(9) Education: (Provide information for complete educational background)
(a) Compulsory school (for example community college, secondary school (public school), special school, lower levels of advanced schooling, or polytechnic training)
[] Completed (with diploma or certificate)
[] Unfinished/ uncompleted
(b) Apprenticeship with final examination for general, sales clerk (customer service), chamber of commerce, or skilled laborer certificate, with vocational school (continuing education or trade school)
[] Completed (with diploma or certificate)
[] Unfinished
What profession?
(c) Technical College (= without Matura)
[] Completed (with diploma or certificate)
[] Unfinished/ uncompleted
Which technical college? (For example trade school, school for hotel management, electrical engineering school, etc. ____
(d) High School Abitur
[Abitur is the school-leaving exam, reserved for the secondary schools that prepare students for post-secondary education at a university]
[] Completed (with diploma or certificate)
[] Unfinished/ uncompleted
Type of school (Course specialization). For example: Gymnasium, Realschule, HTL for machine construction, business academy, etc. ____
[Gymnasium is like a high school, but only selected students attend the school, although public. It prepares students for college. A Realschule is for those students who were not accepted into the Gymnasium system and is considered an intermediary-level education (like junior high school).]
(e) University, College, Academy
[] Completed (with diploma or certificate)
[] Unfinished/ uncompleted
Which (Faculty/ Department)? ____
Area of Study (Major, Concentration) ____