Source Variables

Some unharmonized variables may not be available.

Variable Label
Type Sample
AR1980A_CHBORNR Children born alive in the last year P Argentina 1980
AR1991A_CHLASTY Children born alive last year P Argentina 1991
AR2001A_CHLSTYR Child born last year P Argentina 2001
BJ2002A_BTHLYR Children born last year P Benin 2002
BJ2013A_BTHLYR Children born last year P Benin 2013
BW1981A_BTHLYR Number of children born alive last year P Botswana 1981
BW1991A_BMALE Number of males born since Independence Day 1990 P Botswana 1991
BW1991A_BFEMALE Number of females born since Independence day 1990 P Botswana 1991
BW2001A_BORNALIVEM Number of male children born alive since Independence Day 1999 P Botswana 2001
BW2001A_BORNALIVEF Number of female children born alive since Independence Day 1999 P Botswana 2001
BW2011A_CHBORN1 Children born alive since Independence Day 2010 P Botswana 2011
BR2010A_CHBNYR Last child born alive was born in 12 months up to July 31, 2010 P Brazil 2010
BF1985A_BTHLYRM Number of male births in last 12 months P Burkina Faso 1985
BF1985A_BTHLYRF Number of female births in last 12 months P Burkina Faso 1985
BF1996A_BMAL12M Male births last 12 months P Burkina Faso 1996
BF1996A_BFEM12M Female births last 12 months P Burkina Faso 1996
BF2006A_BTHLYRM Male births last 12 months P Burkina Faso 2006
BF2006A_BTHLYRF Female births last 12 months P Burkina Faso 2006
KH2004A_BTHLYRM Males born last year P Cambodia 2004
KH2004A_BTHLYRF Females born last year P Cambodia 2004
KH2008A_MALEBORN Males born last year P Cambodia 2008
KH2008A_FEMBORN Females born last year P Cambodia 2008
KH2013A_BTHLYRM Males born last year P Cambodia 2013
KH2013A_BTHLYRF Females born last year P Cambodia 2013
KH2019A_BTHLYRM Male children born last year P Cambodia 2019
KH2019A_BTHLYRF Female children born last year P Cambodia 2019
CM1987A_CHMALE Number of births (male) within the last 12 months P Cameroon 1987
CM1987A_CHFEM Number of births (female) within the last 12 months P Cameroon 1987
CM2005A_CHBYR Children born in last 12 months P Cameroon 2005
CN1982A_BIRTHORD Order of birth in 1981 P China 1982
CN1990A_CHB89_90 Births between 1989 to 1990 P China 1990
CN2000A_BTHLRY Births in the last 12 months P China 2000
CI1988A_BIRTHSLYRM Number of male live births in the last year P Côte d'Ivoire 1988
CI1988A_BIRTHSLYRF Number of female live births in the last year P Côte d'Ivoire 1988
CI1998A_BTHLYR Live births in the household in the last 12 months P Côte d'Ivoire 1998
DO1970A_KIDS69 Children born in 1969 P Dominican Republic 1970
ET1984A_CHBYR Number of live births in the last 12 months P Ethiopia 1984
ET1994A_BTHLSTYR Live births in last 12 months P Ethiopia 1994
ET2007A_BTHLSTYR Number of live births last year (May 29, 2006 to May 28, 2007) P Ethiopia 2007
GH2000A_BIRTHS Births in the last 12 months P Ghana 2000
GH2010A_BIRTH12M Male births in the last 12 months P Ghana 2010
GH2010A_BIRTH12F Female births in the last 12 months P Ghana 2010
GN1996A_CHB12M Number of male children born in last 12 months P Guinea 1996
GN1996A_CHB12F Number of female children born in last 12 months P Guinea 1996
GN2014A_BTHLYRM Number of male births in past 12 months P Guinea 2014
GN2014A_BTHLYRF Number of female births in past 12 months P Guinea 2014
IR2006A_BRTHYRM Number of live-born boys in the past 365 days P Iran 2006
IR2006A_BRTHYRF Number of live-born girls in the past 365 days P Iran 2006
IR2011A_CHBORN Ever had a live birth P Iran 2011
IR2011A_BTHLYR Live births in the past 365 days P Iran 2011
IR2011A_BTHLYRF Number of female live births in the past 365 days P Iran 2011
IR2011A_BTHLYRM Number of male live births in the past 365 days P Iran 2011
IQ1997A_CHBORNRM Number of male live births in the past year P Iraq 1997
IQ1997A_CHBORNRF Number of female live births in the past year P Iraq 1997
JM1982A_BTHLSTYR Number of live births during past 12 months P Jamaica 1982
