Questionnaire Text

Dominican Republic 1981 Panama 1980 Romania 2002 United States 2015
Germany 1987 Poland 2002 Romania 2011 United States 2020
Iran 2006 Puerto Rico 2010 Spain 2001 Vietnam 1999
Jordan 2004 Puerto Rico 2015 Spain 2011 Vietnam 2009
Malaysia 1991 Puerto Rico 2020 Suriname 2012 Vietnam 2019
Nepal 2011 Romania 1977 United States 2010
Dominican Republic 1981 — source variable DO1981A_CONSTYR — Year of construction
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19. Year of construction

In what year was construction of this dwelling completed?
[] 1 Before 1979
[] 2 In 1979
[] 3 In 1980
[] 4 In 1981

Germany 1987 — source variable DE1987A_YRBUILT — Year of construction of building
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Data on dwelling

Data on building: please complete only if you are the owner or manager of this building
[Questions 1 to 4 were asked only of the owner or manager of the building]

3. Year of construction (year ready for occupation)

If extensions and conversions were made, the year of original construction is to be indicated. In the case of reconstruction following total loss, state the year of reconstruction.

[] Up to 1900
[] 1901-1918
[] 1919-1948
[] 1949-1957
[] 1958-1962
[] 1963-1987

[Years were listed individually between 1963 and 1987, but those are omitted in this version of the form]

Iran 2006 — source variable IR2006A_YRBUILT — Year the construction of the housing unit was completed
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Questions 42-55 should be filled out for collective and normal settled households.

Questions 45-55 should be filled out for households residing in Conventional residential unit (number 1 in Question 44)

54. The year when the construction of the housing unit was completed.

[] 2006
[] 2005
[] 2004
[] 2003
[] 2002
[] 2001
[] 2000
[] 1999
[] 1998
[] 1997
[] 1996
[] 1986-1995
[] 1976-1985
[] 1966-1975
[] Before 1966

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30. General explanation about questions 41 through 56
Fill question 41 only for normal settled households and leave it blank for other households. But fill questions 42 to 55 also for collective households in addition to normal settled ones.
Note: For those normal settled and collective households for which you filled more than one sheet of questionnaire, fill these questions along with question 56 only on the first sheet and leave them blank on other sheets.

35. General explanation about Questions 45 through 55
Fill these questions only for those households who live in a conventional residential unit (box 1 question 44) and leave it blank for households living in other types of units.

45. The year when the construction of the housing unit was completed, Question 54
Ask about the year when the construction of the unit was completed and identify the situation by marking one of the 1 to 15 boxes. For instance, if the construction was completed in year 1385 (2006), mark box 1 and if it was completed in 1366 (1987), mark box 12.

- If the construction is yet to be finished but the building is in use by a household at the time of enumeration, consider the year of exploitation as the year when construction was finished.
- It is possible that the housing unit was finished in a certain year and some parts have been added to it in later years. Then consider the year in which the main unit was completed as the answer.

Jordan 2004 — source variable JO2004A_CONYR — Year of laying foundation of the building
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134. Year of laying fundaments of the building _ _ _ _
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Year of laying the foundation
It means the year when the main foundation for the building was laid.

Question 134 - the year of beginning of construction (laying the foundation):
This question is about the year when the construction of the building began. This is the year when the foundation of the building, or a part of it, was laid. The question is not about the year or the years when there were other additions to the building. For example, if the construction began by the building that consists of three rooms and their annexes in the year 1962. Then another floor was added in year 1975. In this case, the year of construction of the building is 1962 and not 1975. The enumerator in this case enters the year of construction in the corresponding field in the question. The entry fills four cells as follows 1962. In the case the year of the construction of the building is not known, the enumerator should write the phrase "not known" in the corresponding field.
With respect to marginal buildings (barracks, tents and hair tents, caves, caravans), they don't have a year of construction because they are marginal buildings. In this case, the enumerator put the sign (-). For industrial buildings (hangars and pre-fabricated buildings) used for purposes of industry or commerce, they should have year of construction.

