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Ward or commune of residence 5 years ago

Questionnaire Text

Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

Persons born before 4/1994 (5 years old and over) answer the following questions:

[Respond questions 8 to 12]

9. Was the above-recorded place a commune, a ward or district town?

[] 1 Ward/District Town
[] 2 Commune
[] 9 Not stated

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 9: Was the above-recorded place of (name) a commune, a ward or district town?

If name of the previous actual place of residence is a "ward" or "town", interviewers select code "1". If it is a "commune", interviewers select code "2". If respondent doesn't remember or doesn't know that the previous actual place of residence is a commune or ward or town, interviewers select code "9".