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Educational attainment, Liberia

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EDUCLR indicates the person's educational attainment in Liberia in terms of the level of schooling completed.

Comparability — General

Liberia has a 6-3-3 structure, with 6 years of primary, 3 years of junior high school, and 3 years of senior high school.

In the 1974 census, the source variable is coded following an 8-4 structure, with 8 years of primary and 4 years of high school. The integrated version in EDUCLR applies the modern 6-3-3 system to this sample. The original categories are retained in the unharmonized source variable.

In 2008, there are additional categories for technical/vocational education and post-graduate studies. In addition, no education includes pre-primary for this census sample.

A harmonized international classification of educational attainment is available in EDATTAIN, which imposes a number of compromises to regularize the data across countries. Conversely, EDUCLR retains the full detail on educational attainment for the Liberia samples.

The number of years of schooling completed is available separately in YRSCHOOL.


  • Liberia 1974: Persons age 5+
  • Liberia 2008: Persons age 5+


  • Liberia: 1974, 2008