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Questionnaire Text

Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

526. Do any of your household members own:


[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No


[] 3 Yes
[] 4 No


[] 5 Yes
[] 6 No


[] 7 Yes
[] 8 No


[] 9 Yes
[] 1 No

Telephone/hand phone

[] 2 Yes
[] 3 No


[] 4 Yes
[] 5 No

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 526: Ownership of household items
Questions on the ownership of some household items can be used to measure the socio-economic level of the household. Ask each item one by one for all items and circle the code corresponding to the respondent's answer. If the respondent says that the household owns certain items such as a radio or motorbike but they are out of order, it should still be considered that the household owns the items and therefore code "Yes" should be circled. The concept used here is ownership and not usage.

Mr. Rahmat's household owns a refrigerator, but because the house has no electricity, the refrigerator has been placed at his sister Zaenab's residence. In this case, it is still considered that Mr. Rahmat owns a refrigerator. Meanwhile, if Zaenab's household is selected in the sample,

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then the answer for Q 526 for Zaenab's household would be that the household does not own a refrigerator.