Dwelling -- Household Relationship
[The form contains a table to indicate the number of household in the dwelling and the number of males and females within each household. Below, we show an English translation of the column and row headings is provided.]
Households in the dwelling [column headings]
[] 11 One
[] 21
[] 22
[] 31
[] 32
[] 33
Four or five
[] ____
Renter [inquilinato]
[] 61
[] 69
Office use ____
Occupants [row headings]
____ Males
____ Females
____ Total
12. Tenure
[] 1 Owner
[] 2 Renter or leaser
[] 3 Dependent occupant
[] 4 Free occupant
[] 5 Other; specify ____
In this item you will note the data of all of the persons to be enumerated, whatever their age.
You will enumerate in each household all of the persons who spent the night in it during the night before the morning of the "census day", even if they were not present at the time of the arrival of the enumerator, or if being absent because of reasons related to work, and they returned to the their household on the morning of the "census day."
1. Arriving at a household where six students live, they inform you that the night before the "census day" two extra persons slept there. You will enumerate all of the persons who [spent the night] there during the night previous to the morning of the census.
2. A doctor - head of the household to be enumerated - spent the night before the morning of the "Census Day" covering the turn in the hospital.
Where do you enumerate him?
[ ] a) In the hospital where he works
[x] b) In his private household.
3. To obtain an exact count of the population of the country, we adopted as the standard to enumerate all of the babies born before the zero (0) hour on the "census day."
[An example is not presented here.]
4. Following the same convention you will enumerate those who died after the zero hour (0) on the "census day."
[An example is not presented here.]
5. In the first place you should locate the head of the census household.
The head of the census household is the person recognized as such by the rest of the members of the household.
To locate the head of household, it is necessary that you find out who is the person [recognized] as such by the members of this household.
6. Identify as the head of household the person [recognized] as such by the rest of the members, even existing in this household a person who is older or has the economic responsibility of the same.
Six students live in a census household. You will register as the head of household whoever is [recognized] as such.
7. In all of the private households there must necessarily be a [head of household], whom you will register in the form, in the first place under the column: First person.
In the collective households you enumerate, in the first place, the person with the greatest hierarchy.
Therefore, when you enumerate a convent, a hospital, a jail, etc., you will write in the first column, which corresponds to the head of household, the person of [greatest hierarchy].
8. In the [private] households, after enumerating the first persons who will always be the [head] of the household, you will enumerate the rest of the members, according to the ties or relationship that they have with the head of household.
9. In the collective households that you enumerate, in the first place, the person with the [greatest hierarchy] and you will not take into account the category of relatives that exists between the members. Therefore, you will enumerate them in any order.
10. If the head of household is not present and did not spend the night in the household on the night before the "census day", in the place reserved for head of household you will enumerate the person who in his/her absence is [recognized] as such and occupies the place of head of household.
Example: the spouse or the eldest child, etc.
11. When, due to the absence of the head of household, another person is enumerated as such, it is in regard to this last person that you should note the relationship to the rest of the members.
In the household of the Diaz, a month ago the head of household is in Europe. In his absence, the eldest son occupies his place. Another daughter of Mr. Diaz also lives in there.
You will enumerate the son in the [first] place.
When you enumerate Miss Diaz you will mark in relationship or ties (consult the census form) the box number [[x]6].
[The instructions on the order to enumerate household members on pages 114-116 is not presented here.]
15. In the box number 6. Other relatives, you will note: uncles/aunts, nephews/nieces, grand-nephews/grand-nieces, cousins, daughters/sons-in-law, brothers/sisters or brother/sister-in-laws of the head of household.
[An example is not presented here.]
16. The persons employed in domestic service are enumerated as members of the family in a census household when they live and sleep in the dwelling that this family occupies.