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Educational status

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9. Educational level:
Persons age 6 and over

[] 1 Illiterate or semi-literate
[] 2 Primary
[] 3 Junior middle
[] 4 Senior middle
[] 5 Technical secondary
[] 6 2-year college or certificate
[] 7 College or university

[] 1 Student
[] 2 Graduate
[] 3 Attended, but did not graduate
[] 4 Other

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9. Education level -- reported by respondents aged 6 and over. This item is divided into two parts. The left column asks education level which indicates the highest level of education attainted by the respondent by the end of the census. It is measured by a 7 category answer scheme. People should be put into corresponding education levels if they have passed equivalent self-taught exams.

1. Illiterate: refers to illiterate people who are aged 6 and over knowing less than 1500 Chinese characters; being unable to read newspapers and/or writing informal notes (don't include students currently enrolled in elementary schools).

2. Elementary School: refers to people who graduated from/studied/or are studying in an elementary school; also include people who have never entered school but master 1500 and over Chinese characters, are able to read news papers and write informal notes.

3. Junior High School: refers to people who graduated from/studied/or are studying in a junior high school. Vocational training equivalent to junior high school should be taken as level of junior high school.

4. Senior High School: refers to people who graduated from / studied / or are studying in a high school or vocational high school. Vocational training equivalent to senior high school should be taken as level of senior high school.

5. Intermediate Vocational School: refers to people who graduated from / studied / or are studying in an intermediate vocational school.

6. 2 Year College or University Certificate below Bachelor: refers to people who graduated from / studied / or are studying in a 2 year college. People who have past equivalent self-taught exams and attained corresponding certificate should be in this category. People who graduated from / studied / or are studying in the following institutions which offer equivalent education of a 2 year college, according to the curriculum issued by the State Education Committee, are also in this category: television college, factory college, correspondence college, night college, and other colleges.

7. Bachelor's degree: refers to people who graduated from / studied / or are studying in a university offering Bachelor's, Master's or PhD degree. People who have past equivalent self-taught exam and attained corresponding certificate should be in this category. People who graduated from / studied / or are studying in the following institutions which offer equivalent education of Bachelor, Master, or PhD, according to the curriculum issued by State Education Committee, are also in this category: television college, factory college, correspondence college, night college, and other colleges.

People who graduated from / studied / or are studying in institutions not offering education following the curriculum issued by the State Education Committee, or only taking single course in certified institutions should not be put into this category. Check their original highest education level.

The right column is about completion status which is measured by a 4 category answer scheme. Those who check category 1 for education level do not need to answer this question.

Attending: attending respective education institutions as registered students
Graduation: graduated from respective education institutions
Attended: attended education institutions without graduation
Others: people who want to attain certificate by attending education institutions as part-time students, studying with private teachers, or self-study.