Codes and Frequencies
Code | Label |
01 | Worked | 204,638 |
02 | Did not work but had a job | 13,263 |
03 | Did household tasks and also worked | 28,467 |
04 | Looked for work and have worked before | 3,212 |
05 | Looked for work for the first time | 3,061 |
06 | Retired - did not work | 6,964 |
07 | Student - did not work | 153,357 |
08 | Domestic duties - did not work | 88,505 |
09 | Other | 6,108 |
98 | Unknown | 2,740 |
99 | NIU (not in universe) | 132,053 |
Can't find the category you are looking for? Try the Detailed codes
This variable indicates if the respondent worked the week previous to enumeration.
- Bolivia 1992: Persons age 7+
- Bolivia: 1992
Questionnaire Text
C. Only for those 7 years of age and older - Economic characteristics
15. Of the following type of activity, which did you perform last week?
If marking one of the choices in part A, go on to question 16.
If marking one of the choices in part B, skip to question 19.
[] 1 Did not work but had a job? (leave, illness, vacation, etc.)
[] 2 Did household tasks and [also] worked?
[] 3 Looked for work having worked before (unemployed)?
[] 5 Retired, pensioner or rentier, and did not [also] work? [skip to Q19]
[] 6 Is a student and did not [also] work? [skip to Q19]
[] 7 Did household tasks and did not [also] work? [skip to Q19]
[] 8 Other? (specify) ____ [skip to Q19]
C. Only for people 7 years of age and older. Economic characteristics.
Question 15. Of the following types of activity, which did you perform last week?
When asking the question, read the alternatives slowly and in the order that they appear on the Form until you get an affirmative response. When this happens, move on to the next question (16) or jump to question 19, depending on the alternative that you marked. The alternative should be marked in accordance with the following considerations:
0. Did you work last week?
This is a person who performed compensated work during the week in question, continuously or incidentally, accepting as work even activities performed for an hour or more during the week in question. Household domestic employees are included in this category. Furthermore, uncompensated family employees and apprentices are also included in this category.
1. Did you not work but had a job? (Leave, sickness, vacation, etc.)
When the person being enumerated has a job or business, but during the week in question did not work because they were on leave, on vacation, sick, temporarily absent, etc.
2. Did you perform tasks in the house and work?
When the person dedicates himself to the tasks of the home and also performed some activity, even if it was for an hour such as: selling food, handicrafts; washing, sewing or ironing for money, or helping with field work, [p. 43] planting, harvesting, or taking care or animals.
3. Did you look for work, having worked previously? (Unemployed)
This is a person who didn't work last week and actively looked for work. This person, currently unemployed, necessarily must have worked before in order to be considered within this category.
4. Did you look for work for the first time?
This is appropriate for the person who, without having worked previously, actively looked for work during the week previous to the Day of the Census.
5. Are you retired, a pensioner, or do you live off investments and did not work?
When the person receives a retirement pension, old-age benefits, or income and didn't perform any activity during the period in question.
6. Are you a student and didn't work?
When the person being enumerated devoted him/herself to study without performing any type of work.
7. Did you perform household chores and not work?
When the person devotes him/herself exclusively to household chores. People who work in compensated domestic service are not included in this category.
8. Others?
This includes those people who are not included in the previous classifications. Examples: in the case of disabled people or minors who neither work nor study.
Note: Questions 16, 17, and 18 should only be asked of those who answered within part a [responses 0 to 3] in question 15.
[p. 44]
People who responded to one of the questions in part b [responses 4 through 8] should go on to question 19.