Malaysia 1991 — source variable MY1991A_LQAGE — Living quarter's age
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A3. In which year was the construction of these living quarters completed? _ _ _ _
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Question A3

This question is to obtain the actual year of completion of the construction of the LQ.

How to ask the question
Ask question as stated in questionnaire.

How to record the answer
Record the year given in the box provided.

If the respondent is unable to answer, try to probe and ask further questions as to whether the LQ was in existence during the Emergency Period (1948-1960), Independence Day (1957), 1970 and 1980 Census or any local significant event.

If the respondent is unable to give the exact year, try to estimate the "age" of the LQ and write on the dotted line.

If the respondent does not know the year of construction or the age of the LQ, then record "Not Known" on the dotted line.

For housing units within the same housing block (e.g., terrace houses), the year of construction of all units in the housing block should be the same.

If there is major renovation to the LQ (more than 50%), record the year in which the renovation was completed.

Nepal 2011 — source variable NP2011A_DWAGE — Age of house in years
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Household Information

[2.5] How old is the house? ____

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Household information

2.5 How old is the house?
The age of the house where the family is living in should be determined/identified and written in years. If the house is constructed is less than a year ago, 00 should be written in the specified place. If the house was constructed earlier, and some floors were added later, then the first construction date should be identified in case of such a house and accordingly the total number years should be written. The family living in rental may not know the age of the house. In such case, the age should be written as per the response from the owner of the house.

Panama 1980 — source variable PA1980A_YRCON — Year of construction
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Ask questions 3 through 14 only for those dwellings, with inhabitants present, that are classified in boxes 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 of question number 1, Type of Dwelling.

14. Was this dwelling built between 1970 and 1980?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Doesn't know

If "Yes", write the year of construction ____

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Question 14 Was this dwelling built between 1970 and 1980?

Mark the corresponding box according to the person's answer.
If the answer is "yes", ask what in what year was the enumerated dwelling built and write it down in the corresponding space.
There will be cases in which the person does not know the date. Try to get the information from other sources (the neighbors, the lessee, etc.). In other cases, the information will be found written down on a special card at the entrance of the building.
Keep in mind that in tenement houses and apartments this information will be uniform for all dwellings. En the case of having exhausted all resources without getting the information, mark the box "not known".

Poland 2002 — source variable PL2002A_BLTYEAR — Period of the building construction
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3. a) Period of the building construction
[] 1 Before 1918
[] 2 1919-1944
[] 3 1945-1970
[] 4 1971-1978
[] 5 1979-1988
[] 6 1989-2002
[] 7 Under construction
3.b) If the answer is 1989 - 2002 - please fill in the year when the building was completed: ____
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General information [p. 57]

1. Information about the building should be determined only in case of buildings housing more than one dwelling. In case there are two or more enumerated dwellings in the building, indicate information about the building only in the first enumerated dwelling.

2. Information about the buildings housing the dwellings which are managed by legal persons and organizational units without legal personality will be given by the administrative authorities of these buildings.

This information will be given before the census on auxiliary forms, Characteristics of building or they will be directly given to the enumerators, which will contact the administrative authorities in the day of conducting the census.
The forms with Characteristics of Building, after they have been used, should be returned to the enumeration office with the whole set of enumeration materials.

3. Information about the individual buildings owned by private persons i.e. about single-family houses and the so-called small dwelling-houses should be determined by the enumerator during the census and be directly filled-in to the Questionnaire A.

Question 3a and 3b. Period of the building construction? [p. 59-60]

1. The year of the building construction is the year when the construction was finished i.e. the building was rendered for public use/completed. However, if the building was partially rendered for use (by staircases or wings), the valid year of building construction is the year of completion of the last part of the building.

2. If the building has been reconstructed after it was entirely destroyed, the year of reconstruction completion is valid. However, the fact of a complete renovation of a building should not be taken into consideration when determining the year of construction. Only the year of its construction is valid in that case.
Page 30
3. In case there has been an additional space built on to an already existing building (e.g. one or two rooms or an additional floor), the year of construction of the original building and not of the annex should be taken into consideration while enumeration.

Puerto Rico 2010 — source variable PR2010A_BUILTYR2 — Age of structure, decade
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[Questions 1-3 were asked of all households.]

