Questionnaire Text

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Section E: Education
Ask of all persons aged 5 years and older listed on the flap.

P-21 Field of education
In which field is [the person?s] highest post-school qualification?
Write the appropriate code in the box _ _

01. Agriculture or Renewable Natural Resources
02. Architecture or Environmental Design
03. Arts, Visual or Performing
04. Business, Commerce or Management Sciences
05. Communication
06. Computer Sciences
07. Education, Training or Development
08. Engineering or Engineering Technology
09. Health Care or Health Sciences
10. Home Economics
11. Industrial Arts, Traders or Technology
12. Languages, Linguistics or Literature
13. Law
14. Libraries or Museums
15. Life Sciences or Physical Sciences
16. Mathematical Sciences
17. Military Sciences
18. Philosophy, Religion or Theology
19. Physical Education or Leisure
20. Psychology
21. Public Administration or Social Services
22. Social Sciences or Social Studies
Further education and training fields of education
23. Management
24. Marketing
25. Information Technology and Computer Science
26. Finance, Economics and Accounting
27. Office Administration
28. Electrical Infrastructure
29. Civil Engineering and Building
30. Engineering
31. Primary Agriculture
32. Hospitality
33. Tourism
34. Safety in society
35. Mechatronics
36. Education and Development
37. Other
Any response, go to P-23.
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
7. Section E: Education (remember to follow instructions)
Purpose: This section collects information regarding the knowledge and skills in the country.

This section must be completed for every person listed on the questionnaire aged 5 years and older.
All persons attending school (P-17) must answer questions on educational institution (P-18).
Level of education should be the highest level completed by the person, not what is currently being attended.
E.g. if a child is currently attending grade 4, then the child's highest level of education is grade 3.
If someone has completed grade 12, and is currently doing their last year before graduating with a degree/diploma, then their highest level of education is Grade 12.
P-21, if a person has a diploma or degree (from university or technikon or college), they should answer from option 01 to 22. Those who have qualifications from FET colleges should answer options 23 to 36.
f. Example - Education (below):
No response is expected for Adam because he is younger than 5 and this question addresses people that are 5 years and older.
Diana's highest level of education is a Bachelor's degree, hence her choice of option 25 (Note the skip to P-21).
Francinah only has Grade 2 as her highest level of education (Note the skip to P-22).

[Figure omitted, example]
g. Example - Education cont. (below):

The question on field of education (P-21) is to be answered by people who have post- school qualifications.
NOTE: options 01 to 22 are for people with qualifications from a university or technikon while options 23 to 36 are for people with qualifications from FET colleges.
Diana is the only person in the household who should complete this question.
Diana reports that her degree is in health care (option 09).

[Figure omitted, example]
h. Example - Education cont. (below):

Household members who are 5 years and older, without any formal education and those with primary education (up to grade 7) (P-20) must complete this question.
Francinah is the only person in the household who can complete this question.
Francinah reported that she has some difficulty in writing her name, a lot of difficulty in reading, she is unable to complete a form, some difficulty in writing a letter and that she is unable to read road signs and calculate change.
Only codes 1 to 5 can be written in the boxes provided.
A person whose level of education is secondary school or tertiary should not answer the question on literacy (P-22).