Codes and Frequencies
Code | Label |
0000 | NIU (not in universe) | 177,489 |
0100 | English | 2,256,075 |
0110 | Jamaican Creole | 153 |
0200 | German | 12,735 |
0240 | Pennsylvania Dutch | 1,384 |
0300 | Yiddish, Jewish | 1,340 |
0400 | Dutch | 1,529 |
0420 | Afrikaans | 238 |
0500 | Swedish | 636 |
0600 | Danish | 315 |
0700 | Norwegian | 494 |
1000 | Italian | 8,359 |
1100 | French | 13,523 |
1130 | Patois | 198 |
1140 | French or Haitian Creole | 4,032 |
1150 | Cajun | 219 |
1200 | Spanish | 260,914 |
1300 | Portuguese | 5,708 |
1400 | Rumanian | 1,342 |
1540 | Irish Gaelic, Gaelic | 193 |
1600 | Greek | 3,197 |
1700 | Albanian | 750 |
1800 | Russian | 7,174 |
1900 | Ukrainian, Ruthenian, Little Russian | 1,213 |
2000 | Czech | 619 |
Code | Label |
2100 | Polish | 5,530 |
2200 | Slovak | 364 |
2300 | Serbo-Croatian, Yugoslavian, Slavonian | 1,148 |
2310 | Croatian | 557 |
2320 | Serbian | 548 |
2500 | Lithuanian | 372 |
2510 | Lettish | 185 |
2610 | Bulgarian | 467 |
2630 | Macedonian | 194 |
2800 | Armenian | 1,656 |
2900 | Persian, Iranian, Farssi | 3,003 |
3010 | Pashto, Afghan | 126 |
3020 | Kurdish | 105 |
3102 | Hindi | 3,937 |
3103 | Urdu | 2,681 |
3112 | Bengali | 1,337 |
3113 | Panjabi | 1,650 |
3114 | Marathi | 456 |
3115 | Gujarathi | 2,542 |
3123 | Sinhalese | 202 |
3130 | Kannada | 343 |
3140 | India n.e.c. | 694 |
3150 | Pakistan n.e.c. | 131 |
3190 | Other Indo-European languages | 461 |
3300 | Finnish | 388 |
Code | Label |
3400 | Magyar, Hungarian | 991 |
3600 | Turkish | 830 |
4003 | Telugu | 1,236 |
4004 | Malayalam | 930 |
4005 | Tamil | 1,149 |
4011 | Nepali | 209 |
4300 | Chinese | 15,046 |
4302 | Cantonese | 3,455 |
4303 | Mandarin | 2,528 |
4410 | Miao-Yao, Mien | 161 |
4420 | Miao, Hmong | 1,401 |
4500 | Burmese, Lisu, Lolo | 251 |
4710 | Thai | 1,272 |
4720 | Laotian | 1,410 |
4800 | Japanese | 4,581 |
4900 | Korean | 8,596 |
5000 | Vietnamese | 10,183 |
5120 | Mon-Khmer, Cambodian | 1,579 |
5200 | Indonesian | 550 |
5270 | Malay | 111 |
5290 | Other Asian languages | 223 |
5310 | Formosan, Taiwanese | 865 |
5400 | Filipino, Tagalog | 13,476 |
5410 | Bisayan | 193 |
5420 | Sebuano | 159 |
Code | Label |
5440 | Llocano, Hocano | 707 |
5503 | Chamorro, Guamanian | 145 |
5522 | Samoan | 364 |
5523 | Tongan | 162 |
5590 | Other Pacific Island languages | 353 |
5600 | Hawaiian | 221 |
5700 | Arabic | 5,630 |
5810 | Syriac, Aramaic, Chaldean | 448 |
5900 | Hebrew, Israeli | 1,759 |
6000 | Amharic, Ethiopian, etc. | 933 |
6130 | Cushite, Beja, Somali | 437 |
6307 | Bantu (many subheads) | 272 |
6308 | Swahili | 394 |
6309 | Mande | 180 |
6310 | Fulani | 81 |
6312 | Kru | 1,689 |
6390 | Other specified African languages | 207 |
6400 | African, n.s. | 118 |
7100 | Aleut, Eskimo | 574 |
7420 | Apache | 118 |
7490 | Other Algonquin languages | 234 |
7500 | Navajo | 1,148 |
7800 | Zuni | 67 |
8104 | Dakota, Lakota, Nakota, Sioux | 165 |
8300 | Keres | 168 |
Code | Label |
8480 | Cherokee | 189 |
9300 | American Indian, n.s. | 135 |
9410 | Other specified American Indian languages | 882 |
9420 | South/Central American Indian | 96 |
9601 | Other n.e.c. | 213 |
Can't find the category you are looking for? Try the Detailed codes
This variable indicates the language that the respondent spoke at home, particularly (for 1980 on) if a language other than English was spoken.
- United States 2005: Persons age 5+
- United States: 2005
Questionnaire Text
13. a) Does this person speak a language other than English at home?
[] Yes
[] No
[] No
[Q13. b-c are asked if the person can speak a language other than English at home.]
b) What is this language? ____
For example: Korean, Italian, Spanish, Vietnamese
c) How well does this person Speak English?
[] Very well
[] Well
[] Not well
[] Not at all
[] Well
[] Not well
[] Not at all