2. About when was this building first built?

[] 2000 or later
Specify year _ _ _ _
[] 1990 to 1999
[] 1980 to 1989
[] 1970 to 1979
[] 1960 to 1969
[] 1950 to 1959
[] 1940 to 1949
[] 1939 or earlier
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Answer questions 1 through 21 for the house, apartment, or mobile home at the address on the mailing label.

2. Mark the box that corresponds to the year in which the original construction was completed, not the time of any later remodeling, additions, or conversions.

If the building was first built in 2000 or later, enter the exact year it was built.

If you live on a boat or in a mobile home, enter the year corresponding to the model year in which it was manufactured.

If you do not know the year the building was first built, enter your best estimate.

Puerto Rico 2015 — source variable PR2015A_BUILTYR2 — Age of structure, decade
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Please answer the following questions about the house, apartment, or mobile home at the address on the mailing label.

2. About when was this building first built?

[] 2000 or later
Specify year _ _ _ _
[] 1990 to 1999
[] 1980 to 1989
[] 1970 to 1979
[] 1960 to 1969
[] 1950 to 1959
[] 1940 to 1949
[] 1939 or earlier
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Answer questions 1 through 21 for the house, apartment, or mobile home at the address on the mailing label.

2. Mark the box that corresponds to the year in which the original construction was completed, not the time of any later remodeling, additions, or conversions.

If the building was first built in 2000 or later, enter the exact year it was built.

If you live on a boat or in a mobile home, enter the year corresponding to the model year in which it was manufactured.

If you do not know the year the building was first built, enter your best estimate.

Puerto Rico 2020 — source variable PR2020A_BUILTYR2 — Age of structure, decade
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Please answer the following questions about the house, apartment, or mobile home at the address on the mailing label.

2. About when was this building first built?

[] 2000 or later -- Specify year -- _ _ _ _
[] 1990 to 1999
[] 1980 to 1989
[] 1970 to 1979
[] 1960 to 1969
[] 1950 to 1959
[] 1940 to 1949
[] 1939 or earlier
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Housing questions 1-3

Answer the following questions about the house, apartment, or mobile home at the address on the mailing label.

H2. Mark the box that corresponds to the year in which the original construction was completed, not the time of any later remodeling, additions, or conversions.

If the building was first built in 2000 or later, enter the exact year it was built.

If you live on a boat or in a mobile home, enter the year corresponding to the model year in which it was manufactured.

If you do not know the year the building was first built, give your best estimate.

Romania 1977 — source variable RO1977A_CONYR — Construction year
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3. Year of construction 1 _ _ _
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23. Year of construction (item 3).

The year when the building was put into commission is considered the year of construction. This is the year when the building's work was completed (when all the inside equipment was fixed and finishing works completed).

For buildings partially put into commission, the year of construction will be considered the year when the first dwelling was finished or if it was a single dwelling building, when the first room was ready for habitation.

For the buildings where extension attachments have been undertaken or new floors were added after the construction was finished, the year of construction may be the year when the building was originally constructed. If these additional spaces are larger than the initial building capacity (expressed by the size of the newly created surface), the year of construction will be considered the year of last additional construction (or the year an additional extra floor was constructed).

When the year of construction is unknown, this will be assessed by taking into consideration the following: similarity with other buildings from the same census sector or even other census sectors where the year of construction is known, or the existence of construction materials or of a certain particular construction style that is characteristic to a certain years or period, etc.

Romania 2002 — source variable RO2002A_BLDAGE — Age of building
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_ _ _ _ 19. Year of construction of the building
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Year of construction of the building (item 19)

41. It is considered as the year of construction, the year when the building was put into commission, respectively the year when the building's works were completed, (when all the inside equipment was fixed, and finishing works terminated).

For the buildings partially put into commission, the year of construction will be considered the year when the first dwelling was finished, or whether it was a single dwelling building, when the first room was ready for habitation.

For the buildings where the extension attachment have been undertaken, or new floors were added, after the construction was finished, the year of construction may be the year when the building was originally constructed. If these additional spaces are larger than the initial building capacity (expressed by the size of the new created surface), the year of construction will be considered the year of the latest additional construction (or additional extra floor was constructed).

