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Highest educational attainment, detailed

PH90A418 is a 4-digit numeric variable.


0 = No grade completed.
100 = Pre-school.
1100 = Elementary, grade 1.
1200 = Elementary, grade 2.
1300 = Elementary, grade 3.
1400 = Elementary, grade 4.
1500 = Elementary, grade 5.
1600 = Elementary, grade 6 or 7.
2100 = High school, 1st year.
2200 = High school, 2nd year.
2300 = High school, 3rd year.
2400 = High school, 4th year.
3000 = Undergraduate post-secondary.
3100 = College, 1st year.
3200 = College, 2nd year.
3300 = College, 3rd year.
3400 = College, 4th year.
3500 = College, 5th year.
9998 = Unknown.
9999 = NIU.


This variable indicates the highest grade/year completed by the person who is five years old or more.


  • Philippines 1990: Persons age 5+


  • Philippines: 1990

Integrated variables

  • None