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Place of habitual residence

Questionnaire Text

Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

6. Where do you habitually live?
If habitually living in this place or locality, mark Here. If living in another place within the country, list the department, province and locality. If habitually living outside of Bolivia and occasionally coming here or in transit, list the country and go on to another person.

[] Here

In another place within the country:

____ Department
____ Province
____ Locality


____ Country

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 6. Where do you usually live?

A person's place of usual residence is the one that the person considers as such. The circle for "Here" will be marked with and X if the person usually lives in the place where the enumeration is being carried out.

Otherwise, you will record the names of the Department, Province, and Locality where the person usually lives.

If the person usually lives outside the country and is in Bolivia temporarily or in transit for a brief period (less than three months), record the name of the country of residence in the designated space. In this case it is not necessary to ask the following questions, so you should cross them out with a diagonal line, and continue with the next person.