For the buildings, where reconstruction have been undertaken, by transforming more than 50 % of the initial construction, the year of construction will be considered the year when this house was rebuild.

When the year of construction is unknown, this will be assessed taking into consideration the following particularities:

-- similarity with the other buildings from the same census sector, or even other census sectors, (where the year of construction is known);
-- the existence of construction materials or of a certain particular construction style, characteristic to a certain years or period, etc.

Romania 2011 — source variable RO2011A_STRAGE — Age of building structure
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Questions 25-29 are to be answered only if at least one conventional dwelling in the building

26. Building construction period (year)

[] 1 Before 1919
[] 2 1919-1945
[] 3 1946- 1960
[] 4 1961- 1970
[] 5 After 1970, year _ _ _ _

Spain 2001 — source variable ES2001A_CONSTYR2 — Year of construction, since 1990

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Spain 2011 — source variable ES2011A_CONSTYR — Year of construction
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4.A.2 Construction period of the building

The construction period of the building refers to the date in which the building has been finished. For those buildings that have suffered a substantial reform after their construction, it is considered as a year of construction in which the said reform has been finished.

[p. 64]

Its objective is to know the age of the area of buildings and the recent evolution of the construction during the last years.

Categories of this variable:

Before 1920
Constructed after the year 2000 (this information will be disaggregated year by year)

Suriname 2012 — source variable SR2012A_BLTYEAR — Building year
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Household module

Part 1: Characteristics of the inhabited building
[Applies to questions 1 - 4]

4. In what year / period was this building erected?

[] 1 Before 1980
[] 2 1980-1989
[] 3 1990-1999
[] 4 2000-2004
[] 5 2005
[] 6 2006
[] 7 2007
[] 8 2008
[] 9 2009
[] 10 2010
[] 11 2011
[] 12 2012
[] 97 Don't know
[] 99 No response

United States 2010 — source variable US2010A_BUILTYR2 — Age of structure, decade
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2. About when was this building first built?

[] 2000 or later. Specify year: ______
[] 1990 to 1999
[] 1980 to 1989
[] 1970 to 1979
[] 1960 to 1969
[] 1950 to 1959
[] 1940 to 1949
[] 1939 or earlier

United States 2015 — source variable US2015A_BUILTYR2 — Age of structure, decade
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Please answer the following questions about the house, apartment, or mobile home at the address on the mailing label.

2. About when was this building first built?

[] 2000 or later, Specify year _ _ _ _
[] 1990 to 1999
[] 1980 to 1989
[] 1970 to 1979
[] 1960 to 1969
[] 1950 to 1959
[] 1940 to 1949
[] 1939 or earlier
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Answer questions 1 through 21 for the house, apartment, or mobile home at the address on the mailing label.

2. Mark the box that corresponds to the year in which the original construction was completed, not the time of any later remodeling, additions, or conversions.
If the building was first built in 2000 or later, enter the exact year it was built.
If you live on a boat or in a mobile home, enter the year corresponding to the model year in which it was manufactured.
If you do not know the year the building was first built, enter your best estimate.

United States 2020 — source variable US2020A_BUILTYR2 — Age of structure, decade
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Please answer the following questions about the house, apartment, or mobile home at the address on the mailing label.

2. About when was this building first built?

[] 2000 or later -- Specify year -- _ _ _ _
[] 1990 to 1999
[] 1980 to 1989
[] 1970 to 1979
[] 1960 to 1969
[] 1950 to 1959
[] 1940 to 1949
[] 1939 or earlier
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Housing questions 1-3

Answer the following questions about the house, apartment, or mobile home at the address on the mailing label.

H2. Mark the box that corresponds to the year in which the original construction was completed, not the time of any later remodeling, additions, or conversions.

If the building was first built in 2000 or later, enter the exact year it was built.

If you live on a boat or in a mobile home, enter the year corresponding to the model year in which it was manufactured.

If you do not know the year the building was first built, give your best estimate.

