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Fruits and nuts

Questionnaire Text

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For households engaged in cultivation/plantation, animal husbandry, fishery
[Questions 43 - 48]

45. What type of crops did this household cultivate during the previous year?

[Q45 was asked of households that are engaged in cultivation or plantation activities, per Q43]

(Mark all that apply)

[] 1 Cereals
[] 2 Vegetables
[] 3 Fruits and nuts
[] 4 Oil seed
[] 5 Root and tuber
[] 6 Beverage/spice
[] 7 Leguminous
[] 8 Sugar
[] 9 Cotton
[] 10 Coffee
[] 11 Tea
[] 12 Other

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[Questions 44 to 46 were only asked of households that responded "yes" to whether they engaged in any cultivation/plantation activities.]

Q45 "What type of crops did this household cultivate during the previous year?"

  • Note, this is a multiple response question. You should mark all the crops that were cultivated during the previous 12 months by the household.
  • Shade the appropriate box next to the crops listed:

1. Cereals (sorghum, maize)
2. Vegetables (eggplant, tomatoes, melons)
3. Fruits and nuts (avocado, bananas)
4. Oil seed (groundnuts, oil palm, sesame)
5. Root and Tuber (potatoes, yams)
6. Beverage/spice (chilies, beverages other than coffee or tea)
7. Leguminous (beans and peas)
8. Sugar
9. Cotton
10. Coffee
11. Tea
12. Other (flowers, tobacco)