Source Variables

Some unharmonized variables may not be available.

Variable Label
Type Sample
AR1970A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Argentina 1970
AR1980A_BEDROOM Number of rooms excluding the bathroom or kitchen H Argentina 1980
AR1991A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Argentina 1991
AR2001A_ROOMS Total number of rooms H Argentina 2001
AR2010A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Argentina 2010
AM2001A_ROOMS Room count, exclusive use H Armenia 2001
AM2011A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Armenia 2011
AT1981A_ROOMDW1 Number of rooms in dwelling H Austria 1981
AT1991A_ROOMDW1 Number of rooms in dwelling H Austria 1991
AT2001A_ROOMDW1 Number of rooms in dwelling H Austria 2001
AT2011A_NROOMS Number of rooms in the dwelling H Austria 2011
BY1999A_ROOMS Rooms H Belarus 1999
BY2009A_ROOMS Number of rooms occupied by the household H Belarus 2009
BJ1979A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Benin 1979
BJ1992A_ROOMS Number of rooms (occupied) H Benin 1992
BJ2002A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Benin 2002
BJ2013A_ROOMS Number of rooms occupied H Benin 2013
BO1976A_ROOMS Rooms H Bolivia 1976
BO1992A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Bolivia 1992
BO2001A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Bolivia 2001
BO2012A_ROOMS Number of rooms (excluding bathrooms and kitchens) H Bolivia 2012
BW1991A_NOROOMS Number of rooms H Botswana 1991
BW2001A_ROOMS1 Number of rooms H Botswana 2001
BW2011A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Botswana 2011
BR1960A_NROOMS Total number of rooms H Brazil 1960
BR1970A_NROOMS Number of rooms H Brazil 1970
BR1980A_NROOMS Total number of rooms H Brazil 1980
BR1991A_NROOMS Total number of rooms H Brazil 1991
BR2000A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Brazil 2000
BR2010A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Brazil 2010
BF1996A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Burkina Faso 1996
BF2006A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Burkina Faso 2006
KH1998A_ROOMS Rooms H Cambodia 1998
KH2004A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Cambodia 2004
KH2008A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Cambodia 2008
KH2013A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Cambodia 2013
KH2019A_ROOM Number of rooms occupied by household (exclude kitchen, bathroom, toilet and storeroom) H Cambodia 2019
CM1976A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Cameroon 1976
CM1987A_H10NUM Number of rooms H Cameroon 1987
CA1981A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Canada 1981
CA1991A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Canada 1991
CA2001A_ROOMP Number of rooms H Canada 2001
CA2011A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Canada 2011
CL1960A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Chile 1960
CL1982A_ROOMS Total number of rooms H Chile 1982
CL1992A_RM Total number of rooms H Chile 1992
CL2002A_ROOMS Total rooms (including kitchen, not including baths) H Chile 2002
CO1973A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Colombia 1973
CO1985A_ROOMS Total number of rooms H Colombia 1985
CO1993A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Colombia 1993
CO2005A_ROOMS Number of rooms in the household H Colombia 2005
CR1963A_ROOMS Number of rooms and bedrooms H Costa Rica 1963
CR1973A_ROOMS Total number of rooms H Costa Rica 1973
CR1984A_ROOMS Total number of rooms H Costa Rica 1984
CR2000A_RM Rooms H Costa Rica 2000
CR2011A_ROOMS Rooms H Costa Rica 2011
CU2002A_ROOMS Rooms H Cuba 2002
CU2012A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Cuba 2012
CI1988A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Côte d'Ivoire 1988
CI1998A_ROOMSAV Total number of available rooms in household H Côte d'Ivoire 1998
DO1981A_ROOMS Total rooms in the household H Dominican Republic 1981
DO2002A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Dominican Republic 2002
DO2010A_ROOMS Number of rooms in dwelling H Dominican Republic 2010
EC1962A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Ecuador 1962
EC1974A_ROOMS Total number of rooms H Ecuador 1974
EC1982A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Ecuador 1982
EC1990A_ROOMS Rooms in the dwelling H Ecuador 1990
EC2001A_ROOMS Number of rooms in the household H Ecuador 2001