Vietnam 1999 — source variable VN1999A_YRBUILT — Year of construction before 1976
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6. In what year was this [main] house/flat put into use?
[] 1 Before 1976
[] 2 From 1976 up to now

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Question 6: What year did this (main) house/apartment become available for occupancy?
The investigator records the year the house was completed and began to be occupied. In cases where the household residence includes many parts, and each part was completed and occupied in different years, then only record the year the main part (with the largest area) of that house was constructed and was occupied.

If the house/apartment that the household currently lives in is completed and began to be occupied before 1976, then the investigator circles number "1". If the house/apartment that the household currently lives in is completed and began to be occupied from 1976 onward, then the investigator circles number "2", and at the same time write the last two digits of the year the house was completed and began to be used in the two designated boxes. For example, if a person reports that the house was completed and began to be occupied in 1987, then the record should be as follows: [An example has been omitted.]

Vietnam 1999 — source variable VN1999A_YRBUILT2 — Year of construction
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19 _ _
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Question 6: What year did this (main) house/apartment become available for occupancy?
The investigator records the year the house was completed and began to be occupied. In cases where the household residence includes many parts, and each part was completed and occupied in different years, then only record the year the main part (with the largest area) of that house was constructed and was occupied.

If the house/apartment that the household currently lives in is completed and began to be occupied before 1976, then the investigator circles number "1". If the house/apartment that the household currently lives in is completed and began to be occupied from 1976 onward, then the investigator circles number "2", and at the same time write the last two digits of the year the house was completed and began to be used in the two designated boxes. For example, if a person reports that the house was completed and began to be occupied in 1987, then the record should be as follows: [An example has been omitted.]

Vietnam 2009 — source variable VN2009A_BEGINYR — Year the dwelling started to be used
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[Questions 45-52 were asked of households that have and are representing the dwelling, as per questions 43 and 44.]

51. What year did the dwelling start to be used?

[] 1 Before 1975
[] 2 From 1975 to 1999
[] 3 From 2000 to now


[] 4 Not stated

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Question 51: In what year was the dwelling put in use?
The enumerator records the year that the dwelling's construction was completed and put into use. If the dwelling includes many parts, each of which was completed and put into use in different years, the enumerator records the year that the main part (with the largest floor space) was completed and put into use for the habitation.

If the dwelling that the household is using for habitation was completed and put in use before 1975, the enumerator marks (x) in the small box next to code "1"; from 1975 - 1999, the enumerator marks (x) in the small box next to code "2"; from 2000 to present, the enumerator marks (x) in the small box next to code "3", and at the same time, fills in the last digit of the year that the dwelling was completed and put into use for habitation in the printed box to the right of the figure "200".

[Graphic example omitted]

In case the household head does not remember what year the house was put into use, the enumerator marks (x) in the small box next to code "4".

Vietnam 2019 — source variable VN2019A_BLTYEAR2 — Year when dwelling was built (if 2010 or later)
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Part 3. Information on housing

58. What year was this dwelling or flat built?

[] 1 Before 1975
[] 2 From 1975 to 1999
[] 3 From 2000 to 2009
[] 4 From 2010 to now
20_ _
[] 5 Not stated
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Part V: Instructions on how to question and record information on the census form

Part 3: Information about housing
The DTV collects information about the housing situation of the household. Do not collect housing information for specific demographics.

Question 58: From what year was this house/apartment used?
The DTV records the year in which the house was completed and put into use for the first time. In case a household's house consists of many parts, each part is completed and started to live in different years, the DTV only records the year in which the main part (with the largest area) of that house was completed and first put into use for living.

In case the owner household does not remember which year the house was put into use, the DTV chooses the code "Undetermined".

With remodeled houses: If a major repair causes changes to the structure of the house, record the year of the repair; If minor repairs, enter the year of the most recent major repair or the year of first use (in case there was never a major repair).

For example: A house was built in 1990 and has a tiled roof. In 2000, the tiled roof was removed, and renovated to facilitate pouring a concrete ceiling and building an additional floor. In 2005, the house was renovated and another floor was built. In this case, the DTV records the year of use of the house as 2000 because this is the year in which the house underwent its biggest structural change.