Codes and Frequencies
Code | Label |
0 | NIU (not in universe) | 49,228 |
1 | Not heated | 4,991 |
2 | Steam or hot-water system | 119,799 |
3 | Central warm-air furnace | 173,557 |
4 | Built-in electric unit | 6,558 |
5 | Floor, wall, or pipeless furnace | 60,917 |
6 | All other, with flue | 112,213 |
7 | All other, without flue | 51,949 |
Can't find the category you are looking for? Try the Detailed codes
This variable indicates the principle means by which the housing unit was heated.
- United States 1960: Private dwellings
- United States: 1960
Questionnaire Text
H21. How is your house or apartment heated?
Check only the kind of heat you use the most.
Heated by:
[] Steam or hot water
[] Warm air furnace with individual room registers
[] Floor, wall, or pipeless furnace
[] Built-in electric units
[] Room heater(s) connected to chimney or flue
[] Room heater(s) not connected to chimney or flue
[] Other method - Write in:
[] Warm air furnace with individual room registers
[] Floor, wall, or pipeless furnace
[] Built-in electric units
[] Room heater(s) connected to chimney or flue
[] Room heater(s) not connected to chimney or flue
[] Other method - Write in:
[] Not heated
Integrated variables
- None