EC2010A_ROOMS Number of rooms in the dwelling (excluding kitchen, bathrooms, and rooms for business) H Ecuador 2010
EG1986A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Egypt 1986
EG1996A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Egypt 1996
EG2006A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Egypt 2006
SV1992A_ROOMS Number of rooms H El Salvador 1992
SV2007A_ROOMS Total number of rooms H El Salvador 2007
ET1984A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Ethiopia 1984
ET1994A_ROOMSR Rooms in the dwelling (rural households) H Ethiopia 1994
ET1994A_ROOMSU Rooms in the dwelling (urban households) H Ethiopia 1994
ET2007A_ROOMS Number of rooms in the household H Ethiopia 2007
FJ1986A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Fiji 1986
FJ1996A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Fiji 1996
FJ2007A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Fiji 2007
FJ2014A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Fiji 2014
FI2010A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Finland 2010
FR1962A_ROOMS Number of rooms in a dwelling H France 1962
FR1968A_ROOMSDW Number of rooms in a dwelling H France 1968
FR1975A_ROOMS Number of rooms in the dwelling H France 1975
FR1982A_ROOMS Number of rooms in the dwelling H France 1982
FR1990A_ROOMSDW Number of rooms in the dwelling H France 1990
FR1999A_ROOMS Number of rooms H France 1999
FR2006A_ROOMS Number of rooms H France 2006
FR2011A_ROOMS Number of rooms in the dwelling H France 2011
DE1971A_ROOMS Number of rooms in dwelling H Germany 1971
DE1987A_ROOMS Number of rooms with at least 6 square meters H Germany 1987
GH2000A_ROOMS Rooms H Ghana 2000
GH2010A_ROOMS Number of rooms in the household H Ghana 2010
GR1971A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Greece 1971
GR1981A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Greece 1981
GR1991A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Greece 1991
GR2011A_ROOMS Number of rooms, except kitchen H Greece 2011
GT1964A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Guatemala 1964
GT1981A_ROOMS2 Number of rooms in the household (excluding kitchen, bathroom, and rooms for business) H Guatemala 1981
GT1994A_ROOMS Total number of rooms H Guatemala 1994
GT2002A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Guatemala 2002
GN1983A_ROOMS Number of rooms in use H Guinea 1983
GN1996A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Guinea 1996
HT1982A_ROOMS Number of rooms in the dwelling H Haiti 1982
HT2003A_NROOMS Number of rooms in housing unit H Haiti 2003
HN1961A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Honduras 1961
HN1988A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Honduras 1988
HN2001A_ROOMS Rooms in the dwelling H Honduras 2001
HU1970A_ROOMS Number of rooms (of 13 sqm or more) H Hungary 1970
HU1980A_ROOMS Number of rooms of at least 13 sq meters H Hungary 1980
HU1990A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Hungary 1990
HU2001A_ROOM Number of rooms, and availability of kitchen H Hungary 2001
HU2011A_ROOMS Size of housing unit according to the number of rooms H Hungary 2011
ID1971A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Indonesia 1971
IR2006A_ROOMS Number of rooms in the household H Iran 2006
IQ1997A_ROOMS Total number of rooms H Iraq 1997
IE1971A_ROOMS Number of rooms in the dwelling H Ireland 1971
IE1981A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Ireland 1981
IE1986A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Ireland 1986
IE1991A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Ireland 1991
IE2011A_ROOMS Number of rooms available H Ireland 2011
IE2016A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Ireland 2016
IL1972A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Israel 1972
IL1983A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Israel 1983
IL1995A_ROOMS Number of rooms in dwelling H Israel 1995
IL2008A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Israel 2008
IT2001A_ROOMS Total number of rooms H Italy 2001
IT2011A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Italy 2011
JM1982A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Jamaica 1982
JM1991A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Jamaica 1991
JM2001A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Jamaica 2001
JO2004A_ROOM Total number of rooms in the housing unit H Jordan 2004
