This is a 3-digit numeric variable.
This variable identifies the occupation recode of each person.
- Mali 1987: Unverifiable
- Mali: 1987
Questionnaire Text
For individuals 6 years of age and older.
[Questions 14-22]
20. Main economic activity practiced
This is the second group of questions related to the characteristics of the household members. It relates only to persons aged 6 and older. Put a dash or a hyphen (-) for persons of less than 6 years in questions 14 to 25.
[Questions] 18 - 22. Economic Activity:
Questions 18 to 22 have to do with the economic activity of the people enumerated, i.e, their occupation. To fill in their forms pay careful attention to the following directions:
[Page 32]
However, for people who work in the agricultural sector (farming, breeding animals, fishing and forestry) this reference period is brought to [illegible] 12 months, taking into account the seasonal nature of employment in this sector. Rural work is carried out during a fixed period which does not correspond to the date of the census.
20. Principal employment (pertains only to the employed working population)
This is the principal job in the last month of the person being interviewed. Ask the following question: "What job did you work at over the last month?" (for workers in the agricultural sector record the normal activities: farming, animal breeding, fishing, forestry).
For those people who declare more than one job, ask:
[Page 34]
"Which job did you spend more time at?" If the answer to this question is not enough then ask "[Which of] the two pays you the most?" and write down the answer.
Please note: put a dash or a hyphen for the non-working population, the unemployed and those aged less than 6 years.
Integrated variables
- None