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Millet planted during the last agricultural season

Questionnaire Text

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Section E

(Questions 1-5, ask for all and circle only if "yes")

Agriculture and land acquisition

2. During the last agricultural season, did any member of this household plant...?

[] 1 Maize
[] 2 Millet
[] 4 Sorghum
[] 8 Beans
[] Other (specify) ____
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Columns E2: Planting of Crops

During the last agricultural season, did any member of this household plant:

1 Maize
2 Millet
3 Sorghum
4 Beans

Circle the appropriate answer code(s), if during the past agricultural season any member of the household 'planted any of the above, Write down the name(s) of any other crop(s) planted but not listed (e.g. watermelon, sweet reeds), If they planted nothing at all, write 0 in the space below the codes, but not in the shaded area.

In the sample questionnaire in paragraph 133, Anne planted melons, the word "melons" is written beneath the category "Other (specify) ".