KE1999A_ROOMS Number of habitable rooms H Kenya 1999
KE2009A_ROOMS Number of habitable rooms in the dwelling H Kenya 2009
KG1999A_ROOMS Number of occupied living rooms H Kyrgyzstan 1999
KG2009A_ROOMS Number of rooms occupied by household H Kyrgyzstan 2009
LA2015A_ROOMS Number of rooms in household H Laos 2015
LS1996A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Lesotho 1996
LS2006A_RONTAB2 Number of rooms in rontabole H Lesotho 2006
LS2006A_HEISI2 Number of rooms in heisi H Lesotho 2006
LS2006A_POLATA2 Number of rooms in polata H Lesotho 2006
LS2006A_MALAENE2 Number of rooms in malaene H Lesotho 2006
LS2006A_OPTAKA2 Number of rooms in optaka H Lesotho 2006
LS2006A_APARTM2 Number of rooms in apartment H Lesotho 2006
LS2006A_BUNGAW2 Number of rooms in bungalow H Lesotho 2006
LS2006A_TEMPSTR2 Number of rooms in temporary structure H Lesotho 2006
LR2008A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Liberia 2008
MW1987A_ROOMS1 Number of rooms, first dwelling H Malawi 1987
MW1998A_ROOMS1 Rooms in 1st dwelling H Malawi 1998
MW2008A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Malawi 2008
ML1987A_ROOMS Number of rooms occupied H Mali 1987
ML1998A_ROOMS Number of rooms occupied H Mali 1998
ML2009A_ROOMS Number of occupied rooms H Mali 2009
MX1960A_ROOMS Number of rooms in the dwelling H Mexico 1960
MX1970A_ROOMS Additional rooms excluding hallways and corredors H Mexico 1970
MX1990A_ROOMS Total rooms H Mexico 1990
MX1995A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Mexico 1995
MX2000A_RM Total number of rooms H Mexico 2000
MX2005A_ROOM Number of rooms H Mexico 2005
MX2010A_ROOMS Total number of rooms H Mexico 2010
MX2015A_ROOMS Total number of rooms including kitchen H Mexico 2015
MX2020A_ROOMS Number of rooms including kitchen H Mexico 2020
MN1989A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Mongolia 1989
MN2000A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Mongolia 2000
MA1982A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Morocco 1982
MA1994A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Morocco 1994
MA2004A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Morocco 2004
MA2014A_ROOMS Number of rooms occupied by the household H Morocco 2014
MZ1997A_DIVIS Rooms in the household H Mozambique 1997
MZ2007A_DIVS Number of rooms in the dwelling H Mozambique 2007
NI1971A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Nicaragua 1971
NI1995A_ROOMS Rooms in dwelling H Nicaragua 1995
PK1998A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Pakistan 1998
PS1997A_ROOMS Number of rooms in household H Palestine 1997
PS2007A_ROOMS Number of rooms per household H Palestine 2007
PA1960A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Panama 1960
PA1980A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Panama 1980
PA1990A_ROOMS Number of rooms in the dwelling H Panama 1990
PA2000A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Panama 2000
PA2010A_ROOMS Number of rooms in the dwelling H Panama 2010
PG1990A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Papua New Guinea 1990
PG2000A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Papua New Guinea 2000
PY1972A_ROOMS Total rooms H Paraguay 1972
PY1982A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Paraguay 1982
PY1992A_ROOMS Total rooms H Paraguay 1992
PY2002A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Paraguay 2002
PE1993A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Peru 1993
PE2007A_ROOMS How many rooms does the dwelling have H Peru 2007
PE2017A_ROOMS Rooms in the dwelling H Peru 2017
PL1978A_ROOMS Number of rooms in the dwelling H Poland 1978
PL1988A_ROOMS Number of rooms in the dwelling H Poland 1988
PL2002A_ROOMS Number of rooms (pokoi) in the dwelling H Poland 2002
PT1981A_ROOMS Number of rooms in the dwelling H Portugal 1981
PT1991A_ROOMS Number of rooms in the dwelling H Portugal 1991
PT2001A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Portugal 2001
PT2011A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Portugal 2011
PR1970A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Puerto Rico 1970
PR1980A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Puerto Rico 1980
PR1990A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Puerto Rico 1990
PR2000A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Puerto Rico 2000
PR2005A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Puerto Rico 2005