JM1991A_BIRTHS Number of live births in the last year P Jamaica 1991
JM2001A_PARITY Parity past 12 months P Jamaica 2001
LA2005A_BTHLYRM Live male births in last 12 months P Laos 2005
LA2005A_BTHLYRF Live female births in last 12 months P Laos 2005
LR1974A_LASTYRBTH Births last year P Liberia 1974
LR2008A_CHSEX Sex of child born in last 12 months P Liberia 2008
MW1987A_LASTYRM Births last year, males P Malawi 1987
MW1987A_LASTYRF Births last year, females P Malawi 1987
MW1998A_BTHYRM Male children born in past year P Malawi 1998
MW1998A_BTHYRF Female children born in past year P Malawi 1998
MW2008A_BTHLSTYR Children born last year P Malawi 2008
ML2009A_BTH12MAL Female births in last 12 months P Mali 2009
ML2009A_BTHFEM12 Male births in last 12 months P Mali 2009
MA1982A_CHLSTYR Number of children born in past 12 months, still alive P Morocco 1982
MA1982A_CHLSTYRD Number of children born in past 12 months, who died P Morocco 1982
MA1994A_CHSURVYR Children who are alive (born in previous 12 months) P Morocco 1994
MA1994A_CHDEADYR Children who have died (born in previous 12 months) P Morocco 1994
MA2004A_CHBORNYR Children born in the last 12 months P Morocco 2004
MA2014A_BTHLYRSURV Number of births still alive last year P Morocco 2014
MA2014A_BTHLYRDEAD Number of deaths among live births last year P Morocco 2014
MZ1997A_CHBLYM Male children born in the past 12 months P Mozambique 1997
MZ1997A_CHBLYF Female children born in the past 12 months P Mozambique 1997
MZ2007A_BRTHLYRM Male children born alive in the past 12 months P Mozambique 2007
MZ2007A_BRTHLYRF Female children born alive in the past 12 months P Mozambique 2007
NP2001A_BIRTHS Had any live birth during last 12 months P Nepal 2001
NP2011A_LSTBSEX1 Sex of first child born in the past 12 months P Nepal 2011
NP2011A_LSTBSEX2 Sex of second child born in the past 12 months P Nepal 2011
NI1971A_CHBORN70 Children born alive in 1970 P Nicaragua 1971
PS1997A_CHBORNY Number of live births during last 12 months before the census P Palestine 1997
PS2007A_BTHLSTYR Number of live births during last 12 months P Palestine 2007
PS2017A_BTHLYR Live births during last 12 months P Palestine 2017
PA1970A_CHBORNL Number of children born alive last year P Panama 1970
PA1990A_CHILDREN Child born since May 14, 1989 P Panama 1990
PA2000A_CHBORNL Child born during the last year P Panama 2000
PA2010A_CHBORNYR Child born during the last 12 months P Panama 2010
PH1990A_CHBORN2 Children born last year P Philippines 1990
PH2010A_BTHLYR Children born alive last year P Philippines 2010
PR2005A_FERTYR Children born within the last year P Puerto Rico 2005
PR2010A_FERTYR Children born within the last year P Puerto Rico 2010
PR2015A_FERTYR Children born within the last year P Puerto Rico 2015
PR2020A_FERTYR Children born within the last year P Puerto Rico 2020
RW1991A_CHB12M Males born in last 12 months P Rwanda 1991
RW1991A_CHB12F Females born in last 12 months P Rwanda 1991
RW2002A_CHB12M Male children born in the past 12 months P Rwanda 2002
RW2002A_CHB12F Female children born in the past 12 months P Rwanda 2002
RW2012A_BTHLYRM Male children born in last 12 months P Rwanda 2012
RW2012A_BTHLYRF Female children born in last 12 months P Rwanda 2012
LC1980A_BIRTHSL Live birth in last 12 months P Saint Lucia 1980
LC1991A_BLASTYR Birth last year P Saint Lucia 1991
SN1988A_NAISMAS Male births since the Korite P Senegal 1988
SN1988A_NAISFEM Female births since the Korite P Senegal 1988
SN2002A_BTHLYRM Number of male children born in the past 12 months P Senegal 2002
SN2002A_BTHLYRF Number of female children born in the past 12 months P Senegal 2002
SN2013A_BTHLYRM Male births in the last 12 months P Senegal 2013
SN2013A_BTHLYRF Female births in the last 12 months P Senegal 2013
SL2004A_BTHLSTYR Gave birth in last year P Sierra Leone 2004
