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Work for private individual(s)

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13. Sources of living

[] 1 Work for enterprise, organization, institution, farm
[] 2 Work for private persons
[] 3 Self-employed (own enterprise)
[] 4 Work performed on the individual basis
[] 5 Work at own agriculture farm
[] 6 Work without payment at family enterprise
[] 7 Work at private subsidiary agriculture
[] 8 Income from property
[] 9 Pension
[] 10 Scholarship
[] 11 Benefits (excluding unemployment allowances)
[] 12 Unemployment allowances
[] 13 Other government social security
[] 14 Dependent
[] 15 Other source
No of the main source of living ____
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Question 13 - Your sources of living
Before you ask questions, you must give the respondent a card with a list of sources of living.


After reviewing the card respondent indicates one or more sources of living among the listed. Based on the received response in the census questionnaire you should make marks that correspond to one or more of the mentioned variants of responses.

In specially outlined box you should write down the number of source of living, which the respondent considers to be the main. Thus the main source of living should be considered the source, income from which is the largest part of the total respondent's income.

Working in enterprise, organization, institution, agriculture (farmer) sector is marked to persons who have entered into a written employment agreement, contract or verbal arrangement with the administration of enterprise, organization, institution or with individual about the conditions of work as well as payment and are employed in enterprises, organizations, institutions of all forms of ownership, such as in state or municipal enterprise, agriculture (farmer) sector, joint stock company, private or joint enterprise, public or religious organization, founds, production cooperative, etc.

This source as a means of living is also marked to persons occupied an elective position;
pensioners and students who have a permanent job; those who study at training and skills development courses; persons who worked at seasonal jobs in spring, summer or autumn (such as at peat field, timber rafting (floating), water transport, fisheries), although at the time of population Census do not work; family members who work in family business for a fee on a common basis; women who were on leave to care for a child until she/he (a child) reaches the age of three or six years; persons who were on leave without retention or partial retention of wages initiated by the administration of enterprise, organization, institution; persons who do not work for three weeks or less due to job changing; persons who performed or are performing paid community work obtained through the employment service.

Working for individuals is marked to those who are employed by individuals (personal secretaries, domestic workers, nurses, drivers, guards, etc.).

Running a business of own is marked to persons who are engaged in own business as individual owners of the company or as members of the owners group of the company in order to earn income or family income in cash or in kind.


Collective owners include members of producers' cooperatives (except employed by cooperatives), members of associations and other collective enterprises. Those who are working in his/her own enterprise can carry out its own production activities both involving the employees or not.

Working on an individual basis is marked to persons who are self-employed and are not in the staff of an enterprise, institution or organization (self-employment: dentist, hairdresser, photographer, etc.); to persons who are engaged in business activities, including the production or craft (e.g., individual activities in trade, individual repair of apartments, tailoring, etc.), as well as to persons with liberal profession engaged in creative activity that brings income and are not in the staff of an enterprise, organization and institution (writers, composers, etc.).
Working at own agriculture (farming) enterprise" is marked to persons who are engaged in their own agriculture (farming) enterprise, registered according to established procedure, that uses its own or leased land and property, produces agricultural products and provides its processing and marketing. Thus the owner of such enterprise can be either an individual or household in whole or its part.

Working at the family enterprise without payment is marked to persons who do any unpaid work at the private or family enterprise, agricultural enterprise owned by one of the members of the household of that person.

Working at private plot is marked to persons who are engaged in private farm activities related to the production of agricultural products or caring for livestock, regardless the products will be used for selling (exchanging) or personal consumption .

Income from property is marked to persons who receive income from their own enterprise (at that, the owner does not work at the enterprise); persons who receive income in the form of rent for leased land, homes, cottages, garages and other property owned by the person; persons who receive income in the form of interest on deposits, credit, bank loan; shareholders who receive income in the form of dividends from the joint-stock company, currency difference for the sold shares and, etc.

Pension is marked to persons who receive old-age pension, disability pension, long service pension, survivor pension, social pension. The "pension" is marked to persons whom it is granted to, but not to those who receive it (for example, "survivor pension" that is granted for children is marked to children, but not to the mother or father, even if they receive this pension).


Scholarship is marked to persons who study and receive a scholarship (including scholars to whom a scholarship is paid by enterprises, organizations or employment service that sent them to training).

Benefits (excluding unemployment allowances) is marked to persons who receive the state social allowances. However, it is marked to those to whom this assistance is granted but not to those who receive it.

For example, for mothers or persons replacing them you should mark allowance due to pregnancy and childbirth; child care allowances until the age of three; payments to mothers (parents) who take care of three or more children under 16 years; allowance for a disabled child care; allowance for children under 16 years old (students - up to 18 years); allowance to single mothers; allowance for military servant's children; allowance for children under guardianship.

Unemployment allowances is marked to capable persons of working age who are registered at the state employment service as unemployed and receive unemployment allowances or financial aid on unemployment.

Other governmental social security is marked to orphans and pupils of boarding schools; to persons who live in nursing homes for elderly and disabled, etc.; to persons who are at government or social organization maintenance.

Dependant is marked to persons who are engaged in cooking in household, caring for children or other relatives, etc., and to persons who live off relatives or others' money.

Dependant is also marked to persons for whom alimony are paid. For example, if alimony is paid for minor children, even if it is received by their mother (father), "dependant" is marked to children but not to mother (father).

Other source is marked to persons whose source of living is a source that is not included in the mentioned above (e.g., savings) and also to ministers of religion (priests, rabbis, etc.)

Those who do not work 22 days or more due to job changing, source of their living is marked (such as "Dependant", "Other source", etc.).