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Number of rooms for habitation

Questionnaire Text

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Dwelling unit

(H05) Number of rooms in the dwelling

Record the number declared in the corresponding boxes. Put 0, if none.

A. Dwelling use _ _
B. Other use E.g.: kitchen, shop, stable _
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[p. 49]

F- Characteristics of the habitat

Question H05: Number of rooms in the dwelling

Ask the total number of rooms which are used for the habitation (bedrooms, dining room, living room, rooms for domestics, and so on) and record this number in the corresponding boxes.

NB 42: If the number of rooms declared is less than 10, record this figure preceded by 0 in the corresponding boxes.

Then ask the number of rooms used for other purposes (kitchen, shop, stables, and so on) and record this number in the corresponding box.

NB 43:

- If the number of rooms intended for other uses is more than 9, always record 9 in the box. Put 0 in the box if there are no rooms of this type.
- Corridors, vestibule conservatories, bathrooms, and WCs should not be counted as rooms, either for use of habitation or for other uses.