Questionnaire Text

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[Question P-19 to P-25 were asked of persons 12 years and over]

Economic Activity

P-20 What has [the respondent] mainly been doing since 1989?

[] 1-Working for pay or profit
[] 2-On leave
[] 3-Unpaid work on household holding or business
[] 4-Unemployment and seeking work but available for work
[] 5-Not seeking work but available for work
[] 6-Full time housewife /homemaker
[] 7-Full time student
[] 8-Not available for work for other reasons
(For answers 4-8 go to P-24)
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Economic Activity: For Persons 12 Years and Over

P-20 What was [name] mainly doing since 1st August, 1989?
19. Under this question the reference period is the last 12 months, thus persons who will fall under codes 1, 2, 3 or 4 will be regarded as the Usually Economically Active population. The difference from P - 19 is the reference period of 12 months.

20. Since this reference period of 12 months will be vital in capturing persons in agricultural and allied operations, the following are examples important in pinpointing such persons:-

i. Did you undertake any regular agricultural work on your own or your family's farm during this agricultural season?
ii. Did you work as a farm-hand during this agricultural season?
iii. Were you engaged for pay, profit or family gain mainly in fishing, hunting, charcoal burning, wood cutting, gathering mushroom or caterpillars, collecting wild fruits, etc. since 1st August 1989?

All those who answer 'Yes' to any of these questions will be considered as working and therefore, you should enter appropriate codes as indicated in the questionnaire.

21. All respondents who have indicated codes 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8, that is those who were not working, are not supposed to have any employment status, occupation or industry. Therefore, you are supposed to skip to P - 24 (Marital Status).