19. What is your current marital status?
Ask each question in the order given and upon receiving an affirmative response, mark the appropriate box.
[] 1 Consensual union?
[] 2 Married?
[] 3 Separated or divorced?
[] 4 Widowed?
[] 5 Single?
[] 6 Unanswered
1. In this section there are two questions: number 18 and number 19. Remember that you should ask question 18 of all women who are twelve years old and older.
5. The last question on the census is number 19. This question will be answered by all of the [persons] of [12] years or older (consult the census form).
Ask one question at a time in the indicated order, and when you receive an affirmative response, mark the corresponding box.
6. How would you place the following answers in the census form next to question number 19?
--Single person who lives with her partner under martial condition and in stable condition, without having contracted legal marriage.
[]2 Married?
[]3 Separated or divorced?
[]4 Widow?
[]5 Single?
[]6 Don't know
-- Single person who has never been married and also does not live in a consensual union.
[]2 Married?
[]3 Separated or divorced?
[]4 Widow?
[x]5 Single?
[]6 Don't know
7. If you receive this answer:
"Three years ago I was widowed and then I remarried; currently I live with my second wife."
Would you mark box 2 or 4?: [Box 2]
8. If in the previous case you mark box number 4 you will be making a mistake, because you should consider the marital status on the day of the census.
If another person tells you: "Five years ago I got married, shortly after, I separated from my wife and now I live in a union without contracting legal marriage. For the effects of the census, the marital status is:
[]2 Married?
[]3 Separated or divorced?