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Arrondissement or country of residence in 1976

Questionnaire Text

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Population of 11 years and older (born before April 1976)
[Questions 23-26 were asked of persons 11 years old or more.]

P23. Place of residence during the April 1976 census________

Where was [the respondent] residing during the April 1976 census? Put the subdivision or the district if it is known, or the name of the locality and the division in brackets, if it is in Cameroon. Put the country if it is abroad.

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Columns P23 to P25: Population of 11 years and older (born before April 1976)
Note that these columns concern only persons who are 11 or more years old, in other words persons born before April 1976.
1) For persons who are less than 11 years old, put a dash in columns P23, P24 and P25.
2) For persons who are 11 or more years old. Fill in the following columns in compliance with the instructions below.

Column P23: Place of residence during the 1976 census
This requires the sub-division in which the person lived by the time the April 1976 census was conducted in Cameroon.

a) Persons who were living in Cameroon. Write the name of the subdivision or district in which the person was living, if given.
If the person does not know the subdivision in which he was living in April 1976, write the name of the locality followed by the division, in brackets, in which the locality of his residence was found.
b) Persons who were living out of Cameroon. Write the name of the country in which the person was living.