Codes and Frequencies
DHS_IPUMSI_CI provides geographic codes for Côte D’Ivoire that match those in the DHS and IPUMS-International databases. This variable can be used to link contextual area data from IPUMS-DHS to IPUMS-International or vice versa. The codes in DHS_IPUMSI_CI indicate the major administrative unit in which the household was enumerated or surveyed.
GIS shapefiles for Côte D’Ivoire can be downloaded here.
Comparability — General
The units in DHS_IPUMSI_CI are harmonized across DHS and IPUMS-International samples to account for changing boundaries in the major administrative level of geography. The time span for DHS samples are 1994 to 2011 and corresponds to the census samples from 1988 to 1998 in IPUMS-International.
The 1998 DHS survey is not included in DHS_IPUMSI_CI as it does not provide adequate geographic detail. In addition, the 2011 DHS survey provides the city of Abidjan as a separate region.
Boundary changes:
- The regions of Lagunes, Sud Comoé, Sud Bandama, and Agneby were created from Sud.
- The regions of Haut Sassandra, Marahoué, and Fromager were created from Centre-Ouest.
- Centre-Est was renamed Moyen Comoé
- The region of Lacs and part of N’Zi Comoé were created from Centre.
- Vallée du Bandam and part of N’Zi Comoé were created from Centre-Nord.
- Nord was renamed Savanes
- The regions of Montagnes and Moyen Cavally were created from Ouest
- Nord-Est was renamed Zanzan
- Sud-Ouest was renamed Bas Sassandra
- The regions of Denguele, Worodougou, and Bafing were created from Nord-Ouest
- All households
- Côte d'Ivoire: 1988, 1998