5. Citizenship (Please mark both in the case of dual citizenship):
[] Austria
[] Germany
[] Czech Republic
[] Slovak Republic
[] Hungary
[] Turkey
[] Romania
[] Poland
[] Slovenia
[] Croatia
[] Bosnia and Herzegovina
[] Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
[] Macedonia
[] Stateless
[] Other country ____
5. Citizenship:
Explanation: Persons with unclear citizenship should enter "not clarified" in the text field "other countries."
[p. 75]
Anyone who has another citizenship in addition to Austrian citizenship, marks the box "Austria" as well as the box of the other citizenship or indicates this in the text field.
Citizenship is a requirement for the determination of the so-called "number of citizens." Based on this the mandates per electoral district is calculated. Further, citizenship serves the determination of the number and structure of the foreigners living in Austria, who differ significantly from nationals in demographic, social and economic respects, as well as the assessment of the many foreigner questions.