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Occupation (2-digits)

Questionnaire Text

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Persons of 10 years or more of age

[Questions in columns 17 - 21 were asked of persons age 10 or older.]

(19) Profession____

Ask the question according to the instruction manual. For persons younger than 10, this column is not applicable, write in 8 8 8 in the grid.
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
II. How to fill out the questionnaire (Document RGPH 2 Number 1).

Columns (17) to (21): These columns are only for persons older than 10 i.e. born before February 1982.

Column (18): Occupation
For all questions related to occupation, the census agent shall refer to the 3-month period immediately preceding the interview.
Ask the following question to each person of 10 years or more of age: "Have you worked for at least one week in the last 3 months?"
The census agent shall then circle:

[] 1 The code 1. OCC (employed) for each person who has worked during this period.
Included in this category, are:
[] Persons working or having worked as independents,
[] Persons working or having worked for a compensation of any kind.
[] Persons working or having worked under the authority of the head of household with or without compensation.
Example: A child (of at least 10) guarding or having guarded cattle for his/her parents.
A woman who in addition to her household duties has worked independently or for her family (saleswoman, sewer, farmer, potter).
A woman or a man who does housekeeping for a salary. Example: houseboy, wet nurse.
[] 2 C: for persons seeking first employment.
[] 3 CHO: (unemployed) for every person without employment during the period of reference but who has worked before and is currently looking for a job.
Ask if this person has no activity allowing him/her to survive. If yes, he/she is employed.
[] 4 MEN (housewife): for women only working in the household and taking care of children without any monetary compensation.
[] 5 ETU: for elementary schoolchildren, middle and high school children, and students of higher education,
[] 6 RET: for retired persons,
[] 7 REN: for annuitants, i.e. persons possessing a personal fortune that allows them to live without having to work.

Note: a retired person or an annuitant who has helped a family member in his/her work or has performed another activity that generated him/her money shall be classified under the rubric of "OCC" i.e. employed. This is the case of retired persons who work in commerce or agriculture.
This question does not apply to those below 10 years of age during the census. The census agent must not note anything in this section for these persons.
Note: Apprentices are "employed"