Codes and Frequencies
Code | Label |
00 | 0 birth | 2,862,337 |
10 | One male born first half of 1989 | 58,645 |
11 | Two male borns first half of 1989 | 330 |
12 | One male born and one female born first half of 1989 | 303 |
13 | One male born first half of 1989 and one male born second half of 1989 | 32 |
14 | One male born first half of 1989 and one female born second half of 1989 | 28 |
15 | One male born first half of 1989 and one male born first half of 1990 | 446 |
16 | One male born first half of 1989 and one female born first half of 1990 | 485 |
20 | Female born first half of 1989 | 50,639 |
21 | One female born and onemale born first half of 1989 | 32 |
22 | Two female borns first half of 1989 | 294 |
23 | One female born first half of 1989 and one male born second half of 1989 | 40 |
24 | One female born first half of 1989 and one female born second half of 1989 | 17 |
25 | One female born first half of 1989 and one male born first half of 1990 | 692 |
26 | One female born first half of 1989 and one female born first half of 1990 | 483 |
30 | Male born second half of 1989 | 70,328 |
31 | One male born second half of 1989 and one male born first half of 1989 | 4 |
32 | One male born second half of 1989 and one female born first half of 1989 | 3 |
33 | Two male borns second half of 1989 | 366 |
34 | One male born and one female born second half of 1989 | 338 |
35 | One male born second half of 1989 and one male born first half of 1990 | 18 |
36 | One male born second half of 1989 and one female born first half of 1990 | 23 |
40 | Female born second half of 1989 | 62,038 |
41 | One female born second half of 1989 and one male born first half of 1989 | 9 |
42 | One female born second half of 1989 and one female born first half of 1989 | 1 |
Code | Label |
43 | One female born and onemale born second half of 1989 | 31 |
44 | Two female borns second half of 1989 | 291 |
45 | One female born second half of 1989 and one male born first half of 1990 | 29 |
46 | One female born second half of 1989 and one female born first half of 1990 | 16 |
50 | Male born first half of 1990 | 54,764 |
51 | One male born first half of 1990 and one male born first half of 1989 | 9 |
52 | One male born first half of 1990 and one female born first half of 1989 | 11 |
54 | One male born first half of 1990 and one female born second half of 1989 | 1 |
55 | Two male borns first half of 1990 | 263 |
56 | One male born and one female born first half of 1990 | 315 |
60 | Female born first half of 1990 | 47,221 |
61 | One female born first half of 1990 and one male born first half of 1989 | 8 |
62 | One female born first half of 1990 and one female born first half of 1989 | 7 |
63 | One female born first half of 1990 and one male born second half of 1989 | 2 |
64 | One female born first half of 1990 and one female born second half of 1989 | 2 |
65 | One female born and one male born first half of 1990 | 30 |
66 | Two female borns first half of 1990 | 276 |
99 | NIU (not in universe) | 8,624,740 |
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This variable indicates the number of male or female births that a female respondent had since January 1, 1989. Three periods are referred to: January, 1989 to June, 1989; July, 1989 to December, 1989; and January, 1990 to June, 1990.
A small number of female age 50 have given a response, but the vast majority have not.
- China 1990: Females age 15 to 49
- China: 1990
Questionnaire Text
15. Birth since Jan. 1, 1989:
Women age 15-49.
[] 0 No birth
[] 1 Baby boy born in the 1st half 1989
[] 2 Baby girl born in the 1st half 1989
[] 3 Baby boy born in the 2nd half 1989
[] 4 Baby girl born in the 2nd half 1989
[] 5 Baby boy born in the 1st half 1990
[] 6 Baby girl born in the 1st half 1990
[] 0 No birth
[] 1 Baby boy born in the 1st half 1989
[] 2 Baby girl born in the 1st half 1989
[] 3 Baby boy born in the 2nd half 1989
[] 4 Baby girl born in the 2nd half 1989
[] 5 Baby boy born in the 1st half 1990
[] 6 Baby girl born in the 1st half 1990
15. Birth since Jan 1, 1989 -- For women aged 15-50 including singles.
If she did not give live birth between Jan 1, 1989 and Jun 30, 1990, circle "0".
If she gave live birth to one child since Jan 1, 1989, circle the answers on the left side only. If she gave birth between Jan 1, 1989 and Jun 30, 1989, circle "1" if the baby is a boy, circle "2" if it is a girl. If she gave birth between Jul 1, 1989 and Dec 31, 1989, circle "3" if the baby is a boy, circle "4" if it is a girl. If she gave birth between Jan 1, 1990 and Jun 30, 1990, circle "5" if the baby is a boy, circle "6" if it is a girl.
If she gave birth twice or gave one birth to twins since Jan 1, 1989, circle the answers on the left side for the first child, and circle the answers on the right side for the second child.
Women who have given birth since Jan 1, 1989 include single mothers.
Live birth means: at the time of delivery (no matter how long the duration of pregnancy was), the baby had breath, heartbeat, umbilical pulse, voluntary muscle contraction, or other signals of life.