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Used a computer in the last 12 months

Questionnaire Text

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[Question 7 through 11, section F and G were asked those in private occupied dwellings]

Section F: Durable Goods and Access to Information and Communication Technologies.

2. In the past 12 months, how many members of this household used: Regardless of the place of use (e.g. at work, internet café, home, etc.)

[] 1 Computer: _ _ members
[] 2 Internet: _ _ members
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
4.2.6 Section F: Durable Goods and Access to Information and Communication Technologies

F2. In the last 12 months, how many members of this household used:
This question relates to the use of information and communication technologies, regardless of place of use, it may have been at home, at work, at an internet cafe, etc.

Read the question and wait for the answer. Mark with an X the alternative corresponding to the technology used and in the spaces to the right record the number of people who have used this service. Note that this question admits more than one response.