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C- Education for persons 3-24
[Questions 17 to 19 were asked of persons 3- 24 years]

18. Was (the respondent) ever in attendance in school at any point during this year?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
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Section C: Education
This section deals with participation at school, past and present, for all persons age 3 years and above. It includes participation at pre-school level hence we are asking for information relating to 3 year olds.
NB: for this section check with Question 4 (age) for consistency, particularly for children.

Q17-Q19 Current School Attendance
These questions are asked on persons AGE 3 to 24 years as coded in question 4 and have attended school in question 15.

Ask whether the person attended school at any time during the current school year and shade '1' for Yes and '2' for No. The following are scenarios on how to proceed to Q19 depending on the response to Q18.

Scenario 1
If the person is attending school (code '1' 'Yes' on Q17) or attended school at any time during the current school year (code '1' 'Yes' on Q18) ask Q19. Ask what level and grade the person is/was attending, and record the level and grade.

Scenario 2
If the person did not attend school at any time during the current school year (code 2 'No' on Q17 and Q18), skip to Q20
[pg. 32]

NB: in Q15-16 we are considering grade completed whereas in Q17-19 current grade is being considered.

(For levels and grades refer to codes in question 16).