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Previous residence (department) or current for those born where enumerated

Questionnaire Text

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9. Origin ____ _
Write the name of the municipality of residency immediately prior and the first three letters of the department or territory for those who were born in other municipalities. For example: --Anori--Ant.; Cali--Val. If they were born in the municipality where they are enumerated, make a horizontal line.

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Column No. 9 - What was your municipality previous to arriving at this municipality?

For persons born outside of the municipality in which they are being enumerated the name of the municipality where they had their residence immediately before should be written down. After the name of the municipality the first three letters of the Department, Administration or Precinct should be written.

Living or staying as resident is understood to be settled down in the Municipality for reasons of work, business, family life or any other reason of economic or social character. A person can be resident for a very short or very long time.

Example 1: Mr. Juan Ríos Ramos, of Boyacá, settled down in the Municipality of Rionegro in the Department of Antioquia, and from this Municipality he moved to the city of Cali. The enumerator should register in column 9 as municipality of residence immediately before, the following annotation "Rionegro - Ant."

Example 2: Mr. Roberto Martínez was born in Cali and was enumerated in this city. In column 9 the expression "Always" should appear.