooms that other households use.

If there is any doubt, remember that is does not matter if any of the rooms used for sleeping have another use. If it is also used for sleeping consider it as corresponding.

Also rooms, guest rooms, and any rooms that are used normally for sleeping should be included here, even when during the day they have other purposes (living room, family room, dining room, pantry, etc.)

Uruguay 2006 — source variable UY2006A_BEDROOMS — Bedrooms
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9. How many rooms are used by this household to sleep? _ _
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9. How many rooms are used by this household to sleep?

This question allows us to know the level of comfort and thus the living conditions of the population. You must keep present that this question asks about the rooms used for sleeping and not bedrooms.

It's possible that rooms are found with multiple uses. For example, if in the dining room there is also a bed in which one of the members of the household habitually sleeps, this should be counted for this question. Following the previous reasoning, in every case in which the kitchen is also used for sleeping, it will not be integrated only in this question but rather in the previous one as well.

You must keep present that the quantity annotated for question 8 must always be greater than or equal to the summation figured in question 9, but never less.

Uruguay 2011 — source variable UY2011A_BEDROOMS — Bedrooms
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Rooms Utilized

5. How many rooms are utilized by this household for sleeping?
Rooms used for sleeping (HogHD01) _ _

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7.3.2 Rooms Utilized

The following questions have the objective of knowing the number of rooms of the dwelling that the members of the household use for residential purposes, which will permit us to calculate the level of crowding.

A room is considered to be any space within the dwelling that is closed by walls or bricks of a height not less than 2 meters and has sufficient surface area to fit an adult bed.

What is the total number of rooms utilized in this dwelling, without considering bathrooms and kitchens?

Rooms of the dwelling are considered the bedrooms, dining rooms, living rooms, sitting rooms, service personnel rooms, and the other separated spaces in the dwelling, used to house people.

Rooms of the dwelling are not considered the bathrooms, hallways, kitchens, and garages (if they are only used for these purposes), nor the rooms utilized habitually for non-residential purposes (for example, the room used exclusively as a dressing room, stockroom, or storage room).

In the cases of the dwellings shared by more than one household, only those used exclusively by the household that is being interviewed are counted.

How many rooms in this dwelling are used for sleeping?

You must include here the bedrooms, guestrooms, and all those rooms that are normally used for sleeping, even when they have a different purpose during the day (living room, dining room, pantry, etc.).

Consider exclusively the rooms that are used for sleeping by the household that is being interviewed.

Venezuela 2001 — source variable VE2001A_ROOMBED — Number of rooms for sleeping
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2. How many rooms are used by this household for sleeping? _ _
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2.2 Sleeping rooms

This refers to each of the rooms or spaces of the dwelling that are separated by complete walls and are used for sleeping by the members of the enumerated household.

Vietnam 2009 — source variable VN2009A_BEDROOM — Number of bedrooms
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[Questions 45-52 were asked of households that have and are representing the dwelling, as per questions 43 and 44.]

46. How many of the following rooms are there in this house/flat?

a) Dwelling rooms? _ _
b) Bedrooms, in which? _ _
[Bedrooms are a subset of dwelling rooms]

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Question 46: How many total rooms, and how many of these rooms are bedrooms are there in this house/flat?
A dwelling room should be surrounded by walls and covered by a roof, creating a space independent from other rooms (a space isolated by movable curtains is not regarded as a room).

Rooms include: bedrooms, dining rooms, kitchens, guestrooms, studies, warehouses, business rooms (if these rooms are in the same house and used for habitation). A room should satisfy 2 conditions: (1) its walls should have a height of at least 2.1 meters and (2) a size of at least 4 square meters. The enumerator asks the question, in combination with viewing, to record the total number of rooms, and of those how many are bedrooms, in the appropriate boxes.

Vietnam 2019 — source variable VN2019A_BEDROOMS — Number of bedrooms
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Part 3. Information on housing

53. Is the dwelling or flat of your household the apartment building, the single detached house?
How many separated bedrooms does this dwelling or flat have?