SL2015A_BTHLYR Number of children born alive in the last 12 months P Sierra Leone 2015
ZA2011A_DBRTHLYR Any births in past 12 months (derived) P South Africa 2011
ZA2016A_BTHLYR Births in the last 12 months P South Africa 2016
SS2008A_BIRTHSM Males born last 12 months P South Sudan 2008
SS2008A_BIRTHSF Females born last 12 months P South Sudan 2008
SD2008A_BTHLSTYR Children born last year P Sudan 2008
SR2004A_BTHLYR Births in the past 12 months P Suriname 2004
SR2012A_BTHLYR Births last 12 months P Suriname 2012
TZ1988A_CHBORNM Children born during last year, male P Tanzania 1988
TZ1988A_CHBORNF Children born during last year, female P Tanzania 1988
TZ2002A_MBIRTHS Male children born in the last 12 months P Tanzania 2002
TZ2002A_FBIRTHS Female children born in the last 12 months P Tanzania 2002
TZ2012A_BTHLYR Children born last year P Tanzania 2012
TH2000A_BIRTHS Number of new born babies P Thailand 2000
TG2010A_BTHLYR Live births in the last 12 months P Togo 2010
TT1970A_BTHLYR Number of live births in the past 12 months P Trinidad and Tobago 1970
TT2000A_CHBORN Number of live births ever had P Trinidad and Tobago 2000
TT2000A_BTHLYR Number of live births during past 12 months P Trinidad and Tobago 2000
TT2011A_CHBORN Children ever born P Trinidad and Tobago 2011
TT2011A_BTHLYR Live births last year P Trinidad and Tobago 2011
TR1985A_BTHLSTYR Number of children born alive last year P Turkey 1985
US2005A_FERTYR Children born within the last year P United States 2005
US2010A_FERTYR Children born within the last year P United States 2010
US2015A_FERTYR Gave birth within the last year P United States 2015
US2020A_FERTYR Children born within the last year P United States 2020
UY1975A_CH12MO2 Children born alive in the past 12 months (edited) P Uruguay 1975
UY1985A_CHBLSTYR Number of children born in the last 12 months P Uruguay 1985
UY1996A_CHLASTYR Births in the past 12 months P Uruguay 1996
VE1981A_NUMBORN Number of births last year P Venezuela 1981
VE1990A_NCHYEAR Number of children born in last 12 months P Venezuela 1990
VN2019A_BTHLYRM Number of sons born between April 2018 and March 2019 P Vietnam 2019
VN2019A_BTHLYRF Number of daughters born between April 2018 and March 2019 P Vietnam 2019
ZM1990A_BRTHLYR Live birth in last 12 months P Zambia 1990
ZM1990A_LASTMHH Males born in last 12 months in household P Zambia 1990
ZM1990A_LASTFHH Females born in last 12 months in household P Zambia 1990
ZM1990A_LASTMAWAY Males born in last 12 months living elsewhere P Zambia 1990
ZM1990A_LASTFAWAY Females born in last 12 months living elsewhere P Zambia 1990
ZM1990A_LSTDEDM Males born in last 12 months who have died P Zambia 1990
ZM1990A_LSTDEDF Females born in last 12 months who have died P Zambia 1990
ZM2000A_BTHLYR Any live births in last 12 months P Zambia 2000
ZM2000A_LBMHOME Number of past year's male births living with you P Zambia 2000
ZM2000A_LBFHOME Number of past year's female births living with you P Zambia 2000
ZM2000A_LBMAWAY Number of past year's male births living elsewhere P Zambia 2000
ZM2000A_LBFAWAY Number of past year's female births living elsewhere P Zambia 2000
ZM2000A_LBMDEAD Number of past year's male births currently dead P Zambia 2000
ZM2000A_LBFDEAD Number of past year's female births currently dead P Zambia 2000
ZM2010A_BRTHS12MTHS Any live births in last 12 months P Zambia 2010
ZM2010A_MALES12LIV Number of male live births in past year still living with you P Zambia 2010
ZM2010A_FEMS12LIV Number of female live births in past year still living with you P Zambia 2010
ZM2010A_MALES12ELSE Number of male live births in past year living elsewhere P Zambia 2010
ZM2010A_FEM12ELSE Number of female live births in past year living elsewhere P Zambia 2010
ZM2010A_MALES12DEAD Number of male live births in past year now dead P Zambia 2010
ZM2010A_FEM12DEAD Number of female live births in past year now dead P Zambia 2010