PR2010A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Puerto Rico 2010
PR2015A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Puerto Rico 2015
PR2020A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Puerto Rico 2020
RO1977A_ROOMS Number of living rooms H Romania 1977
RO1992A_ROOMS Rooms in dwelling, excluding kitchen H Romania 1992
RO2002A_ROOMS Number of occupied rooms in dwelling H Romania 2002
RO2011A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Romania 2011
RW1991A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Rwanda 1991
RW2002A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Rwanda 2002
RW2012A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Rwanda 2012
LC1980A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Saint Lucia 1980
LC1991A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Saint Lucia 1991
SN1988A_ROOMS Number of Rooms H Senegal 1988
SN2002A_E02 Number of living rooms H Senegal 2002
SN2013A_ROOMS Number of rooms for habitation H Senegal 2013
SL2004A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Sierra Leone 2004
SL2015A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Sierra Leone 2015
SI2002A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Slovenia 2002
ZA1996A_ROOMS Number of rooms H South Africa 1996
ZA2001A_ROOMS Number of rooms H South Africa 2001
ZA2007A_ROOMS Number of rooms H South Africa 2007
ZA2011A_ROOMS Total number of rooms H South Africa 2011
ES1991A_ROOMS Number of rooms in the dwelling H Spain 1991
ES2001A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Spain 2001
ES2011A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Spain 2011
SR2012A_ROOMS Rooms H Suriname 2012
CH1970A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Switzerland 1970
CH1980A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Switzerland 1980
CH1990A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Switzerland 1990
CH2000A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Switzerland 2000
CH2011A_ROOMS Number of rooms in the household H Switzerland 2011
TZ1988A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Tanzania 1988
TG1960A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Togo 1960
TG2010A_ROOMS Number of rooms for habitation H Togo 2010
TT1970A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Trinidad and Tobago 1970
TT1980A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Trinidad and Tobago 1980
TT1990A_ROOMS Number of rooms in the dwelling unit H Trinidad and Tobago 1990
TT2000A_ROOMS Number of rooms in the dwelling (excluding bathrooms, porches, etc.) H Trinidad and Tobago 2000
TR1985A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Turkey 1985
TR2000A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Turkey 2000
UG1991A_ROOMS Number of rooms in dwelling unit H Uganda 1991
UA2001A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Ukraine 2001
UK1961A_ROOMS Rooms in private household H United Kingdom 1961
UK1971A_ROOMS Rooms H United Kingdom 1971
UK1991A_ROOMS Number of rooms in household space H United Kingdom 1991
US1960A_ROOMS Number of rooms H United States 1960
US1970A_ROOMS Number of rooms H United States 1970
US1980A_ROOMS Number of rooms H United States 1980
US1990A_ROOMS Number of rooms H United States 1990
US2000A_ROOMS Number of rooms H United States 2000
US2005A_ROOMS Number of rooms H United States 2005
US2010A_ROOMS Number of rooms H United States 2010
US2015A_ROOMS Number of rooms H United States 2015
US2020A_ROOMS Number of rooms H United States 2020
UY1963A_BEDRMS Number of bedrooms H Uruguay 1963
UY1963A_OTHRMS Number of other rooms H Uruguay 1963
UY1975A_BEDROOMS Bedrooms H Uruguay 1975
UY1975A_OTHROOMS Other rooms H Uruguay 1975
UY1985A_BEDROOMS Number of bedrooms H Uruguay 1985
UY1985A_OTHROOMS Number of other rooms H Uruguay 1985
UY1996A_ROOMSRES Number of rooms, residential H Uruguay 1996
UY2006A_ROOMS Rooms H Uruguay 2006
UY2011A_ROOMS Total rooms H Uruguay 2011
VE1971A_ROOMS Total rooms in the dwelling H Venezuela 1971
VE1981A_ROOMS Number of rooms H Venezuela 1981
VE1990A_ROOMS Rooms H Venezuela 1990
VE2001A_ROOMS Number of rooms in the dwelling H Venezuela 2001
VN2009A_ROOMS Number of dwelling rooms H Vietnam 2009
ZM1990A_ROOMS Number of living rooms in housing unit H Zambia 1990
ZM2000A_ROOMS Number of living rooms H Zambia 2000
ZM2010A_ROOMS Number of living rooms H Zambia 2010