[] 1 Apartment building
[] 2 Single detached house

_ _ No of separate bedroom
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Part V: Instructions on how to question and record information on the census form

Part 3: Information about housing
The DTV collects information about the housing situation of the household. Do not collect housing information for specific demographics.

Question 53: Is the house/apartment that your household is living in a condominium or a discrete house? How many separate bedrooms does this house/apartment have?

- Separate bedroom: A room that is fully partitioned or occluded, creating a separated space from other rooms with fixed walls and partitions, having walls at least 2.1 m high and a minimum floor space of 4 m2, used to sleep.

Spaces that are occluded or partitioned using portable/adjustable screens or furniture,...used for sleeping, do not count as bedrooms.

Note: The bedroom needs to meet 3 criteria: it has fixed surrounding partitions; walls of at least 2.1 m high; minimum floor space of 4 m2 (with or without doors/frames).

Zambia 1990 — source variable ZM1990A_BEDROOMS — Number of bedrooms in housing unit
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H-6 How many living rooms and bedrooms does this housing unit have?

Living Rooms ____
Bedrooms ____
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H - 6: How many livingrooms and bedrooms does this housing unit have?

15. A room is defined as a space in a housing unit enclosed by walls reaching from the floor to the ceiling or roof covering at least to a height of two metres, of a size large enough to fit a bed for an adult. A hut meeting these two qualifications will also be treated as a room. Normally, bedrooms and living rooms will be included in this definition. Passage ways, verandahs, lobbies, kitchens, bathrooms and toilet rooms are


not counted as rooms even if they meet the criteria. A garage and a store meeting these requirements should be treated as rooms only if these are actually being used for living purposes at the time of enumeration. Enter the number of rooms in the box provided for this.

16. Find out the number of livingrooms and bedrooms in the housing unit and enter them in the respective boxes provided.
Note: Study and drawing rooms, living or family rooms, play rooms, etc. are to be considered as 'rooms' if they meet the above criteria.

Zambia 2000 — source variable ZM2000A_BEDROOMS — Number of bedrooms
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7. How many living rooms and bedrooms does this housing unit have?
Living rooms: _ _
Bedrooms: _ _
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H7: How many living rooms and bedrooms does this housing unit have?
A room is defined as a space in a housing unit enclosed by walls reaching from the floor to the ceiling or roof covering at least a height of two meters, of a size large enough to fit a bed for an adult. A hut meeting these two qualifications will also be treated as a room. Normally, bedrooms and living rooms will be included in this definition. Passage ways, verandahs, lobbies, kitchens, bathrooms and toilet rooms are not counted as rooms even if they meet the criteria. A garage and a store meeting these requirements should be treated as rooms only if these are actually being used for living purposes at the time of enumeration. Find out the number of living rooms and bedrooms in the housing unit and shade the appropriate figures provided. If you come across a bedsitter, treat it as a bedroom as opposed to a living room.
Study and drawing rooms, living or family rooms, play rooms, etc. are to be considered as living rooms or bed rooms depending on the use and if they meet the above criteria.

Zambia 2010 — source variable ZM2010A_BEDRMS — Number of bedrooms
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H8. How many living rooms and bedrooms does this housing unit have?
_ _ Living
_ _ Bedrooms
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H - 8: How many living rooms and bedrooms does this housing unit have?

A room is defined as a space in a housing unit enclosed by walls reaching from the floor to the ceiling or roof, of a size large enough to fit a bed for an adult. A hut meeting these two qualifications will also be treated as a room. Normally, bedrooms and living rooms will be included in this definition. Passage ways, verandahs, lobbies, kitchens, bathrooms and toilet rooms are not counted as rooms even if they meet the criteria. A garage and a storeroom meeting these requirements should be treated as rooms only if these are actually being used for living purposes at the time of enumeration. Find out the number of living rooms and bedrooms in the housing unit and enter the number of living rooms and bedrooms the housing unit has in the boxes provided. If you come across a bedsitter, treat it as a bedroom as opposed to a living room.

Study and drawing rooms, living or family rooms, play rooms, etc. are to be considered as living rooms or bed rooms depending on the use and if they meet the above criteria.