Some unharmonized variables may not be available.
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
AR1991A_DWTYPEC | Collective dwelling type | H | Argentina 1991 | |
AR2001A_COLLDWTY | Type of collective institution | H | Argentina 2001 | |
AM2011A_DWTYPE | Dwelling type | H | Armenia 2011 | |
BY1999A_DWTYPE | Dwelling type | H | Belarus 1999 | |
BO1976A_DWTYPE | Type of dwelling | H | Bolivia 1976 | |
BO1992A_DWTYPE1 | Dwelling type | H | Bolivia 1992 | |
BO2001A_DWTYPE | Dwelling type | H | Bolivia 2001 | |
BO2012A_DWTYPE | Type of dwelling | H | Bolivia 2012 | |
BR2010A_TYPUNIT | Unit classification | H | Brazil 2010 | |
KH1998A_HHTYPE | Household type | H | Cambodia 1998 | |
KH2008A_HHTYPE | Household type | H | Cambodia 2008 | |
CM2005A_TYPEHH | Household type | H | Cameroon 2005 | |
CL1982A_DWTYPE | Dwelling type | H | Chile 1982 | |
CL1992A_DWTYPE | Dwelling type | H | Chile 1992 | |
CL2002A_DWTYPE | Dwelling type | H | Chile 2002 | |
CR1963A_GQ | Type of collective institution | H | Costa Rica 1963 | |
CR2000A_DWTYPE | Dwelling type | H | Costa Rica 2000 | |
CR2011A_DWTYPE | Dwelling type | H | Costa Rica 2011 | |
CU2002A_COLLECT | Place of accommodation | H | Cuba 2002 | |
CU2012A_HHTYPE | Household type | H | Cuba 2012 | |
CI1988A_GQTYPE | Type of establishment (group quarters) | H | Côte d'Ivoire 1988 | |
CI1998A_GQTYPE | Type of establishment (collective household) | H | Côte d'Ivoire 1998 | |
DO2002A_DWTYPE | Dwelling type | H | Dominican Republic 2002 | |
DO2010A_DWTYPE | Dwelling type | H | Dominican Republic 2010 | |
EC1962A_DWTYPE | Type of dwelling | H | Ecuador 1962 | |
EC1974A_DWTYPE | Dwelling type | H | Ecuador 1974 | |
EC1982A_DWTYPE | Type of dwelling | H | Ecuador 1982 | |
EC1990A_DWTYPE | Type of dwelling | H | Ecuador 1990 | |
EC2001A_DWTYPE | Type of dwelling | H | Ecuador 2001 | |
EC2010A_DWTYPE | Type of dwelling | H | Ecuador 2010 | |
EG2006A_PUBHOUS | Public housing type | H | Egypt 2006 | |
SV1992A_DWTYPE | Type of dwelling | H | El Salvador 1992 | |
SV2007A_DWTYPE | Type of dwelling | H | El Salvador 2007 | |
ET1984A_DWLTYPE | Purpose of dwelling | H | Ethiopia 1984 | |
ET1994A_RESTYPE | Type of residence | H | Ethiopia 1994 | |
ET2007A_HHTYPE | Household type | H | Ethiopia 2007 | |
FJ1986A_DWTYPE | Type of living quarters | H | Fiji 1986 | |
FJ1996A_DWTYPE | Living quarters | H | Fiji 1996 | |
FJ2007A_TYPEDW | Type of living quarters | H | Fiji 2007 | |
FJ2014A_DWTYPE | Type of living quarters | H | Fiji 2014 | |
FR1990A_CATPOPHH | Category of the population, household | H | France 1990 | |
FR2006A_POPCAT | Condensed population category | H | France 2006 | |
GH1984A_RESTYPE | Type of residence | H | Ghana 1984 | |
GH2000A_DWTYPE1 | Type of residence | H | Ghana 2000 | |
GH2010A_RESTYPE | Type of residence | H | Ghana 2010 | |
GT1973A_HHTYPE | Type of dwelling | H | Guatemala 1973 | |
GT1994A_DWTYPE | Dwelling type | H | Guatemala 1994 | |
GN1983A_HHTYPE | Type of household | H | Guinea 1983 | |
HT1971A_DWTYPE | Type of dwelling | H | Haiti 1971 | |
HN1961A_DWTYPE | Type of dwelling | H | Honduras 1961 | |
HN1988A_DWTYPE | Type of dwelling | H | Honduras 1988 | |
HN2001A_DWTYPE | Type of dwelling | H | Honduras 2001 | |
IQ1997A_DWTYC | Type of dwelling | H | Iraq 1997 | |
IL1972A_QUESTY | Type of questionnaire | H | Israel 1972 | |
IL1983A_HHTY1 | Type of household | H | Israel 1983 | |
IL1995A_HHTYPEP | Type of individual record | P | Israel 1995 | |
IT2011A_HHTYPE | Collective household type | P | Italy 2011 | |
JM1982A_INST | Institution | H | Jamaica 1982 | |
JM2001A_INST | Group housing unit | H | Jamaica 2001 | |
KE1999A_HHTYPE | Household type | H | Kenya 1999 | |
KG1999A_DWTYPE | Type of dwelling | H | Kyrgyzstan 1999 | |
KG2009A_RESTYPE | Residential premise type | H | Kyrgyzstan 2009 | |
LR2008A_POPTYPE | Dwelling type | H | Liberia 2008 | |
MW2008A_HHTYPE | Type of household | H | Malawi 2008 | |
MY1970A_DWTYPE | Type of living quarters | H | Malaysia 1970 | |
MY1980A_DWTYPE | Type of living quarters | H | Malaysia 1980 | |
MY1991A_DWTYPE | Type of living quarters | H | Malaysia 1991 | |
MU1990A_HHTYPE | Household type | H | Mauritius 1990 | |
MU2000A_HHTYPE | Household type | H | Mauritius 2000 | |
MU2011A_HHTYPE | Household type | H | Mauritius 2011 | |
MN1989A_HOUSETY | Type of living quarters | H | Mongolia 1989 | |
MN2000A_DWTYPE | Type of living quarters | H | Mongolia 2000 | |
MZ1997A_DWTYPE | Type of dwelling | H | Mozambique 1997 | |
MZ2007A_DWTYPE | Dwelling type | H | Mozambique 2007 | |
NI1971A_DWTYPE | Type of dwelling | H | Nicaragua 1971 | |
NI1995A_DWTYPE | Type of dwelling | H | Nicaragua 1995 | |
NI2005A_DWTYPE | Type of dwelling | H | Nicaragua 2005 | |
PA1960A_GQTY | Type of collective dwelling | H | Panama 1960 | |
PA1990A_DWTYPE2 | Type of dwelling (recoded) | H | Panama 1990 | |
PA2000A_DWTYPE2 | Dwelling type recoded | H | Panama 2000 | |
PA2010A_TYPEDW | Type of dwelling | H | Panama 2010 | |
PG2000A_DWTYPE | Dwelling type | H | Papua New Guinea 2000 | |
PY1972A_DWTYPEP | Type of dwelling | H | Paraguay 1972 | |
PY1982A_DWTYPE | Type of dwelling | H | Paraguay 1982 | |
PY1992A_DWTYPE | Type of dwelling | H | Paraguay 1992 | |
PY2002A_DWTYPE | Type of dwelling | H | Paraguay 2002 | |
PE1993A_DWTYPE | Dwelling type | H | Peru 1993 | |
PE2007A_TYPDWELL | Type of dwelling | H | Peru 2007 | |
PE2017A_DWTYPE | Type of dwelling | H | Peru 2017 | |
PH1995A_INSTTYH | Institution/household type | H | Philippines 1995 | |
PL2002A_COLLTYPE | Type of collective housing | H | Poland 2002 | |
PT2011A_GQTYPE | Type of collective dwelling | H | Portugal 2011 | |
PR1970A_GQTYPE | Group quarters type | H | Puerto Rico 1970 | |
PR1980A_GQTYPE | Group quarters type | H | Puerto Rico 1980 | |
PR1990A_GQTYPE | Group quarters type | H | Puerto Rico 1990 | |
PR2000A_GQTYPE | Group quarters type | H | Puerto Rico 2000 | |
PR2010A_GQTYPE | Group quarters type | H | Puerto Rico 2010 | |
PR2015A_GQTYPE | Group quarters type | H | Puerto Rico 2015 | |
PR2020A_GQTYPE | Group quarters type | H | Puerto Rico 2020 | |
RW1991A_DWTYPE | Dwelling type | H | Rwanda 1991 | |
RW2002A_DWTYPE | Household type | H | Rwanda 2002 | |
SL2004A_HHTYPE | Residence type | H | Sierra Leone 2004 | |
SL2015A_HHTYPE | Household type | H | Sierra Leone 2015 | |
ZA2001A_DWTYPE2 | Type of housing unit or institution | H | South Africa 2001 | |
ZA2007A_DWTYPE | Type of dwelling | H | South Africa 2007 | |
ES2001A_COLLTYP | Type of collective | H | Spain 2001 | |
TH1970A_TYPEHH | Type of Household | H | Thailand 1970 | |
TH1980A_HHTYPE | Type of household | H | Thailand 1980 | |
TH1990A_DWTYPE | Type of living quarter | H | Thailand 1990 | |
TH2000A_HHTYPE | Household type | H | Thailand 2000 | |
TG2010A_HHTYPE | Household type | H | Togo 2010 | |
UG2002A_POPTYPE | Population type | H | Uganda 2002 | |
UA2001A_HOMELESS | Homeless | H | Ukraine 2001 | |
UA2001A_INST | Institutions | H | Ukraine 2001 | |
UA2001A_TYPEHH | Type of premises | H | Ukraine 2001 | |
US1960A_GQ | Group quarters status | H | United States 1960 | |
US1970A_GQ | Group quarters status | H | United States 1970 | |
US1980A_GQ | Group quarters status | H | United States 1980 | |
US1990A_GQ | Group quarters status | H | United States 1990 | |
US2000A_GQ | Group quarters status | H | United States 2000 | |
US2010A_GQ | Group quarters status | H | United States 2010 | |
US2015A_GQTYPE | Group quarters type | H | United States 2015 | |
US2020A_GQTYPE | Group quarters type | H | United States 2020 | |
UY1963A_DWTYPE2 | Dwelling type | H | Uruguay 1963 | |
UY1975A_DWTYPE | Dwelling type | H | Uruguay 1975 | |
UY1985A_DWTYPEC | Type of collective dwelling | H | Uruguay 1985 | |
UY1996A_DWTYPE | Type of dwelling | H | Uruguay 1996 | |
UY2011A_DWTYPE | Type of dwelling | H | Uruguay 2011 | |
VE1990A_DWTYPE | Dwelling type | H | Venezuela 1990 | |
VE2001A_DWTYPE | Type of dwelling | H | Venezuela 2001 | |
ZM1990A_INSTITUTION | Type of household or institution | H | Zambia 1990 | |
ZM1990A_HOUSETYP | Housing type | H | Zambia 1990 | |
ZM2000A_INST | Type of institution | H | Zambia 2000 | |
ZM2000A_HHTYPE | Type of housing | H | Zambia 2000 | |
ZW2012A_HHTYPE | Type of household | H | Zimbabwe 2012 |